


Robert James Hamilton came up with a study in 2014 that established what kind of genius we can become. Do you think you don’t excel at anything or you don’t have talent? The truth is that it is not so because in at least one discipline or part of life you can be a true scholar.

According to this man, we can find four types of bright minds: dynamo, shining, time and steel.

The dynamo geniuses, including such important personalities as Albert Einstein or Bill Gates, are the greatest experts in conceiving impressive things. These people have bright brains, so theirs are the brightest creations in all history.

As for bright geniuses, they have a very high IQ and stand out among others for their leadership qualities, but perhaps they lose the north with relative ease – Bill Clinton or Marilyn Monroe are among them.

What about the geniuses of the time? Important human beings like Gandhi and Nelson Mandela belong to this section, so you can already have an idea of ​​their definition: aware of the problems that surround them, they usually try to give everything they have to make the world a better place.

The last classes, the geniuses of steel, are people who want to accumulate a fortune thanks to a particular idea. They manage information like no other and care for the smallest details. Mark Zuckerberg himself is one of them!

And you, do you want to know what kind of genius you are? Probably, the test that we present today is not validated by science or a well-known psychologist, but perhaps thanks to it you will perfectly know certain details about yourself that you have not perceived.

As you can see, an optical illusion is in front of you. It is a circle of black and white tones, but there is a great possibility that by staring at the center of the design you will then see a different color. Have your eyes, by chance, seen a reddish, greenish, yellowish or bluish hue? Check the answer!

1. Red color ❤️

Do you belong to 35% of respondents who have chosen this option? Well, first of all, you have to know that the frequency of the brain wave you use most is in the range between 150 and 180 Hz. This has a spectacular effect on your IQ: you have intelligence above the world average. You have exceeded 130 points, so some problems for you can be overcome with a snap of your fingers … You are the genius of logic!

Often when you have a difficult crossroads in front of you, all the alternatives you can choose come to your mind. Your intuition is legendary, but we don’t advise you to always trust what it says, since you may have a big problem.

For you, solving problems is a child’s task: everyone is looking for you to ask you for help as your ability to emerge victorious from any odyssey is at its best. In addition, you have leadership qualities: have you never appreciated that everyone follows you? You have a great influence on them …

2. Yellow color ?

This is not exactly the most chosen alternative since only 2 out of 10 people see this color, but the truth is that all its voters belong to a sublime area.

As for the frequency of the brain waves in which you operate daily, it is between 120 and 150 Hz. This defines you as a phenomenal person: you would be a master of chess. As we all know, in this game it is necessary to apply logic and understand the opponent’s mind, so the fun of the genes is considered.

One of the virtues that most characterize you is your ability to appreciate the small details that surround you. When you enter a room or visit an unknown place, you immediately start looking at everything thoroughly. Your mind is really creative, so you are a person who loves artistic disciplines.

On the other hand, new experiences give meaning to your life, so you accept any challenge without thinking about the consequences … You are really daring!

3. Blue color ?

30% of respondents indicated that it is undoubtedly the blue color that can be seen after looking at the center of the image. You must know that you use a brain frequency between 100 and 120 HZ, a fact that makes you the genius of perception.

All the concepts of life are clear to you, so making complicated decisions is nothing to you. Your enormous intellect far exceeds that of the rest of the population.

As for the relationship with other people, you prefer to be honest and not lie when it comes to expressing your opinion. Your closest collaborators always ask for your opinion, for any problem, especially if they are dealing with a difficult or complicated one.

Patience and knowing how to be are two of your main qualities, as well as being an efficient worker who loves to work in a team. You are reliable, therefore always surrounded by people who appreciate you very much.

4. Green color ?

After observing the optical illusion for a few seconds, did you notice that the green color is the predominant one? Only 15% of the population opts for this shade. If you want to know what kind of genius you are, read on because you will be surprised.

The word that defines you completely is talented. From an early age, others have seen how you distinguished yourself in each of the disciplines you have faced: a genius or an innate talent for everything?

As for your brain frequency, it’s between 0 and 10 HZ. You are open-minded, so nothing surprises you, apart from the fact that your curiosity is legendary. For you, going out and seeing the world is something you are completely passionate about: a trip with your friends to an exotic place and also an experience that you hadn’t had before are things you wouldn’t mind doing imminently

Since you have experienced many things in your life, you usually advise your closest friends on certain aspects of life. Listening to you is a real treat!

One of the fundamental things that we all need to understand about ourselves is how we see the world.

Once we understand the theories of specific personality traits, we can know what to look for and how to stay on our best path.

To discover part of this theory of personality is to look at the image below. Don’t overthink it, just pay attention to the first thing you saw when you looked at the image.

What was the first thing you captured in the image? If the first thing you saw was …


Clouds and blue sky

If the first thing you noticed was the clouds and the sky, you have the form of someone who focuses on massive image weighting. It’s a good talent!

Not everyone is willing to take on essential goals that can provide you with necessary, expansive, and inventive concepts that benefit not only your own life but everyone in general.

The damaging side of being this way is that you might miss smaller details, and because of that, you generally drop the ball and don’t meet your goals.

Do not let the year that passed be like the one or those to come. Keep up your high ambitions and make sure you don’t let trivia stop you from achieving your goals.

Think like the greats and with just a little planning, anything will be possible.


In case you have chosen this option and observed the shape of a guitar first, you are the type of person who depends heavily on the love and support of your friends, which means that you can have high emotional intelligence.


While the rest of the world can focus on things like losing weight or getting promoted, your world is sure to keep you relatively stable, as long as you have the love and support of the people who matter most to you.

Having a support system made up of friends who mean the world to you is absolutely invaluable.

That said, none of these friends would be satisfied to know that you are keeping your life in a waiting pattern simply for the sake of making sure you spend time with them.

Try to look beyond your social circle. There is a whole wild world with many friends waiting to be included in your list of close friends.

Often we ourselves have no idea what we are capable of. However, only when we become aware of our advantages, do we start to apply them actively and we get an excellent result.

Look at the picture. Take a look at the poses of all four girls.

Which of these girls do you think is the most confident and successful?


Girl # 1

This choice means that you are not afraid of obstacles, because you perceive each problem as a new phase of development.

However, you also have moments of emotional pain and fear. Eyes that burn with passion and a heated mind: this is what you are.

For this reason, you love life and are happy with each new day to find out what it has in store for you.


Girl # 2

You are a very sensitive person. Think long and hard before doing anything.

You only dare to step when you have calculated everything, pros, and cons. Logic and consistency control you and not emotions.

You will never take a risk. Therefore, you miss out on many opportunities in life. Learn to trust your heart.


Girl # 3

It is often difficult for you to explain your choice because you are guided exclusively by intuition.

You have an extremely strong inner sense. Make a good distinction between cunning and truth.

That’s why you’re surrounded only by the best people. You are very kind and creative. You think living in illusions is quite normal and this leads to frustration.


Girl # 4

You are a true leader, but with little self-esteem. They rely only on themselves and their minds.

You are rarely panicked. You have many strategies, so you often change your plans. Stubbornness sets you apart, but it annoys those around you. Everyone sees you as an interesting and charismatic person.

Today we have brought you a mind-bending and mind-boggling new optical Illusion image to put your brain to test. Only people with above-average intelligence can solve this Optical Illusion. If you think you have a high IQ, take this Optical illusion test and try to find the Face which is hidden in the given picture. Only 2% of the people have passed this optical illusion test. Now, take this test and try to find the hidden Face in this picture in 12 seconds.

Optical Illusion To Test Your Eyes

Optical illusions are typically mind-bending, shape-shifting representations of an object, a painting, or a person that challenge the brain’s perception of reality. There are various types of optical illusions, namely, Physical, physiological, and cognitive illusions are a few of the different types. According to research, a typical human brain can see objects or images differently depending on the angle from which it is viewed. These optical illusions frequently appear in psychoanalysis tests because they can provide information about your cognitive abilities and how you see the world. This time, we have a fascinating optical illusion image where you have to search through the given image and find the hidden Face.

Face Search Optical Illusion

So, now, the challenge for you is to search for the hidden Face in this optical illusion. The study says, the more challenging and confusing puzzles you complete, the smarter you get. Optical illusions always reveal amazing things about how our brains work. Certain combinations of color, light, and patterns can trick our minds into seeing something that isn’t actually there. Now, go and find the hidden  Face in this optical illusion picture.

It’s almost festive season and this tricky brain teaser will certainly get you in the Christmas spirit. Optical illusions are a great way to get your mind active – and not to mention it’s a fun way to unwind after a long day at work.

However, some tricky ones can take a few minutes to solve and leave us feeling frustrated until we find the answer. Why not try to impress your friends with your skill – and see if you spot the hidden deer in this photo? But you don’t have long as it should only take you up to 8 seconds to figure it out.

If you get it right it means you have a high IQ and a high visual intelligence, which is the ability to process and understand visual information quickly and accurately. This means you’re able to spot details that others may miss. While looking at a picture you must spot the deer, but it can be difficult to do so at first since the image has several distracting elements.

The picture shows three cheerful children in a forest playing in the snow. Two of the children are building a snowman while the other is holding a sleigh. Surrounding them are several trees.

Are you struggling to find it? The deer is small and well-camouflaged, so you’ll need to pay attention to small details to find it. If you’ve been unable to spot it by now, you’ll notice the deer is in the left-hand corner. If you were able to get it straightway, you have a sharp eye.

Ready for another challenge? In this latest brain teaser, you’re challenged to look at multiple number plates and work out which ones there are two of. Another brain teaser challenges you to count the number of Fs in a sentence, and it’s a lot harder than it looks as our brains tend to skim-read certain words. If you want to try another one, this one challenges you to find the number 5878, while this one requires you to hunt for the buzzing bee inside a girl’s bedroom.

When our sense of reality differs from actual reality, we experience optical illusions, also known as visual illusions.

Optical illusions are very popular among internet users. These are mind-bending images that conceal a concealed object that is not visible to the human eye at first glance, or the object is present in front of our eyes but we cannot perceive it because of the limits of our visual system.

It has been proposed that training optical illusion challenges can aid improve attention span and visual abilities. Furthermore, it aids in the prevention of cognitive impairment in old age.

Do you have the best sense of observation?

Try it now to find out!

Optical Illusion Challenge: Find Caterpillar in Tree in 6 Seconds

The image portrays a fruit-laden tree. A caterpillar is hiding somewhere in the tree. The readers are challenged to find the caterpillar in 6 seconds. Your time has come!

Individuals with a keen sense of detail can immediately locate the caterpillar. Examine the image closely; did you find anything unusual?

The clock is ticking.

The caterpillar can be seen if you look closely at the image.

Have you seen it?

The clock is ticking; hurry up.

The caterpillar has blended in so perfectly with the tree that netizens are having trouble spotting it at first glance.

Were you successful in locating the caterpillar?


The countdown has begun.

We believe some of our keen readers have already noticed the caterpillar.

Congratulations! You have a keen sense of observation.

Those who were unable to locate the caterpillar can discover the solution below.

Find Caterpillar in Tree in 6 Seconds: Solution

The caterpillar is seen on the left side of the image, between the bunch of fruits.

Often what we pick up is not what others see. Everyone has their own vision of the world, based on their experiences and personality, so it is difficult to expect those around us to agree with us on everything.

When we see an optical illusion, it tricks the visual system, from the eye to the brain, and leads it to perceive reality in a distorted way. 
Through them, we can recognize many of our peculiarities and discover great information about our personality and character.

Our team has prepared the following test. Look at the image and answer what was the first thing you saw. If you first saw :

The Moon

You have the gift of seeing beyond any type of manipulation. You look with the eyes of the soul, so you are able to know people for who they really are and not for what they pretend to be.

Your intuition is highly developed, so the information comes to you without making an effort to find it and this gives you a great advantage when it comes to managing your relationships, since it keeps you away from all false and malicious people, saving you from many problems and hearts broken. Believe in your gift and work to improve it, it will do you good.

The Silhouette of a face

You are one of those who gives 100% in everything you do. This quality can be highly criticized in our current society, where many seem not to really commit to anything and live superficially.

It is important that you know that you are not wrong and that dedication is one of the most special characteristics that a person can have and that it always takes us forward, helping us in the realization of our dreams. Be proud of who you are and don’t let anyone judge you because you are doing an excellent job.

Our bodies are very interesting things. They can actually inform us when something is not right. One of the things that our body does is twitching before you fall asleep. If this has been happening to you we want to tell you not to panic, you are not the only one. Sometimes, after a long day, you are in your bed and ready to sleep. However, there is a sudden interruption by twitching and this makes you wonder what could be wrong. Just continue reading.

The Hypnic Twitch Before Falling Asleep

According to scientists, this is known as the hypnic twitch and it resembles a feeling or falling thus making your bodytwitch. Some scientists believe that it might be the consumption of caffeine before bed or certain medications like Adderal and Ritalin. However, this also goes for people who are very exhausted and who finally go to sleep, but too fast. This is due to the fact that the brain cannot keep up with the sleep phases.

One hypothesis says that this happens because you are starting to dream but you are not fully asleep and this is a symptoms of both of these things fighting.

Another evolutionary hypothesis claims that this happens because this was the body’s way to wake up our ancestors before they fell out of the trees.

Namely, when your brain is confused, it will restart and you will wake up with a burst of chemicals. This is however not dangerous for your health, but it is still not a very good feeling. There are still also those opinions that twitches are connected to early onsets of Parkinson’s disease or Alzheimer’s, brain injury or nerve damage. But this is if it is too serious.

 An optical illusion is a mind-bending illustration of an object or a drawing or a picture that has different appearances and can be perceived differently. There are many types of optical illusions like physical, physiological, and cognitive illusions. These optical illusions are sometimes also helpful in testing helpful as our innermost desires and things we don’t usually reveal about ourselves. These are also a part of the field of psychoanalysis as they throw some light on your personality traits. Many optical illusion images can reveal hidden aspects of our personality and our deepest desires based on what we see.  One such fine illustration can be seen in an old optical illusion painting created by artist Oleg Shupliak.

The above image is an optical illusion created by artist Oleg Shupliak that provide insights into our behavior, including our hidden nightmare or secret fear in love or romantic relationship. Oleg Shupliak is a renowned artist known for combining multiple faces and people within his artwork in his collection of hidden paintings. It is claimed that the person or face that stands out to you first when looking at the painting says a lot about your secret fear in a Romantic Relationship.

What do you see first in this Optical Illusion?

This optical illusion is kind of a personality test that helps in revealing your secret fear in love. The faces that you can see in this optical illusion are:

  1. A Woman
  2. The Mounted Soldiers
  3. A Horse
  4. The Soldiers in the Background

The first image that you spotted in this optical illusion says hidden nightmares or secret fear about your love life or romantic relationship. Each of these can reveal information about your approach toward love.

1. A Woman – Fear of Losing Sleep in Love

If the first thing you saw in this optical illusion is a woman, then it means that your secret nightmare about love is losing sleep. Your Tango claims that “You can’t help yourself, you’re a practical person and a person who has always taken sleep very seriously. You’re beyond blissed-out to be so all consumed with love, but you start to worry pretty darn quickly that you’ll have to choose between love and sleep — and you’re worried sleep might win!.”

This also means that you have found the perfect balance between the dream world and reality. And due to this only, the thought of entering into a romantic relationship excites you but also scares you quite a bit.

2. The Mounted Soldiers – Fear to keep up the Appearances in Love

If the first image you spotted in this optical illusion is of the mounted Soldiers, then this means that your need to keep up with appearances is your biggest fear. Your Tango states “You know as you fall in love that your partner isn’t going to dump you for not shaving your legs or skipping a shower, but you do feel obligated to at least put on the front that you are a flawless woman at all times of the day.

In the optical illusion image, the soldiers represent vigilance. So this could be a sign for you to your guard down and lower your inhibitions sometimes. Your need of looking best around a new partner can be a bit stressful sometimes, but you have to remember that your relationship won’t end just because of your bad appearance.

3. A Horse – Fear of Rejection in Love

If you saw the image of a horse in the center first in this optical illusion image, then it means your secret nightmare about falling in love is worrying about rejection. Your Tango explains that “You want nothing more than to release yourself to the thralls of passion, but you can’t help thinking of all the times you have fallen in love before, times when it didn’t work out, and instead you were left hurt and rejected.”

Fear of rejection is something that a lot of people are afraid of. This also means that it can be nerve-wracking to put your feelings out there and not have others reciprocate. So the best way to deal with this fear is by letting things play out as they should and going with the flow.

4. The Background Soldiers – Fear of Playing Games in Love

If the first image you saw was of background soldiers, then this means your secret nightmare about falling in love is playing games. Your Tango adds that “The second you decide you are in love, you drop all of your pretenses. You have no issue making yourself fully vulnerable when you fall in love, you do it every time, and you expect the same in return. The moment you even get a whiff of someone playing games, you can’t help but get turned off.”

This means that letting your guard down can be tough for others but not for you. This also means that you’re a bit sensitive when you’re dealing with a lover who keeps their walls up.

Optical illusions always give some fascinating insight into how our brains work. Specific combinations of color, light, and patterns can trick our brains into visually perceiving something that isn’t there. So tell us, what did you see first in this optical illusion?

Personality is a very complex structure influenced by many factors such as genetics but also the environment. What childhood we had, how we were brought up, what we experienced, what we read shapes us.  Psychologists, however, despite the complexity of this sphere, try and create various types of tests to determine who we are. Among other things, optical tests help.

No matter how a person changes or grows, this “default personality” will always be part of them.If you stop and think for a while, you’ll know it’s true.  There is always an aspect of your personality that has stuck with you over the years.  This could be compassionate, empathetic, or enthusiastic. 

So what’s your dominant character trait? 

You just have to look at the image shown below and answer what was the first thing you saw. Then scroll down and find the result.If you saw the …

The face of a Woman: Compassion

You are unusually considerate of others, kind, and will stop what you are doing to help others in need. You are a very generous person; you show that sharing certainly matters.

Not only do you like to help others to experience the great things that you have lived, spreading good vibes to achieve wealth and fortune, but also opening yourself completely with the hope of exchanging, with greater understanding and feeling, with the people around you. Being generous does not necessarily have to do with the material and you know it very well.

The Book: Empathetic.

You will put others ahead of you. You always take other people’s feelings into account and will do your best to ensure that everyone is satisfied at all times.

You have a big heart with a lot of love to give. Not only that, but you are very aware of other people’s feelings and very aware of how your emotions are affected by your own and the behavior of others. The level of empathy you possess is highly appreciated and accepted by your friends and family, making you a very good company to count on.

Woman with an Arrow: Enthusiast

You are a true fighter who knows that doing something right, done the right way, absolutely takes motivation and drive. Nothing will stand in your way to achieve your goals! When you have a goal or set a plan, there is nothing to stop you.

You are a strong-minded person who can accomplish anything within a given period of time. You are passionate when it comes to things that excite you and this is what makes you so confident and effective with whatever you decide to do.