


Tribal masks have a powerful purpose. In traditional uses, they are worn by a dancer that then becomes “bearer” of the spirit of the mask, a sort of a medium between the tribe and a spirit.

Everyone has a unique taste, which means our choices can say a lot about who we are as individuals. Pick a mask from below then scroll down to your answer to learn about your interesting qualities.

Which Mask Do You Feel Drawn To?



If you picked this mask, then you are very in touch with your emotions. You’re not afraid to be vulnerable and expressive.

You understand the magnitude of your words and you don’t want to use your strength to cause harm. Since you’re aware of the consequences, you think very carefully before you speak. Your poetic mind is capable of creating beautiful gifts.



If you picked this mask, you love a good time and you don’t care what anyone else has to say! You are the kind of free that most people only dream they could be.

Recommended: Pick A Tarot Card To Reveal What To Expect This May

Your sense of humor is your strength and you use this as your tool to make others around you feel good. You know that life is too short to take things too seriously.



If you picked this mask, then you have a fire in you that makes you a great fighter. You never quit and you never let people bring you down. You are a great force that empowers everyone around you.

No matter how hard life can get, you don’t cower in the face of danger. You keep smiling. Although you are incredibly brave, you’re also intelligent to know that sometimes working in a team can get you farther in life.



If you picked this mask, beware of your inner demons. You’re probably fighting something right now and it’s important that you keep your emotions in check.


Steer clear of confrontations to avoid a blow up you’ll regret later. Remember to lean on your support circle to get you through whatever tough times you’re experiencing.



If you picked this mask, then you have the strength and charisma of a brilliant leader. You are both stern and friendly, depending on the situations you get yourself into.

People know they can trust you, but they also know that crossing you would be a huge mistake. You’ve worked hard to earn people’s respect, so use your abilities to create positive change in the world.



If you picked this mask, your greatest strength is your intuition. Since you are incredibly empathetic, you can read anyone like a book and connect with people from all walks of life.

You use this power to improve the well-being of those around you instead of using it for your own manipulation. Instead of judging others, first, you put yourself in their shoes and try to help them out of tricky situations. This skill makes you a pure being.



If you picked this mask, then you are a giving soul. Whenever there is trouble, you’re the first one to show up and offer your time. Everyone knows they can depend on you and they trust you with their life.


Although you never ask for anything in return, you inspire people to continue paying it forward. The beautiful relationships you build from your service make your work so rewarding.



If you picked this mask, you’re known as the dark and mysterious one. You have a strength and allure people can’t put their finger on.

Although you are aware of your abilities, you know you do best when you stay humble. You’re introverted, so you spend most of your time alone.

If a great opportunity arises, you can be the life of the party, though. You have a lot of tricks up your sleeve that keep people guessing!

Were you surprised by your result? Share your tribal mask with your friends to find out what they got!

Each of them possesses an emotional charge, which is connected to the present of the person who picks it.

To go on with this test, all you have to do is to pick one ancient symbol and some information about your present will be divulged.



It is recommended that you stop delaying that plan you’ve been putting off.

Now is the perfect time to work for that vision you’ve had for a long period of time. Focus on how to attain it and envision it as brightly as conceivable. In that way, you’ll make it a reality.



You’re positioned at a crossroads for one simple reason: right now, there’s a resilient stimulus over you. It’s an external energy, which is pushing you to do or decide something that you’re still not persuaded about.


It is advised for you to contemplate and think about the consequences of any choice you make. You’ll see that by dealing with the concerns with a cool head and clean heart, you’ll find the best way out of this problem.



Have you ever sensed that things are occurring to you “nearly by magic”? In this moment of your life, there are uncountable blessings, pouring down on you.

Even if you can’t perceive them, people around you can, and they’re dying to join you on that track! Don’t worry, learn to savor the moment, cast your fears away, and open up to the opportunities that fortune is giving you.



Are you living the way you wanted to? If the answer is certainly not, then it’s time to make imaginative changes, since the energy is there for us to make it work in our favor.


If the answer is yes, then all you have to do is attend to your instinct, since positive things are already lining up to become a portion of your life.



As of this moment; maybe, you find yourself looking for an answer or result: you have to keep in mind that you have to thank the universe for receiving what you wish.

Cucumber juice is an amazing cure. It is believed that this vegetable reduces swelling around the eyes or the big dark circles under the eyes. Cucumber is used in different treatments around the world.

Cucumber slices are the most fantastic and natural eye pads you can find. They can clear the tiredness and puffiness in your eyes after a long busy day.

The answer to a happy skin is cucumber. The skin and this vegetable share the same hydrogen level. This makes it easier for cucumber to mask all the problematic areas. Cucumber can relax you immediately since it helps in soothing and softening your skin.

The many helpful ingredients in cucumber need to become part of your daily face products.

Here is one easy and fast remedy to benefit the positive effect of cucumber:

First, peel the cucumber and squeeze the vegetable. Soak two cotton pads in the cucumber juice and put them on your eyes. Let it work for 15 minutes.

Cucumber can be differently combined because it lightens areas under the eyes and reduces eye fatigue.


We offer you a few recipes:

  • You can either apply cucumber slice or cucumber juice in the area under the eye, let it sit for 15 minutes and them wash your face with lukewarm water.
  • If you mix cucumber juice with potato, in equal parts, it will help you reduce “bags” under the eyes. You need to follow the same procedure mentioned above.
  • Mix equal parts of cucumber juice with lemon juice and remove dark circles under eyes. Apply the mixture on the dark areas under eyes and leave it for 15 minutes. Then, rinse with water.
  • It is good to use tomato juice in mixtures like the above. Tomato juice aids in regaining shine for areas under the eyes.

You shouldn’t be concerned because sagging breasts are thought to be a normal occurrence that comes with aging. You just need to eat a lot of pineapples because they are the best solution to your issue. According to medical professionals, pineapples have potent anti-cancer properties because they are high in antioxidants.

Pineapples are especially great for women because they are packed in substances that help restoring skin elasticity. This effect is visible on female breasts, because they tend to lose their shape along with age. Cigarettes, excess alcohol and coffee make the situation even worse, but pineapples do miracles, and the very first results will amaze you pretty soon.


  • 1 cup finely chopped pineapple
  • ¼ cup pineapple juice
  • ½ cup yoghurt
  • ¼ cup water
  • 3-4 ice cubes

Blend the ingredients until smooth and enjoy your pineapple smoothie every morning before your meals.


Health benefits


Speaking of its health benefits, pineapple is largely praised for its power to reduce joint and muscle inflammation, including arthritis associated inflammation.

Arthritis is a debilitating disease and millions of people worldwide struggle with it. Pineapple contains bromelain, a rare proteolytic enzyme. It breaks down complex proteins and provides strong anti-inflammatory properties. Scientific studies have shown that bromelain can also and relieve symptoms of arthritis.


Immune system

A single serving of pineapple provides about 130% of the recommended daily dose of vitamin C, meaning it is one of the most abundant and most delicious sources of ascorbic acid. Vitamin C has a wide range of benefits.

It helps in treating diseases and stimulates the activity of white blood cells, thus boosting immunity, acts as an antioxidant and reduces the effect of harmful free radicals.

These are actually a byproduct of cellular metabolism and have the potency to harm vital systems in the body and affect their function. Free radicals are responsible for the conversion of healthy cells into cancerous. High vitamin C content in pineapples provides an amazing protection against such effect.


Tissue and cellular health

Vitamin C is often disregarded when it comes to this issue, but it has an essential role in collagen production. Collagen is an essential protein base of blood vessels, skin, organs and bones. Vitamin C level in pineapples improves wound healing and protects against diseases and infections.



Pineapples are directly associated with oral, throat and breast cancer. Apart from being abundant in vitamin C, pineapples are also rich in a variety of antioxidants, including vitamin A, beta carotene,bromelain, certain flavonoid compound and large amounts of manganese, an essential co-factor of superoxide dismutase, known to be a potent mean against free radicals. As we already explained, free radicals trigger a devastating number of diseases.



Pineapples are rich in fiber, but what is even more interesting, they contain both soluble and insoluble fiber. Regular consumption of pineapples helps in protecting against many health conditions, like constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, atherosclerosis, blood clotting and hypertension.

Fiber helps food pass through the digestive tract, and also enhances the release of both gastric and digestive juices that dissolve food. Moreover, fiber aids in treating diarrhea and IBS. It removes excess cholesterol from blood vessels and eliminates from the body, which is of essential importance when it comes to improving cardiovascular health.


Cough and cold

Apart from the power of vitamin C to boost immunity, bromelain also reduces phlegm and mucus in the respiratory tract and sinus cavities which appears as a result of a disease of an infection.


Bone health

Pineapples are not rich in calcium, which is associated with strong bone health, but they are super rich in manganese, which is a trace mineral that is essential for bone health, growth and repair. Pineapples are the richest source in manganese, and a single serving of this fruit provides about 70% of the recommended daily intake of magnesium.


Oral health

In combination with the antioxidants that protect against oral cancer, pineapples have powerful astringent properties, which help in strengthening gums and protecting teeth. Astringents tighten up bodily tissues and prevent tooth and hair loss, muscle weakness and loose skin. Pineapples are mighty astringents and they are commonly prescribed as a natural remedy for loose teeth and gum retraction.



Pineapples are amazing for your eyes, considered as one of the vital senses of living beings. Pineapples are directly associated with eye health, and they also prevent age-related issues. Elderly people are often affected by macular regeneration, and beta carotene in pineapples helps in preventing this issue.


Blood pressure

Pineapples are an amazing source of minerals, especially potassium. It is considered as an essential mineral for the body, and potassium deficiency is the root cause of many health problems.

Potassium is also a vasodilator, meaning it reduces blood vessel tension and stress, and thus stimulates blood circulation in different parts of the body. Blood pressure is pretty low in relaxed blood vessels, and blood flow is also less constrained.

This prevents clotting, and thus clots cannot block blood flow. Moreover, it also decreases plaque buildup in blood vessels. To be more precise, this beneficial effect helps in preventing atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke.


Blood circulation

And last but not least, pineapples also give the body enough copper, which is another essential mineral that participates in many enzymatic processes in the body, including the creation of red blood cells.

High red blood cell count improves the supply of oxygen to vital organs in the body and thus enables their proper function. Furthermore, this stimulates one’s cognitive abilities and maintains neural pathways. This prevents certain neural disorders, like dementia and Alzheimer’s.



Aside from all the good benefits provided by pineapples, there are certain things you should be aware of. Bromelain is also known for its ability to tenderize meat, which means it stimulates the dissolving of tough food.

However, if you eat too much pineapple, you might experience tenderness or sensitivity of your lips, gums, and tongue. Same as vitamin C, excessive consumption of bromelain may cause vomiting, diarrhea, headache, and nausea.

Furthermore, bromelain also stimulates menstrual cycle, and pregnant women should be especially careful regarding their pineapple intake. In some cases, high levels of bromelain may lead to miscarriage.

Accept the challenge with thousands of people around the globe and get your body in great shape.

Plank is one of the most effective exercises to strengthen the central part (core) of the body. Beginners often seem to think that this exercise is simple that they sometimes skip it.

Plank will melt more fat deposits than sit-ups and it will strengthen internal and external muscles of the back and the core. It will also strengthen the muscles of the buttocks, arms and legs.
The Plank Challenge is designed to be completed in four weeks, gradually increased while time passes by. The first step of the challenge is holding the plank position 20 seconds, and the final goal is to achieve four minutes non-paused plank. Eventually, your muscle mass will be emphasized and your body will be ready for bigger challenges.

Correct plank position

The results of the challenge depend on the way you do this exercise. When you lift yourself on elbows and lean on your toes, it is essential for the upper body to be in a straight line.


Control your body to remain in the correct position, and the neck and head to be in the extension of the back with taking a deep breath and with the help of abdominal muscles. Distribute the weight on your elbows and your feet so that you can strain the glutes in addition to enhance the balance.

Day 1: 20 seconds
Day 2: 20 seconds
Day 3: 30 seconds
Day 4:  30 seconds
Day 5:  40 seconds
Day 6:  rest
Day 7:  45 seconds
Day 8:  45 seconds

Day 9:  60 seconds
Day 10:  60 seconds
Day 11:  60 seconds
Day 12:  90 seconds
Day 13:  rest
Day 14:  90 seconds
Day 15:  90 seconds
Day 16:  120 seconds
Day 17:  120 seconds
Day 18:  150 seconds
Day 19:  rest
Day 20:  150 seconds
Day 21:  150 seconds
Day 22:  180 seconds
Day 23:  180 seconds
Day 24:  210 seconds
Day 25:  rest
Day 26:  210 seconds
Day 27:  240 seconds
Day 28:  longest you can

Plank is a demanding exercise and you will feel it within the first twenty seconds. Everyone who has struggles with this challenge or desires to work only on specific parts of the body intends to do different kinds of challenges. The principle is similar, except that instead of planking, you increase the reps of sit-ups or crunches.

There are several explanations for our weight gain. Stress, poor eating habits, insufficient sleep, excessive sedentary lifestyles, toxins from the environment, and hormone abnormalities can all contribute to this. It can be difficult to lose that stubborn belly fat, for whatever reason. Take a look at this weight loss tip for mornings.

Make this first thing in the morning before eating. Drink a full, 20 ounce glass of water. Drink it over the course of 5 or 10 minutes. After that, I take this homemade weight loss elixir. Try to use real ingredients if possible instead of the their processed counterparts.

– 1 cup room temperature water

– Juice 1 lemon (I use a hand press from Crate & Barrel)
– 1 teaspoon Bragg’s raw apple cider vinegar
– 1 teaspoon raw honey OR a couple drops of stevia
– 1/2 inch of fresh ginger root or 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
(Use stevia if you are on yeast cleansing or low sugar diet)



If you feel ill or have chest tightness after drinking the morning lemon elixir, cut out the Bragg’s raw apple cider vinegar. This reaction can occur from the body’s releasing of bacteria and unwanted toxins. Continue to drink the lemon elixir, omitting the Bragg’s, for at least three days, and then try to re-introduce or use only ½ teaspoon of the apple cider vinegar. If the reactions continue upon reintroduction, continue to only drink the lemon water.

The study published in the British Medical Journal revealed its findings that show a link between heart diseases and a health condition known as xanthelasma (xanthelasma palpebrarum). This condition appears as a sharply demarcated yellowish deposit of fat underneath the skin, usually on or around the eyelids. These yellow formations occur in the upper or lower eyelid near the inner corner of the eye.

The connection between heart disease and xanthelasma

Both sexes, and especially after 40, can suffer from this condition. These yellow growths are the result of cholesterol deposits and indicate a higher level of cholesterol in almost half of the patients affected with this condition.

People with xanthelasma usually seek medical help because these growths are unattractive, otherwise, they are soft and painless and do not affect vision.

In fact, without considering them as a warning of a more serious condition, and despite their re-emergence after removal, people most often decide to remove these yellowish growths because their appearance is far from pleasing to the eye.

Scientific evidence

The link between heart disease and xanthelasma has been scientifically confirmed by a recent Danish research. The professor who led the team, Mr. Tibjaerg Hansen came to conclusions that will alter the way we see these seemingly harmless growths, which are ignored as irrelevant by both patients and doctors.

Women with xanthelasma have an 8% higher risk of heart attack, as opposed to those who are not affected by this phenomenon. It has been proved that women have a lower risk of heart disease than men. Moreover, researchers in this study explained that xanthelasma allows accurate prediction of heart disease in this particular group of patients.

On the other hand, it has been proven that men are more prone to heart disease. Men affected with xanthelasma are at a 12% higher risk of heart attack, and men aged 70-79 are at an even higher risk.

This research discovered that the presence of xanthelasma cases in each age group indicates an increased probability of heart disease, heart attack and death. Both men and women who have these yellow growths on their eyelids are likely to experience a heart attack, and in 10- year period, they may even be life- threatened.

The research concluded that xanthelasma, independent of other factors such as high cholesterol, obesity, smoking and high blood pressure, may indicate a severe atherosclerosis, heart attack, heart disease and death.

So, in case you notice that these yellow growths appear on your eyelids, it is highly advisable that you immediately check your cholesterol levels.

Some change the way we see the world around us and others can reveal hidden aspects of our personalities.

This clever illusion can tell if you’re always running late or if you’re on the hunt for true love – but it all depends on what image you spot first.

The snap was shared on TikTok by Charles Meriot and shows an apple core with two faces either side of it.

But did you see the apple or the faces first?

According to Charles they both mean very different things.

It turns out, if you spotted the apple core first you’re the very definition of fun.

Not only that, but “you’re a great friend and always on an adventure, but you’re never on time.”

However, if you’re one of the people who saw the face first it “means you take relationships very seriously.”

In fact if you’re not already in love you might be actively on the hunt for your other half.

Viewers loved the clever illusion and couldn’t believe how accurate it is.

One wrote: “The apple! And yes never on time and always wanting to have fun.”

A second commented: “Yes! Literally late to everything.”

Sadly, heart attacks are one of the most common injuries in the nation. It has been reported that your body will give warnings signs of a heart attack up to six months before it occurs. Have you experienced any of these symptoms? If so, you may need to schedule an appointment with your health care provider.

In the United States, heart disease is the leading cause of death. It can cause a variety of ailments that affect your heart. Some of these conditions include coronary artery disease, arrhythmia, and congenital heart defects.

You can improve your heart health by improving your diet, exercising, taking iron supplements, and increasing your omega-3 fatty acid intake through food sources or supplements. Meanwhile, watch for the following warning symptoms that your body may be prone to a heart attack.


A heart attack can occur when the flow of blood and oxygen to a section of the heart becomes blocked. The heart muscle begins to die from the lack of oxygen. If the blood flow isn’t quickly restored, that area of the heart can die. If medical intervention does not immediately occur, the entire heart can die, leading, of course, to death.



One early sign of a heart attack is extreme fatigue. Of course, fatigue is a normal feeling after engaging in physical activities or experiencing a long day. However, if you are constantly feeling fatigued and tired, you may need to schedule a check-up with your doctor to monitor the health of your heart.

It is not natural to get enough sleep, eat well, and not exhaust yourself physically, but still feel exhausted.


Another warning sign of a heart attack is a disturbance in your sleep habits. Your subconscious mind may be telling you that something is wrong. You may wake frequently, need to use the bathroom frequently during the night, or experience extreme thirst during the night. If you do not have a logical explanation for these sleep disturbances, see your doctor.


Experiencing shortness of breath can be a key warning sign that you are having heart issues. When your heart does not get enough oxygen, you can feel short of breath.


Another early warning sign of a heart attack is indigestion. It is not normal to always have a growling stomach. However, certain spicy and irritating foods can normally cause indigestion.


See your physician if you experienced increased levels of anxiety that do not have a ready explanation.


When your heart does not receive sufficient oxygen to function, it can send impulses to you spine. When this happens, the nerves that are interconnected between your heart, spine, and arms send impulses that cause pain in your arms. If you experience numbness in your arm, you may be having a heart attack.

Keeping watch for these early warning signs of a heart attack could save your life. Share this information with your loved ones to protect their heart, too!


You’ve probably tried to lose weight many times with little to no success. Maybe you lost some weight, but it either always came back or your program wasn’t sustainable, so you quit.

If you’re looking for a way to lose weight, especially if you need to lose 50 or more pounds, you’ve come to the right place.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from my 11 years as a Holistic Nutritionist working with thousands of clients, it’s that there is A LOT of emotional and mental pain associated with weight gain, especially when you’re weight has gotten this bad.

It might even make you angry or sad thinking about it now, but I want to assure you of one thing before I get into the process:

Yes, your past decisions (or lack of action) have affected, maybe negatively, maybe REALLY negatively, your current situation.

However, your past can’t be undone, BUT your past results (where you are now) CAN (where you want to be).

You can choose to move on, leave it behind you and start focusing on your present!

It’s going to take time, but it’s far from impossible. In fact, I know you can do it.

As with pretty much every thing that’s worth it, the transformation won’t happen overnight.  It may take a year or more to lose the weight.

The good news? If you follow this article, you’ll lose weight fast and if you stay consistent, you’ll keep losing weight, and then a year will come and go and you would have lost a significant amount of weight.

And you’ll keep it off!



You can’t be all about your weight loss goals Monday to Friday and take the weekends off. You also have to realize that losing large amounts of weight takes time and patience. Real life is not the Biggest Loser: Healthy weight loss ranges from 0.5lbs-3lbs per week. More than that is not sustainable and often results in relapse later on (just look up the stats on how many Biggest Loser contestants gain the weight back within a year of the show!). Dedication and consistency are the name of the game!


As you probably know by now, major weight loss takes time, so there will never be a chunk of time long enough where you won’t have to make some hard sacrifices. Holidays, birthdays, vacations, dinners or nights out with friends – all of these things will come up while you are making your lifestyle changes. You will have to make sacrifices, and it will be hard. Remember your goals, communicate those goals with your friends and family. You can do it!


I just want to remind you that “mistakes are proof you are trying.” Most of the questions I receive throughout the week have a common themes:

• eating something you shouldn’t have

• missing workouts

• not eating enough

• eating too many “bad” carbs

In other words, the majority of questions or problems you have when it comes to transforming your body are about the mistakes you made. Mistakes are part of the imperfect journey of weight loss, fitness, and flexible eating.

Don’t dwell on your past mistakes. Don’t regret your choice to skip a workout. Accept them and CHOOSE to make a different (better?) choice next time.

It’s pretty simple when you realize YOU get to choose your action and you get to choose how to respond to that choice/action/decision. It’s not an easy job taking responsibility for your mistakes, choosing to learn from them, and then focusing on how you’re going to make a better choice next time.

It’s not easy, BUT it’s worth it, in the end, right?


If you are exercising and dieting because you hate your body, that’s a negative place to start and will result in a negative outcome. You should be building a healthier lifestyle because you love your body and want to do what’s best for it. Be sure to set goals that aren’t tied to the scale or a clothing size: Real, tangible goals like running a 5k or finally taking those dance lessons you’ve always wanted to are much more motivating and fulfilling than a number on a scale or a waist circumference.

The most important thing when trying to lose large amounts of weight is to start small and make one change at a time. Trying to make several changes all at once is overwhelming and you will most likely fall off the bandwagon early on. Adding a new healthy habit every week or two that you know you will succeed at is motivating and will make future changes easier and more natural


You must remember that not all calories are created equal. Five-hundred McD’s calories does not equal five-hundred whole food calories. Your body NEEDS–most of your bodies are CRAVING–real food nutrients, minerals, and antioxidants.

If you don’t supply your body with real food nutrients, it will keep asking for more, and hold on for (literally) dear life to whatever food you consume.

You think if you are eating 1,250 calories of crappy food your body is going to “help” you lose weight? No way, it ain’t gonna happen.

The reality is you need to be eating closer to 2,000 calories of AWESOME food every day, sometimes even MORE on days that require more metabolic function (excess stress, workout days, etc..)

More and more women are going on calorie RESTRICTIVE diets, and guess what is happening to more and more women just like YOU? Ya’ll are GAINING more weight!

You might lose some initially, but then it comes back with a vengeance. I have the solution for you, your weight loss and food troubles, that doesn’t involve calorie counting, obsessing about points, or checking the scale every morning (although you’ll want to because the weight will be flying off).


Alright, I must confess before I give you my formula for losing weight. I’m biased on my program, because they are focused on 3 things: HEALTH, metabolism, and hormones.

To me, if a program focuses on anything other than those 3 main things, you’re doomed.

The most frustrating part of working with over 10,000 people is, I’ve found most people are trying to lose weight to get healthy, when they should be focusing on getting healthy to lose weight.

That’s how I’m going to help you start a ketogenic, metabolism-focused lifestyle.



I hope I’m not starting off on the wrong foot, because you think I’m going to try to sell you a magic “no exercise” pill.

Eventually you’ll need to start an exercise program. Exercise, while it plays a significant role in FAT LOSS, plays a minor role in WEIGHT LOSS.

If you have over 50 pounds to lose, we need to get weight off first.

A recent study done by Current Biology took 322 adults from 5 different countries through a calorie reduction weight loss program.  They split the groups between those that did exercise and those that did not.

Believe it or not, adding in exercise did not play ANY major role over calories burned or weight lost.  And for those that saw changes, they were minor at best.

When you start exercising, the first thing you’ll begin doing is walking with a mix of metabolic bodyweight exercises.

Metabolic exercise makes sure you’re boosting the right fat-burning hormones and keeping your stress/fat-storing hormones low and out of the way!


I always say, instead of suppressing your appetite, SATISFY your appetite. Too many people trying to lose weight are focusing on points, calories, and the scale.

This obviously isn’t working, because if it was, I wouldn’t have to write this article.

100% of the clients who needed to lose over 50 pounds and who weighed 200 pounds or more had hormonal problems that prevented them from losing weight or burning fat.

High cortisol, excess estrogen, low growth hormone, low thyroid, low testosterone, insulin resistance, and many others are likely making weight loss impossible.

The solution? Focus on NOURISHING your body with high quality foods, macronutrients, and hormone-healing meals.

Counting calories is not only awful, it usually doesn’t work. And if it does, the weight always comes back. Most of the time, even more stubborn than ever before.


The bad news? Most people think it’s not healthy to lose weight quickly

The truth? It’s not the fact that you lose weight fast that is unhealthy, it’s HOW you go about it.

The great news? A ketogenic diet can help you lose weight quickly and in a healthy way.

According to the latest science, militant diets win out vs. standard diets. Those who lose the most weight in the first 2-4 weeks of dieting have the greatest weight loss results in the following year.

Therefore, losing weight fast will better impact you in both the short-term and the long-term. The most effective thing you can do is actually a cold turkey approach.

If you know anything about my philosophy on health and weight loss, you’ll know I HATE the short-term diets, so for me to say this is saying a lot about the importance of losing weight FAST.

Dropping weight fast will motivate you to keep going. Keep making better eating choices. Keep choosing the workout over the couch.

You NEED a win right away if you have a lot of weight to lose and I want to help you have a FAST weight loss win.


Now that you have decided to plan your meals (good idea!), it’s about time you learn how to balance your meals for a fat-burning metabolism. Most people they just to through some protein and vegetables together and that’s all you need to lose weight.

While you probably lose weight on a protein/veggie diet, you’ll end up slowing down your metabolism AND you won’t last very long eating a boring, un-enjoyable diet.

You NEED carbs and fat to lose fat and boost your metabolism.

The trick lies in knowing which carbs and fats to include in your daily eating and which ones to exclude (most of the time) from your eating.

The best strategy for meal-balancing or macro-balancing I teach in my 3-Week Ketogenic Diet, begins with simplicity. When you keep your meals simple, you’re more likely to stick to it.

Most of the time I suggest a balanced approach to your macronutrients: carbs, proteins, and fats. However, if you’re starting from scratch I have my clients start with a Ketogenic Diet, with a focus on more fat, medium protein, and low-carb.

This form of macro-balancing stabilizes insulin and leptin, the two most important hormones for fat loss. The other thing the ketogenic diet does is switches your body from burning sugar to fat.


It’s very likely you are dealing with insulin resistance when you’re overweight. I’m almost 99% sure you have insulin resistance and I know with 100% certainty, the only way to overcome this is to do a carb detox, THEN a carb-cycle approach.

Another fact with anyone overweight is they probably aren’t eating nearly enough high-quality protein. You are probably protein deficient without even knowing it.

You might even be confused as to which fats to avoid and which ones to eat. You might think nuts, flax oil, and olive oil are the best oils.

Well you’re in for a wake up call, because if you don’t manage your carbs, increase your protein, and change up your fats, weight loss is going to be difficult for you.

Don’t worry, I’m going to make things extremely easy for you, making your weight loss seem almost effortless.

The ketosis diet involves cutting down on carbohydrates, such as rice, pasta, white bread, etc., as a low-carb diet can aid a faster weight loss process.

The ketosis diet promotes healthy fats like coconut oil, as coconut oil is rich in medium chain triglycerides, which is extremely beneficial for health.

The ketosis diet also includes protein-rich foods which can aid healthy lean muscle building (metabolically active tissue), to keep you looking fit and toned.

Getting into ketosis, isn’t as simple as lowering your carbs and increasing fat. You need a proven science-backed method for getting into ketosis.


Optimal digestion and assimilation of food and nutrients is vital for healthy weight loss. The hormones of the digestive tract are responsible for appetite control, food digestion, nutrient absorption, and toxin removal.

Your digestive system is strongly related to your nervous system, which influence your endocrine system (hormones). If you treat your stomach like a garbage disposal for low-quality foods, your hormones will repay you with weight gain.

Overconsumption of inflammatory foods can lead to leaky guy syndrome, IBS, chronic diarrhea, ulcerative colitis, and more food intolerances. An inflamed “gut” makes it nearly impossible to have a flat stomach or engage the muscles consisting of your “core.”

Optimal health and weight loss are not possible without a healthy liver. The liver is the major detoxification organ and also filters most hormones. It is responsible for 75% of T3 conversion (thyroid hormone) and provides energy in the form of glycogen. It also filters excess estrogen.

When the liver is overburdened by excess stress hormones, alcohol, processed foods, artificial sweeteners, HFCS/sugar, and an overall poor quality diet, the 2 phases of detoxification are inhibited.

The thyroid gland produces three hormones: Thyroxine (T4), Triiodothyronine (T3) and Calcitonin. T4 and T3 are what most people think of as “thyroid hormones.” These hormones play a significant role in your metabolism and in energy regulation in the body. Thyroid hormones act on almost every kind of cell in your body to increase cellular activity or metabolism. If there is too much or too little thyroid hormone, the metabolism of your entire body is impacted.

Because the thyroid hormones T3 and T4 control cellular metabolism throughout the body, when there is not enough of them for any reason, this metabolic function slows and becomes impaired.

Since the thyroid gland regulates metabolism, there is a strong correlation between thyroid disease and weight. Weight gain is more severe in people with hypothyroidism due to an excess accumulation of salt and water; weight loss is common in people who have hyperthyroidism.


Lemon Water – Drinking warm lemon water first thing in the morning is another great way to stimulate weight loss. It’s also a great healthy habits to add to your “get healthy” journey of transformation.

This drink provides crucial nutrients for the body and is EASY to do.  Just make sure to use a real lemon and not lemon juice from concentrate.

Simply squeeze 1/2 of a lemon into a cup of warm water in the morning.

Apple Cider Vinegar – Apple Cider Vinegar is one of the best liquids to heal your gut and protect your cells.

Drink this apple cider vinegar either in the morning or before beg for a healthy digestive and immune system.


  • 8 oz. purified water
  • 2 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tsp. raw honey (optional)
  • 1/4 tsp. cinnamon (optional)
  • 1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper (optional)

Metabolic Coffee/Green Tea/Yerba Mate – Coffee, green tea, and yerba mate have all been shown in multiple studies to be effective at stimulating your metabolism and certain fat-burning hormones.



  • Prepare a cup of green tea.
  • Add 1 Tbsp. stevia or raw honey
  • Add a pinch of cayenne pepper
  • Add a tablespoon of ground cinnamon.


Yerba Mate has the “strength of coffee, the health benefits of tea, and the euphoria of chocolate” all in one beverage.  Of the six commonly used stimulants in the world: coffee, tea, kola nut, cocoa and guarana, yerba mate triumphs as the most balanced, delivering both energy and nutrition.


  • 1 cup yerba mate (brewed)
  • 1 tsp. stevia or raw honey



  • 8 oz. of freshly brewed organic coffee
  • 1 Tbsp. grass-fed butter or refined coconut oil
  • 1 Tbsp. MCT oil (I like this one)
  • pinch of cinnamon


Add all ingredients to a blender and enjoy!


If this article hit home for you, The 3-Week Ketogenic Dietreally is the best place to start your weight loss journey.

My clients lose an average of 10-21 pounds in 21 days and absolutely love the program! But even better than the weight loss is the feedback we get from our clients about how the program has taught them how to change their eating habits and find a diet that truly works for them in the long-term.

I have over 2,000 clients in our private support group going through the Ketogenic Diet together, and every day they are sharing experiences, results, motivation, and lots of recipes!

If you need to lose 50 pounds or more and ready to make a HUGE and PERMANENT change in your life, this is the ONLY place you should start. The program was designed in a way that it can be completed in multiple rounds if you have more weight to lose.

The strategies that I teach will help you make the necessary changes in your diet, fitness, and lifestyle and more importantly, help you maintain an enjoyable, sustainable, and flexible way of eating.

Leave a comment below if you enjoyed this article on how to lose weight if you weigh 200 lbs or more or if have any questions!


Does it feel like no matter what you do, weight loss is ALWAYS a struggle? Yet for others it comes easy. What do THEY know that you don’t?

What are THEY doing that you aren’t?

I’m sorry to say, it’s not the latest exercise craze, dietary supplements, magic pill, or extract that’s helping others lose weight.

It’s a sustainable program that is focused on your unique metabolism, hormones, and lifestyle. A program with YOU in mind.

When I launched the 3-Week Ketogenic Diet 1 year ago, I never thought over 3,000 people would have downloaded and used this plan. Much less have over 100 people lose over 20 pounds in 21 days.

The results keep coming in and I’m STILL shocked to see some of the transformations, but the messages NEVER get old.