
Prince Harry Reportedly Opted Not To Be In The Same Room As His ‘Villain’ Stepmother Camilla While Visiting His Father

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King Charles III and Queen Camilla’s relationship has definitely raised eyebrows over the years. The couple had an affair while Charles was still married to Princess Diana, and during the last few years of her life, it was reported that the alleged affair tormented the late princess. There was even an interview from 1995 where she references the affair to a young Prince William.

Then tragedy struck when Princess Diana passed away due to a car accident in 1996. Following this, Charles and Camilla began officially seeing each other two years after Princess Diana’s death. Because of Diana’s untimely passing, Charles did not want to overwhelm his family with the sudden inclusion of a new spouse. Harry and William were still minors when their mother passed, and Charles decided that it would be best to wait until they were adults to get married to Camilla.

Camilla and Charles finally got married in 2005, and the small, intimate ceremony was attended by his children as well as the late Queen Elizabeth and the late Prince Philip. Queen Elizabeth II sadly passed away on Sept. 8, 2022, at her home in Balmoral Castle.

One major difference between Charles’ second wife is that Camilla never went by the title of princess, despite Diana, his first wife, doing so. In fact, the reason why has something to do with Diana — Camilla paid her respect to Diana by opting to take on a different title.

In 2024, King Charles III was diagnosed with cancer, and Prince Harry, who had been residing in the United States with his wife Meghan Markle, visited his ailing father. However, reportedly he preferred that his stepmother wasn’t present in the room while he spoke to his father. Read on below to find out more about the interaction.

It was thought that Prince Harry had not seen his brother, Prince William, and Kate Middleton, who was also recovering from abdominal surgery at the same time. The interaction between Prince Harry and his father was observed to have lasted only 45 minutes. According to royal expert Jennie Bond, this indicated that the situation had truly worsened for the family.

William has made it clear today that he has rejected Harry, he has no interest in him, and he likely no longer has positive feelings towards him. Harry is completely absent from his life… The divide between them is so profound now, illustrated by Harry’s presence and their lack of interaction, that I genuinely question if it can ever be repaired,” she expressed.

Furthermore, the king was said to be displeased and kept waiting impatiently for Harry to arrive as he postponed his journey to Norfolk, where he will keep recuperating.

Days later, The Telegraph revealed that Harry chose not to be in the presence of Camilla while discussing his medical condition with his father. It is unknown what was discussed during the 45-minute meeting between the father and son. In the meantime, experts on royalty pointed out that he had missed a chance to make amends by offering an olive branch.

The Daily Mail reported that Harry didn’t stay in the UK for long after his meeting with his father, leaving for California just 24 hours later.
