

Optical Illusion Personality Test: What You See First Reveals Unexpected Truth About You – Internet users appear to have an insatiable appetite for optical illusions resulting in the creation of new optical illusions every day. Optical Illusion Personality Test: What You See First Reveals Unexpected Truth About You has been trending recently and this article will give you the explanation and solution of Optical Illusion Personality Test: What You See First Reveals Unexpected Truth About You.

Personality Test

The internet seems to be insatiable when it comes to optical illusions. It’s always a fun task for some people, but it’s a puzzle for others. Recently, a ton of brand-new, incredible optical illusions have inundated the internet, confusing netizens. Especially Optical Illusion personality tests wherein what you see reveals who you are.

Optical Illusion Personality Test: What You See First Reveals Unexpected Truth About You has been shared across various social media platforms and many people are accepting this challenge. However, many have claimed that this specific optical illusion is quite challenging.

What You See First Reveals Unexpected Truth About You?

Some images don’t always show what they seem to be. To comprehend it, we must pay attention to our thinking. These images are known as optical illusions. Currently, optical illusion images of various kinds are popular on social media. Internet users also make an effort to respond to the query by pausing briefly in front of such visuals. Let us give you an additional illustration of this kind.

These illustrations of optical tricks are intended to provide a thorough examination of the mind and eyes. When viewing these visuals, people frequently experience eye confusion. The enigma these images contain has a difficult time being solved. When their mystery is answered, people’s minds are completely blown.

One of those images is currently sweeping social media like wildfire. And what is added to this optical illusion is what you see first will reveal unexpected truths about you that will blow your minds.

Explanation To What You See First Reveals Unexpected Truth About You

Sometimes, pictorial challenges can be both delectable and difficult. In this image, we are given a drawing and are expected to find out what this drawing portrays. From the title What You See First Reveals Unexpected Truth About You it is clear that this drawing has more than 1 manifestation. And those who see one is believed to have one set of qualities and those who see the other is believed to have another set of qualities. Let us find out what these two images in this Optical Illusion Personality Test and the solution to What You See First Reveals Unexpected Truth About You.

Solution To What You See First Reveals Unexpected Truth About You

This optical illusion personality test has two images –  a Duck and a Rabbit.


Those who saw a Duck are more artistic and creative and are known for their imagination. They are good at visualizing their feelings and might sometimes be seen daydreaming.


As opposed to the creative arc of Duck, those who saw the rabbit first are analytical and are great at computing. They are known for their logical, and mathematical skills and their linear thinking.

If you like to eat avocados, you may have wondered what to do with the pits or seeds inside them.

As you may have discovered, these take a long while to break down if you add them whole to your composting system, but you definitely should not simply throw them away.

To help you move closer to a zero waste lifestyle, here are seven unexpected, surprising, but most all, practical ways to use avocado pits:

1. Grow an Avocado Tree

The first and most obvious thing to do with the seed from an avocado is to use it to grow a new avocado plant.

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Gently clean your avocado pit, taking care to note which end is the top (pointier end – towards the top of the avocado) and which is the bottom (wider, flatter end). The top end will have to be kept dry and the bottom will need to be submerged in water.

To achieve this, push toothpicks into the avocado around its ‘equator’, so it can be rested on top of a glass of water. Make sure the water level is around half way up the pit. Keep it topped up.

Patience is required. It can take up to 8 weeks for the pit to sprout, in a sunny location. Make sure it gets as much sunshine as possible. Since sun is required, it is best to attempt this in spring, when sunshine hours increase. A taproot will emerge and you cannot let this taproot dry out. Eventually, a sprout will appear at the top.

When the stem is around 15cm long, cut it back by half to encourage new growth. When it has grown to around 15cm again, pot your sapling in humus-rich, fertile soil.

Again, make sure your little avocado tree gets as much sunshine as possible. Water frequently but reduce watering if leaves yellow. When the stem reaches around 30cm in height, and after each new 15cm of growth, pinch out the top two sets of leaves to encourage the sapling to bush out.

There is no guarantee that an avocado tree grown in this way will fruit, or that the fruits will taste good if it does.

But though it won’t fruit for a very long time (years), if it fruits at all, an avocado plant could still make a nice houseplant to grow inside your home.

2. Grind or Grate and Compost It

Avocado seeds contain a range of beneficial nutrients – including calcium, magnesium, and quite a high level of potassium that can be beneficial for your plants.

Avocado pits placed whole into your composting system will not break down for a very long time, but grate or grind those pits and they could be a good ingredient to add to your compost heap, or simply to sprinkle around your plants as part of a mulch.

The potassium and other nutrients in the pits will be returned to the soil, and since the pits are high in potassium, they are particularly good for flowering or fruiting plants.

3. Make a Natural Pink Dye from Avocado Pits

But you don’t have to relegate those avocado pits to a composting system right away. You can also use them in a range of interesting ways around your home.

One excellent example is that you can use them to make a lovely soft pink natural dye.

To learn more about dying with avocado pits, check out this link:

4. Make a Hair Rinse/ ‘No Poo’ Shampoo

Moving away from commercial shampoos is very popular with those who want to live more eco-friendly and sustainable lives and move closer to zero waste. But finding the right recipe for your hair is not always easy.

Making a type of shampoo substitute from avocado pits is one more on a long list of options to consider. You can find out more here:

5. Make an Avocado Pit Facial Scrub

Another idea is to use dried and ground avocado pits as an exfoliant. They can be used to get rid of dry skin and can be combined, also, with the flesh of the avocado, which also has many great benefits for the skin. Here’s how to make a simple DIY facial scrub:

6. Make a Mobile/ Wind Chimes

Another crafty idea is to string a number of avocado pits, perhaps along with pine cones, shells, or other natural materials to make attractive wind chimes or mobiles for your home or garden.

To make the pits last longer, they can be dried and treated with linseed oil or an eco-friendly varnish.

7. Make Christmas Ornaments for Your Tree

Paint, carve or otherwise decorate avocado pits and you can also use them as decorations for a Christmas tree. You can treat them with a natural oil so their natural colour shines through, or paint them in a desired shade using eco-friendly paints. You can also carve designs onto them using woodworking tools, or use pyrography to burn on a design before you oil or wax them.

Of course, if you use your imagination you will find that there are also plenty of other ways to use avocado pits around your home. But the above ideas should give you a place to start when thinking about how to reduce waste in one more way where you live.

With basil being the perfect addition to salads and cooking, this article will guide you through the steps of growing and caring for basil in your garden. From choosing a location and spacing, to how to water it and protect it from pests, these are all simple tips to help you grow your own perfect basil!

Basil is a perennial, which means it will last through the winter and grow back again the following year. It can be a little tricky to find a good spot in your garden, as most of us use family plots or even driveways to plant our veggies. For these reasons, Basil grows best in containers and other areas with more soil space. Not only does it help give you more room to work but they also need more care so that they’ll grow healthy and have longevity!

How To Start A New Basil Plant From Seed

You can easily start a new basil plant from seed if you’re planning on growing the herb indoors. Simply purchase some seeds from your local grocery store and make sure you buy more than one. I like to buy several in case of any ‘miscalculations’ with my seeds. Use scissors to snip the seeds and scatter them into a jar or plastic container. Cover the containers with a towel and place them into your fridge or somewhere cool until they germinate in a few days to a week. Simply let the seeds grow until they sprout, which shouldn’t take longer than two weeks, then transfer them into their own pots or containers. Basil can be planted inside any time of year but if you want it to start flowering right away – mid-spring is the best time for this!

Planting Your Basil Seeds

It’s really important that you plant your basil plants as deep as the soil allows, and it’s also important that you do not cover the soil with plastic as this will cause problems with your plant. I always plant mine in an area of open ground at least 6 inches away from any wall or fence so that they can get plenty of sun and space to grow, however many home gardeners simply use a small window box or a large pot. You can even use some old terracotta pots and window boxes but make sure you take the plants out of them before winter.

How to Care for Basil Plant

Watering – Basil is a drought tolerant plant. However, it will do best in well-drained soil with adequate water. A good rule of thumb is to water your basil every week during the growing season, but only if the soil feels dry. When watering, aim to wet the surface of the soil, not the leaves.

Fertilizing – One of the best ways to grow basil from seeds is to fertilize them with compost or manure. Once the basil plants are established, you can water them with compost or rainwater. You can also mulch the plants to keep them cool in summer and warm in winter.


Basil is a great herb to grow in the garden because it can be harvested multiple times throughout the year. In early spring, basil is in its flowering stage and can be picked fresh. In summer, basil is in its fruit stage and can be eaten fresh or dried. In fall, basil is in its harvest stage and can be used as a flavoring for foods or brewed as a tea. Basil can also be frozen for later use.

We all love avocados, and especially in the summer, they are everyone’s favorite fruits! The avocado fruit is simply delicious and irresistible, and this food can be easily incorporated in your everyday diet, either alone or as a unique condiment.

However, a few of you probably knew that you can plant and grow your own avocado at home!

Therefore, next time you are slicing it for a salad, or you are preparing delicious guacamoles, remember not to throw the seed away, as you will need it in order to grow your own avocado trees.

However, people in areas with sunny and warm areas may enjoy in these fruits often, but since they can be easily destroyed by frost and cold, northern gardeners should follow some important tips in order to grow them at home.

First of all, extract the seed, by removing the pit from the flesh of the avocado gently. Wash it clean or soak the pit n some water for several minutes and them scrub it to eliminate all remains. However, note that you should keep the seed cover, that is, the brown skin of the pit.

Then, pierce it. All avocado pits have two ends, its top, that is, the end from which the sprout grows, and its bottom, from where the roots grow. The top is the end which is a bit pointier, and the flatter one is the bottom.

In order to stimulate it to sprout, you should put the bottom in some water. Therefore, it is important to determine which end is the bottom before you pierce the pit.

After you have soaked it in water, firmly wedge in some toothpicks. In order to leave a larger part of the avocado base soaking, you should stick the toothpicks pointing down.

Next, you need to leave the seed to sprout for 3-6 weeks. After this time, you will notice a sprout coming out from the top, as well as roots at the base.

As soon as the stem is grown for about 5-6 inches, pinch out the top set of leaves, and in a few weeks, you can expect to have new leaves and no more roots.

After some time, the sprout tail will be around 6-7 inches, and you will need to trim it in half in order to stimulate new growth.

Now, take a large flowerpot (for instance, 8″ to 10″ across) and place some enriched potting soil to about an inch from the pot’s top.

Place the pit in a small depression you will make in the center, but you need to put it root-side down. In order to water the pit, you should generously water the soil, as it needs to be really moist.

This optical illusion may tell a lot about your personality based on what you see first.
The optical illusion was made by Christo Dagorov.

This optical illusion reveals your deepest personality strengths – what do you see

This ‘mermaid’ optical illusion has left netizens completely baffled; JK Rowling says it’s a ‘donkey’

What did you notice first?
Trees? Or roots? Or lips?
Read on to find out what it means!
If you spotted the trees first, you are likely to be a more outgoing and extroverted person.
“You care a lot about the opinions of others and can sometimes be overly focused on what other people think about you,” according to

This cat optical illusion will tell you if you’re an optimist or pessimist

“Politeness is something you live by, but you are also extremely mysterious, and it’s hard for other people to know what you’re thinking in social situations.”
“This also means you’re good at hiding your true emotions, and although you have a large group of ‘friends’ around you – only a few are considered ‘true and sincere.'”
The Roots
If you noticed a line of plants rooted, it means that you are a shy and introverted person.
Heart said, “You are particularly good at accepting constructive criticism and work hard to always better yourself which can inspire people around you.”
You might be gentle and sometimes have low self-esteem but you’re hard-headed and can be stubborn at times.
“The people you meet first will think that you are someone very ordinary, without talent or revolutionary qualities. However, this impression changes when they get to know you and realize that you are extremely competent and enthusiastic.”
The Lips
If you saw lips first, you are most probably a simple and calm person.
“Shying away from drama, you like to live life in the middle land and ‘always go with the flow,’ without being distracted by complications and an ‘unnecessary movement to find fulfillment’.”
“While you’re seen as flexible, wise, and honest, some people may perceive you as weak and needing help, but in reality, you’re more than capable of solving your own problems.”

Optical illusions are a fun way to not just determine how fast you can solve complicated puzzles through your observation power and common sense, but can also help you learn hidden traits about your personality. You can also do these challenges along with your friends or family members, and learn more about each other.
As for how an optical illusion test can help determine your personality, it is believed by many experts in psychology that your perception can reveal a lot about how your mind works and where do you incline towards.

Here is one such simple yet interesting optical illusion personality test. All you need to do is focus on what you see first and make note of it. Ready? Observe!This picture has two dominant parts – a crocodile and a boat. After noting what you (and your friends/family) saw first, read below what these two symbols represent.

If you see a crocodile first

If the first thing you identify is a crocodile, then it means that you tend to focus on the bigger picture. On the bright side, this helps to get through troublesome times faster, without obsessing over every small thing that comes your way. However, on the downside, you may have to bear the repercussions of missing out on some crucial stuff, as you fail to read in between the lines. You lack focus and usually have less patience. However, you are generally cool-headed which helps you take charge, especially when all others go spiraling in stress.

If you see a boat first

If the first thing you notice is the boat, then you have a unique approach to life in general. You do not like playing by the rules and following customs until you figure out the logic of their existence. You value the little things in life and would prefer having a great time in your living room with your closed ones, instead of going hiking with 15 people. You have a limited friend circle but those you have understand you like no one else can.

The image you see first is said to say a lot about the aspects of your personality that can impact your relationships

What do you see first?

This optical illusion by artist Oleg Shupliak’s is a surrealist painting depicting a mountain landscape.

Shupliak is renowned for combining faces of people within landscapes in his collection of hidden paintings, and it is claimed that this Visions in the Mountains picture can reveal your hidden weaknesses.

Several different people are hidden within the landscape and the person you are drawn to first reportedly reflects your negative habits in relationships and what you need to do as a partner to keep that spark alive, according to Your Tango.

If you saw the hooded figure first, your biggest weakness in a relationship is your temper.

Everyone has a tendency to lose their cool at one point or another, but it is said that people who spot the hooded figure become angry more easily.

To improve your relationship, you need to be careful what you say when you lose your temper as words can hurt and can be difficult to take back.

Your Tango states: “Sometimes just walking away until the red subsides is the best way to make productive communication happen.”

If you spotted the face of the Mona Lisa when you first glanced at the illusion, your greatest weakness in a relationship is the way you romanticise life.

You find “everyday beauty” in relationships with different people, but your outlook means you have a tendency to avoid problems and pretend everything is fine when it’s not.

Shying away from issues is not healthy in a relationship and will not do you or your partner any good.

The person sitting on a jacket

If the first thing you saw in the image was a person sitting crossed legged on a jacket, your biggest weakness in a relationship is supposedly your fear of conflict.

You find having to express negative emotions or concerns to another person difficult, and worry about having such conversations as you fear how they might react.

Learning how to deal with issues head-on is key to a healthy relationship and making it work long-term.

The person sitting on a rock in the distance

Eagle-eyed viewers may have spotted the man sitting on a rock in the distance first, which supposedly means your biggest weakness is a tendency to isolate yourself.

You enjoy spending quality time by yourself, but you need to ensure you also make time for your partner.

Your Tango states: “You call yourself an introvert, but the truth is that sometimes you just take it too darn far, alienating yourself not just from your peers, but also from the person you love most in the world.

“Getting time to yourself is important, but if you really want to nurture your relationship so that it goes the distance, you need to carve out time to be with your partner.

“The quality time you spend together is a wordless way of expressing your affection that can make a major difference in your connection.”

The bearded man

If the bearded man was the first thing that jumped out at you in this image, it means your biggest weakness is low self-esteem.

You know you have a lot of value, but sometimes a lack of self-confidence can rear its head in relationships which may have a negative effect on your love life.

Having the ability to accept that your partner loves you no matter what is important for trust and will help to strengthen your bond.

Your Tango explains: “Never question why your partner loves you. Plain and simple: that’s not your problem, and it isn’t even your right to know.

“Blindly accepting the love your significant other offers you is essential if you hope to deepen your connection over time.

The optical Illusion image here can tell if you can cross boundaries for the ones you love. This optical illusion picture can reveal a lot about your personality traits and also if you can cross limits for love. See the picture below.

Optical Illusion Revealing If You Can Cross Boundaries For Love: Optical Illusion images have a different effect on your brain. They reach the darkest corners inside your mind and pull out the personality traits even you are not aware of explicitly. So, taking these tests is not wrong but can help you know more about yourself. Today’s optical illusion image can tell you if you can cross any boundaries for someone you love. It can tell you if you prefer hiding your feelings or confronting people about what you feel. The optical illusion picture below can reveal your personality traits based on what you see first.

Optical Illusion Image: What Do You See In The First 10 Seconds?

Check the image below and tell us what you see in the first 10 seconds.

In the image people generally either see a horse or two birds with one of the bird’s mouths open. Check the images below to be clear about what you saw first.

Optical Illusion: Analysis

Read the analysis below to know if you can cross all boundaries for someone you love or not. 

In case you saw a horse first: 

If you see a horse, you have a focused vision. You do not like confrontation or unnecessary fights. You are an amicable person and like being in your zone. This is why be it for anyone you do not like to fight. You prefer staying quiet instead of fighting or arguing.

It does not, however, mean that you do not show your love to people around you. It is just that you are subtle in doing that.

In case you see the love birds first:  

In any case, you saw two birds first, then you confront people well and are a very straightforward person. You believe in saying what you feel straightforward. When you love someone you tell and show them without expecting them to profess their feelings in return.

You can do anything for love and you do not believe in taking the defeat or losing the game.

The optical illusion tests are not 100% true and should not be considered the sole reason for an event happening to you or the personality traits you possess. It is an indicative test that reveals the innermost secrets of your mind but we nowhere recommend relying one hundred per cent on the results observed here. However, reading these is always fun.

Know Yourself Test: What you see first personality test has been popular among internet users. In this article, we have an optical illusion that reveals your personality. What you see first in the picture tells about you, and everyone has been in awe of the results that tell 100% accurate facts and IQ levels of an individual.

Look at the picture below, do you see a face, brain/tree, or birds? These optical illusion images are designed to conduct picture psychology tests to reveal hidden traits of the personality of an individual. In this article, we have an image and what you see first in this optical illusion reveals a key part of your personality.

What You See First Reveals Your Hidden Personality Traits

What You See First In This Image Reveals Your Hidden Personality Traits

1. Face

What You See First In This Image Reveals Your Hidden Personality Traits


If you saw a Face first, your personality traits reveal that you struggle with identifying who you exactly are so you try to create an image of yourself for the world. You may put in different pieces or versions of yourself to present an illusion or image to the people. You feel puzzled within yourself. You try to be the jack of all trades or be good at different things and build your character. You may put together different aspects of your life together to earn recognition from the public.

In order to build an image for the world, you may focus on aspects of your outer self such as social circle, partners, family, properties, social following, materialistic items, etc., or aspects of your inner self such as memories, past, accomplishments, experiences, etc.

You may not be wrong in how you put the pieces of you to present a perfect image of yourself. However, you should embrace your inner essence and alchemize it into creating the real true you.

2. Brain/Tree

 What You See First In This Image Reveals Your Hidden Personality Traits

If you saw a Brain/Tree first, your personality traits reveal that you are always seeking knowledge. You are a curious person who wants to absorb knowledge about new things, new concepts, new places, etc. You may also be fascinated by psychology and human behavior. You would also enjoy philosophy.

You work differently from an average unconscious individual. You process every little pieces of information around you like the Universe is presenting you with tips and signs every now and then to help you see the bigger picture. You see life as a cosmic dance of energy. Sometimes, you may lose yourself or feel terribly exhausted in the process of absorbing so much knowledge.

You should learn to balance your inner and outer worlds. You should definitely not change your truth and way of living life. You should however not tire yourself or lose the joy of present moments in the quest of finding answers. Life reveals some of the answers in its own due time.


3. Birds

 what you see first in this optical illusion reveals

If you saw Birds first, your personality traits reveal that you are an independent soul. You do not like to be tamed or tied to the norms of society. You like to be just free from the trivial issues of everyday life and experience the world’s beauty. You are not in the quest of building yourself or finding yourself, you know what is it that you want out of life and its freedom.

You may be loyal and committed in your relationships however you have trouble with staying in one place for wrong. Your realization about how momentary and temporary everything is in the world makes you anxious and more desirous of trying or seeing new things. You value experiences over bookish knowledge. You believe traveling and exploring the world makes a man wise and apt for any life situation.

You may not like serious monotonous routines. Your style of living is more nomadic. You thrive best in the natural settings of the earth. You enjoy forests, beaches, oceans, mountains, etc. Your heart fills up with joy at the thought of packing your things and leaving for a voyage every now and then. However, you should also learn to balance your lust for exploration and your family or relationships.

Looking for plants to develop in a hanging wicker container that will be hung in a shady area?

Whether you’re acquiring a hanging bushel with plants as of now in it or putting together your possess hanging basket, choosing plants for your hanging bushel can be troublesome — particularly in case the hanging bushel will get small to no daylight introduction.

In this article, we put together a list of a few well-known shade-loving plants that we have found to grow incredibly in hanging bushels.

Beyond any doubtthis is often fair a test of plants that work well for hanging wicker containers in shade. You’ve got other choices when it comes to shade-loving plants for your hanging wicker containerideally, this makes a difference you get begun.

One last note: numerous plants will develop well in the fractional sun/partial shade. This list is made of plants that are alright in full shade, but there is a bounty of plants that develop incredibly with half a day of shade.

To bounce to a particular plant on this list, press an interface underneath:

Beat 10 hanging bushel plants for shade

Numerous plants will be able to outlive a hanging bushel getting a part of the shade, but the underneath plants are particularly likely to flourish in a shady environment.

1. Begonias

begonias in hanging baskets

With the proper begonia plant care, these plants grow great in full shade (and full sun as well), making begonias a great choice for your hanging basket, no matter where it’ll be placed.

Certain varieties of begonias, such as Dragon Wing Begonias or BIG Begonias, grow to be very busy, making them great fillers for your pot. Just 3 plants of these large begonia varieties will fill up the hanging basket.

Add in some vines or draping plants that can handle the shade and you’ll have a beautiful arrangement for your shade.

There are many advantages to growing begonia plants, especially in a hanging basket.

If you do choose to plant begonias in your hanging basket, you can check out our post on how often to water begonia plants.

2. Fuchsia

Fuchsia in a hanging basket

Fuchsia plants have beautiful and unique blooms that can droop over the side of the container they are planted in, making them a popular choice for hanging baskets.

These plants will need a lot of shade to keep from wilting or needing to be watered frequently. For this reason, they are great for a hanging basket that won’t get too much hot afternoon sun.

Looking for a plant to go with your fuchsia in a hanging basket? Try New Guinea impatiens as a companion plant.

Fuchsia plants branch out with vines and pretty blooms. For a 12″ hanging basket, we typically plant 3 trailing fuchsia plants for each pot.

Our top varieties for hanging baskets are:

    • Swingtime Trailing Fuchsia
  • Dark Eyes Trailing Fuschia

3. Coral Bells

coral bells in a hanging basket

Coral Bells, also known as heucheras, are beautiful shade-loving plants.

Their bright foliage and unique leaves make them a great option for filling your hanging baskets in a shady spot.

4. Ferns

Ferns in a hanging basket

Ferns are a classic shade-loving plant that looks stunning when grown in a hanging basket.

Many times these plants are grown under a porch or other shady area to add some style with their distinct green foliage.

Ferns are also easy-care. They typically don’t need to be trimmed and won’t need a lot of watering.

5. Hosta

Hosta hanging basket

Hosta is often grown in shady flower beds but can also grow well in a hanging basket for the shade.

6. Creeping Jenny

vines in a hanging basket

Creeping Jenny plants grow great in full sun or full shade.

These plants act as a “spiller” for your hanging basket. They are a popular choice for shade-loving hanging plants since they are easy-care, add color to the arrangement, and drape over the side of the basket.

Creeping jenny plants grow like a weed when planted in the landscape; however, in a hanging basket, other plants competing for the same soil typically help contain these plants.

Water Creepy Jenny plants moderately when growing them in a hanging basket.

7. Coleus

Coleus in a greenhouse

coleus‘ bright foliage can make any shade-hanging basket a beautiful display. Plant coleus with different varieties to get a unique look.

Water coleus moderately when growing them in a hanging basket.

8. Impatiens

Colorful impatiens in a hanging basket

Impatiens are the ultimate shade plant.

Their bright flowers lighten up darker areas and they thrive with little sun. These plants will branch out with the right growing conditions, including an adequate amount of watering.

New Guinea impatiens are another great plant (and cousin of impatiens) that can be used for shade-loving hanging baskets.

9. Vinca

Vinca hanging basket

While vinca is drought-resistant, it can also grow well in part to full shade.

With the proper watering, vinca plants are sure to brighten up your hanging basket in the shade with their colorful blooms.

10. Bacopa

Close up of white bacopa

Bacopa plants don’t mind some shade so they are great for shade-hanging baskets.

With adequate watering, bacopa plants will produce beautiful little blooms that attract bumblebees and butterflies.

11. Sweet Potato Vine

Sweet Potato Vine Growing in a Hanging Basket

12. New Guinea Impatiens

Pink New Guinea impatiens blooms


Whether you are sourcing plants for your hanging basket or looking to buy a hanging basket, we hope this post was helpful.