
Jennifer Aniston Said a Male Actor From ‘Friends’ Was Super Unpleasant On-Set

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Do you recall the excitement surrounding the Friends reunion last month? The gang coming back together brought laughter, reminiscences, and emotions, making everything right in the world. However, it appears that a mysterious guest actor was not easy to work with on set in the past, as per Jennifer Aniston.

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Matthew Perry shared that Jennifer Aniston once talked to him about his drinking habit.

While speaking on The Howard Stern Show with Courteney Cox and Lisa Kudrow, Aniston revealed details about a guest actor who appeared disinterested in being on set.

Jennifer mentioned that the male later apologized for their conduct, admitting that they were nervous and not behaving well at the time, according to People. It was as though they were too sophisticated to appear on a sitcom.

I recall a time when we were going through a network test, and both the network and the producers would simply chuckle. And this individual would be saying, ‘Just watch them, giggling at their own jokes.’ “Such a dumb joke, not even amusing,” Aniston added. “It was similar to asking, ‘Why are you here? Your demeanor does not align with our values. This is a lovely, welcoming place to be, and you’re entering our home and disrespecting it.’

If you’re guessing wildly about the identity of the person, rest assured—it was not Dr. Richard Burke! Tom Selleck was completely perfect. “You have no idea how cruel and unusual he can be,” Aniston quipped, then added, “Tom has an.”
