
Dad put his daughter up for adoption 24 years ago, finds out they both have been working at the same place

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Although many of us have imagined having children at the right moment in life, there are occasions when we are blessed with this gift before we are truly prepared for it. The father in this tale was just a young boy when he became a father to a baby girl and was also struggling with a severe dependence on alcohol.
Baby Amy required a father who was willing to welcome her into his life and prioritize her needs, but Will Russell realized he was not up to the challenge. He didn’t make the decision lightly and although he couldn’t shake it from his thoughts, he would eventually be in for the surprise of his life.
After the adoption, Will developed a passion for volunteering and started contributing his time to the Phoenix Rescue Mission organization. After volunteering with the organization for a period of time, he would later move into a full-time role in ministry.
Amy initiated the search for her biological relatives in 2013. She utilized social media to find one of her siblings and then obtained Will’s phone number. Despite her nerves, she pushed past her fear and called him.
During breakfast, the father confided in his daughter about his battle with alcoholism and how it ultimately brought him to the path of becoming a minister. Following an extensive and deep discussion, he informed her that he had to depart to assist in serving food at the mission.

What happened next has to be seen in order to believed, so be sure to check out this amazing and astonishing video to find out more. Once you’ve picked your jaw up off the floor, take a moment to share this clip with your friends and family on Facebook.
