


The human brain is divided into two halves: the left and right hemispheres. These two sides work independently yet together to shape our thoughts and perceptions.

The side of the brain that is dominant or active at any particular time influences our mental processes and personality traits. It’s an enthralling dance in which both hemispheres shape our cognition and viewpoint.

Here’s an interesting “What Did You See First” exam to help you understand the concept better. Give it a go!

elephant or villagePinterest

If you saw the elephant first

Your devotion to friends and other connections knows no limitations, and you are an excellent listener, always willing to lend an ear or lend a helpful hand. Your personality is warm, compassionate, and caring, and your thoughtfulness is noticed.

People are drawn to your generous and compassionate nature. One of your distinguishing characteristics is humility, and your solid assurance is complemented by true modesty.

You frequently ruminate on the past, becoming engrossed in nostalgic ideas. This link to your own history provides you with a unique perspective on life and assists you in navigating your journey with wisdom and grace.

If you saw the village first

You cherish independence and take pride in not being dependent on others. You thrive at managing duties and obstacles on your own, and you regard yourself as generally content and cheerful.

While trust may be difficult for you, you’ve gained the skill to manage your expectations in order to avoid disappointment. You may find it difficult to manage your emotions at times, which may result in occasional difficulties managing your moods.

People think depression is sadness, crying or dressing in black. But people are wrong. Depression is the constant feeling of being numb. You wake up in the morning just to go back to bed again. The constant feeling of being tired. I believe, we are stuck in a really superficial generation where we post one picture on Instagram each day but don’t speak to our friends and close ones for weeks under the excuse of ‘ I was busy ‘. In time, the differences between people have increased. A research proved that every 1 out of 3 people in our generation is depressed and honestly there isn’t one specific reason for it, however, there is one similar outcome and that is loneliness.

There are millions of articles and quotes on all social media forums who talk about depression where almost every depressed person is painted with the colour black and related to a song of Lana Del Ray. But today we are going to break the stereotype image we’ve created for depression. Today we bring to you 11 unbelievable habits of people who suffer from depression.

1-They are talented and expressive beings.

I’m not saying that sadness makes you talented. All I’m saying is depressed people are very expressive when they are given an opportunity and liberty to fully express them self in a particular field. The world has been blessed with some of the most beautiful gems like Jim Carrey, Robin Williams, Bill Hicks. And it breaks my heart to say that they all were soldiers who battled against depression. Maybe it just helps them feel things more deeply and that is exactly what they portray in their works.

2-Thinking is not a choice for them.

Their minds are a messy place. They are constantly swimming in between a pool of thoughts and it just doesn’t stop. No matter what they do.

3-They have a high defence mechanism.

They have really high walls built for themselves which prevents anyone from reaching to them. People with depression can cover up for anything. They are excellent for hiding emotions.

4-They have a sense of purpose.

They question everything and do everything in their control to seek answers. This often leads to anxiety but they feel the need of knowing.

5-They can pull of masks.

They are brilliant at hiding their emotions. That is what depression does to you. It makes you wear a mask; rather it sticks one on your face. The mask stays for so long sometimes that they even forget what the really look like.

6-They cry for help secretly.

We all need a shoulder to cry on once in a while. But for depressed people, their cries for help are very silent. They will never ask for help but they are the ones who need it the most.

7-They have no definite sleeping hours.

They have a very unusual sleeping pattern. Sometimes they stay in bed all days. And sometimes they go on weeks without sleep.

8-They have abandonment issues.

They never trust someone completely when someone tells them that they are here to stay. They are emotionally very insecure.

9-They have their own back.

They solve their own issues without looking up to anyone else for help. They have their own backs.

10-They have weird eating habits.

They can go an entire day without eating but sometimes they won’t be seen without food. It is said that your emotions do have an effect on your eating habits.

11-They are always ready for the worse.

They are prepared for everything. But that doesn’t mean that it hurts any less.

Military diet plan or 3-day diet plan is one of the effective diets to lose 10 pounds in a 3 day. You should consume precisely what is listed, nothing more, absolutely nothing less. It was produced by a military individual in order to lose 10 pounds in a brief time and get in shape quickly.

Anyhow, the diet is safe and can be duplicated after a 4-day break. I worked out each day of the diet, however, I simply made sure not to exaggerate it.

A note about water: it is the only thing you are enabled to drink on this diet plan (besides coffee or tea on the first day if preferred). I advise drinking a minimum of a gallon of water each day. It assists somewhat with the appetite. Not to mention it’s great for you, for body detoxification.

Lose 10 Pounds in 3 Day Military Diet strategy

The 3 Day Military Diet Plan Menu Strategy:

The military diet plan is useful for the health and it could be repeated after a four-day break. here’s a menu plan to assist you to plan your 3 days:


No eating in between meals
No spices aside from salt and pepper

Day 1


1/2 Grapefruit
1 Slice of Toast
2 Tablespoons of Peanut Butter
1 cup Coffee or Tea (with caffeine).


1/2 Cup of Tuna.
1 Slice of Toast.
1 cup Coffee or Tea (with caffeine).


3 ounces of any type of meat.
1 cup of green beans.
1/2 banana.
1 little apple.
1 cup of vanilla ice cream.

DAY 2.


1 egg.
1 slice of toast.
1/2 banana.


1 cup of cottage cheese.
1 hard-boiled egg.
5 saltine crackers.


2 hotdogs (without a bun).
1 cup of broccoli.

1/2 cup of carrots.
1/2 banana.

DAY 3.


5 saltine crackers.
1 piece of cheddar cheese.
1 little apple.


1 tough boiled egg (or cooked nevertheless you like).
1 piece of toast.


1 cup of tuna.
1/2 banana.
1 cup of vanilla ice cream.

After a 3-day diet plan, you can consume your regular meal but, do not exaggerate! In the fourth day, you may eat your routine meal. Then, go back on the 3-day military diet plan. In this method, you’ll be able to lose as much as 40 pounds (18 kg) in a month if you follow this diet properly.

Foods Substitutions For Military Diet Plan:

Hotdog. Dieters can have tofu canines, soy pet dogs, turkey pets, baloney instead of hot dogs. For the vegetarians, you can have lentils or portobello mushrooms.

Tuna. Individuals generally say no for the canned tuna, but it’s amongst the major aspects of the diet plan. To get the best alternative to the tuna, you need to essay: Home cheese, Tofu, Almonds, Chickens.

Grapefruit. You can substitute baking soda for grapefruit for the military diet. You just blend 1/2 tablespoon of baking soda into water and consume it. Half tablespoon of baking soda with water will help you to get the same result as the grapefruit in the military diet strategy.

Peanut Butter. Does not like peanut butter because of its taste or allergic effect. We change the diet to get the exact same impact by Pumpkin Butter, Almond Butter, Soy Butter, Sunflower seed butter or bean dip. This choice can be taken as a fantastic military diet plan alternative for peanut butter.

Coffee. Replacement coffee, you can have green tea. You can have sugar-free hot cocoa made with water.

Banana. You can replace various fruits for a banana. You can have 2 kiwis, 1 cup of papaya, two apricots, grapes, apple sauce.

Meat. For the vegetarians, you can have tofu, beans, and lentils to get the perfect military diet plan replacements.

Green Beans. Lettuce, tomatoes, spinach or any leafy vegetables can be the replacement for green beans.

Broccoli. Greenish vegetables like cauliflower, brussels sprouts, spinach, and asparagus.

Carrot. Squash, beets, parsnip, bell pepper and celery can be taken beside carrot.

Egg. We can replace eggs for one cup of milk, 2 slices of bacon, one chicken wing or 1/4 cup of nuts. Peanuts and almond butter will be the options here for the vegetarians.

Cheddar Cheese. Ham, cottage cheese and eggs are the best alternatives for cheddar cheese. And if you’re a vegetarian then choose soy milk, cabbage, and tofu.

Home Cheese. Eggs, ham, ricotta cheese, cheddar cheese, plain Greek yogurt can be used for military diet alternative instead of home cheese. Tofu and almond butter will be a good alternative for the vegetarians.

Apple. Pears, dry apricots, peaches, plums can be a good replacement for an apple. As well, carrot can be another option.

Saltine Crackers. Rice cake matched as an ideal alternative but you must ensure that the calories remain the very same.

Ice cream. Replacement ice-cream, you can have apple juice or fruit-flavored yogurt. One cup of fruit-flavored yogurt will be an ideal match for changing ice cream.

Military diet or 3-day diet is one of the effective diets to lose 10 pounds in a 3 day. I worked out each day of the diet plan, but I simply made sure not to overdo it. A note about water: it is the only thing you are enabled to drink on this diet plan (other than coffee or tea on day one if preferred). After a 3-day diet plan, you can eat your habitual meal however, do not exaggerate! Go back on the 3-day military diet.

Reducing the fat in the abdominal area is always challenging, and it is very difficult to control. Despite a healthy diet, it requires regular exercise in order to be burnt and eliminated.

Abdominal or visceral fat elevates the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease, as well as various other health issues.

However, start doing the following 7 every morning, and you will be amazed by the results:

Heavy Side Bend

In a standing position, with the hands up, holding a dumbbell, and bend on one of the sides. Hold for a few seconds, and repeat on the other side. Do 10 repetitions.

Stand with the feet straight and together, bend down, and try to touch the feet with the hands. Repeat 10 times.

Mountain Climber

Start in a push-up position, and jump on each leg interchangeably, raising the knees near the chest.

Lay down with the arms extended behind the head, and the feet close together, with the feet pointing upward. Raise the legs while lifting the entire body off the floor in an attempt to reach for the toes. Hold for a few seconds and return to the starting position.


Lay down on the floor, the hands behind the head, and raise the legs in an angle of 90 degrees. Move them like riding a bike, rotating the entire body.

Plank Knee to Elbow

Lay down with the face towards the floor, the legs extended, in a plank position, with a tight core. Bring the left knee to the right elbow, hold, and return to the initial position. Do 10 repetitions on each side.


Start in a push-up position, with the elbows at an angle of 90 degrees, and hold as much as possible.

Here are some additional tips to accelerate the fat loss in the belly area:

Consume foods rich in soluble fiber

Avoid alcohol

Lower your stress levels

Avoid the consumption of sugary foods

Limit the intake of carbs, especially refined carbs

Make sure you get plenty of restful sleep every night

take probiotic supplements or consume foods that contain probiotics

Increase the intake of fatty fish

Avoid foods that contain trans fat

Use the weight loss benefits of apple cider vinegar

Make sure your diet is rich in protein

Avoid sugar-sweetened beverages

Avoid fruit juice

Drink green tea during the day

Use coconut oil instead of cooking fats

Try Resistance Training (Lift Weights)

Try intermittent fasting

When you get up, you have a lot of options for your first meal, which actually means how will you start your day. You can have a heavy breakfast or a light one but full with nutrients. If you chose the second option then we have a suggestion for you. It’s a healthy breakfast and also one of the tastiest that you will ever prepare. It has the power to improve the condition of your hair and skin, to boost your metabolism, and enhance your overall health condition.

It will clean your body from toxins and improve the functioning of the organism. This breakfast can also burn fat and make you lose the extra pounds that you have.

Anyone who has tried this breakfast recipe guarantee that if you consume it for   whole month you can lose up to 11 pounds thanks to it. Besides that, you will also see huge improvements on your hair and skin quality .

What you need for this healthy fat burning breakfast:

  • 2 tbsps. oatmeal
  • 5-7 fleshy plums
  • 1 cup or 250ml organic kefir
  • 1 tsp. cocoa powder
  • 1 tsp. milled flaxseed

What you do:

For start, you should prepare the breakfast in the evening, because you want it prepared in the morning.

The preparation of the breakfast starts with pouring the water over the plums. Then you should cover the dish with the plums. Then you should continue with the preparation of the oatmeal, cocoa and flaxseeds mixture. When you mix these three ingredients add the kefir into the mixture.

Next thing is to slice the plums in which you added water, and put them into the mixture from the other 4 ingredients that you have already prepared. By doing that you should know that you are done with the preparation of your breakfast. Just put it in the fridge.

When you get up, eat the whole breakfast and you will see how delicious it is, and after two weeks, how effective it is.

A few scientific studies conducted not while ago have shown that lemon water or lemon have the ability to boost and enhance the process of fat burning.

That’s why many people believe that a lemon diet should provide great results and they are right.

If you want to experience the positive effects and drop extra weight, you must check this unique lemon diet. Thanks to lemon diet you will be able to lose weight very fast. Some people can lose up to 1 kg per day.

Some doctors and scientists use the term The Lemon Cleansing to describe this diet. The reason is simple – this diet removes the dangerous toxins that tend to accumulate in the human body over some period of time.

The lemon diet can also speed up the metabolism and strengthen immunity. Once you are finished with it, you will definitely feel reenergized and rejuvenated.

It is also good to mention that some people call this diet – “Beyonce’s diet” due to the fact that the popular celebrity practiced this diet to eliminate more than 35 kg after she gave birth to a healthy baby.

Lemon Diet – Recipe


  • Lemon juice (made from six lemons)
  • Eight cups of water
  • 3-4 ice cubes
  • Half a cup of organic honey
  • 8-10 mint leaves.


Place the water in a large clean bowl and let it heat on low heat. Keep in mind that you must warm it a little bit. Don’t make it too hot or boil it. It is ideal to bring it to 60 degrees or slightly less. After that, you must pour the rest of the ingredients in the warmed water. Next, stir the mixture for 2-3 minutes and remove the mixture. Once it gets cold, you must store in the fridge and wait for 4-5 hours. Next, use a filter to strain this mixture and consume whenever you are prepared.


How to Use This Fantastic Remedy?

Before we share the details, we must point out that you should place one ice cube in every cup of this drink. Our body requires additional energy to warm up the cold beverages and foods we consume which means spending more energy.

You must consume one glass of this lemon-based beverage on an empty stomach in the morning. After that, you must eat fruit salad for breakfast. The second glass of this beverage must be consumed at 11 am along with almonds (natural snack).

Take a boiled egg and lettuce salad for lunch. Use apple cider vinegar and olive oil to spice up the salad. These oils support weight loss. At exactly 4 pm, you must consume another glass of lemon beverage and consume more fruit. When it comes to dinner, you must choose between chicken or grilled fish and a small amount of salad (seasoned if possible).

About two hours before bedtime, you must drink the last glass of this incredible potion. However, in case you are interested in detoxification of the body and not about losing weight, then you must drink the whole lemon drink throughout the day. Keep doing this for 5 to 7 days and stay away from processed, refined and other potentially dangerous foods.

Don’t waste your time; begin with the lemon diet for losing weight right away and you can enjoy the results after a week. This is a simple and safe way to lose weight and cleanse the body. Make sure to share it with your friends and family.

These days, problems with absorption are quite common. This primarily occurs because of the hectic lifestyle, and as a result, the great majority have poor eating habits, spend a significant amount of time sitting still, and don’t practice often. As a result, they deal with the negative consequences of blockage and gas every day. It is realized that daily entrail purging is necessary. Nevertheless, blockage happens constantly, and the interior cannot be used up. Many factors, including medical issues like stress or irritable bowel syndrome, can cause obstruction.


Additionally, eating habits are important in relation to stomach-related health. The stomach-related structure often guarantees results because of the eating schedule. If the stomach-related framework is compromised, the body is unable to absorb the necessary vitamins, which can lead to a collapse in our basic health. Poisons build up in the body when the intestine isn’t being discharged, which can be disastrous for health. Accordingly, it’s critical to consume balanced, healthy food and engage in a full-body detox twice a year, at the very least. There is a straightforward and recognizable way to cleanse your body.


Fixings: 150 gr of plums, 150 gr. of dates, some bubbling water. 

Guidelines: Firstly, you should heat up the water in a pot and after that, when the water achieves breaking point, include the plums and the dates. Next, you should stew the blend for 15 minutes, at that point expel it from the warmth and let it chill off. You ought to ingest one tablespoon of this blend every morning on a vacant stomach. You will see results right away.

If you’re one of those people who don’t have enough time to work out or you’re just too lazy to do it, we have the perfect solution for you! The following exercises will help you slim down and tone your legs without spending hours at the gym. All you’re going to need is 3 minutes before going to bed!

Here are the 3-minute exercises that will slim down your legs:

1. Squats

A deep squat will give you incredible results. Try to squat and get your butt to go below your knee. It can be a bit difficult and it will be all worth it.

This exercise activates your glutes, makes your lower body more flexible and your ligaments stronger. Do 10 reps.

2. High knee


This exercise will activate both your calf and core muscles. It will help you speed up your metabolism and help you stay more balanced.

Stand up straight. Raise your right leg and pull your knee into your chest. Hold it for a few seconds. Put your leg down and repeat with your left leg. Keep your back straight while doing the exercise. Do 10 reps.

3. Oblique leg raises

This exercise activates a lot of muscles and can help you become stronger. Don’t forget to keep your body in a straight line. Raise your leg at a 45 degree angle and then bring it down slowly. Do 10 reps.

4. Inner thigh lifts

This exercise will definitely help you tone your legs. Lie down on your right side, with the bottom leg stretched out. Cross the upper leg over and place your foot on the ground. Do not move your upper body! Raise the leg below while exhaling and then bring it back to starting position. Do 10 reps.

Learn to Lose 40 Pounds In Just 1 Month With This Extreme Fat Burn Recipe! Losing weight is difficult for a lot of people, with that said, eating the right foods and exercising will guarantee your success. The drink below can be added to a low-calorie diet for optimal results.

Lose 40 Pounds In Just 1 Month With This Biggest Fat Burn Recipe!

Ingredients you will need:

  • Juice from 1 lemon
  • Chia seeds (1 tablespoon)
  • Honey (1 tablespoon)
  • Water (1 ½ glasses)

How to prepare

First, soak the seeds of chia for about an hour. When they absorbed the water, they will look like gel pellets because of the fiber they contain.

Strain it.

Now mix the seeds with 1 ½ glass of water also as the lemon juice of one squeezed lemon. Also add in 1 spoon of honey in the glass of water.

Place the constituents into a blender and mix until you get a homogenous mixture. And that’s all your mighty fat burning drink is ready to use.

EVER wondered which one of your friends or loved ones was a big dreamer like you or is completely selfless?

Well, you can simply show them an image and the answer will be obvious.

What do you see in this optical illusion?

What do you see in this optical illusion?Credit: YouTube/BRIGHT SIDE

Optical illusions are meant to test people’s insight and they can often reveal personality traits.

In this particular image shared by the YouTube channel BRIGHT SIDE, what do you see?

Take a moment to look closely.

If you saw a face with eyes closed first, you usually care about others more than you do about yourself.



Optical illusion tests you to spot 3 images, what you see first is your dream job

You are considered the epitome of selflessness.

But if you saw a person on a hill with a tree, you’re a big dreamer and always believe the best is yet to come.

You are optimistic most of the time.

Following the image being shared on social media, over 12,000 people took to the test to see who they were.


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My mom is 66 and has had no Botox – she swears her go-to has kept her skin young

A few users even shared their results in the comment section.

One woman proudly wrote: “I usually care about others more than myself.”

“Yes, I care a lot about people and I think everything and every one is unique and interesting,” a second one added.

And a third commented: “According to this, I care about other people more than myself. The complete opposite of me.”

However, a few others felt like the image got their personality wrong.



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One person shared: “This incorrectly assumed what I’m like.”

“I am the complete opposite of everything,” said a second.