


Nails are not just a part of your body that you can ignore. They can tell you a lot about your health. It’s essential to be aware of any changes in your nail color, texture, or shape. These changes can be an indication of underlying health conditions.

Nail conditions are common in people of all ages, but they tend to be more common in older adults. As we age, our nails become thinner, drier, and more brittle. They can also change in shape and color. It’s essential to pay attention to these changes and to consult your doctor if you notice any abnormalities.

In this article, we will discuss some common nail conditions that may be linked to serious diseases. By being aware of these conditions, you can take steps to prevent complications and improve your overall health. Let’s take a closer look at some nail conditions that you should not ignore.

Here are some nail conditions that may be linked to serious diseases:

  1. Yellow Nails 

    Yellow nails can indicate a fungal infection, but they can also be a sign of diabetes, lung disease, or thyroid disease. If your nails are yellow, it is essential to consult your doctor.

  2. White Nails 

    White nails can be a sign of liver disease, kidney disease, or anemia. If you notice white nails, it is essential to consult your doctor.

  3. Blue Nails 

    Blue nails can indicate a lack of oxygen in the blood, which can be caused by lung disease, heart disease, or anemia. If you notice blue nails, it is essential to seek medical attention immediately.

  4. Spoon Nails 

    Spoon nails are nails that are curved upwards at the edges, giving them a concave appearance. This condition can be a sign of iron-deficiency anemia or heart disease.


    Clubbing is a condition where the fingertips enlarge and the nails curve downwards. This condition can be a sign of lung disease, liver disease, or heart disease.

  5. Beau’s Lines 

    Beau’s lines are horizontal ridges that appear on the nails. These lines can be a sign of malnutrition, uncontrolled diabetes, or other health conditions.

  6. Vertical Ridges 

    Vertical ridges are common in older adults, but they can also be a sign of nutrient deficiencies or underlying health conditions.

  7. Brittle Nails 

    Brittle nails can be a sign of a thyroid disorder, fungal infection, or other health conditions.

  8. Pitted Nails 

    Pitted nails are small dents or depressions on the nails. This condition can be a sign of psoriasis or other skin conditions.

  9. Nail Separation 

    Nail separation is when the nail lifts off the nail bed. This condition can be a sign of psoriasis, fungal infection, or thyroid disease.

  10. Dark Lines 

    Dark lines on the nails can be a sign of melanoma, a type of skin cancer. If you notice dark lines on your nails, it is essential to seek medical attention immediately.

  11. Ingrown Nails 

    Ingrown nails occur when the nail grows into the skin. This condition can be a sign of poor foot hygiene or injury, but it can also be a sign of a fungal infection or other health conditions.

  12. Thickened Nails 

    Thickened nails can be a sign of toenail fungus or psoriasis. It can also be a side effect of certain medications.

In conclusion, nail conditions can be a sign of underlying health conditions. It is essential to pay attention to any changes in the color, texture, and shape of your nails and to consult your doctor if you notice any abnormalities. Early detection and treatment of underlying health conditions can prevent complications and improve overall health.

When it comes to heart health, the American Heart Association has warned that chest pain or discomfort in one or both arms can be a warning sign of a heart issue and to see a doctor right away.

Crushing pain in the chest is another warning sign of ticker trouble, but some indications of health issues are not as obvious and can often be mistaken or ignored.

Here are seven warning signs that may be cause for concern.

1. Tearing sensation

If you feel a tearing sensation in your back, you may think you’ve pulled a muscle. But if you haven’t done any physical activity to cause a muscle injury, this sensation might be much more serious. It could be a rupture of the aorta. An aorta rupture can give the sensation of sudden, severe, stabbing pain in the back. If this type of pain persists for more than 20 minutes and it’s accompanied by nausea, seek immediate medical attention.

2. Crushing chest pain

One of the more well-known warning signs is crushing chest pain, which is usually associated with a heart attack. Other heart-woe indicators are tightness, heavy pressure or squeezing in the chest. The pain may also travel to the arm, shoulder, jaw or back.

Even if it’s not from a heart attack, you should not ignore chest pain. Crushing chest pain with nausea, vomiting and sweating is dangerous, so call 911 right away.

3. Tingling in the arms or other extremities

A tingling sensation in your hands, arms, legs or feet is not only uncomfortable but also a cause for concern. Tingling is easy to ignore, but it is a sign from the body of illness.

Tingling is related to circulation problems and diseases such as anemia, diabetes, multiple sclerosis and Buerger’s disease — a condition of the arteries and veins. Tingling in the feet may also be a sign of kidney issues.

If tingling is your only symptom, you can wait to see your regular doctor to investigate. But a tingling sensation that lasts for more than an hour and is accompanied by other symptoms like dizziness and nausea requires immediate medical help.

4. Dizziness

Dizziness or lightheadedness can be caused by disturbances in the brain, the gastrointestinal system, vision or the inner ear. Dizziness is one of the most common symptoms that cause people to seek medical attention.

If you feel dizzy for more than an hour and develop other symptoms, such as nausea and vomiting, seek medical attention. Dizziness is also related to several other health issues, including high blood pressure, low blood pressure, diabetes, thyroid disease, anemia, dehydration and heart conditions.

5. Sweating

Excessive sweating may be caused by a variety of factors, including hot flashes, exercise, stress, excess weight or even spicy food. Heavy sweating may also be a sign of thyroid problems, diabetes or heart issues.

If you are sweating more than usual, you don’t need to call 911, but you should consult a physician to rule out a serious underlying medical condition.

6. Numbness

Numbness in the face, arms or legs can be a very serious signal, especially if the feeling is on one side of the body, as this could indicate a stroke. This symptom may be accompanied by sudden confusion, difficulty speaking or understanding, as well as blurred vision.

Numbness is also associated with several other illnesses, including Lyme disease, Guillain-Barre syndrome and diabetes, and a herniated disk. No matter what the cause, numbness should always be investigated, and if it is accompanied by other symptoms of a stroke, call an ambulance immediately.

7. Swelling

Swelling is usually due to inflammation or a buildup of fluid and may result from a range of conditions. The most common reason for swollen feet or ankles is poor circulation. In older people, it could mean their blood vessels are weakening. It could also be an indication of a blood clot blocking the veins.

One of the more serious conditions associated with swelling is edema, which happens when an abnormal amount of fluid builds up in the body. Edema can damage the heart, make you feel weak when walking and cause swollen ankles.

Always investigate the cause of any type of swelling. And if you experience swollen ankles, make an appointment with your doctor right away.

Immediate Medical Care

When serious health symptoms occur, an ambulance is the quickest way to receive immediate attention. Emergency medical technicians can provide immediate care at the scene and in the ambulance. If you drive yourself or someone else to the hospital, there will be an emergency room wait and precious time may be lost.

In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is more crucial than ever. Obesity, cancer, and heart disease are among the leading health concerns worldwide. While genetics and other factors play a role, diet is a significant contributor to these conditions. One dietary approach gaining attention for its potential health benefits is the consumption of alkaline foods. Alkaline foods are believed to help maintain the body’s pH balance, reduce inflammation, and lower the risk of chronic diseases. In this article, we will explore 15 alkaline foods that can aid in preventing obesity, cancer, and heart disease.

The Best 15 Alkaline Foods on the Planet

1. Spinach

Spinach is an alkaline green vegetable rich in iron, calcium, and vitamins. Its anti-inflammatory properties can help protect against obesity-related health issues.

2. Lemons

Although lemons are acidic in nature, they have an alkalizing effect on the body when metabolized. They are also rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which support a healthy immune system.

3. Quinoa

Quinoa is a complete protein and an alkaline grain. It provides essential amino acids, fiber, and minerals, making it an ideal choice for those looking to maintain a healthy weight and reduce disease risk.

4. Swiss Chard

The Swiss chard helps with blood sugar, and improves the health of your heart and your blood circulation.

It helps the body stay away from viruses, harmful bacteria, and free radicals. Also, it is the best source of alkali from all foods known to us.

5. Buckwheat

This wheat is nothing like the regular one, since it can improve your heart health, prevent diabetes, and boost your energy levels.

It keeps your body warm, so it’s a perfect meal for the winter’s cold days. In addition, buckwheat is a great source of vitamins, iron, and protein.

6. Melon

The melon will clear the toxins from your body and at the same time keep you hydrated. What makes it a top alkaline food is its pH value that is around 8,5.

The water content of this fruit is very high, and that is why it is a good example of an alkaline food.

7. Olive oil

Olive oil regulates the blood sugar levels and reduces the risk of heart disease.

It is rich in vitamin E, monounsaturated fatty acids, and antioxidants. So, we recommend adding it to your diet.

8. Bananas

If you want to lose weight you better add bananas to your daily diet. This fruit balances the blood sugar levels, protects the heart and improves the digestion.

In addition, it is rich in fiber and nutrients like potassium, manganese, B vitamins, and magnesium.

9. Flaxseed

These seeds keep the heart healthy, help control the hot flashes in menopause and reduce inflammations. The flaxseed is considered as a top alkaline food since it’s rich in fiber, antioxidants and vitamin E.

Therefore, we recommend to use it every day. You can grind the flaxseed and add it to almost any meal.

10. Cauliflower

It boosts the heart health and has anti-inflammatory properties. One serving of this vegetable provides 77 percent of the daily requirement of vitamin C.

Moreover, cauliflower is abundant in riboflavin,  potassium, magnesium, vitamin K, thiamin, and manganese.

11. Avocados

Avocados help the absorption of nutrients from vegetables and fruits, control the levels of cholesterol and make your heart stronger.

You can reap the benefits of this superfood by consuming even a bowl of guacamole. What’s more, the avocado contains fiber, nutrients, and monounsaturated fatty acids.

12. Grapes

They help reduce anxiety and hypertension. This fruit reduces the risk of lung, prostate, colon, esophageal, pancreatic, endometrial, and mouth cancer, due to its polyphenols(antioxidants).

13. Carrots

Carrots improve your thought process and your eyesight due to their beta-carotene content (a group of pigments) which protect you against free radical damage.

They are high in vitamin K, C, A, B8, iron, potassium, and fiber.

14. Broccoli

Broccoli is packed with nutrients like vitamins C and K, fiber, and antioxidants. It is known to support a healthy alkaline balance in the body while providing protection against cancer and heart disease.

15. Berries

Berries improve the skin and are good food to slow down the aging process. They help with chronic health disorders, and keep a sharp memory as you grow old.

They reduce the risk of specific cancers, improve digestion and are high in fiber and antioxidants.


Most nights, if you’re lucky, sleep is a completely unremarkable event. But every so often you may experience bizarre behaviours that can leave you feeling completely confused – and perhaps slightly freaked out.

Not to worry. We asked sleep doctors to decode some of the craziest things that can occur from the moment you close your eyes – and most of them are totally normal.

1. Feeling like you’re falling

Also known as a hypnagogic jerk, it tends to happen as you’re falling asleep.

Typically when you dream, your body is paralysed, but sometimes you can start dreaming before your body is on “off” mode.

With hypnagogic jerks, you might act out a dream like falling off a cliff, falling from the sky, or tripping, says Dr W Christopher Winter, Men’s Health sleep advisor and medical director of the sleep centre at Martha Jefferson Hospital in Virginia.

Why the falling? Researchers aren’t sure. “It’s more likely to happen when you’re overtired, sleep-deprived or stressed,” Dr Winter says. “And your brain enters into sleep cycles more aggressively, but your body hasn’t caught up.”

2. Sleep paralysis

You start to wake up in the morning and realise you can’t move a muscle or speak. It can last from several seconds to several minutes, and it’s completely terrifying.

Essentially, it’s the opposite of what happens with hypnagogic jerks, where your brain wakes up before the paralysis that accompanies deep sleep goes away, Dr Winter says.

“You may feel like you can’t breathe. Many people describe it as an elephant sitting on their chest. That’s because all of the muscles that control your breathing except for the diaphragm are still paralysed.”

3. Sleepwalking

Most sleep-related behaviours are harmless. But sleepwalking can be a dangerous issue, since you can trip, walk into something, leave your house or even get behind the wheel.

“With sleepwalking, you’re coming out of sleep just enough for your body to move, but not enough for your brain to be awake,” says Dr Winter.

That’s why you probably have no recollection of your late-night jaunts. The prescription sleep-aid Ambien (known as Zolpidem in South Africa) has been linked to some of the more bizarre sleepwalking incidents including cooking, binge eating and driving while zonked out.

That’s because even if you wake up during the night, the drug keeps your brain sedated so you’re still in an unconscious state, Dr Winter says.

If you experience unusual or dangerous nighttime antics and pop the sleeping pill, talk to your doctor about switching prescriptions.

4. Sleep-talking

About 5% of adults yap in their sleep, according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Most pillow-talk sessions last only about 30 seconds on average.

“It often happens within the first hour or two of sleep when your body is entering into deep stages of sleep, but there’s still enough muscle tone to produce sounds or movements that may accompany dreams,” says Dr Winter.

5. Recurring dreams

“Dreaming is a way for your brain to sort out things it needs to reevaluate and process before it can file them away as memories,” Dr Winter says. “Recurring dreams may happen with unresolved psychological issues your brain is trying to sort out.”

Oftentimes, recurring dreams are based partly in reality. “If you were robbed at the grocery store, you might replay that over and over during sleep until you come to grips with it – whereas if you went to the store to get bread and milk, your brain would process it right away and move on,” Dr Winter adds.

6. Sleep sex

You’re not the only one who has woken up mid-act. In a study of more than 800 patients at a sleep disorders centre, about 8% of patients reported incidents of sexsomnia – initiating sex with a partner while asleep, according to researchers at the University Health Network in Toronto.

“In my experience working with patients, the attitudes, behaviours and things people may say during sleep sex are often very different from what they’d do and say when fully awake,” Dr Winter says.

As a parasomnia, the phenomenon is similar to sleepwalking – you’re coming partly out of deep sleep enough that you can move and possibly talk, but your brain isn’t awake enough to be fully conscious.

“Many people have a vague recollection of it happening during the night or they wake up during sex,” says Dr Winter. “It’s possible you may have been dreaming about sex or perhaps you went to bed with the urge.”

7. Exploding Head Syndrome

It’s just as freaky as it sounds: “All of a sudden, the person wakes up having heard a really loud noise, like an explosion, a flash of light, or a sense that their head is exploding,” says Dr Winter. “In reality, nothing has actually happened.”

It’s a type of hypnagogic jerk, similar to feeling like you’re falling: You’re heading toward deep sleep, but your body hasn’t achieved paralysis yet, and your senses are still turned on.

The turmeric is one remarkable spice that has numerous health benefits for our bodies. It helps with inflammation, cardiovascular health, arthritis, brain health, liver protection, digestion, prevents aging, cancer fight etc…

It is probably the most famous spice nowadays worldwide because of its properties such as: antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties. The turmeric is very good in the fight with diverse health conditions. In this article you can read about the benefits of medicinal beverage – turmeric water and how to prepare it.

All you have to do is to warm some water with turmeric in it, and stir well. Also, stir while you are drinking and do not forget to drink it while it is still warm. Below mentioned are the benefits you will get if you consume turmeric water: Reverse type 2 diabetes. – In 2009, the Auburn University has conducted a research which was then published by the Biochemistry and Biophysical Research and Biophysical Research Communications where the effect on diabetes was proven.

Fights Inflammation

The chronic inflammation can be caused by numerous diseases, yet this spice has amazing anti-inflammatory drugs.

Cardiovascular health

As a result of the health properties of curcumin, (which is active agent in turmeric) the arteries are free from plaque deposits and blood clots which improve the cardiovascular health. In 2011, the journal Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin has published a research that revealed the findings of a team of researchers from the Niigata University of Pharmacy and Applied Life Sciences in Japan. These experts discovered that the health of the heart of male rats that were injected with an autoimmune heart disease was improved by the ingestion of turmeric during a period of three weeks. This is why consuming turmeric water will improve your Cardiovascular health.

Relieves arthritis

When we take in account the results from a research conducted in 2012, it has been proven that turmeric has strong activity as diclofenac which is used in treatments of pain and swelling in the joints.

Brain health

according to one research, there is a valuable link between the cognitive disorders like Alzheimer’s and dementia and the lowered levels of a certain type of growth hormone known as the Brain – Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF). Additionally, these researchers have found that curcumin has a large effect on the levels of this hormone and thus it reverses some brain diseases or declines of the brain functions because of aging.

Liver protection

Turmeric has ability to protect the liver from toxic damage and regenerates the damaged cells, as well as stimulates the production of bile and boosts the gallbladder function, and reduces the engorged hepatic ducts.

Improves digestion

If and when you ingest turmeric on a daily basis, you will improve your digestion and stimulate the release of bile.

Prolongs life and prevents aging

Of the most important factors for aging are the free radical and inflammation, and therefore curcumin successfully inhibits their activity.

Alkalizing of the body

Because of its high alkaline content it has positive effects on the body, as for example, it prevents development of cancer.

Anti-cancer Properties

As last, due to the fact that it is a powerful antioxidant, it prevents cell damage because of unstable molecules

For what reason is it essential to detoxify your body? Regardless of whether you eat well more often than not, you can’t abstain from taking in the contaminated air in your condition or taking in the poisons from family unit cleaners or even the emanations emitted by vehicles that go by you.

It’s unavoidable.

And keeping in mind that the poisons outside your body are sufficiently terrible, did you realize that your body is making harmful free radicals as you are perusing this article.

Believe it or not, even things like negative feelings, the hormones radiated when under pressure and enthusiastic unsettling influences like tension, all make free radicals that are exceptionally dangerous to your body.

However, it’s not all fate and agony! Your body has some really powerful frameworks under control to remove these poisons, for example, perspiring, pee or crap.

However, even these common wellbeing conventions can wind up supported up when the poisons become excessively.

What’s more, by then, in the event that you don’t deal with this over-burden you can turn out to be wiped out, quick. To detoxify your body resembles getting a spa in the wake of a difficult day of work. Your body feels much improved, your mind feels more clear, and you feel progressively loose.

White or Yellow Tongue

At whatever point you see an abundance of yellow or white film on your tongue it is a flag that your body is detoxing itself through your mouth by method for your tongue and breath.

Your tongue ought to be brilliant pink or light red so on the off chance that you see a film on your tongue the time has come to detox.

Gallbladder Issues

On the off chance that you are having any issues, for example, torment when you eat any fats, it is likely your gallbladder revealing to you it is over-burden.

At the point when your body is over-burden with poisons, bile discharged in the gallbladder from the liver can turn out to be excessively focused, which can at last obstruct your gallbladder and increment the danger of gallstones frequently the wellspring of the agony.

Blocked Sinuses

Sinus issues are basic in individuals who are over-burden with poisons, particularly in the event that you consistently breathe in high measures of dangerous synthetic substances either in your home or at work.


Regular migraines with no undeniable reason is a flag that something isn’t right.

So in the event that you discover you are going after an agony reliever time and again, attempt a detox program to check whether the issue can be alleviated normally.

Having skin issues, for example, unending dry skin or bothersome rashes as well as skin inflammation is an indication that your body needs assistance.

To mend your skin you have to freed your body of the poisons causing the skin issues, which is the reason basically utilizing a topical treatment that may have much more poisons in it, isn’t getting down to business.

Tummy Fat

While not all tummy fat is a flag that you have to detox, it is as yet something you should focus on.

Toxins put away in your fat cells upset your digestion, which can influence your body’s capacity to control glucose and cholesterol levels.

A sleeping disorder

Your body normally discharges melatonin when the time has come to rest.

If your body is loaded with poisons, it can influence the measure of melatonin your body discharges, eventually causing a sleeping disorder or anxious rest.

A great detox can help reestablish your body’s regular rest/wake cycle.


If you find that you are having standard hot flashes (that are not associated with menopause), it is most likely an aftereffect of a dangerous develop that is constraining your heart to stay at work longer than required, a circumstance called “overheating.”

This is your body’s method for endeavoring to discharge the poisons by perspiring out the hurtful poisons.

Absence of Energy

There is a major distinction between essentially being drained and weariness or steady weakness and low vitality.

Waking up tired each day and not having the capacity to endure the day, is a decent sign it’s a great opportunity to detox. So why not begin your days with this detox formula.

There are numerous approaches to enable your body to dispose of exorbitant poisons and detoxify your body. Here are only a couple of these: 

– working out

– sauna

– squeezing/smoothies

– bouncing on a small scale trampoline

– drinking this formula in the first part of the day

– dry skin brushing

– lymphatic back rub

– Combining more than one of these alternatives will give you the best outcomes.

– Whatever it is that you do, simply begin with one thing as it were. It’s smarter to add on as you become accustomed to a more beneficial way of life than to not begin at all since you’re feeling overpowered.

Heart disease is undoubtedly the leading reason for the death of people, and annually, more than 1 million Americans die from a heart disease.

In most cases, people suffer from coronary artery disease (CAD), which can result in a heart attack.

Research predicts that 920,000 people in the U.S. will experience a heart attack, and about half of them will happen without any prior warning symptoms.

A heart attack is a result of the obstruction of the blood flow to a part of the heart. This leads to a buildup of plaque in the arteries (atherosclerosis), which may break and create a blood clot which will represent a blockage of the blood flow.

If this blockage is not eliminated fast, a part of the heart muscle will begin to die and will be substituted with scar tissue, which may lead to numerous health complications afterward.

For example, a previous heart attack (in particular, if it has caused a big area of the heart) poses a great risk for sudden cardiac arrest, which is the result of abnormal rhythms of the heart and can have fatal consequences.

5 Ways to Prevent Heart Attacks

Even though heart attacks occur frequently, and are a really painful experience, they can, in fact, be prevented. We all know that our lifestyle and diet play a great role in our overall health, but you surely haven’t been aware of the extent to which you can help yourself.

The Karolinska Institute conducted a study which discovered that if you do these simple 5 lifestyle changes, you may successfully prevent heart attacks as they have reduced these experiences by 80%.

Even the researchers of this study were not fully aware of the benefits of incorporating these 5 healthy changes into your everyday life:

“It is not surprising that healthy lifestyle choices would lead to a reduction in heart attacks… What is surprising is how drastically the risk dropped due to these factors.”

Moreover, these or similar results have also been revealed by a study conducted in 2004. This INTERHEART study, which aimed at discovering the heart disease risk factors in over 50 countries worldwide, found that a healthy diet and healthy lifestyle may prevent 90% of heart disease cases.

Yet, most of the people do not use these findings in order to feel the benefits. Namely, the featured study included men from 45 to 79, and only 1% of them incorporated all 5 lifestyle changes that prevent the occurrence of heart attacks.

These 5 simple, but effective, lifestyle changes include:

  1. A healthy diet
  2. Physical activity (exercising ≥1 h/week, and walking/bicycling ≥40 min/day)
  3. Moderate alcohol consumption (10 to 30 g/day)
  4. No smoking
  5. Healthy waist circumference (waist circumference <95 cm or 37.4 inches)

Even though you probably believe in the opposite, your biggest enemy are the following: sugar, refined carbs, and processed foods, and not the saturated fats found in eggs, lard or butter.

Yet, is understandable why you may have been confused, as fats lead to LDL cholesterol or “bad” cholesterol. Conventional belief states that high LDL is linked to heart disease and saturated fat actually increase LDL levels.

Yet, there are two distinct kinds of LDL cholesterol particles:

  • Small, dense LDL cholesterol
  • Large, “fluffy” LDL cholesterol

The second ones are not harmful, and studies have shown that they do not cause. On the other hand, the small, dense LDL particles, however, lead to a plaque buildup in the arteries. Namely,  trans fat raises the small, dense LDL, and the large, and benign LDL is stimulated by the large, fluffy ones.

What’s more, research has suggested that the consumption of refined sugar and carbohydrates, including soda, bread, and bagels, increase the number of small, dense LDL particles. This means that our health and body may suffer much more from the combination of trans fats and refined carbs, than from saturated fat.

However, due to the hypothesis about the cholesterol levels, industrial low-fat foods, harmful trans fats (margarine, vegetable oils, etc.), processed fructose and a lot of refined sugar replaced healthy saturated fats, such as lard and butter.

This approach has led to the rising trend of obesity and heart disease rates.

Heart-Healthy Diet Regime

In order to prevent heart diseases, your diet should trans fats, so avoid all kinds of processed foods. Moreover, you should also address the issue concerning the insulin and leptin resistance, which is caused by excess consumption of grains and sugars. In order to reduce the risk of a heart disease you should follow the instructions below:

—    You should eliminate grains, sugar, processed fructose, from your diet. On the other hand, your diet should be rich in organic whole foods. Therefore, you should consume:

  • vegetables- as much as possible
  • Low-to-moderate quantity of high-quality protein
  • High-quality healthy fat, meaning monounsaturated and saturated fat from animal and tropical oil sources. For optimal health, the majority of people need 50-85 % fats in the diet, which is significantly more than the 10 % now recommended.These are the riches sources of healthy fats: raw dairy, grass-fed meats, organic pastured egg yolks, coconuts, and coconut oil, raw nuts, such as almonds, pecans, macadamia, and seeds, butter made from raw grass-fed organic milk, unheated organic nut oils, and avocados.

Moreover, the regulation of the balance of omega-3 and omega-6 ratio is also really important for your cardiovascular health. Namely, those fatty acids stimulate the creation of the cells in your arteries that produce prostacyclin, which promotes a smooth blood flow.

The lack of omega-3 in the body has been linked to numerous serious health issues, both mental and physical, and might significantly contribute to 96,000 premature deaths annually.

Hence, it is advisable to consume wild-caught oily fish (like anchovies or sardines) or to take a high-quality krill oil supplement. Moreover, you should avoid most vegetable oils.

Fruit and Heart health

The study presented at the ESC Congress in Barcelona, Spain this year, discovered that the consumption of fruits on a daily basis has reduced heart disease risk by 40%, compared to people who do not have this habit. Also, it was shown that the more fruit participants ate, the lower their risk of heart disease was.

This is due to the fact that fruits are abundant in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other phytochemicals, which have powerful anti-inflammatory properties which promote heart health.

The British Medical Journal (BMJ) published a research which demonstrated that the consumption os an apple daily prevents the risk of cardiovascular-related death in people older than 50, similarly to the use of a daily statin.

Yet, be cautious when eating sweeter fruits. Numerous of the most important useful phytonutrients in fruits, in fact, have sour, bitter, or astringent taste, and can be found in the skin and seeds.

In moderate amounts, you may benefits a lot by consuming cherries, organic apples, and blueberries. Fruits can have high fructose levels, o avoid over- consumption in order to prevent heart disease. Follow these suggestions:

  1. 80% of Americans are insulin or leptin resistant, so if you are one of them (hypertensive, diabetic, overweight, or have high cholesterol), you should restrict your fruit consumption. Take a maximum of 15 grams of fructose daily from all fructose sources.
  2. In the case you are not insulin/leptin resistant, and regularly exercise or do some manual labor, higher fructose levels may not cause some serious health issues. Yet, fruit may still raise your blood sugar, as well as your protein glycosylation. Hence, it is recommended to eat a fruit after your physical activity, so the sugar will serve as fuel, and will not increase blood sugar levels.
  3. If you are an athlete, large amounts of fruits will serve your body as they will provide energy and won’t be turned into fat.
  4. If you do not know how to consume fruits, it is best to previously check your uric acid levels and then use these suggestions.

Diabetes Drug Increases The Risk Of Heart Disease

One of the most common diabetes drugs, Metformin, makes the tissues more sensitive to insulin. Yet, newest studies indicate that its use raised the risk of low thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels in the case of hypothyroidism.

If these levels are greatly reduced, they may cause serious health issues, as well as heart problems like atrial fibrillation, which may result in congestive heart failure.

Another study pointed out that the treatment of type 2 diabetes with glucose-lowering drugs may possibly raise the risk of death due to a cardiovascular, as well as other health issues. According to researchers:

“The overall results of this meta-analysis do not show a benefit of intensive glucose lowering treatment on all cause mortality or cardiovascular death. A 19% increase in all-cause mortality and a 43% increase in cardiovascular mortality cannot be excluded.”

There is no need for these drugs since type 2diabetes can be reversed without using drugs. The natural treatment includes the substitution of processed foods with whole organic foods low in sugar and sugar-forming carbohydrates, in combination with several minutes of regular high-intensity workout.

Beta-Blockers and Scientific Misconduct

Beta-blockers are common drugs, usually used in the case of congestive heart failure and high blood pressure. They act by impeding the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and epinephrine (adrenaline) to bind to beta receptors, thus dilating blood vessels, which decreases the blood pressure and the heart rate.

The European Society of Cardiology (ESC) advised the use of beta-blockers in the case of non-cardiac surgery. Yet, a research done earlier this year showed that this guideline is based on “questionable and probably fraudulent research,” and may have been the reason for 800,000 deaths in Europe in a period of five years.

Namely, these guidelines regarding the use of beta-blockers were done by a scientist who was fired in 2011, for scientific misconduct, and at the same time, was the chairman of the committee that constructed the draft of the European treatment guideline on the first place.

Yet, even though expected otherwise, the ESC needed two years to withdraw the beta-blocker recommendation. His delay led to the death of a half of a million people.

Recently, the Forbs published a revised version of the article was published, which explained in details all the risks and consequences of the publication of a fraudulent research and its practical use in clinics.

“They write about a culture of neglect in which few if any participants have anything to gain by finding or reporting scientific misconduct. They cite numerous examples in which misconduct has been alleged but the responsible actors– authors, home institutions, journals, and medical societies– have responded in only the most minimal and non aggressive fashion. The portrait they paint is of a scientific and medical establishment devoted to not rocking the boat.”

Heart Attack Prevention

You should not wait until you experience the first symptoms or a heart disease, in order to begin taking care of your cardiovascular health, as the most common heart disease symptom is actually death.

Therefore, follow these instructions in order to prevent heart issues and protect your health:

  • Reduce stress
  • If you are resistant to leptin or insulin, eliminate all sugars, as well as processed fructose and grains. This is due to the fact that a diet rich in sugar promotes insulin and leptin resistance, which is the main cause of heart disease
  • Your vitamin D levels should be optimal, so you can get them from being exposed to the sun, a tanning bed, or you can take as oral vitamin D3 supplements
  • Avoid long sitting, as you should sit no more than three hours during the day. Moreover, it is advisable to make 10,000 steps throughout the day.
  • Eat unprocessed saturated animal fats. Moreover, numerous people will benefit a lot from incorporating more healthy fat in the diet to 50-85% of daily calories
  • Eat a healthy, organic diet, and combine it with a regular workout. You can use a mix of core work, high-intensity interval training, stretching, and strength training.
  • Statins may cause numerous side effects, and their benefits are questionable. Only in the case of a genetic familial hypercholesterolemia, patients may benefit from their use. The symptoms of this condition include abnormally high cholesterol, resistant to lifestyle changes such as a healthy diet and a regular exercise
  • You should frequently walk barefoot to the ground, as in this way, you will help the transfer of free electrons from the earth into your body, which represents one of the most powerful antioxidants and will effectively treat inflammation in the body.

Once you find out why throwing an aspirin into your washing machine is recommended, you will be amazed. Who would’ve thought that aspirin can have such a purpose?

This advice will save your white laundry, and you will see that this pill can even compete with the industrial stain removing and bleaching agents.

So, what can you do to remove the stains and avoid that repelling grayish color of white clothes, and restore their freshness?

You may be surprised, but you can do all this with an ordinary aspirin pill.


Fill a container with 2 gallons of hot water, and dissolve 5,300 mg of aspirin pills.

The best way is to crush them in smaller pieces for quicker dissolving. Put your white clothes in the solution, and let them soak overnight.

The next day, put the clothes in your washing machine together with several aspirin pills, to get their original white color. If you follow these small steps, the results will amaze you.

What’s more, you will see that this trick is more effective than both, commercial stain removals and bleaches, as it removes all the stains and dirt without damaging the fabric.

Once you try it, you will definitely use it all the time.

Soda bicarbonate contains numerous health benefits and if you mix it with lemon juice the list of health benefits is vastly increased. This mixture is so amazing and it will definitely help you improve your overall health.It is very affordable and you could prepare it from the comfort of your home. Also this remedy is considered to contain powerful alkalizing, antibacterial, and antiseptic properties that will help you treat different health problems.

Both, lemon and baking soda are considered to be excellent combination for alkalizing the body. Regular consumption will help you eliminate acidosis and it will improve the health of the kidneys. In case your body is below 7 on the pH scale it means the body is too acidic and it could lead to inflammation, weak immune system which leads to developing numerous health issues. Due to these reasons you should consume this remedy in order to alkalize the body and prevent health issues.Improves digestionThis remedy is amazing for improving digestion and fights flatulence with antacid properties. Also it is great for gastroesophageal reflux due to the hydrochloric acid that it contains. On the other hand this remedy acts great against acidity of foods and improves digestion after each meal.

Purifies the body

This remedy is amazing for detoxifying the liver. Also it provides great amount of potassium and vitamin C which is needed against free radicals. On the other hand this remedy is also amazing for burning fat and eliminating waste and toxins from the boy.

Here is how to prepare this remedy:

  • Lemon – 1
  •  Baking soda – 1 teaspoon
  • Warm water – 1 cup
  •  Honey – 1 teaspoonInstructions:

You will need to mix all ingredients and stir well. Drink this remedy always fresh, and 3-4 times per day. Also remember that you should consume it on empty stomach. On the other hand you should consume it two weeks in a row and then rest for two weeks. Make sure that you don’t repeat this process more than 2-3 times per year.

The modest cucumber is actually a very healthy vegetable that is ideal for the hot summer days. Cucumbers are full of water and essential vitamins and minerals that will improve the quality of your skin and your overall health as well. Cucumbers also contain electrolytes which can hydrate your body.

Cucumbers are a vegetable from the Cucurbita family which includes pumpkins and melons as well. It has an elongated shape and variable size. The shell is usually dark green, while the flesh is almost transparent. The vegetable has a crunchy texture and great taste, and is pretty easy to grow and widely available around the world.

Here are some of the main health benefits of cucumber:

1.Detoxifies the body

Cucumbers are rich in water which can eliminate waste and toxins from your body and even treat kidney stones.

2.A great source of minerals

Cucumbers are rich in minerals such as magnesium, silicon and potassium which the body requires for various functions.

3.A great source of vitamins

Cucumbers contain vitamin A, B and C which can boost your immune system and improve your overall health.

4.Fights diabetes, regulates blood pressure and cholesterol

The vegetable contains a healthy amount of fiber, potassium and magnesium that can control your blood sugar levels and reduce the levels of cholesterol.

Consuming the vegetable regularly will also regulate your blood pressure.

5.Fights cancer

Cucumbers contain lignans, secoisolariciresinol, lariciresinol and pinoresinol, anti-carcinogenic compounds which can fight breast, prostate, uterus and ovary cancer.

6.Hydrates the body

The high amount of water in the vegetable will keep your tissues and skin hydrated.

7.Improves the health of your kidneys

Cucumbers can reduce the amount of uric acid in your body and improve the health of your kidneys.


8.Improves the health of your joints

Cucumbers contain minerals such as silicon which can reinforce your joints and connective tissues and reduce the pain caused by inflammatory conditions such as arthritis or gout.

9.Improves digestion and maintains your weight

Cucumbers are full of water and low on calories, making them ideal for weight loss. Additionally, they’re rich in fiber which will improve your digestion.

10.Improves the health of your hair and nails

Cucumbers contain a healthy portion of sulfur and silicon, two minerals that are vital for proper hair and nail health.

11.Improves your oral health and eliminates bad breath

Drinking cucumber juice often can revitalize your gums and reduce the irritation in your mouth. Cucumbers contain phytochemicals which can fight bad breath and eliminate bacteria in your mouth.

12.Fights sunburns

Applying slices of cucumber on your skin can fight sunburns effectively and quickly.

13.Great for hangovers

Cucumbers are the one of the ideal hangover foods – they are rich in electrolytes, water and vitamin B which the body requires after a night of drinking. Experts suggest eating a bit of the vegetable before going to bed in order to neutralize the effects of the alcohol.

14.Reduces the appearance of dark circles under the eyes

The powerful anti-inflammatory properties of the vegetable can reduce the swelling and bags under your eyes.

15.Great taste

Cucumbers are really tasty and thanks to their health benefits, they are among the most popular vegetables on the planet. You can eat them raw or juice them thanks to their great flavor.