


Despite its unique taste, garlic is one of the healthiest natural foods on the planet, offering a wide range of health benefits.

It is a powerful natural antibiotic that supports heart health, prevents heart disease and a heart attack, treats colds, flu, fungal infections, diarrhea, and controls diabetes, osteoarthritis, and enlarged prostate. Garlic strengthens the immune system and detoxifies the body.

Moreover, The University of Maryland Medical Center revealed some of its most promising uses as well:

“…garlic is used to help prevent heart disease, including atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries (plaque buildup in the arteries that can block the flow of blood and may lead to heart attack or stroke), high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and to boost the immune system.

Garlic is rich in antioxidants. In your body, harmful particles called free radicals build up as you age, and may contribute to heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Antioxidants like those found in garlic fight off free radicals, and may reduce or even help prevent some of the damage caused over time.”

Note that it is best to use it raw, since heat decentralizes allicin, its active ingredients, chop them, leave them aside for 15 minutes, and then consume them. To reap all its health benefits, consume it on an empty stomach, in order to absorb all its nutrients. 

In a combination with honey, it will optimize your health and boost your energy levels. Just chop  2-3 garlic cloves finely, and then add a tablespoon of honey. Stir well and consume on a daily basis.

Moreover, you must try the following garlic flu tonic:


5 garlic cloves, coarsely chopped

1 tablespoon ginger, chopped

2 red chili peppers, coarsely chopped

1 lemon, juiced

Raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar


Make sure you wear gloves in order to protect your hands from irritations and rashes due to the powerful natural oils of the ingredients.

Then, in a Mason jar, add the chopped garlic on a layer, then, add a layer of the hot peppers, add the ginger, pour the lemon juice over them, and finally, pour the apple cider vinegar. Leave a centimeter of free space from the rim, seal well, and store the jar in the pantry.

Take this natural antibiotic to relieve the symptoms of common colds, flu, and a sore throat.

Although the health benefits of bananas are widely recognized, the peel’s powerful qualities should also not be overlooked. While most of us discard the banana skin after eating it, some nations, like India, use it for decades to reap the nutritional benefits.

Here is how to use the banana peel:


Rub your teeth with the inner side of a banana peel every day for two weeks. Soon you will notice the positive results.



If you have skin warts, this problem can be solved with a banana peel. Not only you will remove them with it, but also you will prevent their appearance in the future. Place a banana peel piece over the wart on your skin and fix it with a bandage. Let it sit overnight. Continue to do this process until you totally remove the wart.



The banana is excellent for total skin care. The reason is the present antioxidants and anti-aging characteristics. Bananas hydrate and nourish the skin. Rub the banana peel on the skin, particularly in the irritated and problematic areas. Let it sit for 30 minutes.



Unfortunately, this skin disease can’t be totally cured with banana peel, but it can soothe the symptoms of psoriasis.



Rub painful spots on your body with a banana peel. It is an excellent analgetic.



You already know that bananas contain potassium. But did you know that a great deal of that potassium is present in banana peel? It can contain around 40% of the potassium.

This mineral is needed if you want to lose weight. It boosts metabolism, so you burn more calories and muscles have enough energy. If you have energy, you can be more active.

However, banana peels contain many other things, such as antioxidants, fiber, B-vitamins, vitamin A.

Fiber is more present in the peel, than in the banana itself. Fiber keeps you full for a longer period.

Now you know that banana peels have some seriously awesome weight-loss benefits. And really, it’s not as strange as it sounds. Give the banana peel recipe below a go and you’ll wonder why the heck you’ve been tossing the skins in the trash your entire life.



  • 4 green banana peels
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric
  • Salt
  • 2 teaspoons coconut oil
  • ½ c black-eyed peas (if using fresh, soak overnight)
  • ½ teaspoon mustard seeds
  • 2 tablespoons unsweetened grated coconut
  • Juice of one lime

1. Chop peels into small pieces and boil in water with turmeric and dash of salt. To prevent sap from sticking to your pot, add a few drops of oil to the water. Bring to a boil, and then simmer until skins are tender. Drain, reserving water for a later use (we like to use it to cook rice or as a base for soup).

2. If using fresh black-eyed peas, boil until tender. If using canned, rinse and drain beans.

3. Heat coconut oil in skillet or frying pan over medium heat. Add mustard seeds and cook until they begin to pop.

Add boiled peels and black-eyed peas, stir, and cook for about 5 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in coconut. Add salt to taste and finish with lime juice. Serve.



Cancer fighting characteristics are more present in ripe bananas and they can help your body create white blood cells.

But if you want to lose weight, green peels are better because they contain more probiotics. Probiotics help your digestive health. Also, it has been shown that green peels increase the levels of serotonin and dopamine.

I know it would be hard for you to eat the peel, but there are some ways you can do that.

For example, make a smoothie. Throw away both ends of the peel and put it in a blender, adding some coconut milk, cinnamon, ice, and any other ingredient you like. If you choose this method, use yellow peels because they have a banana flavor and are sweeter.

The other option for ripe bananas is tea. To prepare the tea, remove the ends and boil the peel in a pot for about 10 minutes. Strain it and enjoy your banana tea. If you want your tea sweeter, add a little honey.

However, green bananas are better for cooking. You can use green banana peels to prepare chutneys or curries, or even use them instead of potatoes. The only thing you need is being creative. Feel free to get creative.

Buy organic bananas and clean them thoroughly before using.

The best thing you can do for your health is replacing the processed butter with homemade organic butter. The butter you buy in grocery stores is packed with pasteurized milk and trans fats. And the home made one is full of vitamin A and is good for your eyes, skins, tissues, membranes and teeth.

The butter you buy in grocery stores is packed with pasteurized milk and trans fats.

The best thing you can do for your health is replacing the processed butter with homemade organic butter.

The butter you buy in grocery stores is packed with pasteurized milk and trans fats. And the home made one is full of vitamin A and is good for your eyes, skins, tissues, membranes and teeth.

How to Make Homemade Butter (Bold Baking Basics)

Prep Time: 10 mins

  • Servings: 2 sticks
  • Author: Gemma Stafford


  • 3 cups (24floz/720ml) heavy cream (high fat content)
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 5 tablespoons Ice water

Many of us are used to go to bed with wet hair. However, this is a big mistake. In fact, sleeping with damp or wet hair can be the culprit of many ailments. This doesn’t mean that we will catch a cold or pneumonia, but trigger other health issues.

When we go to bed with damp or wet hair, the moisture is retained and it can inflame the scalp, causing an annoying itching sensation. Moreover, this can also cause damage to the mane. What’s more, you shouldn’t keep the towel on your head for too long as it has the same effect of retaining moisture.



When the hair is wet, it is more prone to breakage. So, sleeping with wet hair only increases the risk of hair breakage.


Sleeping with wet hair will cause sticky hair. Hence, the hair can be difficult to be entangled. This is especially the case for people with long hair.


As we mentioned before, the wet hair retains the moisture throughout the night. On the other hand, when we sleep, the temperature of the body rises. Thus, there will be a big temperature difference and this will cause headaches.


Sleeping with wet hair can trigger different types of itching. This will happen due to the moisture that is formed in the skin of your head.


Moreover, sleeping with wet hair will wet the pillow and towel, which becomes the perfect breeding place for bacteria. Therefore, it may lead to infections.


Due to the temperature change, sleeping with wet hair may cause muscle pain, severe cramps, and facial paralysis. In some rare cases, it may even lead to paralysis of the whole body and cause death.


When your scalp remains moist for a longer time period, it will interfere with the function of sebaceous glands on the scalp. As a result, these glands will either start to produce more oil or reduce oil production. Moreover, this may disrupt the natural pH balance of the scalp and trigger dandruff or excessive oily scalp.

Therefore, you should avoid sleeping with damp or wet hair and wash your hair during day hours.

A new optical illusion has left people scratching their heads to solve – while there’s no time limit to spot the additional woman hiding within the image, it’s incredibly difficult

While there is no time limit to try and spot the older woman cleverly hidden within the photo, it’s a lot harder than you might think to solve.

Test your brain’s capability and thinking skills by spotting the additional woman hidden within the young girl’s portrait.

At first glance, it may seem practically impossible to see another person within the photograph – but we assure you that there is. You just need to really focus.

Once you find the old woman’s face in the image, it might just blow your mind.

Have you spotted the woman yet? Don’t worry if you haven’t as we’re circled the answer for you below.

Did you manage to spot the old woman? To find her, you need to look at the ribbon around the girl’s neck – this is the smile.

Once you start seeing the ribbon as a smile, you’ll notice that the girl’s dress makes up the chin and jawline.

In addition, the young girl’s cheek and jawline make up the old woman’s large nose.

If you enjoy doing optical illusions and brainteasers, then why don’t you give a few more a try?

If you’ve ever considered whether you have a high IQ then try and spot the giraffe in this photo of the African savanna within seven seconds.

Alternatively, only a true genius has got what it takes to spot the lost wedding invite within 87 seconds within this photo of bridal accessories.

On the other hand, if you’ve ever wondered whether you have laser-sharp focus then try and find the hidden glasses among these tools in 15 seconds.

The size of one’s butt may say a lot about the overall health of a person. It is commonly believed that fat storages anywhere are terrible for the body, but this may not be entirely accurate.

Researchers have known for awhile that where the fat is stored in the body determines the health of the person. Fat storages near the chest or in the trunk of the body are far more dangerous than fat stored in the butt or the hips.

Fat in the hips “…keeps the fatty acids away from the heart, the arteries, and the liver to lower your risk of heart disease and other debilitating problems like diabetes. Since your body is ultimately programmed to decide whether to store the fat in the butt region or the stomach region, it is said that, in women, the hormones that direct and distribute fat are actually doing this to protect the heart by building up the buttocks.” (Source)

It has also been noted that those with slightly bigger backsides may also be more intelligent.

“Results found women with bigger backsides tend to have lower levels of cholesterol and are more likely to produce hormones to metabolize sugar. Having a big butt requires an excess of Omega-3 fats, which have been proven to catalyze brain development.” (Source) In other words, big butts are associated with higher Omega-3s. And Omega-3s are known to promote brain health.

So having a bigger butt than average is not necessarily a bad thing, but there are some things one can do to help remove some excess fat from that area and make the bottom a bit stronger and the body healthier.

Square Derriere

A square-shaped base could mean many things. Maybe the person has a bit of fat around the love handles, or maybe the person exercises but does not have strong glutes. Some simple core exercises or glute exercises are just the things to reduce excess fat around the waist and make the glute muscles nice and strong.

Circle Booty

A circle shape is good and healthy. It also means that there may be some fat storages near the top in the upper part of the glutes. It is easy to remove any extra fat from the bottom if needed.

Heart Shaped Bum

This is probably the most desirable bottom shape. This butt is fullest at the bottom and tapers out at the top near the waist. However, this bottom shape could also mean extra weight stored in the upper thighs. This bottom type also tends to lose fat faster when women age. With time, it will move to the mid-section. Getting extra fat out now may be best for future health.

“V” Patootie

This is the bottom common with older women. The fat from the bottom has started to move to other areas of the body with age and lack of estrogen. If you have this bottom, it is important to start removing fat quickly to protect the heart from northward moving fat.

The role of the kidneys is to filter blood, absorb minerals from the food we consume, release hormones, and detoxify the body through the urine.

Kidney damage is, therefore, a serious health issue, but it might not cause early symptoms right away, so it is important to avoid the following 10 habits that might cause it:

1. It is important that the body is properly hydrated for the kidneys to be able to function normally. Therefore, it is important that inadequate water intake can seriously harm the kidneys. The regular consumption of water detoxifies the body and lowers the risk of UTI and kidney stones.

2. The consumption of high sodium foods increases the risk of kidney damage, high blood pressure, and swellings in the ankles, feet, and hands. Limit the intake of processed, packed, and canned foods, since they are rich in sodium.

3. The regular consumption of red meat makes the kidneys prone to damage, due to the toxins such as nitrogen and ammonia in animal meat and protein.

4. The habit to hold in the urine for a long time can seriously damage the kidneys, since it increases the risk of urinary tract infections, damage to the pelvic color muscles and incontinence, and allows the accumulation of toxins on the body.

5. Studies have linked hypertension to kidney damage since the kidneys filter the toxins through the blood and blood vessels. Therefore, you should frequently monitor your blood pressure, and prevent blockages and hardening of the arteries.

6. The excess intake of sugary foods and drinks can lead to the development of type 2 diabetes, which eventually leads to blood vessels and kidney damage.

7. Smoking and excessive alcohol intake support the ingestion of toxic ingredients on the body, elevate blood pressure, and dehydrate the body, leading to damage and decline of the kidneys.

8. Sleep deficiency is dangerous for the entire body, including the kidneys. It elevates blood pressure, affects kidney function, causes stress, fatigue,  and numerous other health issues.

9. When one does not follow the exact prescription of medication given by their doctors, they can experience kidney damage. 

10. Physical inactivity has been linked to various chronic diseases, heart attacks, diabetes, and cancer, and has been found to elevate the risk of kidney disease by 30%.

Despite avoiding these 10 habits, you should also incorporate other beneficial ones, that will support the function of the kidneys and ensure their health.

  • Reduce the intake of phosphorous. When kidneys do not function normally, phosphorus buildups in the body, leading to serious conditions, such as bone and heart disorders, as well as calcification (hardening) of tissues.
  • Eat kidney-supportive foods, such as cilantro, parsley, watermelon, cranberries, blueberries, strawberries, apples, cabbage, cauliflower, peppers, garlic, onions, olive oil.
  • Take daily probiotics, as probiotics (good bacteria) help your kidneys process waste materials and improve digestive health.
  • Avoid pain relievers, especially non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), like aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, Nuprin), naproxen (Aleve), and acetaminophen (Tylenol).
  • Take Epsom salts baths. Such a bath detoxifies the body, removes waste, and boosts the kidneys while improving overall health.
  • Drink green juice. Green foods detoxify the body.
  • Lose weight. Obesity increases the risk of developing kidney cancer.

It may sound impossible that our colon can contain few pounds of stuck waste, but in reality, it is a large organ which gathers all the waste from the body organs.  It is recommended that we all perform a colon cleanse once annually in order to eliminate the accumulated waste and toxins and improve its function.

Toxic buildup weakens the body and leads to chronic diseases. Nowadays, we are constantly exposed to dangerous chemicals and contaminants, so we are even more prone to such health issues.

The most common symptoms of colon toxicity include:

  • Poor immune system
  • Indigestion, gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, stomachache
  • Mood swings, fatigue, depression, memory loss, brain fog
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Bladder issues and vaginal infections
  • Skin rashes

If your body craves for a colon cleanse, make sure you prepare the following one, also known as The Master Cleanse, since it is extremely effective and beneficial:

Maple Syrup Colon Cleanse


  • 2 tablespoons of Organic Maple Syrup
  • Freshly squeezed organic Lemon
  • 1/2 teaspoon of Organic Cayenne Pepper
  • 12 oz. of filtered Water


Mix the ingredients, and drink the mixture 4 times daily, on an empty stomach, for two weeks.

Make sure you also consider these tips to ease into this colon cleanse:

A liquid-only diet is a radical change for most people, so it is recommended to ease into it gradually over a few days:

  • Days 1 and 2: Avoid processed foods, alcohol, caffeine, meat, dairy, and added sugars, and consume eating raw whole foods, especially fruits and vegetables.
  • Day 3: Enjoy smoothies, pureed soups, and broths, and consume fresh fruit and vegetable juices.
  • Day 4: Drink only water and fresh-squeezed orange juice. Before bedtime, drink laxative tea. 
  • Day 5: Start the Master Cleanse.

During the cleanse, remember that you can only consume this cleansing drink, but you should not necessarily starve yourself. Yet, in this case, your diet should be low in carbs. You might lose weight during the colon cleanse, but you will gain it right away after is ends, since it will actually be just water weight. 

Glycogen and water are stored in the muscles, and when on a slow-carb diet, the body starts to use the glycogen, along with the water weight that goes with it.

It is also not recommended to exercise during these two weeks, as your caloric intake is low, and you might suffer from dizziness and fatigue.

Although optical illusions can make you feel as though your brain is tricking you, they can also reveal a deep truth. Optical illusions can fool or confuse our brains by using colour, light, and patterns to generate visuals.

They occur because our brain is trying to interpret what we see and make sense of the world around us. Optical illusions simply trick our brains into seeing things which may or may not be real. There is one that has recently gone viral online – and it’s meant to determine whether ‘strong-willed and stubborn’ or ‘caring and likeable’. So, let’s see what you see when you look at the image.

The picture was shared by TikTok creator Mia Yilin, who boasts more than 450,000 followers on the video-sharing app. Mia has become popular on social media for the intriguing optical illusions that she shares with her hundreds of thousands of followers.

This optical illusion can show if you’re someone who is incredibly determined and succeeds at anything you set your mind to, or if you detest mind tricks and distance yourself from people. The image depicts both a set of forks and a wine glass, and Mia said that what you see first offers a telling sign about your personality.

Somerset Police vehicle rammed by truck in Norton Fitzwarren

“If you first saw the two forks, then you’re a very stubborn and strong-willed person,” she said. “Once you put your mind to something you don’t look back. You love your freedom and are also quite romantic, but you’d never hold anyone back in the name of love.”

Then she went on to explain what it meant if you saw the wine glass first. “If you first saw the wine glass, then people constantly want to get close to you because of how caring and likeable you are,” she revealed. However, Mia added that if you saw the wine glass first, you also tend to be extremely picky. She continued: “You’re very selective with your inner circle and not anyone can get in. “You hate people who play mind games and prefer to silently distance yourself over exposing them directing.”

People rushed to the comments to praise Mia for her accuracy. “I don’t know the science behind this but you are always accurate. I never saw the folk until you mentioned it. Keep it up, dear,” one person wrote. “This is probably the best one yet and possibly most relatable saw the forks first btw,” said another. A third person added: “Fork. Wow, this is super accurate.”

Everyone dreams of a nice and slim figure that will make you look good and feel good. But most people aren’t just willing enough to put in the effort needed to get into good shape so people turn to alternatives such as natural remedies to slim down fast.

Good thing is that today a lot of natural remedies exist that can help you lose the extra weight quickly and without putting in too much effort.

The two ingredients that we mentioned above in the title are honey and cinnamon. When you combine these two ingredients and if you add a proper diet and a moderate activity, you will speed up your metabolism and prevent food cravings. This will lead to great results and you will demolish the excess body fat!


-2 tablespoons of honey
-250 ml of water
-1 teaspoon of cinnamon


First, you add the water in a pot and you boil it. Next step is to add the cinnamon and let it simmer down for a few minutes. Afterward, remove the pot from the heat, let it cool down a bit and add the honey.

Drink one half of this mixture before going to bed, and drink the other half first thing in the morning.
Repeat this process for 7-10 days and the results you will get will amaze you! Doctors say that cinnamon has many health benefits as well, it regulates the cholesterol levels and it boosts your metabolism.