


 An optical illusion is a mind-bending illustration of an object or a drawing or a picture that has different appearances and can be perceived differently. There are many types of optical illusions like physical, physiological, and cognitive illusions. These optical illusions are sometimes also helpful in testing helpful as our innermost desires and things we don’t usually reveal about ourselves. These are also a part of the field of psychoanalysis as they throw some light on your personality traits. Many optical illusion images can reveal hidden aspects of our personality and our deepest desires based on what we see.  One such fine illustration can be seen in an old optical illusion painting created by artist Oleg Shupliak.

The above image is an optical illusion created by artist Oleg Shupliak that provide insights into our behavior, including our hidden nightmare or secret fear in love or romantic relationship. Oleg Shupliak is a renowned artist known for combining multiple faces and people within his artwork in his collection of hidden paintings. It is claimed that the person or face that stands out to you first when looking at the painting says a lot about your secret fear in a Romantic Relationship.

What do you see first in this Optical Illusion?

This optical illusion is kind of a personality test that helps in revealing your secret fear in love. The faces that you can see in this optical illusion are:

  1. A Woman
  2. The Mounted Soldiers
  3. A Horse
  4. The Soldiers in the Background

The first image that you spotted in this optical illusion says hidden nightmares or secret fear about your love life or romantic relationship. Each of these can reveal information about your approach toward love.

1. A Woman – Fear of Losing Sleep in Love

If the first thing you saw in this optical illusion is a woman, then it means that your secret nightmare about love is losing sleep. Your Tango claims that “You can’t help yourself, you’re a practical person and a person who has always taken sleep very seriously. You’re beyond blissed-out to be so all consumed with love, but you start to worry pretty darn quickly that you’ll have to choose between love and sleep — and you’re worried sleep might win!.”

This also means that you have found the perfect balance between the dream world and reality. And due to this only, the thought of entering into a romantic relationship excites you but also scares you quite a bit.

2. The Mounted Soldiers – Fear to keep up the Appearances in Love

If the first image you spotted in this optical illusion is of the mounted Soldiers, then this means that your need to keep up with appearances is your biggest fear. Your Tango states “You know as you fall in love that your partner isn’t going to dump you for not shaving your legs or skipping a shower, but you do feel obligated to at least put on the front that you are a flawless woman at all times of the day.

In the optical illusion image, the soldiers represent vigilance. So this could be a sign for you to your guard down and lower your inhibitions sometimes. Your need of looking best around a new partner can be a bit stressful sometimes, but you have to remember that your relationship won’t end just because of your bad appearance.

3. A Horse – Fear of Rejection in Love

If you saw the image of a horse in the center first in this optical illusion image, then it means your secret nightmare about falling in love is worrying about rejection. Your Tango explains that “You want nothing more than to release yourself to the thralls of passion, but you can’t help thinking of all the times you have fallen in love before, times when it didn’t work out, and instead you were left hurt and rejected.”

Fear of rejection is something that a lot of people are afraid of. This also means that it can be nerve-wracking to put your feelings out there and not have others reciprocate. So the best way to deal with this fear is by letting things play out as they should and going with the flow.

4. The Background Soldiers – Fear of Playing Games in Love

If the first image you saw was of background soldiers, then this means your secret nightmare about falling in love is playing games. Your Tango adds that “The second you decide you are in love, you drop all of your pretenses. You have no issue making yourself fully vulnerable when you fall in love, you do it every time, and you expect the same in return. The moment you even get a whiff of someone playing games, you can’t help but get turned off.”

This means that letting your guard down can be tough for others but not for you. This also means that you’re a bit sensitive when you’re dealing with a lover who keeps their walls up.

Optical illusions always give some fascinating insight into how our brains work. Specific combinations of color, light, and patterns can trick our brains into visually perceiving something that isn’t there. So tell us, what did you see first in this optical illusion?

Personality is a very complex structure influenced by many factors such as genetics but also the environment. What childhood we had, how we were brought up, what we experienced, what we read shapes us.  Psychologists, however, despite the complexity of this sphere, try and create various types of tests to determine who we are. Among other things, optical tests help.

No matter how a person changes or grows, this “default personality” will always be part of them.If you stop and think for a while, you’ll know it’s true.  There is always an aspect of your personality that has stuck with you over the years.  This could be compassionate, empathetic, or enthusiastic. 

So what’s your dominant character trait? 

You just have to look at the image shown below and answer what was the first thing you saw. Then scroll down and find the result.If you saw the …

The face of a Woman: Compassion

You are unusually considerate of others, kind, and will stop what you are doing to help others in need. You are a very generous person; you show that sharing certainly matters.

Not only do you like to help others to experience the great things that you have lived, spreading good vibes to achieve wealth and fortune, but also opening yourself completely with the hope of exchanging, with greater understanding and feeling, with the people around you. Being generous does not necessarily have to do with the material and you know it very well.

The Book: Empathetic.

You will put others ahead of you. You always take other people’s feelings into account and will do your best to ensure that everyone is satisfied at all times.

You have a big heart with a lot of love to give. Not only that, but you are very aware of other people’s feelings and very aware of how your emotions are affected by your own and the behavior of others. The level of empathy you possess is highly appreciated and accepted by your friends and family, making you a very good company to count on.

Woman with an Arrow: Enthusiast

You are a true fighter who knows that doing something right, done the right way, absolutely takes motivation and drive. Nothing will stand in your way to achieve your goals! When you have a goal or set a plan, there is nothing to stop you.

You are a strong-minded person who can accomplish anything within a given period of time. You are passionate when it comes to things that excite you and this is what makes you so confident and effective with whatever you decide to do.


Optical illusions are tricky yet entertaining. You might see one thing in the image, yet someone else will try to convince you that it’s another. Optical illusions can also serve as a personality test since two different people can point out two other things in the same image.

Today’s optical illusion test claims to decipher unexpected truths about you based on what you see first.

Take a look at the image below.

What do you see first? A tree or a couple?

A Tree

If you first catch sight of a tree, you pay too much attention to details. You can easily read other people’s moods.

A Couple

If you first notice a couple facing each other, you are logical, rational, and calm. It helps people reason with people even if they feel agitated or nervous.

Many people try numerous methods to detect whether they have a negative energy home. Today, we will show you the simplest way to detect such energies, and at the same time, if you have them, clean them up to renew the harmony in your family.

Wherever you live, you provide certain types of energy in your surrounding area. Our homes are a joint place where energy meets. These can be our feelings, thoughts and emotions – they all transmit a specific type of energy but also attract some others! For example, some family members, neighbors, or visitors may enter in our homes with negative external energy, which later affects the mood of all people and their general good.The remnants of these energies can result in negative emotions, sadness, depression, bad thoughts and events, or can contribute to a large amount of unwanted stress in the home

Your home is like a sponge. All that is happening is absorbed in space, walls, furniture, wallpaper, ceiling, as well as in all the premises in the room. Often these negative energies accumulate at angles or unavailable locations. Also, if you have had a negative event in the family, such as illness or death, and as a result of that much sadness and fear, immediately access the cleaning of your home!

Once you enter your house, negative energies immediately begin to affect the lives of inmates. They can do a lot of damage in the process, causing the impoverishment of the budget, destroy relationships between people and completely destroy the family harmony. As a result, you will feel anxiousness, discomfort and loss of physical strength, which can lead to a decline in your will to life. It is important to add that these symptoms do not have to be visible at all in the previous period and therefore it is good to know how to detect the presence of these energy at home.


Take a plain transparent glass and place 1/3 of salt in it, so some salt amounts to 1: 3 of the same glass. Then pour the same amount of water, i.e. 1/3; and finally – 1/3 of white alcohol vinegar. Put your glass where you think the negative energy is the strongest.

Let the glass be hidden, so nobody touches or moves, and it stays for 24 hours in that place. After 24 hours, check the glass: is it the kind you left her? If it is, you have no negative energy in that room. Try again with another room to see what’s going to happen.

If, however, in the glass obscure some stains or lots of bubbles, it is the result of energy problems. In that case, repeat the process with a new glass until these signs of negative energy are over.
It is important that you pour this water later in the toilet bowl and immediately wash it! It will completely clean up all the negative energy that is absorbed in your home.
Repeat the process until the water in the glass is the same as you left it.

Most of us are aware of the more outward signs of depression, such as frequent crying, lack of motivation, etc.

But often by the time these symptoms are visible, the depression has already progressed. Read on to learn about some less obvious hidden signs that can help identify early-stage depression.

Trigger Events for Depression

Depression is one of the most common mental health problems in America. Approximately 17% of the people in the US will have a depressive episode sometime in their lifetime. The most likely age for developing depression is between 30 and 40.

Everyone feels down from time to time, though, so how do you know when it’s time to get help?

If a particular situation preceded your depression, you might be wondering whether you need to seek treatment. The most frequent contributor to situational depression is a loss or perceived loss of some kind.

The loss can be something concrete, such as loss of a job, loss of property, or loss of a relationship. Alternately, the loss might be less tangible, as in the case of loss of prestige or loss of power.

However, sometimes the inciting event is less clear. Sometimes, you start to struggle with depression even though your current circumstances seem ideal.

Either way, here’s the key point: Depression doesn’t arise from the external events of your life, however challenging they might be. Rather, it arises from your internal experience.

Depression doesn’t arise from the external events of your life; it arises from your internal experience.

What Is Depression?

Consider: Some people who experience losses feel grief and sadness, but not depression. Why is that? It’s because depression has more to do with anger than sadness.

What is depression? Our experience is that depression is anger turned inward.

Depression can and does arise after loss, but it’s about unexpressed, stuffed-down anger.

It’s normal to feel sad in the wake of a significant loss. However, if you cannot express your anger and you’re turning it inward against yourself, you’re depressed and it’s time to get help.

For some, anger and depression precipitate or go along with some sort of addiction. Learn more about anger and addiction.

Outward Signs of Depression

How do you tell if you have turned your anger inward against yourself?

Outward signs and symptoms of depression include:

  • Feeling numb and apathetic
  • Crying often
  • Lacking energy and motivation
  • Not getting pleasure out of previously pleasurable activities
  • Withdrawing from society, friends, and loved ones

Even with the increased acceptance of mental health problems, there still is a stigma attached to depression. That’s one reason to learn about hidden signs of depression … they can be missed unless you know what to look for!

7 Hidden Signs of Depression

  1. Hair Pulling
    Trichotillomania, or hair pulling, maybe a hidden sign of depression. Some people channel feelings of frustration, grief, and anger by pulling the hair of the head, eyebrows, and eyelashes. While this condition can be difficult to treat, there are therapeutic modalities that can help you to heal from it. Consider taking a look at Trichstop online for more information.
  2. Struggling To Get Out Of Bed
    Do you have a tough time even getting out of bed? Do you struggle for hours trying to scrape up the energy to do so? Does your energy level hit bottom even with sufficient sleep? That’s a sign of depression.
  3. Looking “Normal”
    Many people who suffer from depression cover it up pretty well. They may portray themselves as upbeat and happy, putting on a false front for all of their friends. Then, when they are by themselves, they feel the front collapsing. This is exhausting!
  4. Irritability
    People who are depressed may be irritable as well. This is one of the first signs of impending depression. (Remember, depression is anger turned inward!) This irritability may come from the person’s increasing difficulty in staying focused and their knowledge that something is wrong. Plus, keeping up with responsibilities in the face of decreasing energy can lead people toward irritability.
  5. Not Eating Normally
    People suffering from depression often have difficulty with appetite. They may eat more than usual, or go all day without eating. This pattern can lead to gaining weight or losing too much. They may turn to comfort foods to gain relief from the pain of depression. On the other hand, they may lose all interest in food because it brings them no happiness.
  6. Negative Outlook
    Depressed people have a difficult time feeling optimistic about anything. Professionals have found research evidence that supports what is called “depressive realism.” This occurs when depressed people begin seeing the world in a way that indicates how little influence they have on it. This hidden sign of depression may show up as tenacious pessimism.
  7. Feelings of Guilt
    Often when people are depressed, they also feel guilty for the things that happen in their lives, whether or not they were responsible. By contrast, they may feel guilty because they didn’t do or say something. This guilt is often irrational. Along with this feeling of guilt comes a feeling of worthlessness. Their false guilt is telling them they aren’t worth anything because they did or didn’t do something.

If you have these hidden signs of depression or know someone who does, don’t struggle alone. There is no reason to suffer for years when help is readily available.

When we are first born, our parents are all that we have in this world. We would not be who we are today without them.

Our parents are the first people we look to and count on for support and guidance in life. We need to feel safe and loved within their arms, and we need to feel safe within the words they use to speak to us.

We are all human, and everyone makes mistakes, yet when we are children we do not yet understand this of our beloved parents. Mom and Dad are our whole world, our creators, our heroes and protectors. They know everything and there is nothing they cannot do.

Everything that a parent does and the way they do it is observed and learned from, and this becomes the foundation of the child’s psyche, feelings and beliefs. The way we speak to our children becomes their inner voice, and helps them to understand between right and wrong.

When parents are angry and cold towards their little ones, they carry on this same behavior into adulthood, and the majority of the time they treat their children the exact same way later on. Everyone makes mistakes, it’s part of being human. If you are making one now, why not take the time to make a few adjustments for the sake of your child?

We all want our children to develop into wonderful and kind human beings, whose inner voice encourages and supports them rather than insults and criticizes them. If you use words of love, acceptance and care when talking to your child, they will take that on as their inner voice, and they will be so grateful that you instilled in them messages of love rather than an inner critic that makes them feel depressed or worthless.

These are 8 phrases you should never say to your children, no matter how angry you become or what they have done:



You should not say this phrase to your child even if you think that there is no reason for the child to be crying. They are just children, they don’t know yet about how to control or manage their feelings, and by giving them commands to halt what is a natural and okay feeling within themselves, they can begin to internalize and incorrectly learn that it is not okay to have feelings or to be emotional. Their futures can become ones riddled with therapy and difficult relationships, as they’ve internalized and learned from an early age to suppress their honest and genuine emotions rather than to embrace and to understand them.

Here are a few phrases you can use instead that will help your child to understand their feelings and to feel loved:

“It’s okay to be sad,”
“Why are you crying sweetie?”
“I hear that you need space. I want to be here for you. I’ll stay close so you can find me when you’re ready,”
“I will help you work it out,” and
“I’m listening.”

These phrases can help to show acceptance for your child’s natural feeling, and helps to show them that you love them. They will internalize these healthy behaviors and live much healthier and satisfying lives.


Parents tend to use this phrase after the child has made a mistake, has failed at something, or has done something the parent does not agree with. Usually, the child is already feeling low and down about themselves and their behavior. They tend to feel judged, criticized and blamed, even when there was no intention to let you down. It’s very important to differentiate “YOU” and who the child is as a whole, from their behavior, which was a specific action. Children can begin to believe that they themselves are wrong when this type of language is used, rather than that a certain behavior was not what you wanted.


“When (child’s behavior)… I feel (a specific feeling)… because (describe your need and how you’ve been affected)… Would you be willing to (a specific request from you for your child).”
This form of communication allows the child to understand without feeling criticized, blamed or judged, and enables them to maintain their self-esteem while learning at the same time, rather than losing their self-esteem, which can then become internalized as lower self-confidence throughout life.

*Note: when choosing a feeling, disappointed may be the feeling at the tip of the iceberg, but the body of the Disappointment Iceberg might hold other feelings that can be healthier to use with your child. These could include sadness, hurt, or worried. The challenge is to identify the primary feeling that is being expressed as ‘disappointed’ and to replace it with one that will not harm the child.



When kids are told that something they’ve done isn’t good enough, what they really hear is ‘you’re not good enough,” according to a study published in the Journal of Family Issues. By saying to your child that something is lacking in them, whether it be internally or externally, it hurts them. Most likely your intention is not to have them believe that they themselves are not good enough, but rather that a certain behavior you don’t approve of isn’t. Yet often these words communicate to them that they themselves are not good enough; it’s implied and it regularly is what the child understands. A child’s self-esteem and ability to feel loved and accepted is very strongly tied to their sense of feeling good enough, and them being enough should always be protected in your language.

Poor self-esteem can be difficult to repair and can follow a child for life, so any language that creates it should be addressed soon. Try encouraging your child towards a good behavior rather than condemning them for an undesirable one. Recognize what they did right, even if it was something small, or recognize something they’ve done well in the past and reflect on how they might be able to do it again. If you’re wanting to encourage a different behavior, try:
1. Being a role model of the desired behavior.
2. Show your child how you feel, as compassionately as possible.
3. Catch your child being ‘good’ by giving positive feedback and rewards when they are behaving in a way you like.
4. Connect with your child on their level by listening actively.
5. Create an environment for good behavior.
6. Keep your promises and
7. Choose your battles wisely.


All humans regardless of their age get scared; babies get scared, children get scared, teens get scared, and even adults get scared. Telling your child not to be afraid does not make their fear go away. Encourage your child gently to face their fears through understanding, always starting small in environments where they can feel safe. Understand your child’s fear, talk to them and let them share their fear with you. A child’s mind often works a bit differently than an adults and that’s okay. The key is that you’re willing to show them that you care and that you’re here to support them while they work their way through it.

WikiHow made a wonderful guide on how to help your child overcome their fears that can be found here.



What’s the problem with saying the phrase, “What is wrong with you?” to your child? Nothing, if your tone is compassionate and you are genuinely wondering if they want to share their feelings with you.

But that is far different from what we hear all too often when a parent is exasperated with a child, putting their hands on their waist in a frustrated desperation and asking this question. Then it becomes a question that indicates a defect in the child’s being. Avoid globalizing statements that can generate shame towards their entire being and leave them emotional scars for years to come.

There are no perfect parents, but we’re always learning how we can better love our children. Instead of using this phrase, try speaking with them about a specific behavior that you are concerned about, so that they can understand that it is the behavior rather than who they are as a person that is troubling you.

For example, lets say your child is in a hurry and is not paying attention, then accidentally breaks something. You are hurried, rushed, and stressed yourself, yet instead of letting the damaging words ‘What is wrong with you?’ come out of your mouth, try a new approach: Be direct but also instructive: “Honey, let’s slow things down. It’s OK, we’re both rushing here and I know you did not do that on purpose. Next time, just tell Mom or Dad that you are feeling rushed, stressed, or upset and we can discuss it, and we can also remember to slow down and to take our time. Together let’s figure out what to do.”


You should never make your child feel like they are bad as a whole. It really can do lasting damage and simply isn’t true. Instead again focus on the specific behaviors, being clear about which behaviors and actions bothered you, without making judgmental statements about the child. We all make mistakes, and it doesn’t mean that we are terrible people. It means we are human, or simply just innocent children experimenting, playing, and learning.

If you came back into your child’s room after a short break and found that they have colored all over the walls with crayons, take a second to calm yourself, and then calmly prepare how to proceed: your child’s emotional health is worth more than this wall. Be clear with the child where it’s acceptable to draw and where it isn’t, and repeat these guidelines often, while removing anything they use to draw when they do draw inappropriately. Also make sure they are given plenty of opportunity to draw creatively on drawing pads, coloring books, and even on creative playmats.


Naturally, this is one aspect of being a parent, you tend to need to do most everything for them. Yet this isn’t a reason to hold it over their head as a way to elicit guilt and submission. Parenting can be difficult and often times children are not grateful for how much you do, but give it time, they eventually will be deeply, deeply grateful for your love.

8. “YOU’RE FAT.”

2013 study published in Jama Pediatrics found that:
“Mothers and fathers who engaged in weight-related conversations had adolescents who were more likely to diet, use unhealthy weight-control behaviors, and engage in binge eating… Parent conversations focused on weight/size are associated with increased risk for adolescent disordered eating behaviors, whereas conversations focused on healthful eating are protective against disordered eating behaviors.”

Telling a child they’re fat is not a healthy way to deal with a child’s natural weight, but rather can lead to a load of emotional and mental problems early on and later in life. Love your children for who they are, and accept them regardless of their weight or appearance. If your child’s weight is a legitimate health concern as mentioned to you by your doctor, try engaging in physical activity together with them, and provide healthy meals with lots of vegetables.

Children are perfect just the way they are, as you well know in your heart, and your dedicated practice to using language that helps them develop into a kind and loving human being will help them shine for years to come.

At different times in our life, we​​woke up in the middle of the night. While some people may fall asleep almost immediately afterward, others may not be as lucky and may stay awake for hours before finally falling asleep again.

There are several reasons why we wake up at different hours in the middle of the night. For some people it means going to the toilet, for others, it means eating or drinking something. Some people wake up because they had a bad dream or nightmare, while others wake up for no reason.

Waking up in the middle of the night is not a problem. However, the problem lies in the time you wake up and how often you do it. If you keep waking up between 3 a.m. and 5 a.m., it may not be as normal as you might think. Here’s the reason.

Ideally, these periods are the times when you can get the best sleep moments. But waking up to these odd hours daily should be enough to spark your interest. It doesn’t mean that you have a spiritual problem, as some people might think.

Here’s the reason.
Wake up between 3 a.m. and 5 a.m.
Ideally, these periods are the times when you can get the best sleep moments. But waking up to these odd hours daily should be enough to spark your interest. It doesn’t mean that you have a spiritual problem, as some people might think. Simply put, it’s about the energy in you and your purpose in life.
The fact that you wake up during these times usually has nothing to do with superstitious beliefs, but is related to the fact that your life remains unfulfilled. While some may be confused as to what it means, especially if you are already successful and have everything you could wish for, note that this does not indicate material possessions.

We are all here on earth for one purpose. It doesn’t matter whether you have the highest-rated income or are on the world’s most influential list. As long as this purpose is not fulfilled, you are not completely at peace. Maybe in the simple basic things, but maybe we’re too caught up in our own created busy world to care what our soul wants. As such, you need to find out what your soul yearns for. You need to find out what your purpose might be and achieve it. Once this is done, all of the rest of the mind takes over.

Have you ever encountered those days when you’re overwhelmed by such profound depression that even the simplest tasks become insurmountable? It’s as if a weighty cloud of exhaustion and hopelessness envelops you, sapping your energy to communicate, accomplish basic household chores, or even care for yourself adequately. The mere act of getting out of bed transforms into an imposing challenge, leaving you trapped in a cycle of inaction. If this struggle resonates with you, you’re not alone. We all face periods of diminished energy and motivation, but there’s a significant difference between occasional laziness and the deeper complexities of depression.

Are you too depressed to do anything? The question arises: Are you grappling with laziness or grappling with a more profound state of depression? This article delves into six distinct signs that aid in distinguishing between the two, emphasizing the importance of recognizing these markers of severe depression. However, before delving into these indicators, it’s crucial to briefly grasp the origins of these overwhelming feelings of sadness and despair. For further insight, read here: Strategies for Overcoming Depression Without Resorting to Medication or Therapy What Might Underlie the Struggle of Overwhelming Depression? Have you ever found yourself overwhelmed by a sense of depression that hinders your ability to function? Understanding the factors contributing to these intense emotions is pivotal for a deeper connection with your experiences. Here are some potential catalysts behind the sensation of being too depressed to undertake anything: Navigating Life’s Peaks and Valleys: Coping with loss, confronting trauma, or adapting to significant changes can trigger intense depressive feelings. Personal Struggles: Battling chronic stress, negative thought patterns, or low self-esteem can amplify the potency of depressive emotions. Family History: Genetic factors may influence susceptibility to depression, necessitating consideration of familial depression history.

Severe depression excels at eradicating interest and pleasure, leaving you emotionally detached and estranged from the life you once cherished. You Are Not Lazy: Lacking the energy you once possessed is evident in significant changes in your energy levels. The spark that once propelled you now dims, leaving you feeling depleted and drained. What used to be effortless everyday tasks now resemble herculean feats, and even the simplest undertakings demand considerable effort. The morning ritual of getting out of bed morphs into an arduous endeavor, and the anticipation of the day’s demands becomes overwhelming. This persistent energy deficit and dwindling motivation stand as prominent indicators of severe depression.

They impact not only your physical stamina but also your emotional equilibrium and mental clarity. Sleep Struggles Deepen Despondency: An ongoing battle with sleep characterizes this indicator. Insomnia, with its inability to initiate or maintain sleep, can torment your nights, resulting in restless tossing and turning. Conversely, excessive sleeping may prevail, with hours slipping away in prolonged slumber, an avoidance tactic to confronting the day. These marked shifts in sleep patterns exacerbate your sense of fatigue, fostering a detrimental cycle of despair and frustration.

Inadequate rest impairs your ability to cope, intensifying emotional distress and perpetuating the cycle of exhaustion. Unveiling the Root Cause of “Laziness”: If you find yourself branded as “lazy,” despite knowing it’s not a conscious choice, it could indicate an underlying struggle with severe depression that transcends mere laziness. When depression takes hold, it drains your vitality, motivation, and zest for life. Mundane tasks that once held no challenge now seem insurmountable. Beyond the surface label of laziness lies a complex battle with emotional burdens and weariness.

Many of us have the habit of eating anything after taking proper meals. But if we leave this habit of eating anything, it is going to benefit our health. Many people consume tea or coffee after eating a meal which is very harmful. Here are some things you should never do after eating a meal

Tea coffee – Drinking tea and coffee after having a meal is very good for our health. It should be changed as it causes problems in digestion. This habit is responsible for problems such as anemia, cold hands, and feet, headache, and loss of appetite. One hour before and after the meal, tea and coffee should not be consumed.

Eating fruits – Eating fruits right after a meal is also bad for your health. If your stomach is full and you start eating fruits, then you will face problems in digesting these fruits. Due to this, you will not be able to get full nutrition of fruits.

Drinking chilled water – Many of us have a habit of drinking chilled water with meals or after meals. But this should not be done. Drinking cold water after meals causes food to become a herd, this slows the digestion mechanism, and the body finds it hard to digest food properly. You should drink lukewarm water or room temperature water after 45 minutes of eating a meal.

Smoking – Smoking is injurious to health. Smoking right after eating food is much more harmful to our bodies. This may cause irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) that can further lead to ulcers.

Alcohol – Drinking alcohol immediately after eating is dangerous. It also affects the process of digestion. It is very harmful to the body as well as the intestine.

Taking a bath – Don’t take a bath immediately after eating. Taking a bath right after eating causes a sharp decline in body temperature which affects the blood circulation in the body. Thus blood will no longer be able to help in digestion and will only be able to maintain skin body temperature.

Optical Illusion for Testing Your IQ: You must have seen many types of optical illusions like physical, physiological, and cognitive illusions. An optical illusion is a mind-bending, deeply fascinating, shape-shifting image of an object or drawing, or people that challenge the brain’s way of perceiving things. Studies reveal that optical illusions are also a part of the field of psychoanalysis that throws light on how you perceive things. In a normal brain, a human can look at things or images differently forming a different perception from each angle.  One such clever illustration can be seen in the image where an owl is hiding somewhere inside the Jungle.

The above image is a picture of a Jungle where an owl is hiding somewhere inside the forest. In the Jungle, there are a lot of trees with fewer leafy branches. The owl is clever and is hiding very intelligently inside the jungle. The illusion challenges the viewers by asking Can you see the owl?”. It has been claimed that only 2% of people can find the hidden owl in this image. This optical illusion image is just another fun way to test your IQ. However, taking an actual IQ test is a good way of knowing your IQ level.


Did you spot the owl in 25 seconds?

If you are finding it difficult to spot the hidden owl, then we are here to help you find the owl in the Jungle. You need to look closely at the trees in the Jungle very carefully. The owl is hiding inside the trunk of the second left tree.

For your ease, we have highlighted the owl in the image given below:


The image has left thousands of adults scratching their heads as they try to spot the owl hidden in the Jungle. Studies show that the more you exercise your brain with difficult puzzles, the smarter you tend to be. Optical illusions always give some fascinating insight into how our brains work. Specific combinations of color, light, and patterns can trick our brains into visually perceiving something that isn’t there. So tell us, did you spot the owl hidden inside this optical illusion image?