


The crescent-shaped whitish area of the bed of a fingernail is a very important and sensitive nail part and you should be very careful not to damage it.

This whitish half-moon is called lunula (small moon in Latin) and it’s a very sensitive part of the nail. The lunula is actually the visible part of the nail’s root and should not be damaged in any way because if you damage it your entire nail will be permanently deformed.

However, if you just damage the rest of the nail and it falls off or is surgically removed the lunula will remain intact and in its place. It is not actually white but only appears so when it is seen through the nail.

It’s most visible on the thumb but not everyone’s lunula is visible. In some cases, the eponychium, the thickened layer of skin surrounding fingernails and toenails, may partially or completely cover the lunula.

In alternative medicine it’s believed that the lunula can reveal some very important information about our overall health. For example, traditional Chinese medicine believes that a lack of lunula indicates anemia and malnutrition while a pale or bluish lunula indicates possible diabetes. If a person’s lunula has reddish smudges he or she may be suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

A lack of lunula or a really small lunula usually indicates indigestion which can happen due to slow metabolism and toxin overload in the body.

If you want to remove some extra fat and parasites from your body, you only need to use these two powerful ingredient recipe that will literally melt fat deposits in your body.

According to many experts, stored energy is only body fat. However, the way toward burning body fat is also influenced by other energy reserves. Those energy reserves are glycogen (carbohydrate) and protein (muscle).In order to alter the way the body uses fats, you need to change the way it uses these deposits of energy

In the case of constant stress, you may crave for food too often, however, this may also be a result of the presence of parasites in the stomach. The consumption of large amounts of sweets creates an environment of mucus that is perfect for the proliferation of parasites. The pfungi and bacteria especially is because of this environment. So the frequent cravings are related to these ugly and undesirable creatures.

Recipe to Remove Fat Deposits and Parasites from Your Body


  • 100gr linseed
  • 10gr dried cloves


Grind the ingredients into powder.


Every morning, for three days, you should consume 2 tablespoons of the powder with a glass of water, or along with your breakfast.

For best effects, take this remedy for 3 days, make a 3-day break, and repeat the procedure. Do this sequel for at least a month to completely clean your body of parasites.

Take all the necessary vitamins and minerals every day because many of them are involved in the release of energy from food. An appropriate intake gives us the feeling of vitality and desire to participate in numerous different activities and exercises.

Depending on what you see first, this psychological picture promises to tell if you are more frightened of stepping out of your comfort zone or being rejected.

This seasonal brainteaser was first shared in a video by Mia Yilin, an optical illusion specialist who has grown in popularity online due to her ability to accurately predict a person’s life and personality.

On social media, one person in Mia’s comment section wrote: “It’s scary how truthful and accurate she can be sometimes” while another person commented: “It always amazes me how [Mia] can read me like a book.”


If you first see a white rabbit, then you can struggle to step out of your comfort zone. You wish to do more with your life and are worried about wasting opportunities or time.

However, you struggle with leaving things to chance and sometimes feel you have too much going on in your life to take or break or do new things in your schedule. You may benefit from trying to do something small and new once a week, and then trying to build up to bigger experiences from there.

Mia explained: “You find comfort in routine and change can make you feel uneasy. However, you also have a desire for new experiences and adventure which can lead to a conflicted dynamic within yourself.”


If you are someone who first saw a black eagle when you are scared of opening up to someone. Deep down you are a hopeless romantic who wants to settle down with a partner but can be weary of being vulnerable with a person and do not feel confident about trusting someone.

However, if you are able to take a risk and confide in someone, then you can find yourself getting the relationship you want in life, as well as not feeling as burdened by your own worries.

Mia said: “You tend to be cautious when it comes to relationships, taking time to build deep connections with others. But once someone earns your trust, you are fiercely loyal and will go to great lengths to support and protect them.”

Are you someone who is very assertive and never backs down, or are you more laid-back and kind-hearted? This optical illusion is a test that claims to be able to predict your personality.

This ‘uncanny’ optcal illsuon should show you how you deal with people and the person you are in your social life 

Optical illusions are often brainteasers that can test your observational skills, but this unusual psychological picture is a personality test that claims to be able to reveal if you are more extroverted or introverted in life

This strange blue optical illusion requires the viewer to take a look at the artwork and decide if they first see a shark or a man.

Depending on what the viewer sees first, this personality brainteaser should reveal if you approach your social life from a very confident or compassionate standpoint.

This picture first appeared on social media due to a recent video by the optical illusion specialist account @psychologylove100, who has exploded in popularity due to his ability to predict someone’s personality traits.

In the video comment section, one person wrote: “Spot on! It’s uncanny how accurate this is.”


You are a charismatic person if you saw the shark (Image: Getty)

If you first focused on the shark, you are a very confident person. You are someone who is very charming and is able to do well in most social situations.

People consider you very easy to talk to and you can easily make friends no matter where you are. Your extroverted nature means people tend to pay attention to you while you can also stand out from the crowd.

When in an argument, you are very direct and to the point. You never shy away from explaining your beliefs and your effortless ability to be assertive is admired by those in your life.

The optical illusion specialist said: “When we get to know you, we soon discover that you are a straightforward person. You don’t hesitate to say what’s on your mind without mincing your words. Your frankness is sometimes misinterpreted by those around you, but this has little effect on you.”


You are a very kind person who likes to help others and deeply think about issues if you first a man (Image: Getty)

If you first saw the man, then you are a very empathetic and kind-hearted person. Helping other people comes naturally to you and friends turn to you for advice due to your compassionate nature.

You can sometimes be weary or distrustful of new people due to being a little shy and introverted, but once you open up, you are a very warm and optimistic person who finds things to look forward to in life no matter the situation.

One thing people admire about you is your easy-going personality. You are not someone who likes getting into conflict or arguments with people, even if you disagree with them. You are a deep thinker who prefers to think about an issue from all possible points of view before expressing an opinion.

The optical illusion specialist said: “If the person you are talking to still disagrees with you then well that’s okay. You won’t get into a conflict with them.

You’re not one of those people that insists on proving that they’re right. One of your life mantras is ‘silence is golden.’

Want to know if you are superficial or sensitive? Well, if you have been wondering incessantly about the truth behind your personality, then this optical illusion is just the right thing for you!

Dig deeper into your true personality traits by simply observing the illusion given below. For those unfamiliar with optical illusions, these are images that bend the very visual perception of a person.

While people are under the impression that optical illusions are used for entertaining bored children, the reality is that these illusions can be used to determine a person’s IQ levels and even dig deeper into an individual’s personality.

Researchers have spent year after year trying to figure out how these illusions affect the human mind. Try out this optical illusion to know more about yourself.

What Do You See?

Your task is simple. All you have to do is observe the illusion before you and determine which object you saw first. What you see first in the optical illusion will reveal your true personality traits and uncover if you are someone who is sensitive or superficial.

What It Means


If a look at the illusion made you notice the flowers in the optical illusion, then it means that you are a sensitive and intuitive person. You are not only sensitive to others and have an intuitive insight into all situations, but you are also a great listener and often pay attention to the things that are meaningful to you.

The flower signifies being delicate and simplistic. You are compassionate, and intuitive, and often tend to focus on doing things that help yourself and the people around you. You support the ones you love through any highs and lows life throws at them.


If the object you first saw in the image were two ladies, then you are someone who has a lot of inner strength and likes challenges in life. It also means that you are a diamond of a person. Just like the precious stone, you have persevered under pressure and turned out to be a beautiful person.

This also means that you are someone who has been through a lot of hardships in your life and has survived it all which could be one of the reasons why you appear to be superficial. But the people who know you and your true personality will be able to tell how amazing of a person you are.

A dream is successions of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that usually occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep.[1] The content and purpose of dreams are not definitively understood, though they have been a topic of scientific speculation, as well as a subject of philosophical and religious interest, throughout recorded history. The scientific study of dreams is called oneirology.

A good night’s sleep is always a good thing, isn’t it? Dreams, the inevitable part of sleep, are considered as another dimension which is uncontrolled by the mind. Additionally, some people even believe that dreams are closely connected to the real life, and, what’s more, they contain hidden messages.

It is considered that dreaming these 10 things has a specific meaning. Take a look:


  • Dreaming boxes means that there is a secret which your subconscious is trying to unravel.
  • If the box is empty, this could indicate disappointment in real life, whereas a box being opened means that you want to share your secrets with others.


  • Falling in your dreams means that you might be losing control in real life and you fear failure.


  • Dreams with cats mean strength- the subconscious is giving you signs that there is a connection in the spirituality.


  • This means that you are very close with the people you love and your relationship with them is very strong.
  • Also, this could mean that there are people who are pressuring you and trying to cause you problems.


  • Dreaming hair means that your subconscious is giving you ideas on how to express yourself to your partner.


  • This means that you are probably a risk-taker in real life.


  • If you dream of flying, it could indicate that you are making, or thinking about making a significant decision in your life.


  • This symbolizes your desire to travel and the need to achieve your goals, dreams, and desires.


  • Probably, there is some problem that worries you and keeps you stuck in a situation.
  • Understand this dream as a sign to keep moving.


  • You are satisfied and happy with your current situation in life.

It has been four decades.

A woman is looking for her kindergarten teacher to apologise for disrupting class 40 years ago.

Stomper Dorothy said the pupils in her PAP Kindergarten called the teacher Yang Laoshi. (“Laoshi” is Mandarin for teacher.)

This was from 1982 to 1983 in the Bukit Merah branch of the kindergarten.

“My two elder siblings went there too. In fact, all of us were taught by Yang Laoshi,” said the Stomper, who shared photos of Yang Laoshi and herself taken all those years ago.

“She was a nice and patient teacher who was very popular with both pupils and their parents as we respected her a lot.”

Dorothy added that Yang Laoshi was not just a teacher.

“To us, she was more a family friend. At times when my family chatted about our childhood, Laoshi’s name would always be mentioned.”

But that was not the only reason the Stomper is seeking her kindergarten teacher after 40 years.

“Another reason for me wanting to look for her is that I used to be a ‘cry baby’ during kindergarten days,” explained Dorothy.

“I would cry most of the time I went to class and I was very clingy to my mum. Laoshi was very patient during lessons even though I disrupted class.

“I hope to apologise to Laoshi for all the ‘drama’ that I had created once upon a time.”

Reheating dinner is a way of life. Whether it’s Friday night and you need to clean out your fridge, or you want to turn your leftovers from last night into a whole new meal, our microwaves are our handy kitchen companions. But research shows that reheating some of your favorite foods can be dangerous to your health. Take a look at these foods that can give you food poisoning (or worse).

1. Potato

Potato (239K)

Potatoes are very useful because they have many health benefits. However, those benefits and their dietary quality are lost if you don’t eat them the same day that you’ve cooked them. Eating them on another day and reheating them makes them dangerous for your body, instead of useful.

2. Rice

Rice (246K)

According to the Food Standards Agency, “Uncooked rice can contain spores of bacteria that can cause food poisoning. When the rice is cooked, the spores can survive…Then, if the rice is left standing at room temperature, the spores will multiply and may produce poisons that cause vomiting or diarrhoea. Reheating the rice won’t get rid of these poisons.”

3. Celery

Celery (148K)

We often use celery for soups. It is rich in nitrates as well. When you heat up your soup with celery, nitrates can be turned into nitrites. Therefore, take out the celery when you want to warm up your soup. Carrots should not be reheated too.

4. Mushrooms

Mushrooms (158K)

It is known that mushrooms are the most important food that shouldn’t be warmed up. In general mushrooms should be eaten right after preparation. If you want to eat them the next day, be sure to consume them cold. If not, they can cause digestive problems and additional heart problems.

5. Spinach

Spinach (364K)

You ought to never warm the spinach on the grounds that it is exceptionally unsafe thing to do. It is prescribed to eat it directly after readiness. The thing is spinach contains high rate of nitrates which transform into nitrites when warmed. This is carcinogenic to the body.

6. Chicken

Chicken (208K)

It is very dangerous to eat chicken the next day after preparation. You can come into some digestive problems because the structure of proteins change. Chicken has more proteins than the red meat. It is recommended to eat cold chicken. And if you need to warm it up, then be sure to do it on a low temperature for longer period.

7. Turnips

Turnips (311K)

Turnips are a common ingredient in soups and stews. Due to their high amount of nitrates, reheating the vegetable is not advisable, as it can become toxic.

8. Oils

Oils (165K)

Oils such as grape seed, walnut, avocado, hazelnut and flaxseed have very low smoke points. So, when you reheat them, they become rancid. Avoid using them as your cooking oil and sprinkle them onto your dish at the end to enhance taste.

9. Lettuce

Lettuce (145K)

This green leafy vegetable is best when eaten raw. Cook it if you must, but never reheat butter lettuce, as the high amount of nitrates can cause food poisoning.

10. Eggs

Eggs (317K)

We can reheat foods that have eggs, but it is dangerous to re-heat scrambled or boiled eggs. Eggs can be toxic when exposed to high temperature once they have been cooked. They are also full of protein and re-heating eggs cause protein to be destroyed and change its composition to become toxic.

We all view the world differently but could it be because of our personality?

One test believes that we notice different things first and that it is because of the unique way each of our minds work.

What do you see in the picture above first?

An explosion

“This is evidence that you have a well-developed imagination and that this has helped you in numerous situations. The chances are that you’re a very creative individual and work in an artistic sphere of activity. If you don’t, then you’ve probably got hidden talents within you that are worth trying to give expression to. Think about what you enjoyed doing when you were a child: Did you like drawing or singing? At the very least, a new hobby won’t do you any harm. You need to use your creative energy in order to live a full life.”

Two hands

“You have a well-developed imagination, but at the same time you rely on logic as the basis for most of your actions. You see what is really in front of your eyes first and foremost. You’re a clear-headed individual and people can always turn to you for sound advice. Cold rationality and a sharp mind allow you to extricate yourself from even the most complex and difficult situations. You never give in to panic, always keep calm, and are astute enough to know how to calm down others as well. People see a strong person in you that they are instinctively drawn toward.”

A tree

“You’re a very observant person who notices all the little details in things. No information can be hidden from you. At the same time, you’re highly sensitive to the moods of those around you. You know how to extract information from people and understand when it’s the right moment to pose this or that question to an individual. Your calling lies somewhere in the professional business world. You’re guaranteed to be successful in those spheres of activity that require conscientiousness and precision.”


“If you didn’t see anything when you first looked at the image above, then you need to take a rest. You’re clearly tired and you’re finding it difficult to resolve complex tasks. You find it hard to make sense of things from a different perspective and take many things far too literally. Take a break. A few days spent in solitude and calm will give you strength for new activities.”

If you have a strong mind, people will usually depict you as arrogant, it’s kind of an unwritten rule. Your strong mind will either attract strong minds alike or will offend a weak one. Whatever the case may be, it’s true that people are scared by a powerful personality and tend to avoid it.

We bring you 8 signs that indicate you have a strong personality:

1. You do not try to please anyone
You don’t do anything to impress other people. You are true to your opinion and to yourself, and pleasing other’s opinions don’t go well with your true character.

2. You do not seek attention
You naturally don’t want attention because you’re confident and happy with who you are and don’t need other’s eyes and approvals on you. It’s because you have approved yourself first.

3. You admit your mistakes
You don’t consider yourself perfect, nor do you try to bring upfront a “perfect” persona in front of your friends. You are not feeling ashamed when you admit your mistakes, because you’re aware of them.

4. You stick to your morals
You have your own opinion on what’s good and what’s bad and nothing and no one will turn a switch on you. You stand firmly on the ground and nothing can throw you out of balance.

5. You do not tolerate excuses
Here, the problem is not the ego. Not tolerating excuses is something that you will often find yourself thinking that it’s a waste of time. You want to leave your comfort zone and try to make the best of it.

6. You cannot stand ignorance and insensitivity
You don’t like people that are ignorant and act fast and make decisions very quickly. You are aware and thoughtful, and you have empathy.

7. You don’t like small talk
“What’s the weather there?” is one of the questions that won’t start a nice conversation with you. You tend to either speak about something more meaningful to waste time on mindless conversations.

8. You are not arrogant – you just have a strong attitude
You are the type of person that knows your own value. Once you know your value you know what to bring in your life and what is meaningful and what is not. Being upfront and direct in needed situations, and stand firmly on the ground is a gift that should not be taken as a joke. Those who are insecure will find themselves easily offended, but you don’t care. You won’t change who you are.