


This optical illusion from Your Tango claims to reveal what type of communicator you are, and how well you can converse with other people.

Now just look closely at the picture, what is the first thing in it that grabs you attention?

The man’s leg

If you see the man’s leg first then you are the type of person who prefers to communicate directly.

Not one to mince your words, you’ll say exactly what’s on your mind, and have no qualms about telling people how you feel.

While this is a great trait to have sometimes, you may need to be more mindful of others – not everyone is as straightforward as you, and you should try to be aware of the feelings of others around you.

The woman’s leg

Those who see the woman’s legs first tend to think before they speak.

Sometimes it may take you a while to vocalise your thoughts and feelings as you try and work them out in your mind first.

And you may find that sometimes you’ll contradict yourself as you’re trying to work through these thoughts.

While it can be good to think things through before just blurting them out, sometimes it’s important to just go with your gut and say what you feel before overthinking occurs.

Take a look at this image and take note of what element you notice first.

This hyper-realistic drawing by Christo Dagorov was shared by Heart who reported that there are several elements that you may notice.

Whatever you noticed first says a lot about your personality.


If you saw the lips first, it is likely that you are a simple and calm person.

“Shying away from drama, you like to live life in the middle land and ‘always go with the flow,’ without being distracted by complications and an ‘unnecessary movement to find fulfillment,'” Heart said.

“While you’re seen as flexible, wise, and honest, some people may perceive you as weak and needing help, but in reality, you’re more than capable of solving your own problems.”


If you noticed trees first, then you’re probably a more outgoing and extroverted person.

“You care a lot about the opinions of others and can sometimes be overly focused on what other people think about you,” said Heart.

“Politeness is something you live by, but you are also extremely mysterious, and it’s hard for other people to know what you’re thinking in social situations.”

“This also means you’re good at hiding your true emotions, and although you have a large group of ‘friends’ around you – only a few are considered ‘true and sincere.'”


You might have seen a line of plant roots instead of trees, and this means you are a very shy person who is introverted.

Heart said: “You are particularly good at accepting constructive criticism and work hard to always better yourself which can inspire people around you.

“WakeUpYourMind states you might be ‘gentle and sometimes have low self-esteem,’ but you’re actually hard-headed and can sometimes be stubborn.

“‘The people you meet first will think that you are someone very ordinary, without talent or revolutionary qualities.

“However, this impression changes when they get to know you and realize that you are extremely competent and enthusiastic.'”

We are always surrounded by people who are concerned about us. They check on us by asking questions like ‘How was your day?’, ‘What’s on your mind?’ and ‘Are you okay?’. Though these are genuine concerns, sometimes we’re unable to answer them simply because we are uncertain of how and why we feel the way we feel.

Here comes into picture online quizzes and personality tests that claim to be the know-it-all of people’s different moods and personalities. They are mostly fun to do as the contents are usually linked to pop culture and common things people tend to be attracted to.

Optical illusions fall under the same category. They are images that play tricks on your brain because what you see might not be what others see. They are created in a way that juxtaposes two separate images into one seamless picture.

For instance, look at the image below. What do you see first?

Remember, there are no right or wrong answer. Whichever image that captured your sight first is supposed to be a reflection of how you have been feeling deep inside.

What you saw: A women with her hands behind her neck

Your confidence still needs an upgrade. Making decisions that will bring monumental changes to your life is something you’ve been wanting to do, but you are just too afraid to take the chance. Fret not, your creativity and solution-thinking skills make up for it.

What you saw: A large white skull

Your strength comes from within and it reflects in the strong leadership skill you are naturally blessed with. Challenges got nothing on you because you’re always up on your feet to crush them down and move forward.

In the position you are sitting can enlighten a ton regarding your identity and this was found by the analysts that are concentrate the non-verbal communication.

Locate your sitting position in the picture and read beneath what does it implies!

Position number 1:

Individuals that are sitting like this are driving themselves by the rule ”If you cover the head with a cover the beast will go away!”. This is in some cases something worth being thankful for, however not without fail. They are informative and they are not exhausting individuals. They can undoubtedly deal with various circumstances and they are truly innovative however they are acting somewhat silly and in view of that occasionally they are notwithstanding beguiling. Regularly they are lamenting something that they have said.

Position number 2:

These sorts of individuals are visionaries and that implies that they have great creative energy and they call themselves as the spirit of the organization or of the group. They are continually having new and incredible thoughts and that is the reason they are failing to get exhausting. They need to meet new companions and they need to travel all around the globe. Each Monday or New Year they have another page of their lives and they can change their city, state, appearance, business and even the accomplice in a brief timeframe.

Position number 3:

They need to be agreeable. They abhor shopping or sprucing up excessively yet they without a doubt appreciate picking the best cream or scent for them. With regards to garments they are extremely fussy and confused. These individuals experience difficulty with keeping the fixation for a more extended timeframe and they can without much of a stretch go off the subject thus.

Position number 4:

These individuals are dependably on time and they are never late and in view of that they despise sitting tight for others. They are truly touchy, savvy, and shrewd. In the event that somebody communicates their emotions in an open place they will feel awkward. They are open and they generally are talking specifically to confront. They are prepared to restrict everybody and they can quickly begin a counterattack.

Position number 5:

These individuals need to first pick up the correct instruction and a vocation before making a family. They are determined yet now and again that can make them to really be stiff-necked. The principle supportive gestures of these individuals are the aspirations and they need to go to where everything they could ever hope for will work out as expected. They generally need to look great when they are going out in the open places yet at the same time there is a tiny bit of frailty where it counts in them.

Every woman wants to look perfect. That’s why we all make a lot of effort to stay clean, healthy and beautiful. Many women visit their cosmetologists, attend a gym regularly and eat healthy foods.

When it comes to looking great every detail is important. That’s why it’s necessary to keep your body clean. However, there people who neglect this stuff and think that it doesn’t matter. This is the biggest mistake.

You should know that taking a shower is an important part of your life. In this way you get rid of dirt and body oils. You also enrich your body with moisture. If you skip this procedure you may have various problems. That’s why we have prepared this information for you. Here are 6 things that will happen if you don’t shower.
#1. Bacteria and germs

We know that bacteria and germs are everywhere. That’s why it is so important to protect your body from them. The best thing you can do is clean it daily. If you don’t take a shower these tiny creatures will build up on your skin.
#2. Infections

Well, it’s pretty obvious that if you don’t take shower and germs accumulate on your skin you can get several infections which can be rather dangerous for your skin and health in general. So, even if you are really tired, it’s better to take a shower.
#3. Sweat and dirt

If you don’t take shower then not only germs accumulate on your skin but dirt and sweat too. Dirt and sweat don’t let your pores function properly and can provoke different problems like pimples, acne and stuff like that.
#4. Odor

It’s also obvious. We all know that if we don’t shower regularly our bodies get a rather unpleasant smell. You should take shower, at least in order not to smell like a trash bag. It won’t take a lot of time.
#5. Dermatitis neglecta

If you do not shower regularly your skin will suffer from dirt, sweat and various bacteria. It can lead to a skin condition known as dermatitis neglecta. Your skin will be covered with brown scaly patches.
#6. Reactions

As it has been mentioned above, without proper care your skin will be dirty and your pores will be clogged up. These problems can lead to the formation of pimples, rashes and other conditions which usually cause a lot of discomfort.

The aim of this article is to curb the number of dust mites that live in your bed. Namely, according to scientific research, there could be as many as 1.5 million dust mites living in the average bed, feeding on our old skin cells that we shed onto our sheets as we sleep.

The biggest problem that these dust mites cause is in fact what they leave behind. Their excretions can irritate dust allergies and cause asthma flare ups when inhaled.

Newest findings show that an unmade and open bed exposes the creatures to fresh air and light and will help dehydrate and kill them off. On the other hand, if you immediately make your bed with the sunrise, the tight sheets will trap millions of dust mites that live on your bed, feeding off your dead skin cells and sweat, and potentially contributing to asthma and allergy problems.

This was simply explained by Dr. Stephen Pretlove from Kingston University School of Architecture. When we sleep, we sweat. The average person may sweat up to a liter of fluid per night. This creates an ideal breeding ground for the mites. Moreover, our skin flakes onto the sheets – providing a veritable feast for our bed’s dust mite inhabitants.

If your bed is made directly after getting up, all of the skin cells, body heat, moisture from your sweat and dust mites remain trapped beneath the sheets until bedtime. But leaving the bed unmade exposes the sheets to air and light, drying them out and thus, depleting the mites’ lifelines.

Dr. Pretlove says that “We know that mites can only survive by taking in water from the atmosphere using small glands on the outside of their body. ” He then adds that “Something as simple as leaving a bed unmade during the day can remove moisture from the sheets and mattress so the mites will dehydrate and eventually die.”

Moreover, the director of the cleaning lab at the Good Housekeeping Institute, Carolyn Forte, told Good Housekeeping that since there are dust mites everywhere, leaving your bed unmade might not make much of a difference, but it would be undoubtedly wise to leave your bed unmade for some time during the morning, so the sheets have an opportunity to dry from your nighttime tosses and turns.

Also, she adds that making your bed after you eat your breakfast and get ready for the day ahead is a good rule of thumb. It is also advisable to wash your sheets every one to two weeks — and don’t forget about those pillowcases.

To sum up, it was recommended by experts to leave your bed unmade for the entire day and save this chore for when you get home at night. This will surely improve the air in the room, will eliminate many of the dust mites in your bed, which will positively affect your health.

Swellings in the hands, feet, and legs are a result of water retention, or otherwise known as edema. Edema is manifested by the buildup of fluids in the tissues, circulatory system, and cavities.

The most common reasons for water retention include premenstrual syndrome, physical inactivity, sedentary lifestyle, pregnancy, and use of certain medications.

Swellings often occur during a long flight as well. Edema is most often not serious, but at times, it can indicate a kidney disease or heart failure. Due to this, you should always find a way to treat edema.

These are the main reasons for water retention and ways to treat it:

  1. Excessive Consumption of Processed Foods

Processed foods are loaded with sugar and sodium, which is one of the main causes of edema. They are also rich artificial food additives which have toxic nature, and thus put a load on the kidneys and the liver. Foods high in sugar lead to insulin spikes and high blood sugar.

  1. Excessive Sodium Intake

In case you consume foods rich in sodium and do not drink enough water, the body will start using the reserves, leading to edema. With the help of water, the human cells can expand up to 20 times.

Sodium is also added to processed meat, canned vegetables, condiments, etc. You should avoid table salt and start using Celtic and Himalayan sea salt.

  1. Dehydration

Dehydration occurs when a person does not drink sufficient amounts of water. In this case, the body retains water to survive, and this causes swellings in the body. Remember to avoid coffee and soda drinks, and drink more water.

  1. Vitamin B6 deficiency

The lack of vitamin B6 in the body often causes water retention.

The Journal of Caring Sciences published a study which involved women who experienced water retention due to premenstrual syndrome. The intake of vitamin B6 daily improved their condition.

Since it is water-soluble, it is best to consume it in the form of whole foods. Foods rich in it include tuna, sunflower seeds, pistachio nuts, potatoes with skin, dried fruits, chicken, lean beef, turkey, and bananas.

  1. Magnesium Deficiency

Edema is often caused by the lack of magnesium in the body, which is an essential mineral for numerous bodily functions. Researchers have found that the daily dose of 200 milligrams can reduce water retention in women with premenstrual symptoms.

Therefore, make sure you consume more magnesium- rich foods, like nuts, whole grains, dried fruits, peas, spinach, dark green veggies, dark chocolate, and avocados.

  1. Potassium deficiency

Potassium is vital for the proper function of cells, tissues, and organs in the body, and it regulates the water balance. If you consume high amounts of salt and not enough foods rich in potassium, you will experience edema.

Potassium reduces water retention as it reduces the sodium levels. Rockmelons, watermelons, and honey melons are especially rich in it.

The following plants have potent diuretic properties and thus effectively reduce water retention:

  • Garlic
  • Nettle
  • Hibiscus
  • Horsetail
  • Dandelion
  • Parsley
  • Fennel
  • Corn silk

Gluten is a protein, often found in rye and wheat. There have been numerous debates in the medical world whether it is healthy or not.

Gluten is found in most products we consume, like bread, pasta, crackers, and cereals. Take a look at the following lists that contain grains that contain gluten, grains that are safe to eat since they lack it, and some ingredients that secretly contain it:

These are the most common grains containing gluten:

  • Wheat
  • Rye
  • Graham flour
  • Contaminated oats
  • Barley
  • Kamut
  • Bulgur
  • Wheat Germ
  • Couscous
  • Spelt
  • Semolina

Most common gluten-free grains include:

  • Quinoa
  • Buckwheat
  • Uncontaminated, pure oats
  • Wild rice
  • Millet
  • Amaranth

Undercover gluten ingredients:

  • Caramel Color
  • Modified Food Starch
  • Dextrin
  • Maltodextrin
  • Grain extract
  • Natural flavoring

In most cases, all processed and packaged products contain gluten. Recently, gluten intolerance has been linked to Celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder which negatively affects the small intestine.

Here are the 8 most common symptoms of gluten intolerance:

Tiredness and fatigue- Researchers have found that gluten allergies often lead to exhaustion and fatigue, due to an inflammation of the nerves, which drains the body’s energy

Sudden weight gain- The poor absorption of nutrients or chronic inflammation lead to a constant struggle with weight 

Weak immune system- The immunity is attacked by IgA antibodies, due to the allergy itself. These antibodies are mostly found in the digestive system and saliva and make one prone to the flu and colds

Brain fogginess and loss of focus- According to the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, it was found that people suffer gluten allergies as a result of antibodies called immunoglobulin, which can distort the proper brain function

Muscle and joint pain- The Arthritis Foundation discovered that gluten allergies can cause severe discomfort and aches in the joints and muscles

Chronic headaches- Studies have shown that 56 percent of gluten intolerant people suffer from migraines 

Skin conditions- Gluten allergies often cause psoriasis, eczema, and acne, as well as rashes, redness, itching, and blistering

Teeth problems- Gluten allergies have been linked to ‘aphthous stomatitis’, a condition known to cause mouth ulcers and canker sores


Healthy circulation is vital to the effective functioning of your body. If your blood vessels become damaged or diseased, this can restrict blood flow to the body’s tissues and organs, depleting them of oxygen and much-needed nutrients. Dr Margarita Brida, consultant cardiologist, explains what the symptoms of poor circulation are, how you can improve your circulation, and what treatments there are to manage the condition.

What is poor circulation?

Vascular disease, the medical term for diseases of the veins and arteries, most commonly affects the arteries of the heart, brain, and legs. Diseases of the circulatory system are more common than heart disease and cancer, affecting around four million people in the UK and accounting for almost 40 per cent of deaths each year.

“One of the main causes of poor circulation is the hardening and narrowing of arteries due to a build-up of fatty substances called plaques,” explains Dr Margarita Brida. “If a plaque ruptures, it can cause a blood clot. This blood clot can block the blood supply to the heart triggering a heart attack, or it can restrict blood supply to the brain triggering a stroke.”

Meanwhile, narrowing of the arteries in the legs can restrict blood flow to the feet, in a condition known as peripheral arterial disease (PAD). This can make you more prone to injury, infection, and ulceration. Poor circulation can also cause your skin to heal more slowly.

Symptoms of problems with your circulatory system

1. Painful cramps 

You may experience painful cramps in your calf muscles during activity, and also possible in your hip and thigh, which improve after rest. The pain typically comes on each time after the same amount of exercise (e.g. walking the same distance at the same pace). This occurs due to a lack of oxygen and nutrients reaching your tissues effectively due to poor flow of blood.

2. Numbness, weakness and swelling 

Lack of blood supply to the extremities can result in feelings of weakness and numbness in these areas. When poor blood circulation interferes with the kidneys, it can lead to abnormal swelling, particularly in the feet.

3. Varicose veins

When the valves in the vein become weakened, blood and pressure builds up causing the veins just below the surface of the skin to twist and swell. They are usually blue or purple in colour and appear near the feet and ankles.

4. Exhaustion and feeling cold 

When blood supply is restricted, the body lacks the fuel it needs to maintain optimum energy and temperature levels. This can lead to lethargy and feeling colder than normal. Raynaud’s syndrome is a condition which affects your circulation, leading to your fingers and toes changing colour when you’re cold, anxious or stressed, accompanied by symptoms like pain and numbness.

5. Poor cognitive function 

The brain relies on blood flow to function properly, so reduced blood flow may result in difficulty concentrating and problems with short and long-term memory. Vascular dementia, which affects around 150,000 people in the UK, occurs due to reduced blood flow to the brain, and typically worsens over time. Symptoms can include problems with concentration, difficulty with planning and slower thoughts.

6. Weak immune system 

Poor circulation affects your immune system as the antibodies required to fight off infections are carried in your blood stream. This means that when your blood flow is restricted, you may find that you get ill more often, take longer to recover from illnesses, and any cuts and grazes also don’t heal as quickly.

7. Hair loss and weak nails 

Poor circulation of blood can prevent the roots of your hair from receiving adequate nutrients. If this occurs, your hair may become thin, weak and fall out. Similarly, poor circulation can prevent your fingers from receiving sufficient blood flow, with your nail beds starved of oxygen. This can result in brittle nails which break easily.

8. Disrupted bowel movements 

When blood flow slows down throughout the body, it can also lead to slower digestive processes. Over time, this can result in disrupted bowel movements including constipation, diarrhoea or abdominal pain.

9. Erectile dysfunction 

Men who have poor circulation because of clogged arteries may experience difficulties getting an erection due to insufficient blood flow in the reproductive organs. PAD is actually thought to be the cause of around 70% of cases of erectile dysfunction, and issues with getting an erection often signal greater circulatory issues.

10. Angina 

Angina is chest pain caused by restricted blood flow to the heart muscles. If you have poor circulation, your heart muscles won’t receive the oxygen and nutrients they need to function properly. Angina is indicated by a tight, heavy feeling in the chest – often described as cramping – which sometimes radiates across the arms, neck, jaw or back. It is a warning sign that you have an increased risk of a heart attack.

Cancer is considered the plague of modern times, but most people don’t know that kidney issues kill more people than breast and prostate cancer together.

The National Institute of Health confirms that there are over 660,000 Americans diagnosed with kidney failure. Diabetes and high blood pressure are leading causes of kidney failure.

In this article, we provide more information on kidneys, their function and 25 common signs of kidney issues. You will also get an advice on how to optimize the function of your kidneys.

The role of kidneys

These bean-shaped organs are located below the ribs and take part in numerous body functions. Healthy kidneys filter half a cup of blood every minute while removing waste. Urine flows to the ureters, and stays there until passed.

Here are some other vital functions:

  • Produce red blood cells
  • Strengthen bones
  • Release pressure-regulating hormones
  • Balance electrolytes
  • Prevent fluid and waste buildups

Main function

Did you pay attention to your science classes? If yes, you probably know everything about kidneys, including the function of nephrons.

If no, here’s a brief info. Nephrons are filtering units in your kidneys. A million nephrons do their job every second, and each nephron is composed of glomerulus and tubule (filtering components).

Nephrons take part in a twofold process:

1. The glomerulus filters blood

2. The tubule carries elements to blood and removes water

The kidneys are part of your urinary tract, working in a synergy with the bladder, ureters and urethra. Your urinary tract carries the following functions:

  • Balances levels of electrolytes and metabolites
  • Flushes out blood waste products
  • Normalizes blood pressure and volume
  • Regulates blood pH values

Common kidney issues

There are four common kidney issues most people deal with:

1. Cysts

These are tiny sacs filled with fluid that are usually noncancerous. Kidney cysts rarely trigger serious health issues.

2. Infection

Kidney infections are caused by bacterial overgrowth in the bladder and urethra.

3. Injury

Acute kidney injury is a sudden episode of kidney damage or failure. The symptoms disappear within a few hours or days.

4. Stones

High levels of crystal-forming substances in urine result in the formation of kidney stones. Calcium oxalate buildups are the most common cause of stones.

Risk factors

Early intervention is of utmost importance. Race, gender, age and family history are factors you should take into consideration, as noted by Rumeyza Kazancioglu.

Demographics and lifestyle choices affect the risk of kidney issues.

In 2013, the Turkish researcher released a helpful article in the journal Kidney International Supplements. The researcher identified the risk factors of chronic kidney disease.

Risk factors categorized by age, ethnicity, family history, gender, lifestyle choices, and other factors

Age: Aging affect the renal function in both men and women. About half of elderly screened for CKD are positive.

Ethnicity: African-Americans in the US are 3-4 times more likely to deal with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) thanCaucasians. They have a five time higher risk of hypertensive ESRD.

Gender: Men have a higher risk of kidney issues. It may be related to testosterone levels.

Family history: About 25 percent of patients diagnosed with ESRD have a family member diagnosed with the same issue.

Lifestyle choices: Smoking, obesity, alcohol, heavy metal exposure and analgesic medication increase the risk of chronic kidney disease.

Medical conditions: The risk of kidney disease may be increased by cardiovascular disease, hepatitis C, HIV infection, hyperlipidemia, and metabolic syndrome.

25 hidden signs of kidney issues

Some people can’t “read” the signs their kidneys send. If you have any of the following symptoms, consult your doctor:

1. Fatigue

Kidney issues cause a lack of red blood cells which is why your brain and muscles are exhausted.

2. Dizziness

Your brain doesn’t get enough oxygen, and there’s a lack of red blood cells.

3. Fainting

It’s similar to dizziness. Fainting is a common symptom in those dealing with kidney issues.

4. Weakness

Muscle weakness happens as a result of the lack of oxygen.

5. Brain fog

It stands for issues with alertness, concentration, learning, and memory.

6. Shortness of breath

Your body doesn’t have enough oxygen and there may be fluid buildups in the lungs. Both issues are caused by kidney issues.

7. Itchiness

Your kidneys remove waste, so kidney failure leads to dangerous buildups. Itchy skin is a common symptom of the accumulation of fluids.

8. Swollen hands and feet

The body is unable to eliminate excess fluid which is why your feet and hands are swollen.

9. Swollen neck and face

Kidney issues make your face and neck swollen, too.

10. Metallic taste in the mouth

Uremia or waste buildups in blood cause this symptom.

11. Bad breath

Bad breath is a result of waste buildups.

12. Nausea

Uremia causes nausea, too.

13. Upset stomach

It’s a co-symptom of nausea.

14. Vomiting

Kidney infection and other kidney issues cause vomiting.

15. Weight loss

It comes from poor appetite or vomiting.

16. Feeling cold

Anemia makes you feel cold really often.

17. Frequent urination

Damaged nephrons are the real cause of this.

18. Pressure during urination

Kidney issues cause this pressure.

19. Changes in urine

Foamy urine may be a sign of kidney issues. The same applies to those whose urine is brown, purple or red.

20. Trouble sleeping

There’s a strong link between poor sleep duration and CKD.

21. Loss of appetite

The lack of appetite is common in those dealing with kidney issues. The loss of appetite may be accompanied by a metallic taste in your mouth.

22. Abdominal swelling

Your kidneys don’t filter fluid properly, and you end up dealing with a swollen belly.

23. Bloody urine

It’s a serious issue and requires professional help.

24. Muscle cramps

Cramps are caused by imbalances of electrolytes and fluids, blood flow issues or damaged nerves.

25. Twitching

It’s caused by fluid imbalances.

Optimize kidney health

There are a few steps you should take to maintain your kidneys healthy and lower the risk of additional complications.

1. Healthy weight

Obesity is one of the top causes of kidney diseases.

2. Drink water

Water is the ultimate detox agent. Drink at least eight glasses of water every day.

3. Exercise

Be more active to keep your weight and health under control. Exercising helps those dealing with hypertension and prevents kidney disease. A 30-minute workout session is always a good idea.

4. OTCs

Ibuprofen and other NSAIDs affect the function of your kidneys if taken for too long.

5. Say ‘no’ to cigarettes

Smoking constricts blood vessels and lowers the flow of blood to kidneys. Kidneys are unable to function properly, and your blood pressure goes up. This also increases your risk of kidney cancer.