
Use This Medicine Once a Year and Forget About Diseases

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The natural remedy we are going to reveal today is old more than five millennia, and has been discovered by a Tibetan monk.

Experts claim that it is the most powerful natural remedy which can help you prevent and treat all kinds of health issues. Yet, its use is allowed only once a year.

The main ingredient of this amazing natural remedy is garlic, which is definitely one of the healthiest foods we can consume!

Raw garlic is a common ingredient in the cuisines all around the world, and it has been traditionally used to treat various health issues, including low blood pressure, high blood pressure, heart attacks, high cholesterol, atherosclerosis, inherited high cholesterol, reduced blood flow caused by narrowed arteries, and coronary heart disease.

Also, garlic effectively controls the LDL cholesterol.

It has been scientifically confirmed that the active ingredient of garlic, allicin, acts just like blood pressure drugs, or ACE inhibitors, in reducing blood pressure. Garlic relaxes the blood vessels and prevents the creation of the hormone angiotensin II.

The preparation of this miraculous remedy is very simple:


  • 5 oz./ 350 grams’ garlic
  • 7 oz./ 200 ml 95% alcohol or rum(it should not contain methanol or benzalkonium chloride)

*This amount is enough for 12 days.


Peel the garlic, mash it, and add it to the alcohol. Then, transfer the mixture to a sterilized glass bottle and leave it thus for ten days. Afterward, strain the liquid, and then pour the remedy in the bottle again. Store the bottle in the refrigerator.


Add a drop of this mixture to a glass of water. Drink a glass before your breakfast and lunch. In the evening, add 2-3 drops of the remedy to a glass of water and drink it before the dinner.

The effects of this extremely effective natural medicine will shock you!
