


The role of the kidneys is to filter blood, absorb minerals from the food we consume, release hormones, and detoxify the body through the urine.

Kidney damage is, therefore, a serious health issue, but it might not cause early symptoms right away, so it is important to avoid the following 10 habits that might cause it:

1. It is important that the body is properly hydrated for the kidneys to be able to function normally. Therefore, it is important that inadequate water intake can seriously harm the kidneys. The regular consumption of water detoxifies the body and lowers the risk of UTI and kidney stones.

2. The consumption of high sodium foods increases the risk of kidney damage, high blood pressure, and swellings in the ankles, feet, and hands. Limit the intake of processed, packed, and canned foods, since they are rich in sodium.

3. The regular consumption of red meat makes the kidneys prone to damage, due to the toxins such as nitrogen and ammonia in animal meat and protein.

4. The habit to hold in the urine for a long time can seriously damage the kidneys, since it increases the risk of urinary tract infections, damage to the pelvic color muscles and incontinence, and allows the accumulation of toxins on the body.

5. Studies have linked hypertension to kidney damage since the kidneys filter the toxins through the blood and blood vessels. Therefore, you should frequently monitor your blood pressure, and prevent blockages and hardening of the arteries.

6. The excess intake of sugary foods and drinks can lead to the development of type 2 diabetes, which eventually leads to blood vessels and kidney damage.

7. Smoking and excessive alcohol intake support the ingestion of toxic ingredients on the body, elevate blood pressure, and dehydrate the body, leading to damage and decline of the kidneys.

8. Sleep deficiency is dangerous for the entire body, including the kidneys. It elevates blood pressure, affects kidney function, causes stress, fatigue,  and numerous other health issues.

9. When one does not follow the exact prescription of medication given by their doctors, they can experience kidney damage. 

10. Physical inactivity has been linked to various chronic diseases, heart attacks, diabetes, and cancer, and has been found to elevate the risk of kidney disease by 30%.

Despite avoiding these 10 habits, you should also incorporate other beneficial ones, that will support the function of the kidneys and ensure their health.

  • Reduce the intake of phosphorous. When kidneys do not function normally, phosphorus buildups in the body, leading to serious conditions, such as bone and heart disorders, as well as calcification (hardening) of tissues.
  • Eat kidney-supportive foods, such as cilantro, parsley, watermelon, cranberries, blueberries, strawberries, apples, cabbage, cauliflower, peppers, garlic, onions, olive oil.
  • Take daily probiotics, as probiotics (good bacteria) help your kidneys process waste materials and improve digestive health.
  • Avoid pain relievers, especially non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), like aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, Nuprin), naproxen (Aleve), and acetaminophen (Tylenol).
  • Take Epsom salts baths. Such a bath detoxifies the body, removes waste, and boosts the kidneys while improving overall health.
  • Drink green juice. Green foods detoxify the body.
  • Lose weight. Obesity increases the risk of developing kidney cancer.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is important for your immune system, and your body needs enough of it to prevent numerous health conditions. Stats show that many Americans don’t get enough vitamin C. the lack of this vitamin may cause serious health issues, and we give you some of the early signs of vitamin C deficiency.

9 early signs of vitamin C deficiency

According to Andrew W. Saul, vitamin C is the best natural antibiotic, antiviral, antitoxin and antihistamine you will ever use.

Swollen and bleeding gums

Vitamin C is important for your oral health. It protects and strengthens the epithelium tissue. This tissue is actually a barrier that protects against bacteria. The lack of vitamin C results in swollen and inflamed gums that recede easily.

Low vitamin C levels is one of the reasons people develop periodontitis, as confirmed by the American Society for Microbiology. Periodontitis causes gum infection, damage and tooth loss.

Dry hair and split ends

Vitamin C strengthens your hair and its roots. The loss of vitamin C results in dry hair and split ends. It promotes hair growth, and increases the absorption of iron. Any deficiency may lad to slow hair growth and hair loss.


Take enough vitamin C to strengthen your capillaries. Your nose is packed with a lot of tiny blood vessels, and any deficiency may give you a nosebleed. Nosebleeds are also known as epistaxis which is a common symptom of scurvy.

Dry, rough and red skin

If your skin is dry, red, and rough, you may lack vitamin C. You need enough of this vitamin to keep your skin healthy and glowing. Vitamin C deficiency may lead to keratosis pilaris. It’s more common in young individuals but may occur at every age. This condition is manifested through rough patches or tiny bumps on the thighs, buttocks, upper arms, and cheeks.

Keratosis pilaris may cause mild itching. It doesn’t cause any pain, but the rough patches cause discomfort. Sufferers usually use moisturizers and lotions rich in vitamins.


The lack of vitamin C weakens capillaries, and even the slightest bump may give you a bruise. If you get bruises all the time, you should consider boosting your vitamin C intake.

Experts at the University of Michigan Health Systems say that bruising may be a sign of underlying health issues. In addition to eating foods packed with vitamin C, you should also take 400mg of vitamin C supplements and 40mg of flavonoids.

Slow healing of wounds

Take enough vitamin C to accelerate the healing of your wounds or surgery scars. This vitamin strengthens connective tissues and repairs tissues. It can also prevent an infection.

Swollen and aching joints

Pain and swelling in joints are a sign of rheumatoid arthritis. The Arthritis Foundation suggests that individuals who lack vitamin C have three times higher risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis.

Cold and flu

Vitamin C boosts the production of white blood cells, and it’s important for the prevention of virus and bacteria. It’s a powerful antioxidant that prevents infections. If you lack vitamin C, you will be more prone to common colds, flu or strep throat infection.

Bad mood

Believe it or not, vitamin C is linked to your mood. Patients and students with anxiety had better mood after being given vitamin C supplement.

When it comes to other signs and symptoms, sufferers notice spoon-shaped fingernails with red spots and lines. Your bones will get weak, and you will have a higher risk of osteoporosis and fracture.

Vitamin C builds strong bones, and any deficiency may lead to bone loss. Have you gained a lot of weight? Vitamin C regulates the release of fat from fat cells, reduces stress hormones and decreases inflammation. The lack of this vitamin will give you the opposite, and you will end up dealing with obesity.

Final words

Enrich your menu with foods packed with vitamin C, such as broccoli, capsicum, kale, spinach, berries and citruses.

Eat your fruits fresh, and keep in mind that heat reduces the nutritional value of your fruits and veggies. Add vegetables to your soup after it boils.

Taking on an optical illusion once in a while can help keep your brain sharp.

Keeping your mind active, giving it a work out from time to time, is just as important as keeping your body active, with brain teasers and illusions a great test – from improving your focus to working on your problem solving skills as well as giving you better visual awareness and sharpening concentration.

However, they can be a little frustrating as you try to figure out the challenge – often in a race against the clock. And this illusion is no different, leaving viewers scratching their heads as they try to spot all 13 hidden animals in a race against the clock.

According to Jargon Josh, only those with genius level IQs can identify every animal in 10 seconds or less. Only one per cent of people are able to solve the illusion in the allotted time.

So, if you are hoping to gain some bragging rights and show off your brain power to your loved one, get your timer ready!

If it takes you a little longer, do not fret! Some have been left wondering how on earth 13 animals have bee squeezed in and hidden after focusing on the snap for much, much longer.

Ready to give up yet? Take this as your official spoiler warning.

Looking closely at the picture you will be able to notice an elephant, tortoise, mosquito, fish, donkey, head of a bird, dog, dolphin, snake, crocodile, cat, prawn, and mouse.

Some animals are, of course, easier to spot than others, with a number hiding away.

Optical illusion featuring 13 hidden animals
Did you spot all 13 in the picture?

The thyroid gland, an endocrine butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of the neck, below the Adam’s apple, is an extremely important one.

The thyroid gland releases two hormones which have an influence on the entire metabolism.

It releases thyroxin, which affects almost all of the body systems, as well as triiodothyronine, which affects the physiological process in the body like growth, heart rate, body temperature, and metabolism.

There are two different kinds of thyroid disorders:

Hyperthyroidism, which is the condition of overactivity of the thyroid gland and thus the presence of excessive levels of thyroid hormones. These are the most common symptoms:

  • Increased heart rate
  • Changed bowel habits
  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety and irritability
  • Menstrual problems
  • Palpitations
  • Feeling hot
  • Weight loss
  • Sweating
  • Sleeping difficulties
  • Difficulty focusing on one task
  • Racing thoughts
  • Forgetfulness

— Hypothyroidism is a condition of reduces activity of the thyroid gland, which causes a lack of the thyroid hormone, and these are the most common symptoms:

  • Muscle cramps
  • Brittle nails
  • Depression
  • Weight gain
  • Constipation
  • Fatigue
  • Dry skin and hair
  • Reduced menstrual flow
  • Swelling in the front part of the neck
  • Forgetfulness

Yet, there is an entirely natural remedy that can regulate the function of the thyroid and maintain its activity at an optimal level. If the malfunction of this gland is caused by iodine deficiency, which is one of the main causes, this natural remedy can be of great help:


  • 40 pieces of young green walnuts
  • 1kg organic honey


You should initially clean the walnuts, dry them, and use a needle to prick them. Then, place them in a jar, fill it with honey, and leave the jar at a place exposed to sunlight. Leave it there for 40 days, and then store the remedy in a glass bottle.


You should take 2 tablespoons of this remedy every morning and every evening.

Stress is the main cause of many different illnesses and medical conditions, and experts warn about its severe consequences of health.

Sometimes, if its symptoms are unclear, it cannot be noticed right away and causes other side-effects. Therefore, you need to learn its signs in order to try and manage it in order to avoid future complications.

These are the 9 most common signs that you are overstressed:

  1. Weakened libido

Stress might weaken your libido, as it reduces the levels of hormones for sexual activity, and might even cause exhaustion and impotence. Therefore, you must find a way to relax, and enjoy your sexual life. You should also talk to your partner and find a way to fix this issue.

  1. Hair loss

According to Carolyn Jacob, the medical director and founder of Chicago Cosmetic Surgery and Dermatology, we lose about 100 hairs daily without being aware of it. Yet, stress is the main cause of hair loss, as it alters the normal body’s physiologic functions.

Three and four months after the resting phase in which the hair falls, the amount of lost hair gets bigger, and these changes are due to the overstressed body.

  1. Mood changes

Stress affects your hormones, which is manifested by frequent mood swings. As well as anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, addictions, and other mental-health issues.

  1. Obsessive thinking about work

Stress often makes you concerned about your work, obligations, and finances. Yet, the best way to solve the problem is to step away and think calmly about it. Overthinking aggravates the problem and causes physical and psychological issues.

Instead, enjoy the time spend with your family and friends and relax.

  1. Weight variations

Stress leads to weight variations, as it causes appetite loss, and thus weight loss, or might reduce metabolism and cause weight gain.

  1. Sleeping issues

Too much stress often causes sleeping problems, and thus feelings of tiredness and exhaustion. You need to specify the root cause of stress and try to solve it in order to get the rest your body craves for. You can try yoga, meditation, exercise, or meditation, as well as walking in nature, reading, etc.

  1. Anxiety and restlessness

Stress often leads to anxiety and restlessness, which, if not treated, aggravate over time.

  1. Lack of patience

You will often feel impatient if you are under a lot of stress, as well as angry, irritated, and intolerant. To prevent arguments with the ones you love and start feeling happier, you need to find a way to deal with stress.

  1. Body pain

Stress often causes malfunction of the body, leading to pain in the body, headaches, severe arthritis, chest pain, ulcers, palpitation, tense and sore muscles, diarrhea, and stomach issues.

To improve your overall health and prevent severe health problems, start today, and eliminate all that causes stress in your life. Instead, find something you love doing and focus on positivity and peace in the everyday life.

Despite looking highly unattractive, belly fat is a health issue that elevates the risk of serious health conditions.  Despite regular exercise as one of the best ways to get rid of the fatty deposits in the abdominal area, a healthy and balanced diet will help you accelerate the process and boost the effects.

Here are 20 effective ways to naturally lose belly fat at home, without going to the gym:

1. Reduce Refined Carbs

This step is essential when trying to burn belly fat, and diets with less than 50 grams of carbohydrates daily cause significant loss of belly fats in obese individuals. To accelerate metabolism and burn belly fat, you should substitute refined carbs, such as refined grains, with unprocessed starchy carbs such as whole grains and vegetables.

2. Cardio

Cardio exercises are among the best ways to burn calories and decrease belly fat. Yet, note that the frequency and duration of the workout are more important than the intensity.

3. Green tea

Green tea is an extremely beneficial drink that will help you lose belly fat, due to the presence of  EGCG, which is a beneficial catechin.

4. Soluble Fiber

Soluble fiber absorbs water and creates a gel, which helps in slowing down food as it goes down the gut. Therefore, it creates a feeling of fullness, helps weight loss, and lowers the number of calories absorbed by the body from food. You should increase the intake of flaxseed, legumes, blackberries, Brussels sprouts, avocados, and shirataki noodles.

5. Avoid Sugary Foods

Sugar has fructose, and its excess intake is linked to several chronic diseases, such as obesity, fatty liver disease, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. Therefore, limit their intake, and remember that even organic honey, even though it is a healthier sugar, can lead to belly fat gain.

6. Probiotic Supplement or Probiotic Foods

Probiotics are bacteria found in certain foods and supplements, that boost health in numerous ways, strengthen the immune system, and improve gut health. Researchers have shown that these foods regulate body weight and help you lose belly fat.

7. Avoid Alcohol Consumption

The excessive consumption of alcohol leads to harmful effects, including belly fat gain, and an increased risk of central obesity, or the excess storage of fat around the waist.

8. Avoid Trans Fat Foods

Trans fats are created through the pumping of hydrogen into saturated fats, and are present in certain margarine types, packaged foods, and spreads. Their consumption leads to belly fat gain, heart disease, inflammation, and insulin resistance. 

9. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is highly versatile and improves health in numerous ways. The acetic acid in it significantly helps the weight loss process and burns belly fat.

10. Fatty Fish

Fatty fish is a rich source of high-quality protein and disease-preventing omega-3 fats, which help in visceral fat reduction. Therefore, make sure you increase the intake of salmon, herring, anchovies, mackerel, and sardines.

11. Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is a popular weight loss method that follows a pattern that consists of cycling between eating periods and fasting periods. A popular intermittent fasting method is a 24-hour fast twice or once a week, as well as the one that involves fasting every day for 16 hours and eating within 8 hours.

12. Plenty of Restful Sleep

Sleep is crucial for our overall health, and it also leads to weight gain. A condition known as sleep apnea is linked to excess visceral fat and is characterized by the intermittent stopping of breathing at night. Therefore, sleep at least 7 hours every night, but make sure you also get a high-quality rest.

According to Dr. Luke James, the medical director for Bupa Health Clinics, UK:

“From scrolling through social media to having a late-night coffee, there are plenty of ways we unknowingly keep ourselves awake at night. Aside from feeling tired and groggy the next day, not getting the recommended 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night can affect weight loss.

When we’re lacking in sleep, our body’s hormones get thrown off balance which can impact our hunger levels the next day. We all have two hormones that affect our appetite: ghrelin and leptin. When we don’t get enough sleep, our ghrelin levels (the hormone that makes us feel hungry) rise, and our leptin levels (the hormone that makes us feel full) drop.

This means that when we’re awake, we tend to eat more but feel less satisfied. Try going to bed a little earlier than usual to avoid this imbalance and remember to remove any distractions that might prevent you from nodding off.”

13. Track Exercise and Food Intake

When you are trying to lose weight, you need to consume fewer calories. In order to monitor the intake of calories, you can keep a food diary, or use some other food-tracking tools that will analyze the consumption of micronutrients, fiber, carbs, and protein, as well as your level of physical activity and exercise.

14. Lifting Weights

Lifting weights is one of the best ways to lose visceral fat, along with cardio exercises, as they are crucial for gaining and preserving muscle mass.

15. Avoid Sugar-Sweetened Beverages

Sugar-sweetened beverages are high in liquid fructose that leads to belly fat gain and produces increased fats in the liver. Therefore, you should steer away from these drinks, such as soda, punch, sweet tea, and various alcoholic combinations.

16. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is abundant in medium-chain fats that accelerate metabolism and helps the reduction of stored fats. Try taking two tablespoons of coconut oil daily, in order to speed up the burning of belly fat.

17. Reduce Stress

Stress causes belly fat gain since it stimulates the adrenal glands to release the stress hormone called cortisol. High cortisol levels increase appetite and boost the fat storage in the abdomen. Try to relieve stress by participating in exciting like yoga, sports, and meditation. 

“Feeling stressed can wreak havoc on our bodies. It can cause our body to produce the steroid hormone cortisol, which can make you crave sugary foods that provide instant energy and pleasure.

Short-term bursts of cortisol are necessary to help us cope with immediate danger, but our body will also release this hormone if we’re feeling stressed or anxious. When our cortisol levels are high for a long amount of time, it can increase the amount of fat you hold in your belly.”- says Dr.James.

18. Avoid Fruit Juice

Even though it is high in minerals and vitamins, fruit juice is also rich in sugar, so it contributes to weight gain. You should replace it with unsweetened iced tea, water, lemon water, or lime fruit juice.

19. Consume High-Protein Diet

Protein is essential when trying to decrease belly fat, so the increased intake triggers the release of the fullness hormone. It also speeds up the metabolism and helps in the retaining of muscle mass, so make sure you consume meals rich in meat, eggs, fish, dairy, and whey protein.

Dr.James  adds:

“Protein is great for fat loss. It helps build and preserve lean muscle tissue and can increase the number of calories you burn. It’s also a great source of energy that helps you feel fuller for longer, so you’re less tempted to snack.

Good sources include chicken breast, tuna, eggs, milk, and chickpeas. And if you’re finding it difficult to avoid snacks that are high in carbohydrates, try substituting them for protein shakes or bars. Remember also to opt for the lean sources of protein because some sources can be high in saturated fat.”

20. Adjust your Lifetime and Mix Various Methods

In order to reap the benefits of these weight loss strategies, you should combine them, and create your healthy lifestyle and dietary habits, which will help you lose belly fat and improve health in the long run.

Some pictures can say a lot about you. What you see in an image first, can very accurately reveal the hidden facets of your personality. Find out how your interpretation of the world influences your character. Take a look at this picture to learn something about yourself you didn’t know before. Psychology tests are often based on interpreting the first thing you see depicted in a picture. This is your subconscious telling you something about yourself, that you might not know. The first thing you see in this picture will reveal the whole truth about you! It’s not to be taken too seriously, but it can reveal something interesting.  What do you see first in the picture?

1. A Girl You are: – Charming – Mysterious – Creative A creative person with special charm!  You are a charming and mysterious person with many people near you. Many people feel curiosity since you have a weird charm, and you know this so you bring your best out of it. There are many people who envy you since you always get all the attention. You are also a real player when it comes to love so you don’t show your partner everything but open up yourself bit by bit. You have a mysterious charm in you!

2. A Skull You are: – A soft person – Embrace all opinions and ideas – Have great understanding skills A soft person with tolerance!  With great understanding and sympathizing skills, you embrace all opinions and ideas. You have the ability to judge everything fairly and rationally without a biased view. Also, you are very good at adapting to any situation since you are a fast learner. You are a smart person who always makes the right decisions. Since you are a generous person, many people respect you and follow you. You are a charming person with an amazing intellect and social skills!

3. Sight Outside You are: – Passionate Advertisements – Considerate – Have a great sense of humor A passionate and active person!  With great humor and consideration, you are a passionate and humorous person. There are always many people near you and you always lift up the mood wherever you go. You have true leadership qualities, and that is why other people never hesitate to follow you. Additionally, you are also a very responsible and trustworthy person!

Do you think you have a good imagination and a sharp eye? If the answer is yes, you might be able to solve this optical illusion challenge. You can easily see the cow’s face in the picture. However, it is not the only face that exists. The farmer’s face is cleverly hidden somewhere in this picture. Can you spot it? If you can, then you obviously have incredible powers of observation. Let us test your skills. Before you start, familiarize yourself with the rules — no cheating, no scrolling to check the solution before trying, and also find the farmer within the 10-second time frame. Can you do it? All the best! Your time starts now.

(Image source: Pinterest)

10…9…8…7…6…5…Do you need help? Here’s a tip. Rotate the image to multiple angles to make it easier to understand the farmer’s face. 4…3…2…1…time is up! That’s it, time is up. Did you manage to find the face of the farmer. If the answer is yes, congratulations. You truly have an amazing power of observation. However, if you were unable to. Do not worry. It was a tough challenge. Keep practicing with similar optical illusions to improve your observation skills. Now is the time to discover the solution.

Sonnalli A Sajnani shares her workout routine, diet and more

Find a farmer: The solution

The farmer’s face is circled in the picture below.2If you liked this optical illusion, here are similar interesting stories to try:

Categories: Trending

This hidden object puzzle is quite the doozy, so prepare yourself. There are four apples hidden in this artwork, and a lot of red herrings, in the form of… well, red leaves. The fox in the bottom left hand corner is also just there for fun and has no bearing on where the apples are hidden.


Gergely Dudas apples leaves


And if you want the solution, you can watch Gergely draw the entire thing below!


Artist Gergely Dudas has a website filled with very cute images, and the best ones are when he hides things among dozens of animals or in a garden. Check him out on social media as well, and give him a shout out for sharing his work with us at Digg!

New Delhi: Optical illusions trick our perception, causing us to see something differently from how it actually exists in reality. The illusions often involve distortion of size, shape, colour or motion. Our brain processes visual information based on various cues and assumptions, which can sometimes be deceived by the way an image or scene is presented to us.

Optical illusions can be created using various techniques such as perspective, shading, colour and patterns, to generate effects that challenge our understanding of what we see.

The latest optical illusion to go viral on social media tells how mature you are – and it all depends on what you see first in the optical illusion. Take a look:

Optical illusion

Optical illusion maturity test | Image: Mia Yilin

What did you see first in this optical illusion image – a cat or an island?

The optical illusion image was posted by Mia Yilin. “The first thing you see in this picture says a lot about your personality,” Mia captioned the optical illusion.


If you first saw the island in the optical illusion, you hate being alone. You love having friends and you will do anything to gain their favour, even if it means to change or personality or deprecate yourself.

Mia said, “You’re also very indecisive, especially in stressful and important situations.”


If you saw the cat first in the optical illusion, you’re someone who “rarely gets angry with others.”

Even if you feel uncomfortable, you will laugh it off and try to avoid fights.

“However, if someone really gets on your nerves and crosses your boundaries, then nothing can control your fury,” Mia said.

You are super mature and consider other people’s perspectives. You take responsibility when you are wrong.

Netizens said that what they spotted first in the optical illusion matched with Mia’s explanations.

One user said, “Awesome. I saw cat and each and every word you said is true for me.” Another wrote, “Always spot on.”

What did you see first in the optical illusion? Did the description match with your personality?