


The aim of optical illusions is to trick our thoughts by using visual images. They are sometimes referred to as “visual illusions,” and instances of how frequently they are used as simple IQ tests abound in pop culture. The three basic types of optical illusions are literal, physiological, and cognitive.

Interesting effect on perception and thought

When our brains mistakenly interpret an object’s physical qualities, literal illusions occur. Physiological illusions are caused by how our eyes and brains process light and color. Cognitive illusions occur when our minds make conclusions about what we are experiencing in spite of conflicting data. Studies show that regular practice of optical illusions can improve concentration and delay the onset of cognitive aging in adults.

Do you wish to learn about the quality of your vision? Take on this test to learn the answer right now.

In just 6 seconds, can you find the hidden face among the snowy peaks?

The image posted above depicts an outstanding mountain range with flawlessly snow-covered summits. What a beautiful scene,right? The hidden face in this image is concealed somewhere in the highlands, and readers have six seconds to find it. Your time to figure that out has started. It’s a great opportunity to practice your observational skills. Internet users have a hard time finding a hidden face in the mountains. If you look closely enough, the snapshot reveals the face that was hidden.

Thanks to a handy psychological trick, one man claims he can tell if you’re shy and quiet or confident and stubborn in mere seconds.

The insight doesn’t come from asking you deep questions, though – instead, the revelation comes from what you see first in a simple optical illusion.

TikTok star Charles Meriot shares optical illusions and personality tests to his page, where the comments sections are full of viewers debating the accuracy of the clips.

In a recent video, Meriot shared a piece of art composed of smooth lines in primary colors.

“What did you see first?” Meriot asked, letting the audience take a moment to study the image.

Then, Meriot revealed the two images viewers were intended to see: a plucky chicken or a pair of lips.

According to the content creator, what you see first reveals a secret truth about your personality.

“If you saw the rooster first, it means you’re quite shy,” Meriot said.

“You only like attention when you’re in the right mood.”

People who saw a pair of lips immediately have a very different personality.

“If you saw the mouth first, it means you’re confident, strong, and independent,” Meriot explained.

But that comes with a drawback: “you can be a little bit stubborn and aggressive when things don’t go the exact way you want them to,” he added.

Some viewers said that Meriot’s descriptions fit them exactly.

“I saw the rooster and now I know exactly what I’m not (confident),” a viewer wrote. “I could be, but I’m not.”

Others couldn’t fight their dispositions enough to see both images.

“I am still trying to see the rooster,” a different commenter wrote.

“I saw a mouth eating the rooster,” one confused person confessed.

Another mistook the rooster’s eye for something else entirely.

“Why did I think the dot was a tongue pierced?” they asked. “I think I fail or saw both.”

Another viewer accused Meriot of making things up.

“I think you are bamboozling people,” the disgruntled viewer wrote – but maybe they just didn’t like what they saw.

A fun and quick personality test is able to determine what kind of person you are and what problem you have been facing in your life at the moment.

This bright blue artwork requires the viewer to stare at the picture, and at first glance, they should either see a white mountain or an eagle.

Depending on what the viewer sees, this psychological picture should reveal a lifestyle issue they may be struggling with at the moment.

This natural brainteaser was first showcased in a video by Mia Yilin, an optical illusion specialist who has become popular on TikTok by being able to accurately pinpoint someone’s personality.

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In the comment video section, users were shocked by what Mia was able to reveal about themselves. One person commented: “How is she always right? This is amazing” while someone else wrote: “Wow this is so accurate!”


Viewers who were able to first see an eagle in the picture are people who are social butterflies and very charismatic.

Mia said: “You’ve got a natural charm that captivates everyone around you. Your presence lights up the room, and people are drawn to your magnetic personality.”

However, those that saw the eagle may be finding it difficult to take time for themselves and may need to learn how to say no to their loved ones. Mia added: “Just be careful to not overlook your own needs and feelings when trying to please others.”

Want to know what your secret weakness is in relationships? If yes, then this is the perfect optical illusion personality test for you. Try it and dive deeper into your hidden traits!

What Do You See?

Optical Illusion Reveals Your Secret Weakness In Relationships

Your task is simple. All you need to do is observe the illusion of the landscape and figure out which object you saw first. 

What It Means

Hooded Man

Hooded Man

If you noticed the hooded man in the picture first, then you tend to flare up and often have a bad temper. Unlike the hooded man, not everyone sees red and is ready to destroy at the drop of a hat.

Sometimes just walking away until the anger washes away is the best way to make productive communication happen in a relationship.

Person Sitting On Their Jacket

Person Sitting On Their Jacket

Someone who sees the person sitting on their jacket first has a fear of conflict. So, they avoid friction with their partner at all costs, which leads to a lack of communication and eventually misunderstandings.

You absolutely loathe having to explain your emotions, which cause issues in your relationships.

Mona Lisa

Mona Lisa

If you saw the Mona Lisa floating in the air first, then you have a rather bright future in romance. You have a rose-tinted view of life. Being able to see all of that beauty is a great gift to have, but it can also make it a bit too easy for you to avoid problems in your relationships.

Someone who sees the Mona Lisa first is also advised not to overlook problems and pretend everything is fine, but rather to try to confront them and solve any issues together with their partner.

Bearded Man

Bearded Man

If you saw the bearded man first, then you are someone who lets their low self-esteem impact their relationships. You often withdraw in a relationship, even with the smallest of misunderstandings. It is important to note that, in any relationship, it is important that a person opens up and lays out their fears about the relationship in front of their partner.

Person Sitting On A rock

Person Sitting On RockYour Tango

If you notice the person sitting on a rock in the background of the picture, then you have a tendency to isolate yourself. Having alone time is important for you, but it is imperative to note that spending time with loved ones can be equally fruitful and significant.

You often call yourself an introvert, but sometimes this notion leads you to take self-isolation way too far.

The cartoon animals appear to reaching their necks up to snack on some of the delicious foliage overhead.

But hiding amongst them somewhere is a very sneaky snake.

The snake is using its similar colour and long slender body to try and look just like one of the giraffes.

And you could have a high IQ if you can spot the slithering reptile in just 11 seconds.

So have a go and try your best, can you see the stealthy snake?

Scroll up and have a good look to see if you can spot him.

Have you had any luck?

Well done if you have spied the snake, but don’t worry if not, the solution is here.

If you have given up, we can tell you how to solve the puzzle.

Draw your eyes across the top of the image from left to right, and then at the right-hand edge scan your vision directly down.

Go past the cheeky giraffes hiding in the leaves and the big trunk of the tree.

And then right there, surrounded by the giraffes is the sneaking snake.

You can tell by the shape of his head and his little forked tongue that he is a wriggling reptile rather than a massive mammal.

So did you manage to spot him?

The Sun has brought you other optical illusions in recent days, such as being able to spot a goat hiding on a hillside.

And you could have a hoot if you try out our illusion which shows an owl wearing a distinctive jumper.

But if you really want to test your skills and try to find another snake, see if you have the eyes of a top serpent hunter with this tricky challenge.

If you found out without using this solution - well done!
To complete this task you must only need a few seconds to be among the 2% with a high IQ. These optical illusions catch peoples’ eyes and make them want to test their eyesight. So let us get on and see if you can find the Hidden Tigers in a few seconds or not.

What is an Optical Illusion?

There are a variety of Optical illusions, from Cognitive and psychological to physical. Optical illusions are deeply fascinating, shape-shifting images of Hidden Tigers or drawings that challenge the brain’s way of perceiving things.

The field of psychoanalysis throws light on how we perceive things, and studies show that optical illusions are a part of it. According to studies, the more challenging riddles you complete, the wiser you get. The way our brains function is always fascinatingly revealed by optical illusions. Optical illusions prove that reality is constructed by one’s brain, the way the brain sees something it considers that to be its reality.

The majority of time our brains create matches from past experiences to fill the gaps, the various types of illusions generate various answers for our brain.

Spot The Hidden Tigers

Our brains are so good at recognising patterns and “seeing” that scientists believe optical illusions are familiar objects that our minds work quickly to create a “whole” image from separate pieces. A human brain can look at things differently from all different angles, and it forms different decisions from all angles. One illustration that confuses the human mind is the image where an Tigers is hidden and has to be found.

This image was shared as a puzzle for all age groups. It has been seen that only 2% of people can find the Tigers in this image. Spotting the Hidden Tigers can be a little difficult but with a little bit of concentration you can do it!

Optical illusions are like walnuts to the brain; they sharpen your brain’s analytical powers. Our brains unconsciously try to meet our desire and expectations when insearch of reality. In a game of Optical Illusion one can think that a variety of objects match the object that one has to find and that creates the confusion making the brain try to differentiate between what is real and what looks real.

The Hidden Tigers Can Be Spotted By Only 2%

This illusion challenges its viewers to find The Tigers by asking them to “Discover The Tigers.” This Optical illusion image is just another fun way to test your IQ, but taking an actual IQ test to test the IQ is a far better idea.

It is a difficult task, and it can be challenging for most people to spot the Hidden Tigers in a few seconds, as studies show that only 2% of people can spot the Hidden Tigers. If you have yet to find the Hidden Tigers, don’t worry. We will reveal it at the end.

Did You Spot The Hidden Tigers?

Optical Illusions tackle the difference between what your eyes see and what the brain perceives. For this Optical Illusion you still have time to go back up and search for the Hidden Tigers yourself before we reveal the Hidden Tigers in the image below.

We hope you have found it on your own; if not, don’t worry. Here is the image showing the Hidden Tigers.

The moment has come when the Hidden Tigers will be revealed.

Check the Image below!

Optical Illusion Eye Test: How Many Tigers are there. Can You Find them all in 12 Seconds?

We hope you enjoyed this optical illusion! Check our website for more optical illusions.

Being a parent is the best, yet, the most demanding job in life, so in order to ensure the safety of their children, parents often consult with each other and share their experiences.

A mother from Michigan, Heather, spread the word far and wide to warn other parents about a medical condition her son, Jacob, developed.

When he was 10 months, Heather noticed that the toes of the baby have turned dark shade blue while he was sleeping.

Jacob’s father, Tommy, entered the room to help get Jacob ready after his nap, as they were planning to go to a party that evening. They wanted to change his diaper and put him in clean clothes.

“I handed him to his dad Tommy to put socks on him when Tommy realized his two toes were blue and tied together with a strand of hair!!! I immediately took off what I could and had to take him to the ER where we spent an hour and a team of 5 doctors trying to get the rest of MY HAIR off his two toes…”

The doctors afterward explained that if the parents didn’t remove the hair before coming to the hospital, they would have probably had to amputate the toes of the baby!

This shock made Heather urge other parents to carefully check their parents in order to prevent this issue known as ‘hair tourniquet syndrome’.

“CHECK YOUR BABYS TOES AS OFTEN AS YOU CAN!!! And if you have a baby boy even his PENIS. Yes, I said penis… they are such tiny babies and our hair can be such a hazard but it’s something that we never really pay attention to.. so plz share this with all your mom friends with little babies!!!!”

Even after 12 hours, the toes of the baby were raw and painful, as the strand of hair has been just like a razor-sharp wire for the soft skin of the baby.

Parents, be aware of this medical problem and do your best to prevent in order to protect your child.

Yet, in case it happens, you need to completely eliminate the hair in a few minutes. Follow these guidelines by HealthLine:

“The easiest way to remove a hair tourniquet may be with the use of a depilatory cream (such as Nair) or another hair removal cream with the active ingredients calcium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide, or calcium thioglycolate. But only try this if the skin around the affected area isn’t bleeding or broken.

To remove a hair tourniquet:

  • Take your baby to an area with good lighting. You may even want to ask your partner or a friend to shine a flashlight on the affected area.
  • Locate the hair, apply the depilatory cream directly onto the hair, and wait 5 minutes.
  • Wash the depilatory cream off with warm water.
  • Apply a disinfectant such as hydrogen peroxide to the affected area.
  • If the appendage is still red, swollen, or grooved, and your baby is still in pain, seek medical help immediately. Emergency medical care is essential to protect your child from severe complications.
  • It may also be possible to remove the hair using needle-nosed tweezers. But this method can be difficult if the hair is thin or the area is extremely swollen.”

However, if the symptoms do not improve after a few minutes, take the baby to a doctor immediately.

The role of the liver is crucial for our health, but unfortunately, liver disease rates are on the rise over the years and have become the fifth most common cause of death, and the second leading cause of mortality amongst all digestive diseases in the US.

According to Jillian Levy, CHHC:

“In ancient Chinese medicine, it’s said that “the physician who knows how to harmonize the liver knows how to treat a hundred diseases.”

The liver, one of the largest and hardest-working organs in the body, is believed to be of the “wood element” and is crucial for the transformation of food into energy, or qi.

Referred to as the ultimate multitasking organ, ancient practitioners believed that the liver was one of the primary organs that needed to be treated in sick patients. When the liver doesn’t perform properly, distention and discomfort within the digestive system result, which can then spread harm to other parts of the body.

Without the liver, it’s impossible to have a properly working metabolism, healthy circulation, balanced hormones, clean blood, and strong digestion. “

These are the primary functions of this important organ:

  • Cleanses blood by metabolizing alcohol and drugs, and neutralizes toxins 
  • Produces cholesterol and turns it into essential substances used by the body
  • Regulates the balance of hormones
  • Produces stores, and delivers glucose to the brain and body and thus regulates energy
  • Produces essential body proteins, supports the delivery of nutrients to the blood, and proteins that prevent infection

Liver damage can be a result of heredity, prolonged exposure to toxins, and long-term liver diseases, such as cirrhosis. 

Christine Ruggeri, CHHC, explains:

”Most people associate liver disease with alcoholism, but essentially anything that can’t be broken down and used for energy immediately ends up in the liver for detoxification. This means that your liver needs all the help it can get. But when you overindulge in alcohol, chemicals, drugs, fried foods, processed or refined foods (white flour, conventional dairy, white sugar, and low-quality animal products, for example), your liver gets heavily taxed.”

These are the most common early signs of liver damage:

1. Abdominal Pain

A “stabbing” or “throbbing” pain in the abdominal area is another early sign of liver damage. This issue can often be relieved only through proper treatment of the underlying issue.

2. Abdominal Swelling

Liver damage disrupts the normal blood flow to the organ, increasing the pressure in the surrounding veins, including the ones responsible for transporting blood from the spleen and intestines to the liver.

This, in turn, leads to higher blood pressure levels or a condition known as portal hypertension. It results in the accumulation of fluid around the abdomen, called ascites.

3. Nausea Or Vomiting

A damaged liver cannot adequately expel toxins from the body, leading to sudden changes in normal digestion and metabolism. These changes cause numerous digestive problems, including nausea and vomiting.

4. Fatigue

Researchers have found that liver damage leads to chronic fatigue and exhaustion, which are believed to be a byproduct of neurochemical changes in the brain and hormonal imbalances. Their symptoms are aggravated by the high levels of toxic byproducts in the blood, as the impaired liver cannot properly remove.

5. Bruising

The liver produces necessary protein enzymes, and an impaired liver leads to a damaged blood-clotting mechanism, that can lead to changes to the skin’s appearance.

The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases reports: “When the liver slows the production of or stops producing the proteins needed for blood clotting, a person will bruise or bleed easily.”

6. Jaundice

Liver problems often lead to discoloration of the eyes and skin, due to the accumulation of a bile pigment called bilirubin, which cannot be properly eliminated. Jaundice is characterized by yellowish hueing of the skin or eyes, and also leads to symptoms such as itchiness in the entire body, darkening of the urine, and cognitive impairment.

7. Dry Or Irritated Skin

A damaged liver cannot supply fluids within the body properly, so the skin becomes dry, irritated, and you might even experience reddening of the hands or feet, yellowing of the mucous membranes, or inexplicable spotting.

Fortunately, the liver is very adaptive and if treated, it can heal itself. Most liver-related diseases receive a positive diagnosis if controlled and guided by a medical professional. Therefore, in case you experience these symptoms, consult a medical professional, in order to determine the underlying cause and treat the issue on time.

Society comes with its rules and morals, and it dictates if our behaviors are acceptable or not.

For instance, spitting, yelling, littering, and staring at someone are considered rude, and when it comes to flatulence or farting, it is an absolute social no-no. If you have ever cut an audible fart in the company of others, it is surely one of the most embarrassing things that have happened to you.

However, passing gas is completely normal, and it is actually necessary since it is important for our digestion. As our intestines and stomach break down the consumed foods, a certain amount of gas is an inevitable by-product.

Dr.Ankita Gupta, a gastroenterologist, says:

“On an average, 5 to 10 farts per day are normal and women fart just as much as men. Farts are indicative of intestinal gas which is suggestive of healthy gut bacteria which are a normal part of our intestines. These bacteria carry out a lot of functions like digestion, synthesis of vitamins, adding to immunity and maintaining normal stool consistency.”

When it comes to the smell of farts, despite being beneficial, as you will read below, Dr. Axe reveals:

“The main type of gas that gets trapped inside the body and leads to flatulence is nitrogen, which researchers estimate accounts for about 20 percent to 90 percent of all the gas that causes farts.

Followed by nitrogen, carbon dioxide also contributes to the gaseous volume of farts (about 10 percent to 30 percent) along with oxygen (up to 10 percent), methane(around 10 percent) and hydrogen (about 10 percent to 50 percent). The severity of smells associated with farts mostly has to do with the percentage of different gases present in the body at any given time.

Surprisingly, most of the gas within a fart is odorless, and only a very small percent (around 1 percent) causes the signature foul smell of farts. The reason for stinkiness, in general, comes down to how much sulfurous gasses form within the intestines.”

Actually, according to Dr. Mark Wood, Professor, and Researcher at the University of Exeter (UK) Medical School:

“Although hydrogen sulfide is well known as a pungent, foul-smelling gas in rotten eggs and flatulence, it is naturally produced by the body and could, in fact, be in a healthcare hero with significant implications for future therapies for a variety of reasons.”

Now, let us see some of the benefits of farting:

1. An Instant Relief

You are surely aware of it, as by letting out a fart, we relieve stomach pains, bloating, and gas buildup in the body.

2.  A Healthy Gut And Bacteria Composition

Purna Kashyap, a doctor of gastroenterology at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, says:

“Eating foods that cause gas is the only way for the microbes in the gut to get nutrients. If we didn’t feed them carbohydrates, it would be harder for them to live in our gut.”

These foods include lentils, beans, kale, cabbage, and broccoli, that produce more gas and help the function of the digestive system.  Rebekah Gross, MD, a gastroenterologist at the Joan H. Tisch Center for Women’s Health at NYU Langone Medical Center, explains: “When indigestible sugars like raffinose reach the colon, the bacteria that inhabit that part of our digestive tract feed on them and produce gas as a byproduct.”

3.  Colon Health

You should never “hold” any type of natural bodily reaction, whether gas, urine, or bowel movements.  When in public, it isn’t much harm to hold it in, but whenever possible, make sure you release it and thus support the health of the colon.

4.  A Health Alarm

The characteristics of a fart actually indicate the state of our health, so unhealthy characteristics of farts are: extreme odors, increased frequency, and pains when passing gas, which might be a sign of issues like food intolerance, or even colon cancer.

5. It Relieves Bloating

Bloating leads to pains and stomach aches, and it is caused by the accumulation of gas. Even though it is not dangerous, it causes discomfort, which can be immediately lessened by passing gas.

6. The Smell is Actually Healthy

Even though it might sound gross, the smell is actually beneficial, since it also releases hydrogen sulfide, which helps to thwart off future illnesses.

7. It Helps With Balanced Diet

The gas we release indicates the type of foods our body needs, or the ones that we eat in excessive amounts. For instance, the excess consumption of meat causes a very unpleasant odor, and the lack of fiber in the diet makes us rarely pass gas.

Most of us really enjoy desserts, all kinds of cakes and muffins, sweets and chocolate, but we are all aware of the fact that sugar is seriously harmful to our health.

It consumption leads to weight gain, obesity, energy crashes, wrinkles, and even more severe health issues, such as:

  • Diabetes
  • Weak immune system
  • Increased serotonin levels
  • Ulcers
  • Heart issues
  • Arthritis
  • Poor vision
  • Gallstones
  • Adrenal fatigue
  • Eczema
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Lower mineral levels in the body
  • Premature aging

What’s more, sugar is highly addictive, which is shown in numerous studies and can even lead to similar effects on the brain as some street drugs. Alan Greene, M.D., a children’s health and wellness expert and the author of books like “Raising Baby Green” and “Feeding Baby Green, claims that ‘addiction’ is a strong term, used to describe a tragic situation where someone’s brain chemistry has been changed to compel them to repeat a substance or activity despite harmful consequences.

Yet, he adds that there is mounting evidence that too much added sugar could lead to true addiction.

Additionally, Cassie Bjork, R.D., L.D., founder of Healthy Simple Life, says that research has shown that sugar can be even more addicting than cocaine, as it activates the opiate receptors in the brain and affects the reward center, which causes compulsive behavior, despite the negative consequences such as weight gain, headaches, hormone imbalances, and more. 

Studies show that every time we eat sweets we are reinforcing those neuropathways, making the brain increasingly hardwired to crave sugar, building up a tolerance like any other drug.

The following 7-day sugar detox will help you reverse the negative effects of the consumption of sugar and lose excess weight:

1st Day

  • Breakfast: Baked eggs and spinach with cheese
  • Morning Snack: Tamari almonds
  • Lunch: cheesy sweet peppers with low carbs and green salad
  • Dinner:  baked stuffed chicken, spinach, and cucumber salad with feta cheese and tomatoes
  • Snack: ricotta cheese with low fat, ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract, ¼ cup part skim, and several drops vanilla stevia

2nd Day

  • Breakfast: Frittata with sun-dried tomato
  • Morning Snack: Tamari almonds
  • Lunch: spinach and pepper peppers and chicken
  • Afternoon Snack: raw vegetables and spinach dip
  • Dinner: sautéed spinach, mushrooms, peppers,  and turkey lettuce cups
  • Snack: cheese stick

3rd Day

  • Breakfast: Peanut Butter Protein Smoothie
  • Morning Snack: the whites of 3 boiled eggs
  • Lunch: salad with cucumber, tomatoes, sweet peppers, vinegar, and extra virgin Olive oil
  • Afternoon Snack: Frittata with Feta
  • Dinner: light veggie soup and grilled chicken with some fresh herbs
  • Snack: Vanilla chia pudding –sugar and dairy free

4th Day

  • Breakfast: Sante Fe Frittata’s
  • Morning Snack: Cheese stick
  • Lunch: cilantro chicken salad made from grilled chicken
  • Afternoon Snack: celery with peanut butter – sugar-free
  • Dinner: Crockpot chicken,  mini Zucchini cheese bites and bean stew
  • Snack: ½ cup cottage cheese –low fat with cucumber pieces

5th Day

  • Breakfast: Sante Fe Frittata’s
  • Morning Snack: raw vegetables in a spicy Mediterranean feta dip
  • Lunch: soup, and a green salad with tomatoes, cucumber, sweet peppers, vinegar, and extra virgin olive oil
  • Afternoon Snack: Salad with feta cheese, tomatoes, and cucumber
  • Dinner: Cheesy breadsticks – low carbs and Italian green bean salad
  • Snack: Vanilla chia pudding –sugar and dairy free

6th Day

  • Breakfast: egg muffin without the crust
  • Morning Snack: raw vegetables in a spicy Mediterranean feta dip
  • Lunch: Cheesy breadsticks – low carbs and Italian green bean salad
  • Afternoon Snack: Spicy Mediterranean feta dip with raw vegetables
  • Snack: Zucchini noodles and chicken drumsticks with lemon and garlic
  • Dinner: the whites of 3 boiled eggs

7th Day

  • Breakfast:  sautéed spinach, mushrooms, and scrambled eggs
  • Morning Snack: ½ cup cottage cheese
  • Lunch: zucchini noodles and light veggie soup
  • Afternoon Snack: Tamari almonds
  • Snack:  chicken drumsticks and leftover green bean salad and
  • Dinner: Vanilla chia pudding –sugar and dairy free