
15 Veggies Perfect For Container Gardening

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If you want to maintain a garden, but don’t have lots of space, you can always turn to container gardening.

Here are 15 veggies that will grow perfectly in containers:


Tomatoes are pretty easy to take care of and fit perfectly in an average pot!


Beans are also great for containers! Just use a trellis so they can grow upwards and put them in plenty of sun.


Lettuce grows so fast, and you can often harvest lettuce multiple times throughout the season. Choose a wide pot so the lettuce has room to grow!

Collard Greens

Collard greens are a great alternative to any other leafy green plants!


Radishes  grow fast and can grow in nearly any kind of pot, wide or deep. The bigger the variety, the bigger the container you’ll need.


Eggplants do really well in containers. Take good care since they’re pretty vulnerable to garden pests.


Spinach grows in partial shade, so you can shove it in the corner of your porch and still get a great plant! It also requires space to grow well!


Kale likes cold weather and you can grow it in containers and harvest it as a whole plant or just the tender leaves for garnishes and salads.


You can grow chard in small pots but it does need at least 6 inches of space.


Peas are simple and don’t require much attention, and they don’t need a lot of space, so you can easily grow them on your balcony.


Carrots love cooler weather! To grow them, keep the soil moist so that the roots don’t dry and crack.


Cucumbers require a medium to large pot (depending on the variety) and need to be fed and watered regularly.


Zucchini does great in containers and isn’t too hard to take care of!


Garlic is great for container gardening!  Keep bulbs about five inches apart from each other in the container.


For those of you who like hot and spicy food, grow some peppers in containers!
