


Moles are quite common, they occur when the cells in the skin grow in a cluster. They also can change the color after exposure to the sun or post-pregnancy. Though most moles are not dangerous, their appearance can make you slightly self-conscious. So if you want to get rid of the moles on your skin, you can consult a professional and undergo surgery to remove it. Otherwise, you can also opt for some home remedies to remove the unsightly moles on your body. Here are some of the simple yet effective home remedies that will lessen the size, color, and appearance of your moles and help you get rid of unwanted moles on your body.

1. Use apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a miracle in a bottle that you will find in your kitchen cabinet. Apple cider vinegar is great for weight loss, but did you know it is one of the most common products used for mole removal? The acids in the apple cider vinegar such as malic acid and tartaric acid will work together to dissolve the mole on your skin and completely remove it from the surface. All you need to do is grab a Q-tip and swap a little apple cider vinegar on the area. 

2. Use crushed garlic

It is said that garlic can also be useful when it comes to mole removal. To use garlic to remove moles from your body, crush some fresh garlic to make a paste. Now apply this fresh batch of garlic paste directly on the mole. But avoid the area around the mole, otherwise, your skin will get irritated. Cover the garlic-applied area with a bandage for a few hours. You can also leave it overnight.  The garlic enzymes will break down the cell clusters, and help them to spread out evenly, but this method of mole removal is said to work in five days.

3. Use iodine

Iodine is a good option for people with more sensitive skin, as it won’t burn like garlic or apple cider vinegar. While purchasing the topical iodine product, make sure that it only contains 5 percent iodine. Apply the iodine directly to the mole using a Q-tip, up to three times a day. Continue to do this every day, until you see a noticeable improvement in the mole’s appearance.

4. Use castor oil and baking soda

Castor oil and baking soda when used together can work well on the moles. Take one tablespoon of baking soda and two tablespoons of castor oil and mix them well to form a paste. Now apply this paste directly onto your mole and lead it for several hours. You can also leave it overnight before washing it off.


5. Use honey and flax seed oil

Honey is known for its anti-bacterial and healing properties. To use honey for the mole removal treatment,  use honey with a little bit of flax seed oil. Mix a little bit of honey and flaxseed oil and apply it onto the mole of your skin.  This paste can get rid of all your moles and warts.

6. Use sour apple juice

Sour apple juice also works well for mole removal treatment. All you need to do is juice some sour cooking apples and apply it directly onto your moles. You can also get it from any local retailer. This will work the same way apple cider vinegar works on moles to dissolve them. But this method will take longer to show results. You will be able to notice the changes only after three weeks. This method will leave little or no scar on your skin.

7. Use pineapple and coarse sea salt

Blend half a cup of fresh pineapple with a quarter cup of coarse sea salt. After blending it you will get a scrub-like consistency. Apply this pineapple and sea salt scrub onto the area. It will help remove the top layer of the skin from the mole.

8. Use onion juice

Using onion juice can also help you to get rid of moles. Peel the onion, chop them into small cubes, and then extract the juice. Now apply this freshly extracted onion juice with the help of a Q-tip directly onto the mole. Do this on a regular intervals and soon you will get rid of moles from your body.

9. Use tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is known for its antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal and antiseptic properties, but did you know it also works as a mole remover? Yes, tea tree oil can get rid of even malignant moles and the ones that are deeply embedded in your. Undiluted tea tree oil when applied twice a day will help you to get rid of unwanted moles. Depending on the size of the mole on your skin, tea tree oil can take a couple of weeks to get rid of it completely. 

You have to remember that while using these home remedies you should be very careful since all the ingredients that are used in the mole removal treatments are acidic, so it can burn your skin. Also if you have sensitive skin make sure that you do not let the ingredients be in contact with your skin for a long period, otherwise your skin will get irritated.

All the above-mentioned home remedies will not be as effective as surgical method and will also take a considerable amount of time to show results. Tell us which one worked for you the best in our comment section below.

Obesity is turning out to be one of the major problems of the world. Now, how will you understand how obesity is setting in? One of the classic signs of obesity is belly paunch. Now, having a belly paunch is quite normal and it does not always mean that a person is obese. However, it looks bad on a generally fit body and we would all love to get rid of it.

The thing is, removing belly paunch is a really hard task. You can take a lot of measures, but it is only by proper exercise and diet that you can make a change in your belly paunch size. Here are some of the ways in which you can bring a change in it. If you have these juices every day before sleeping, you might start seeing startling results in your belly fat reduction:

1. Cucumber Juice

Add some cucumbers in the blender and blend it. For taste, a bit of ginger and a dash of lemon juice will go perfectly. It’s inexpensive and will give you immense benefits by reducing your weight and keeping you healthy with antioxidants.
2. Cucumber and Lemon Juice

Lemon juice burns weight fast and effectively. If can add a few drops of lemon juice in your water and have it about 4 times every day, then you can see immense benefits immediately. Combining it with cucumber juice will just speed up the process of weight loss.
3. Cilantro and Cucumber Juice

Detoxify your body with the cilantro and cucumber juice. It will eliminate accumulated toxins in the body and will load it up with healthy antioxidants. Plus, once the toxins are removed, the metabolism rate rises and you get to lose weight fast.
4. Ginger Tea

Ginger has substances like gingerol which has immense healthy benefits. Not only does it warm your body and aid in metabolism, but this substance has the ability to melt your stomach fat instantly.
5. Dandelion Tea

If you want to jumpstart your metabolism and make sure that the digestive system works the right way, then Dandelion Tea is the way to go. You will not have extra water stored in your body and you can bid adieu to bloating. Just drink this concoction and see your digestion boost up.
6. Green Tea
The body loves green tea. It relaxes you immensely and helps you to fall asleep. The relaxant will make give your metabolism a boost and help you strengthenthe immune system.
7. Pineapple Juice

Not only is it delicious, but pineapple juice is also fat free. You can have it warm and cold, however you want. In your fat loss routine, you need some tasty stuff and this is the thing for you.

Excess fat around the underarm and breast side areas can be a source of frustration for many people. While spot reduction of fat is not possible, exercising these areas can help to tone and strengthen the muscles, which can lead to a reduction in the appearance of underarm and breast side fat. Incorporating targeted exercises into your fitness routine can be an effective way to address these problem areas.

In addition to exercise, maintaining a healthy diet and engaging in regular physical activity is important for overall health and fitness. Combining these lifestyle factors with targeted exercises can help to reduce excess fat in these areas and improve overall body composition. Here are five exercises that can help to tone and strengthen the chest, back, and arms, which can lead to a reduction in underarm and breast side fat.

It’s important to note that no exercise or diet can specifically target fat loss in a specific area of the body. Fat loss occurs throughout the body as a result of creating a calorie deficit through a combination of exercise and diet. However, targeted exercises can help to build and tone the muscles in these areas, which can lead to a reduction in the appearance of excess fat. With that in mind, let’s take a look at some effective exercises that can help to reduce underarm and breast side fat.

5 Exercises to Tone Your Underarm and “Side Boob” Area

Many women find it difficult to lose fat in the sideboob area and the saggy parts of the arms. We have 5 exercises for women that will help to lose unwanted fat of those problematic areas and will tone the arms and chest muscles easily (the best compression leggings for this exercises you can find here.)  So here we go:

Chest Press

Lie on a bench or a yoga ball with a dumbbell in each hand and keep your legs flat and straight. Push the dumbbells up so your arms will be directly over your shoulders and palms. Then, lower the dumbbell down and a little to the side until your elbows are in line with your shoulders. Do 8-10 reps.

Staggered Push-Ups

Put yourself in push-up position and place your hands a little bit apart from lining with your shoulders with one being higher than the other. Start the moves by flexing your elbows and lowering your torso to the ground. Pause at the bottom of the motion and then extend to return to the beginning position. Do 3×10 reps.

Doctors and health experts are constantly emphasizing the importance of regular exercise, as a great way to improve overall health and prevent all kinds of ailments and disease.

Apparently, walking is one of the most beneficial activities you can practice, since only a 15-minutes daily walk can add 7 years to life, and lower the risk of coronary artery disease, heart attack, cardiac death, and strokes.

Ann Green, M.S., past heptathlon world athlete, yoga teacher and fitness studio owner, claims that there are multiple reasons to walk for exercise, since:

“Walking improves fitness, cardiac health, alleviates depression and fatigue, improves mood, creates less stress on joints and reduces pain, can prevent weight gain, reduce the risk for cancer and chronic disease, improve endurance, circulation, and posture, and the list goes on…”

Walking offers much more health benefits, and these are the most important ones:

— Lower blood pressure- Moderate intensity walking lowers blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart disease

— Prevents diabetes- Walking for at least 30 minutes daily lowers diabetes by 30% and burns the dangerous belly fat

— Improves mood- It boosts mood, and boosts attentiveness and self-confidence

— Relieves pain and improves mobility- Walking alleviates joint and muscle pain and improves mobility in the case of peripheral artery disease (PAD)

— Lowers cancer risk- Studies have found that women who walk for at least 7 hours weekly reduce their breast cancer risk by 14%, while men who walk for at least 3 hours weekly reduce the risk of the recurrence of prostate cancer

— Improves cognitive performance- Walking positively affects the cognitive performance in children and adults

In order to get the most out of walking, you should follow these tips:

Always wear comfortable shoes with flexible solesTake small, but fast steps to burn more calories; you should also try an incline walkMake sure your body is in a correct posture, with the chin parallel to the ground, the shoulders down, back, and away from the earsYou should also swing the arms

There is always a chance to walk more during the day. You can walk your dog in the afternoon or in the morning, walk with a friend, take a quick walk during the lunch break, take the stairs instead of the elevator, and even try “walk and talk” meetings at work. Also, always park your car further than your destination, and walk to get there.

According to John Ford, certified exercise physiologist, who runs JKF Fitness & Health in New York City:

“Walking is a really good form of exercise and can help you reach your fitness and weight-loss goals. As a lifelong track athlete, who has marveled at race walkers, I don’t scoff at walking. In fact, walking is the suggested workout over running for many people.

For example, those with knee, ankle and back problems and also for people who are overweight to obese. Walking is a lower impact exercise and can be done for longer periods of time.”

Walking offers a myriad of benefits to people of all ages. It will help you relax the mind, prevent various health issues, and get into shape. Therefore, start today, and reap all these benefits!

Now and then you truly need to feel extraordinary in your body for that uncommon event: hitting the shoreline, seeing that old companion, or fitting that one dress. There are a great deal of alternatives accessible that will help you rapidly detox your body, consume fat or wipe out swelling and water maintenance.

The most significant point is to begin NOW. You can do it!

10 pounds in seven days

In any case, paying little mind to how much weight you need to lose, and how rapidly you need to lose it, the essential standards of changeless weight reduction continue as before:

Eat Clean and Low Carb

Do powerful HIITT exercises 3-5 times each week

Use focused on activities to condition a particular territory (like thigh fat activities ) where you have collected overabundance fat.

There are anyway some incredible hacks that can rev up that underlying weight reduction. The accompanying ten hints can’t just assistance you get more fit, however will likewise ensure you keep it off for good.

Step by step instructions to Lose 10 Pounds In 1 Week

1. Drink Lemon Water Each Morning 

Lemon water is eminent for assisting with weight reduction. It accelerates the digestion and gets your body started up throughout the afternoon and prepared to consume off fat!

A lemon drink is an extraordinary lift to your digestion. You should mix three teaspoons of crisply crushed lemon juice into a glass of water. This should then be smashed when you wake, before you have whatever else to eat or drink. This beverage is extremely successful at expelling poisons from your body and will likewise purge your liver.

Ninja tip: an extraordinary option in contrast to lemon juice is Grapefruit Essential Oil, as Dr. Hatchet clarifies here:

2. Eat The Right Foods For Breakfast

So as to shed 10 pounds in 7 days, you have to eat the correct dinners for breakfast. Attempt these solid choices that are intended to enable you to shed pounds rapidly.

Having the correct breakfast can set you up for the remainder of the day. A mix of foods grown from the ground is regularly the best decision. Stay with citrus natural products, for example, oranges and grapefruit, and blend it up with certain apples.

On the off chance that you find that you are as yet feeling hungry after you have eaten your natural product, at that point eat a few almonds or hazelnuts that will give you the great kind of fat.

Ninja Tip: Make smoothies joining your preferred products of the soil, and you end up with a fantastic yet super thinning decision!

3. Your Lunch Should Be Full Of Healthy Fats and Protein 

Precisely what to have for lunch on the off chance that you need to shed 10 pounds in a single week. These dinner alternatives are flawless to enable you to shed pounds rapidly.

Settle on eggs wherever conceivable as this will give you the protein that you need. Greek yogurt, coconut and avocadoes can likewise include some incredible protein and fats to your dinners. Having a lunch that is loaded with fat and protein can keep you full for no less than four hours, which will oversee you to the center of the evening.

Ninja Tip: make heavenly tidbits like “Fat Bombs” that keep up you as the day progressed. I’m dependent on a ketogenic truffle made of natural additional virgin coconut oil and crude cacao powder:

4. Solid Snacking Is OK 

There will most likely come a point amid the center of the evening where you end up getting eager. A nibble now is a smart thought since it can stop you gorging at supper. For whatever length of time that you guarantee that the tidbit is solid, at that point this won’t hinder your weight reduction, it can really expand it. A ketogenic fat bomb like I referenced before is an incredible model.

Ninja Tip: If you don’t have sufficient energy to set up your tidbits, ensure you don’t fall into the speedy shoddy nourishment trap. Be set up by continually conveying some superfood bars in your sack, similar to these flavorful without gluten coconut bars with chia seeds by Health Warriors!

5. Try not to Eat Dinner Too Late 

You have to give your body time to process your supper appropriately before you hit the sack, and consequently it should be eaten before 6pm, or as near this time as would be prudent. You ought to dependably leave something like an hour prior to eating and hitting the hay.

Ninja Tip: Stock up on a characteristic assimilation tea to relieve your guts and invigorate your digestion – tasting dandelion root tea has turned out to be one of my preferred calm down ceremonies before sleep time.

6. A Simple Dinner Is Adequate 


Having some type of protein for your supper, for example, eggs with a plate of mixed greens is all that is required to furnish you with the supplements that you requirement for the day’s end. In the event that you will have a dressing on your plate of mixed greens, ensure that it is oil based and avoid any dressing that contains cream.

7. Begin Drinking Green Tea 

green tea weightloss

This is a standout amongst the best things that you can drink when you need to accelerate your digestion and shed pounds. After supper is the perfect time to drink it as you won’t have whatever else to eat which would supplant the calories that you are losing. It arrives in an assortment of flavors so you should discover one that you appreciate drinking. I incline toward the natural full leaf tea by Numi.

8. Every single Other Drink Should Be Water Based 

Solid Drinks

Water itself is the best decision, however avoid falsely seasoned water as this frequently contains high measures of sugar. As an option, go for these simple to-make natural product injected waters. On the off chance that you are drinking tea and espresso, at that point simply watch out for the measure of milk that you are including, as the calories in this can before long begin to include. On the off chance that you as a rule have sugar in your tea or espresso, at that point attempt and utilize a non-harmful sugar rather, similar to stevia or xylitol.

9. Exercise At Least Twice A Week 

negligible exercise for occupied individuals

These exercises ought to be moderate obstruction as this will enable you to develop your bulk. There are various exercise designs that you can do at home, so you don’t really need to join a rec center. You can make considerable progress with only a little measure of activity. You will likewise locate various tips online for expanding the measure of activity you can get by simply rolling out basic improvements to your day by day schedule.

10. Allow Yourself A Day Off 

chocolate dessert

On the off chance that you are continually denying yourself of your preferred sustenances, at that point you are going to think that its difficult to adhere to your eating routine for any genuine time allotment. Permitting yourself one day seven days where you can eat this nourishment can stop these sentiments of hardship. It can likewise keep your digestion high, as after some time it might moderate in the event that you become used to eating less calories.

Ninja tip: Just pursue this!

Notwithstanding when you realize what to do, here and there it’s difficult to really finish. In the event that you know this about yourself, it may be useful to have something to direct you consistently.

The 7-Day Flat-Belly Tea Cleanse

This Tea Cleanse will kick off your digestion, actuate your fat-consuming hormones, and bring balance, rationally and physicially. It has been created from sustenance columnist Kelly Choi and the creators of Eat This Not That.

In multi week, you will

  • lose as much as 10 pounds of tummy fat
  • feel lean and light, without exercise
  • reset your digestion for dependable weight reduction
  • improve your rest
  • lessen your danger of diabetes and coronary illness
  • beat pressure and feel quiet and vivacious

On the off chance that you incline toward an organized program to hit your objective in seven days, get the Kindle form on Amazon directly here.

On the off chance that you have a go at adhering to this daily practice for multi week, you might be astonished at the measure of weight that you have lost. Also, on the off chance that you keep on following this arrangement, you should keep on getting in shape.

One of the easiest and most effective exercises that many people enjoy is walking. Everything depends on your way of walking. The most amazing fact is that you can lose even 20 pounds just by walking, without undergoing diets or going to the gym!

Walking makes your health better and shapes your muscles at the same time, but you are also losing weight!In this article, we’ve decided to present you several useful exercises that will improve your walking, but also help you lose more weight!


  •  Your weight and the place where you walk are the main things that can contribute towards the number of burned calories. If you are walking with average speed of 4 miles per hour you will burn around 400 calories in only one hour.
  • This means that instead of walking only 4 miles a day, you can walk 3 more miles and thus burn 300 more calories that day. Choose to walk shorter distances, just as long as you adapt it with your schedule. You can also buy a pedometer! It will definitely help you burn more calories when walking and implementing your everyday plan.


  • Buy a pedometer or a wristband if you want to lower your weight with walking. It will help you monitor your daily exercises. Your chances in achieving your desired results will be increased instantly.
  • The pedometer should stand close to your hip area. It does not weight so much and it also has a lot of advantages. It actually tells you how much steps you take a day.
  • You will know how many more you need for burning extra calories if you know how many miles you are walking in one day. If you want to see progress in the number on the scale you will know if you need to cover the longer distance through the day.
  • The number of steps that you need to add to your daily routine is only a matter of mathematical problem if your daily routine consists of 8,000 steps and you still have no change in body weight.


Most people who have decided to take up walking need to have 2000 steps in one mile so that they can burn calories and lose weight. In one mile you can burn 100 calories. The pedometer will check your steps, recording how many calories are burnt or how many miles have been walked that day. You don’t need additional working out. You just need some extra steps in your daily routine.

  1. 1 Mile = 2.000 steps and 100 calories burned
  2. Losing 1 Pound of weight weekly = 500 calories daily
  3. 1 Pound – 3.500 calories
  4. You need 10.000 steps on a daily basis so that you can lose 1 pound in a week
  5. You can, in fact, adapt to your walking when you have a busy day but only if 10.000 steps seem way too much.
  6. Start slowly and lose less weight. Then raise the number of steps to 10.000.

Here are some of them:

  • Avoid using the bus, you can walk to your home or work, or you just get off the bus on the halfway of your destination.
  • Don’t park your car in the same place where you usually park, move it somewhere far away and do more walking.
  • You can walk to the station and forget about taking a taxi or a bus
  • Do not use the elevator, take the stairs.
  • Walk your children to school.
  • In case you bought a modern pedometer, check the number of pounds you lost or how many calories you have burned.
  • That way you’ll have a clear picture of what you have accomplished with your walks.


  • If you are using the same track every day, it will become a very dull routine. Often change the track and your habits.
  • Walk in different places, parks, neighborhoods, or listen to the music you like; it will motivate you and give you more energy to finish what you already started.
  • The cold weather during the winter must not be an obstacle for you. If you can buy a treadmill you can watch your favorite TV show or movie while exercising.
  • Invite your friends to join you in your walks. They may walk with you once or twice a week, but they will still inspire new things in your daily walking routine.
  • Even if you have a will, the same walking routine could be very frustrating and you should avoid doing so.
  • Change your routines and make it as interesting as you can.


  • Many people have less desire for walking because of their habits or routines.
  • Try to focus your eyes 100 feet forward, hold your chin up, squeeze your glutes and tighten the abdomen in the same position with your spine if you want to walk for exercise.
  • That will certainly give you the most favorable results from walking.


  • Always consult your doctor first, no matter what you decide to start with. He/she should tell you if you are healthy enough to endure this activity.
  • First, start with walking three days a week for 15-20 minutes. Then, raise the walking routine until you walk 30-60 minutes each day of the week step by step.
  • You’ll find out that it will help you lose weight without any diet and you’ll be very relaxed at the same time!

If you want to remove some extra fat and parasites from your body, you only need to use these two powerful ingredient recipe that will literally melt fat deposits in your body.

According to many experts, stored energy is only body fat. However, the way toward burning body fat is also influenced by other energy reserves. Those energy reserves are glycogen (carbohydrate) and protein (muscle).

In order to alter the way the body uses fats, you need to change the way it uses these deposits of energy

In the case of constant stress, you may crave for food too often, however, this may also be a result of the presence of parasites in the stomach. The consumption of large amounts of sweets creates an environment of mucus that is perfect for the proliferation of parasites. The pfungi and bacteria especially is because of this environment. So the frequent cravings are related to these ugly and undesirable creatures.


  • 100gr linseed
  • 10gr dried cloves


Grind the ingredients into powder.


Every morning, for three days, you should consume 2 tablespoons of the powder with a glass of water, or along with your breakfast.

For best effects, take this remedy for 3 days, make a 3-day break, and repeat the procedure. Do this sequel for at least a month to completely clean your body of parasites.

Take all the necessary vitamins and minerals every day because many of them are involved in the release of energy from food. An appropriate intake gives us the feeling of vitality and desire to participate in numerous different activities and exercises.

Puzzler lovers have been left baffled over a difficult optical illusion that appears at first glance to show a cluster of classic Grecian-style statues. Look a little closer, however, and you’ll spot a living man amid the stone.

This is a particularly tricky puzzle to solve and will require you to pull from your keenest observation skills. Indeed, it’s said that just one per cent of people will be able to spot the living, breathing man in three seconds or under.

As always with this sort of puzzle, divide the picture carefully into different parts, scanning each bit for tell-tale details. Ask yourself if there are any differences between the very similar statues, and go from there.

Did you manage to spot it yet? If not, head back and try again, timing yourself to see how well you do. Remember, solving puzzles is a skill to hone just like any other, and if you haven’t got the swing of it yet, then just keep practicing.

This particular puzzle, which was shared by Jagran Josh, is by no means an easy one and the differences between the statues and the one lone man are very slight. Once you see it, however, it feels perfectly obvious.

As you can now clearly see, the hidden man is checking his wristwatch to check the time, something that his stoney companions just wouldn’t be able to do.

If you managed to spot him in three seconds or under, then you’re likely a highly intelligent person with impressive levels of visual awareness, focus, and concentration.

You’ll also probably be the sort of person who can easily block out unnecessary distractions, making sure to focus all your attention on the important details only.

Nutritionists and health experts alike agree that the boiled egg diet can help you lose up to 24 pounds in just 2 weeks, try it out yourself and you’ll see.

America’s biggest health concern is obesity. It’s not just the obesity but all the health risks that go along, including diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular problems, all of which have fatal consequences.

Losing weight is difficult but it’s something you have to do if you’re overweight or obese because if you don’t you put your health at risk. But how to do it? Well, it requires a well-balanced diet, reducing the calories count and starting some physical activity, these three things are a must if you want to shed the weight. However, you shouldn’t starve yourself either just eliminate the empty calories you ingest through soda drinks, fast foods, sweets and desserts and start consuming more whole grains, fruits and veggies.

If you think you’ve tried just about every diet and nothing seems to work, don’t fall in despair, the boiled egg diet will help you achieve the wanted results in the shortest period of time. If you follow the boiled egg diet you can lose up to 24 pounds in just 2 weeks. The diet is based on eggs which are highly nutritious and super-healthy. The diet is a low-calorie one that gives fast results in a short period of time but it’s not meant for long-lasting results. If you want to have long-lasting results you need to alter your day-to-day diet and adopt a healthier lifestyle.

Our body needs calories for energy and we need a healthy intake of nutrients to function properly. If we strip our body of the nutrients it requires we risk harming our overall health and develop serious health problems.

The diet we recommend in this article is consisted of healthy, whole foods and is mainly based on eggs. Eggs are abundant in a number of healthy nutrients, vitamins and minerals, everything you need. If you replace all the unhealthy food you eat with the ingredients we recommend you’ll lose weight fast and improve your overall health as well.

To give you an example of how healthy eggs are let’s see everything 1 egg contains. In just one egg you’ll find vitamins B2, B12, B5 and A, selenium, iron, calcium, zinc, potassium, folate, manganese and 6gr. of proteins. One egg only has 77 calories but all the important nutrients you need. All of these healthy nutrients are consisted in the yolk, the white is just protein.

Here’s the 2 week boiled egg diet plan:

The eggs should be consumed boiled.



Breakfast: 1 fruit and 2 eggs.
Lunch: 1 fruit and 2 pieces of toast
Dinner: Salad and a piece of chicken.


Breakfast: 1 fruit and 2 eggs
Lunch: a piece of chicken and a bowl of lettuce
Dinner: 1 orange, a bowl of salad and 2 eggs


Breakfast: 1 fruit and 2 eggs
Lunch: 1 slice of bread, 1 tomato and some low-fat cheese
Dinner: a bowl of salad and a piece of chicken


Breakfast: 2 eggs and a piece of fruit
Lunch: 1 fruit
Dinner: steamed chicken and a bowl of salad


Breakfast: 1 fruits and 2 eggs
Lunch: 2 eggs and some steamed veggies
Dinner: fish (barbequed) and a bowl of salad

There are thousands of men and women around the globe involved in different diets. Their primary goal is to lose weight. Blood type diet, vegan diet, 3-hour diet, UN diet and Atkins diet are just some of the popular diets practiced today.There is no doubt that keeping a certain dietary habit is a positive thing, but according to many specialists in this field, the most successful way to drop those extra pounds is to accelerate the metabolism. It turns out that exercises that involved strength and cardio training are the simplest way to speed up the metabolism. In addition, consumption of tea and coffee has also proven to be effective because these drinks are packed with caffeine and this compound supports the work of the central nervous system.

In case you are not fond of physical activity, tea or coffee, you should not be disappointed because you can include certain spices in your meals. Mixing specific natural ingredients with your regular food can speed up the metabolism and ultimately help you get rid of those unwanted pounds.

A scientific study conducted by a team of scientists from the Iranian Medical Science University was focused on determine the effects of the use of certain spices that are usually connected with weight loss. There were more than 40 women in this study and all of them had one thing in common – they were overweight. The participants in this scientific study were separated into two different groups.

All the participants followed a special diet plan for 90 days. In addition, all of them consumed strictly healthy food and have taken up to 500 calories per day. The only difference was that one group has consumed about three grams of cumin (powdered) on a daily basis. They used cumin in yogurt (140 grams of yogurt mixed with three grams of cumin). The other group of women has taken yogurt without cumin.

What the scientists have discovered was really interesting. The groups had different progress when it comes to weight loss and this difference was drastic. The group of women who have taken cumin were able to lose almost 15 pounds more than the group that didn’t take this spice. Besides the better weight loss effects, cumin has also increased fat loss too. The women who used cumin lost almost 15% more fat compared to the other group.

One of the main reasons why this exotic spice is so efficient when it comes to metabolism acceleration is the fact that it is loaded with filosterole. This compound has the ability to block the process of storing cholesterol in the body. This is the reason why it can accelerate the metabolism. If you want to lose weight fast, you can count on cumin.