


Your eyes aren’t only good for seeing. They can also give you signs about your health. Depending on the symptoms, it can be obvious or subtle. It’s essential to pay attention when your eyes are warning you about your health.

1. White Spots on Your Cornea

This can mean you have an eye infection, which is a common problem if you wear contact lens.

It can also be a sign of a corneal infection.

2. Eye Twitching

You already know that stress comes out in different ways, including eye twitching. Luckily, this symptom isn’t dangerous, but it is a sign that you need to relax.

3. Blurred Vision

Usually, blurry vision means it’s time to break out the glasses, but it could mean more. Not only can blurry vision be a sign of eye problems like cataracts or macular degeneration, but it can also be a sign of diabetes.

A 2014 study found that 73% of diabetic patients sampled had blurry vision. Your eye doctor could detect diabetes when they are checking your eyes.

4. White Ring Around Your Iris

If this is noticed during an eye exam, it may be time to go to your doctor. While a white ring can be a sign of aging, it can also be a sign of high cholesterol. Your eyes could be telling you that you are at an increased risk of heart attack or stroke.

5. Damaged Blood Vessels in Your Retina

This isn’t a symptom that you can see in a mirror. This is the type of symptom that gets noticed during an eye exam.

Damaged blood vessels in your retina are also known as hypertensive retinopathy.

It’s a sign that your blood pressure is too high.

6. Your Eyes are Dry All the Time

If you are rubbing your eyes all the time and the skin around them is red, this can mean you have allergies. Rubbing too much or too hard can cause your eyelid to become looser and even saggy. This can cause wrinkles, increased exposure to air, and make your eyes dry.

7. Eye Floaties

Occasionally you will see little specks in your vision, and while most of the time they are harmless, they also shouldn’t be shrugged off. If you notice you have more than usual, this could be a sign of a retinal tear or detachment.

8. Puffy and Red Eyes

This symptom doesn’t necessarily mean infection. It can be a sign that you are tired. Your eyes are telling you that you need to sleep.

9. Yellow Patch or a Bump on the Whites to the Side

A tiny percentage of this is precancerous, but most of them are not. Getting too much sun can cause these patches. You can wear special glasses that will protect you from the sun if you notice these patches appearing.

10. The Whites of Your Eyes Turning Yellow

If you see this symptom, it could mean that you are developing Jaundice, a condition where you have too much bilirubin. It’s a yellow compound formed from the breakdown of red blood cells.

You can get this due to an infection, alcohol-related diseases, or cancer.

11. Eye Strain and Tearing Up

It’s hard not to be on the computer all day in this new age of technology. If you stare too long at a computer or TV screen, your eyes can get too dry and start tearing up.

12. Broken Blood Vessels

While no one likes to look in the mirror and see this, it’s essential to notice. This can mean that you are straining your eyes. Maybe give your eyes a break.

A 14-year-old teen from Kazakhstan died after her phone exploded on her pillow during her sleep.

As technology advances, apart from the benefits, society encounters new, unknown problems that need to be dealt with.

While it might initially sound like something perfectly normal, and we do daily, in this case, keeping the phone on the pillow while trying to sleep ended up in a tragedy.

One 14-year-old girl, Alua Asetkyzy Abzalbek from Bastobe, Kazakhstan, died in her sleep after her phone exploded! The girl put her phone on the pillow and listened to music.

It was plugged into a nearby power socket, so when it exploded, it caused a severe injury to the head of the girl, and she died instantly. Alua’s family found her in the morning and called the paramedics. Unfortunately, nothing could be done to help the teen.

The statements were confirmed by forensic experts. After it overheated from charging, the phone, whose brand was not disclosed, exploded. The death of Alua broke the hearts of many. She will be missed.

Sadly, the cause of her death is not as unique as we would all like to believe.

Liliya Novikova, 26 — dubbed Russia’s “most beautiful poker player”, was found dead from a suspected massive electric shock in her bathroom. She was allegedly blow-drying her hair in the bathroom, but at the time, she has been using her mobile.

An ex-soldier from Britain reported that the back of his Android handset ‘flew off and caught fire’ when he tried to manually reset the device. One man in India was being filmed on CCTV when the phone in his pocket blew up and burnt his leg.

Similarly, while she was driving, the phone of one woman in Shanghai’s Minhang district in East China exploded on her car’s dashboard. This was caught on camera too.

Although it may sound like out of a horror movie, a phone explosion can happen more often than you think. And this has been explained by scientists.

First of all, it is not the phone that causes it, but the battery. While most phones use lithium-ion batteries that are usually able to be overcharged safely, a manufacturing default can lead to an explosion.

Plus, constantly overcharging a phone can eventually hinder its performance. Don’t panic yet, as your phone is unlikely to explode, as it has built-in safety features to prevent such accidents.

Yet, in case the battery is damaged or impacted in any way, these features can also be influenced. The battery is probably damaged if it is swollen, deformed, or overheats all the time.

High temperatures and environments, long phone calls, using apps that are demanding for the CPU, charging, and running multiple tabs, can also shorten the life of the battery.

To stay on the safe side, make sure you always remove the phone case while charging, keep it out of direct sunlight or in a hot car for too long, and don’t charge it while it is in a bag.

Moreover, avoid getting the phone wet or damaged, and using the wrong or cheap knockoff chargers.

The struggle to lose weight is probably one of the most difficult tasks, and people constantly seek a way to find the best advice or quick weight loss tips.

Well, we have the one that you need. This egg diet for weight loss is easy to follow and you can lose up to 12 pounds in a week!

This effective weight loss plan is in fact a low-calorie diet intended for fast weight loss, but not for long-term weight loss. It is a fact that your body needs calories for energy, and by depriving your body of nutrition for an extended time you can damage your body, weaken your metabolism, and increase your risk for various health conditions.

However, if you want to lose weight quickly, you must try this egg diet and see the results by yourself.

The Egg Diet

Eggs are extremely healthy since they are full of protein and nutrients. Their consumption provides your body with the majority of needed vitamins and nutrients. By their intake and elimination of unhealthy foods for a week, you will significantly build up your metabolism and start shedding weight.

When you first look at this diet, there does not appear to be much food, but eggs will provide satiety. At the end of seven days, you will have lost 12 pounds following this egg diet for weight loss.

Here is the diet plan for the week:

1st day

  • Breakfast-2 boiled eggs, 2 oranges, and 1 cup of low-fat milk
  • Lunch- 6 ounces of boiled skinless chicken,1 cup of yogurt
  • Dinner- one boiled egg, 5 ounces of boiled skinless chicken and one orange

2nd day

  • Breakfast- 2 boiled eggs with juice from one lemon
  • Lunch- 5 ounces of roasted fish, 1 grapefruit
  • Dinner- 3 hard-boiled eggs.

3rd day

  • Breakfast- 2 hard-boiled eggs, 1 cup of warm water with 1 freshly squeezed lemon
  • Lunch- 6 ounces of boiled beef, 1 grapefruit
  • Dinner- 3 hard-boiled eggs

4th day

  • Breakfast- — 3 scrambled eggs with onion, parsley, and dill
  • Lunch- 5 ounces of cooked chicken with salad
  • Dinner- 1 hard-boiled egg, 2 oranges

5th day

  • Breakfast- 2 carrots, 2 hard-boiled eggs, -1 tablespoon of sour cream
  • Lunch- 2 carrots, 1 cup of fresh orange juice
  • Dinner- 3 ounces of boiled fish, 1 boiled egg

6th day

  • Breakfast- 5 ounces of low-fat yogurt, 1 freshly squeezed lemon or orange for breakfast
  • Lunch- 2 boiled eggs, 2 grapefruits
  • Dinner- a glass of water

7th day

  • Breakfast- 2 boiled eggs, half a grapefruit
  • Lunch- 6 ounces of beef, 1 orange

Dinner- a glass of water

This egg diet for weight loss is easy to follow, but you need to use it only for one week. You ought to drink plenty of water and follow through with the steps to maximize your weight loss. After the week ends, start eating normally again, but the first few days, in order to prevent shocking your body with food, eat plenty of cheese, eggs, oranges, and grapefruit.

Te wanted results are inevitable!

There is nothing very like a long unwinding shower to get your body and brain all together. When you are independent from anyone else you likely don’t mull over it. What are we discussing here? Peeing. It’s hard to believe, but it’s true, peeing in the shower isn’t as loathsome as the face your are at present making would propose. Look at what specialists need to say in regards to it!

It resembles the familiar axiom goes, “There are two kinds of individuals: the individuals who pee in their wet-suits, and the individuals who lie about it.” a similar levelheaded applies for showers, or almost anyplace we are submerged in water. It’s very regular and normal really.

Truth be told, peeing in the shower really has a few advantages (other than soothing your bladder). Look at all the ways it can be useful.

1. This action literally saving the planet

As indicated by a few examines, which were directed by The Agency for Environmental Protection in the United States, urinating in the shower sets aside to 27% of the water stream. This is for the most part since you don’t need to streak the can in the event that you urinate in the shower.

2. Disinfects wounds

Crisp pee will help you in the cleansing of scars or scratches. In particular the pee will clean the injury, and will also unwind the tissues and assuage the agony. Anyway you ought to recall that if the injury is not kidding, you should go and see your specialist.

3. Helps you take care of your skin

Now you have to realize that pee is incredible in treating skin inflammation and rashes. To be specific urea is a functioning fixing that is generally utilized as a part of numerous creams and oils for healthy skin. Likewise you have to realize that the pee keeps the skin’s pH levels is in adjust and is fantastic for dry and delicate skin.

4. It can help you solve your fungi problem

Pee can be utilized as a part of the treatment of the irritating and monstrous contagious disease on the foot. In such cases, the most ideal approach to treat this condition is to apply pee to the skin influenced by growths. The outcomes will be striking in just couple of days and will doubtlessly astonish you.

To wrap things up keep in mind to impart this article to your loved ones. You might help somebody in require

Parasites are organisms that live and feed off of another organism. A parasite takes and consumes your body’s nutrients and meanwhile, it hurts the entire organism.

They can be found in numerous different forms and can thrive throughout the body, but most often live within the human intestines. Some types of parasites consume the red blood cells, causing anemia, others eat your food, making you hungry after every meal, but still unable to gain weight.

As claimed by the statistics of the World Health Organization, the occurrence of some type of parasitic infection can be found in 3.5 billion people.

The following are10 Symptoms That Indicate The Presence of Parasites in your Body:

  1. Skin problems: eczema, dry skin, hives, rashes, papular lesions and sores.
  2. Sleep problems such as disturbed sleep, bed wetting, insomnia, teeth grinding during sleep.
  3. Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Irritable bowel syndrome is one of the more common signs of parasites in the body. Intestinal parasites fix themselves to the walls of the intestines which causes inflammation of the area.
  4. Fatigue, exhaustion, depression, or feeling of apathy frequently.
  5. Parasites generally attack the lining of the intestines which leads to a variety of abdominal problems prevail in distressing regularity
  6. Pain in navel, heart pain and arthritic pain, muscle and joint problems, including muscle pain, joint pain, muscle cramping, numbness of hands and/or feet.
  7. Iron-deficiency anemia diagnosis
  8. Reproductive problems, PMS, cysts and fibroids, prostate problems, menstrual problems, water retention and urinary tract infections.
  9. Mood and anxiety problems such as anxiety, nervousness, mood swings, depression, restlessness and forgetfulness
  10. Appetite and weight issues like weight gain, long standing obesity, inability to gain or lose weight, loss of appetite or uncontrollable hunger.

You need to know that you need to starve the parasites through eliminating sugar and processed foods from your diet, since they love sugar and everything that turns into sugar. Also, consuming more fiber helps the body get rid of parasites, especially worms.

On the other hand, parasites hate raw cabbage, coconut oil, pineapple, gentian root, ginger, aloe, pumpkin seeds, pomegranate seeds, blackberries, and papaya. Make sure to eat as much of these foods and herbs as possible, to ensure a hostile atmosphere for them, instead of a hospitable one.

Nevertheless, the most advisable procedure to determine if you have parasites in the body is the stool test. Moreover, consult with a licensed medical practitioner and complete the testing necessary to test the type of parasitic infection.

Heart disease is undoubtedly the leading reason for the death of people, and annually, more than 1 million Americans die from heart disease.
In most cases, people suffer from coronary artery disease (CAD), which can result in a heart attack. 

Research predicts that 920,000 people in the U.S. will experience a heart attack, and about half of them will happen without any prior warning symptoms.

A heart attack is a result of the obstruction of the blood flow to a part of the heart. This leads to a buildup of plaque in the arteries (atherosclerosis), which may break and create a blood clot which will represent a blockage of the blood flow.

If this blockage is not eliminated fast, a part of the heart muscle will begin to die and will be substituted with scar tissue, which may lead to numerous health complications afterward.

For example, a previous heart attack (in particular, if it has caused a big area of the heart) poses a great risk for sudden cardiac arrest, which is the result of abnormal rhythms of the heart and can have fatal consequences.

5 Ways to Prevent Heart Attacks

Even though heart attacks occur frequently, and are a really painful experience, they can, be prevented. We all know that our lifestyle and diet play a great role in our overall health, but you surely haven’t been aware of the extent to which you can help yourself.

The Karolinska Institute conducted a study that discovered that if you do these simple 5 lifestyle changes, you may successfully prevent heart attacks as they have reduced these experiences by 80%.

Even the researchers of this study were not fully aware of the benefits of incorporating these 5 healthy changes into your everyday life:

“It is not surprising that healthy lifestyle choices would lead to a reduction in heart attacks… What is surprising is how drastically the risk dropped due to these factors.”

Moreover, these or similar results have also been revealed by a study conducted in 2004. This INTERHEART study, which aimed at discovering the heart disease risk factors in over 50 countries worldwide, found that a healthy diet and healthy lifestyle may prevent 90% of heart disease cases.

Yet, most people do not use these findings to feel the benefits. Namely, the featured study included men from 45 to 79, and only 1% of them incorporated all 5 lifestyle changes that prevent the occurrence of heart attacks.

These 5 simple, but effective, lifestyle changes include:

  1. A healthy diet
  2. Physical activity (exercising ≥1 h/week, and walking/bicycling ≥40 min/day)
  3. Moderate alcohol consumption (10 to 30 g/day)
  4. No smoking
  5. Healthy waist circumference (waist circumference <95 cm or 37.4 inches)

Even though you probably believe in the opposite, your biggest enemy is the following: sugar, refined carbs, and processed foods, and not the saturated fats found in eggs, lard, or butter.

Yet, is understandable why you may have been confused, as fats lead to LDL cholesterol or “bad” cholesterol. Conventional belief states that high LDL is linked to heart disease and saturated fat increases LDL levels.

Yet, there are two distinct kinds of LDL cholesterol particles:

  • Small, dense LDL cholesterol
  • Large, “fluffy” LDL cholesterol

The second ones are not harmful, and studies have shown that they do not cause. On the other hand, the small, dense LDL particles, however, lead to plaque buildup in the arteries. Namely, trans fat raises the small, dense LDL, and the large, and benign LDL is stimulated by the large, fluffy ones.

What’s more, research has suggested that the consumption of refined sugar and carbohydrates, including soda, bread, and bagels, increases the number of small, dense LDL particles. This means that our health and body may suffer much more from the combination of trans fats and refined carbs, than from saturated fat.

However, due to the hypothesis about cholesterol levels, industrial low-fat foods, harmful trans fats (margarine, vegetable oils, etc.), processed fructose, and a lot of refined sugar replaced healthy saturated fats, such as lard and butter.

This approach has led to the rising trend of obesity and heart disease rates.

Heart-Healthy Diet Regime

To prevent heart disease, your diet should trans fats, so avoid all kinds of processed foods. Moreover, you should also address the issue concerning insulin and leptin resistance, which is caused by excess consumption of grains and sugars. To reduce the risk of heart disease you should follow the instructions below:

— You should eliminate grains, sugar, and processed fructose, from your diet. On the other hand, your diet should be rich in organic whole foods. Therefore, you should consume:

  • vegetables- as much as possible
  • Low-to-moderate quantity of high-quality protein
  • High-quality healthy fat, meaning monounsaturated and saturated fat from animal and tropical oil sources. For optimal health, the majority of people need 50-85 % of fats in the diet, which is significantly more than the 10 % now recommended. These are the riches sources of healthy fats: raw dairy, grass-fed meats, organic pastured egg yolks, coconuts, and coconut oil, raw nuts, such as almonds, pecans, macadamia, and seeds, butter made from raw grass-fed organic milk, unheated organic nut oils, and avocados.

Moreover, the regulation of the balance of omega-3 and omega-6 ratio is also really important for your cardiovascular health. Namely, those fatty acids stimulate the creation of the cells in your arteries that produce prostacyclin, which promotes smooth blood flow.

The lack of omega-3 in the body has been linked to numerous serious health issues, both mental and physical, and might significantly contribute to 96,000 premature deaths annually.

Hence, it is advisable to consume wild-caught oily fish (like anchovies or sardines) or to take a high-quality krill oil supplement. Moreover, you should avoid most vegetable oils.

Fruit and Heart Health

The study presented at the ESC Congress in Barcelona, Spain this year, discovered that the consumption of fruitsdailys has reduced heart disease risk by 40%, compared to people who do not have this habit. Also, it was shown that the more fruit participants ate, the lower their risk of heart disease was.

This is because fruits are abundant in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other phytochemicals, which have powerful anti-inflammatory properties which promote heart health.

The British Medical Journal (BMJ) published researchthath demonstrated that the consumption of an apple daily prevents the risk of cardiovascular-related death in people older than 50,similary to the use of a daily statin.

Yet, be cautious when eating sweeter fruits. Numerous of the most important useful phytonutrients in fruits have a sour, bitter, or astringent tastes, and can be found in the skin and seeds.

In moderate amounts, you may benefit a lot by consuming cherries, organic apples, and blueberries. Fruits can have high fructose levels, o avoidover-consumptionn to prevent heart disease. Follow these suggestions:

  1. 80% of Americans are insulin or leptin resistant, so if you are one of them (hypertensive, diabetic, overweight, or have high cholesterol), you should restrict your fruit consumption. Take a maximum of 15 grams of fructose daily from all fructose sources.
  2. In the case,e you are not insulin/leptin resistant, andregulary exercise or do some manual labor, higher fructose levels may not cause some serious health issues. Yet, the fruit may still raise your blood sugar, as well as your protein glycosylation. Hence, it is recommended to eat fruit after your physical activity, so the sugar will serve as fuel, and will not increase blood sugar levels.
  3. If you are an athlete, large amounts of fruits will serve your body as they will provide energy and won’t be turned into fat.
  4. If you do not know how to consume fruits, it is best to previously check your uric acid levels and then use these suggestions.

Diabetes Drugs Increases The Risk Of Heart Disease

One of the most common diabetes drugs, Metformin, makes the tissues more sensitive to insulin. Yet, the newest studies indicate that its use raised the risk of low thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels in the case of hypothyroidism.

If these levels are greatly reduced, they may cause serious health issues, as well as heart problems like atrial fibrillation, which may result in congestive heart failure.

Another study pointed out that the treatment of type 2 diabetes with glucose-lowering drugs may raise the risk of death due to cardiovascular, as well as other health issues. According to researchers:

“The overall results of this meta-analysis do not show a benefit of intensive glucose lowering treatment on all-cause of mortality or cardiovascular death. A 19% increase in all-cause mortality and a 43% increase in cardiovascular mortality cannot be excluded.”

There is no need for these drugs since type 2 diabetes can be reversed without using drugs. The natural treatment includes the substitution of processed foods with whole organic foods low in sugar and sugar-forming carbohydrates, in combination with several minutes of regular high-intensity workout.

Beta-Blockers and Scientific Misconduct

Beta-blockers are common drugs, usually used in the case of congestive heart failure and high blood pressure. They act by impeding the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and epinephrine (adrenaline) to bind to beta receptors, thus dilating blood vessels, which decreases blood pressure and heart rate.

The European Society of Cardiology (ESC) advised the use of beta-blockers in the case of non-cardiac surgery. Yet, research done earlier this year showed that this guideline is based on “questionable and probably fraudulent research,” and may have been the reason for 800,000 deaths in Europe in five years.

Namely, these guidelines regarding the use of beta-blockers were done by a scientist who was fired in 2011, for scientific misconduct, and at the same time, was the chairman of the committee that constructed the draft of the European treatment guidelineinn the first place.

Yet, even though expected otherwise, the ESC needed two years to withdraw the beta-blocker recommendation. His delay led to the death of half of a million people.

Recently, Forbs published a revised version of the article was published, which explained indetails all the risks and consequences of the publication of fraudulent research and its practical use in clinics.

“They write about a culture of neglect in which few if any participants have anything to gain by finding or reporting scientific misconduct. They cite numerous examples in which misconduct has been alleged but the responsible actors– authors, home institutions, journals, and medical societies– have responded in only the most minimal andnonaggressivee fashion. The portrait they paint is of a scientific and medical establishment devoted to not rocking the boat.”

Heart Attack Prevention

You should not wait until you experience the first symptomsofr heart disease, to begin taking care of your cardiovascular health, as the most common heart disease symptom is death.

Therefore, follow these instructions to prevent heart issues and protect your health:

  • Reduce stress
  • If you are resistant to leptin or insulin, eliminate all sugars, as well as processed fructose and grains. This is because a diet rich in sugar promotes insulin and leptin resistance, which is the main cause of heart disease
  • Your vitamin D levels should be optimal, so you can get them from being exposed to the sun, or a tanning bed, or you can take as oral vitamin D3 supplements
  • Avoid long sitting, as you should sit no more than three hours during the day. Moreover, it is advisable to make 10,000 steps throughout the day.
  • Eat unprocessed saturated animal fats. Moreover, numerous people will benefit a lot from incorporating more healthy fat in the diet to 50-85% of daily calories
  • Eat a healthy, organic diet, and combine it with a regular workout. You can use a mix of core work, high-intensity interval training, stretching, and strength training.
  • Statins may cause numerous side effects, and their benefits are questionable. Only in the case of genetic familial hypercholesterolemia, patients may benefit from their use. The symptoms of this condition include abnormally high cholesterol,resistancet to lifestyle changes such as a healthy diet and a regular exercise
  • You should frequently walk barefoot to the ground, as in this way, you will help the transfer of free electrons from the earth into your body, which represents one of the most powerful antioxidants and will effectively treat inflammation in the body.

Despite its unique taste, garlic is one of the healthiest natural foods on the planet, offering a wide range of health benefits.

It is a powerful natural antibiotic that supports heart health, prevents heart disease and a heart attack, treats colds, flu, fungal infections, diarrhea, and controls diabetes, osteoarthritis, and enlarged prostate. Garlic strengthens the immune system and detoxifies the body.

Moreover, The University of Maryland Medical Center revealed some of its most promising uses as well:

“…garlic is used to help prevent heart disease, including atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries (plaque buildup in the arteries that can block the flow of blood and may lead to heart attack or stroke), high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and to boost the immune system.

Garlic is rich in antioxidants. In your body, harmful particles called free radicals build up as you age, and may contribute to heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Antioxidants like those found in garlic fight off free radicals, and may reduce or even help prevent some of the damage caused over time.”

Note that it is best to use it raw, since heat decentralizes allicin, its active ingredients, chop them, leave them aside for 15 minutes, and then consume them. To reap all its health benefits, consume it on an empty stomach, in order to absorb all its nutrients. 

In a combination with honey, it will optimize your health and boost your energy levels. Just chop  2-3 garlic cloves finely, and then add a tablespoon of honey. Stir well and consume on a daily basis.

Moreover, you must try the following garlic flu tonic:


5 garlic cloves, coarsely chopped

1 tablespoon ginger, chopped

2 red chili peppers, coarsely chopped

1 lemon, juiced

Raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar


Make sure you wear gloves in order to protect your hands from irritations and rashes due to the powerful natural oils of the ingredients.

Then, in a Mason jar, add the chopped garlic on a layer, then, add a layer of the hot peppers, add the ginger, pour the lemon juice over them, and finally, pour the apple cider vinegar. Leave a centimeter of free space from the rim, seal well, and store the jar in the pantry.

Take this natural antibiotic to relieve the symptoms of common colds, flu, and a sore throat.

Although the health benefits of bananas are widely recognized, the peel’s powerful qualities should also not be overlooked. While most of us discard the banana skin after eating it, some nations, like India, use it for decades to reap the nutritional benefits.

Here is how to use the banana peel:


Rub your teeth with the inner side of a banana peel every day for two weeks. Soon you will notice the positive results.



If you have skin warts, this problem can be solved with a banana peel. Not only you will remove them with it, but also you will prevent their appearance in the future. Place a banana peel piece over the wart on your skin and fix it with a bandage. Let it sit overnight. Continue to do this process until you totally remove the wart.



The banana is excellent for total skin care. The reason is the present antioxidants and anti-aging characteristics. Bananas hydrate and nourish the skin. Rub the banana peel on the skin, particularly in the irritated and problematic areas. Let it sit for 30 minutes.



Unfortunately, this skin disease can’t be totally cured with banana peel, but it can soothe the symptoms of psoriasis.



Rub painful spots on your body with a banana peel. It is an excellent analgetic.



You already know that bananas contain potassium. But did you know that a great deal of that potassium is present in banana peel? It can contain around 40% of the potassium.

This mineral is needed if you want to lose weight. It boosts metabolism, so you burn more calories and muscles have enough energy. If you have energy, you can be more active.

However, banana peels contain many other things, such as antioxidants, fiber, B-vitamins, vitamin A.

Fiber is more present in the peel, than in the banana itself. Fiber keeps you full for a longer period.

Now you know that banana peels have some seriously awesome weight-loss benefits. And really, it’s not as strange as it sounds. Give the banana peel recipe below a go and you’ll wonder why the heck you’ve been tossing the skins in the trash your entire life.



  • 4 green banana peels
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric
  • Salt
  • 2 teaspoons coconut oil
  • ½ c black-eyed peas (if using fresh, soak overnight)
  • ½ teaspoon mustard seeds
  • 2 tablespoons unsweetened grated coconut
  • Juice of one lime

1. Chop peels into small pieces and boil in water with turmeric and dash of salt. To prevent sap from sticking to your pot, add a few drops of oil to the water. Bring to a boil, and then simmer until skins are tender. Drain, reserving water for a later use (we like to use it to cook rice or as a base for soup).

2. If using fresh black-eyed peas, boil until tender. If using canned, rinse and drain beans.

3. Heat coconut oil in skillet or frying pan over medium heat. Add mustard seeds and cook until they begin to pop.

Add boiled peels and black-eyed peas, stir, and cook for about 5 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in coconut. Add salt to taste and finish with lime juice. Serve.



Cancer fighting characteristics are more present in ripe bananas and they can help your body create white blood cells.

But if you want to lose weight, green peels are better because they contain more probiotics. Probiotics help your digestive health. Also, it has been shown that green peels increase the levels of serotonin and dopamine.

I know it would be hard for you to eat the peel, but there are some ways you can do that.

For example, make a smoothie. Throw away both ends of the peel and put it in a blender, adding some coconut milk, cinnamon, ice, and any other ingredient you like. If you choose this method, use yellow peels because they have a banana flavor and are sweeter.

The other option for ripe bananas is tea. To prepare the tea, remove the ends and boil the peel in a pot for about 10 minutes. Strain it and enjoy your banana tea. If you want your tea sweeter, add a little honey.

However, green bananas are better for cooking. You can use green banana peels to prepare chutneys or curries, or even use them instead of potatoes. The only thing you need is being creative. Feel free to get creative.

Buy organic bananas and clean them thoroughly before using.

The best thing you can do for your health is replacing the processed butter with homemade organic butter. The butter you buy in grocery stores is packed with pasteurized milk and trans fats. And the home made one is full of vitamin A and is good for your eyes, skins, tissues, membranes and teeth.

The butter you buy in grocery stores is packed with pasteurized milk and trans fats.

The best thing you can do for your health is replacing the processed butter with homemade organic butter.

The butter you buy in grocery stores is packed with pasteurized milk and trans fats. And the home made one is full of vitamin A and is good for your eyes, skins, tissues, membranes and teeth.

How to Make Homemade Butter (Bold Baking Basics)

Prep Time: 10 mins

  • Servings: 2 sticks
  • Author: Gemma Stafford


  • 3 cups (24floz/720ml) heavy cream (high fat content)
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 5 tablespoons Ice water

Many of us are used to go to bed with wet hair. However, this is a big mistake. In fact, sleeping with damp or wet hair can be the culprit of many ailments. This doesn’t mean that we will catch a cold or pneumonia, but trigger other health issues.

When we go to bed with damp or wet hair, the moisture is retained and it can inflame the scalp, causing an annoying itching sensation. Moreover, this can also cause damage to the mane. What’s more, you shouldn’t keep the towel on your head for too long as it has the same effect of retaining moisture.



When the hair is wet, it is more prone to breakage. So, sleeping with wet hair only increases the risk of hair breakage.


Sleeping with wet hair will cause sticky hair. Hence, the hair can be difficult to be entangled. This is especially the case for people with long hair.


As we mentioned before, the wet hair retains the moisture throughout the night. On the other hand, when we sleep, the temperature of the body rises. Thus, there will be a big temperature difference and this will cause headaches.


Sleeping with wet hair can trigger different types of itching. This will happen due to the moisture that is formed in the skin of your head.


Moreover, sleeping with wet hair will wet the pillow and towel, which becomes the perfect breeding place for bacteria. Therefore, it may lead to infections.


Due to the temperature change, sleeping with wet hair may cause muscle pain, severe cramps, and facial paralysis. In some rare cases, it may even lead to paralysis of the whole body and cause death.


When your scalp remains moist for a longer time period, it will interfere with the function of sebaceous glands on the scalp. As a result, these glands will either start to produce more oil or reduce oil production. Moreover, this may disrupt the natural pH balance of the scalp and trigger dandruff or excessive oily scalp.

Therefore, you should avoid sleeping with damp or wet hair and wash your hair during day hours.