


Even though it is the latest trend, a gym membership does not guarantee a shaped and strong body and weight loss, since what you actually need to achieve these goals is motivation, determination, and time.

Therefore, you do not need to hit the gym in order to work on your body, as you can exercise regularly in the commodity of your home and still get fascinating effects.

The following 10-week challenge will help you reshape the body and finally get the body of your dreams.

Before you start with it, consider the following tips:

  • You need to drink plenty of water to ensure that your body is always properly hydrated
  • Pick the most appropriate time to exercise during the day, and experts recommend choosing the mornings
  • Promise yourself that you will remain consistent and you will perform the exercise routine as explained below

Here is the 10-Week workout plan:


Every Monday during these 10 weeks, you will need to perform:

–25 crunches, 35 jumping jacks, 15 lunges, 20 squats, 5 push-ups, planks for 15 seconds, wall-sits for 25 seconds, 10 sit-ups, and 10 butt-kicks.


On Tuesdays, do the same exercises, but change the number of repetitions:

-20 crunches, 10 jumping jacks, 25 lunges, 10 squats, 10 push-ups, planks for 30 seconds, wall-sits for 25 seconds, 35 sit-ups, and 20 butt-kicks.


You will need to boost the intensity:

— 30 crunches, 50 jumping jacks, 25 lunges, 15 squats, 10 push-ups, planks for 40 seconds, wall-sits for 35 seconds, 30 sit-ups, and 25 butt-kicks.


You will start burning more and more calories:

-20 crunches, 25 jumping jacks, 15 lunges, 35 squats, 20 push-ups, planks for 30 seconds, wall-sits for 60 seconds, 50 sit-ups, and 35 butt-kicks.


You need to remain dedicated to your aim and continue with the challenge:

-30 crunches, 55 jumping jacks, 60 lunges, 25 squats, 30 push-ups, planks for 60 seconds, wall-sits for 25 seconds, 40 sit-ups, and 50 butt-kicks.

During the weekend, you should rest the body after 5 days of intensive training. Yet, you can still go walking or jogging.

If you want to boost the effects of this challenge, you can combine it with cardio training during the weekend, as follows:

  • 1st week- 30 seconds of sprint (30 sec. jog/5x);
  • 2nd week-35 seconds of sprint (45sec. jog/6x);
  • 3rd week- 45 seconds of sprint (1 min. jog/7x);
  • 4th week-50 seconds of sprint (45sec. jog/8x);
  • 5th week-55 seconds of sprint (30 sec. jog/7x);
  • 6th week -1 minute of sprint (45 sec. jog/6x);
  • 7th week- 65 seconds of sprint (1 min. jog/5x);
  • 8th week- 70 seconds of sprint (45 sec. jog/6x);
  • 9th week- 75 seconds of sprint (30 sec. jog/7x); and
  • 10th week- 80 seconds of sprint (45 sec. jog/8x).

This workout will take about 45-60 minutes of your time daily.

The duration of the workout you need depends on your weight and the amount of weight you want to lose, but make sure you practise at least three hours a week to get satisfying effects.

Furthermore, making some beneficial dietary changes will also accelerate the process of weight loss and reshaping your body. Jon Denoris, a performance coach, recommends “nutrient timing”, which is eating the right food at the right time of day.

He says that one should consume unprocessed, whole foods as often as possible. If you are trying to lose weight, your diet should be rich in high-quality meat and fish; lots of vegetables, essential fats like avocados, nuts and coconut oil; and whole foods such as brown rice and quinoa, which have a lower GI rating.  Protein like meat, fish or eggs regulates metabolism and satisfies the appetite, so it will also lead to fewer junk food cravings. 

On the other hand, he suggests staying away from labeled foods, whose ingredients are difficult to pronounce.  Additionally, one of the biggest mistakes one can make is to ditch the healthy eating plan before the results are visible.

You should surround yourself with people that support you and your aims, and they can even join you in your healthy dietary regime and workout routine.  And remember, motivation is the most important thing, and from the moment you notice the first results, you are on a good way to get in great shape soon!

Doctors often prescribe Ibuprofen to their patients, in the case of headaches, pain in the back, or a toothache.

Yet, even though these pills relieve the pain for some time, it is not permanently cured. For instance, you will wake up with the same pain every morning, leading to constant frustration and pain.

Additionally, besides the fact that they do not cure the pain, the regular use of this pills may seriously damage health, especially the heart muscles, and even leading to death over some time.

Fortunately, you can use one much safer, completely natural option that will actually provide the wanted effects, and will not lead to harmful side-effects.

Turmeric is a commonly used plant with amazing healing properties and originates from southern Asia. Turmeric has been commonly used in the Asian medicine for millennia, and effectively treats both, hidden, and pronounced pain.

The turmeric powder, which is available in all grocery and food stores, is high in potent polyphenols, and the spice has been confirmed to have over 600 health benefits.

This is how to treat the pain in a completely natural and cheap way:

You should mix a tablespoon of turmeric powder, the juice of one squeezed lemon, and a cup of honey. Stir well with a wooden spoon, and add a teaspoon of this mixture to a cup of warm tea.

Drink this for three times a day, and the pain will be relieved very soon.

In this way, you can forget about Ibuprofen and all kinds of painkillers.

Furthermore, you can daily drink this remedy and enjoy all its health benefits. Turmeric is included in the recipes of numerous top chefs around the world, and its characteristic color and taste are often used in the smoothies of health gurus.

According to a study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, this spice is also extremely effective in the case of osteoarthritis.

This study lasted for 6 weeks and includes 109 knee osteoarthritis patients. During the study, some patients received 800 mg of Ibuprofen, while the rest were given 2,000 mg of turmeric. Also, researchers measured the level of pain during physical activities and exercise, like climbing stairs, walking, and bicycling.

In the end, patients who consumed turmeric showed far better results. The researchers confirmed that turmeric is much more effective, and far safer option to treat pain than Ibuprofen.

Hence, it is the time you turn to the safer option as well, and whenever you are advised to take these pills, substitute them with turmeric and enjoy your natural drink that will treat numerous health issues!

Unfortunately, numerous men and women suffer from colon cancer these days.

Even though studies have shown that various natural remedies can positively affect the disease and provide beneficial effects, medical experts still claim that there is not enough evidence to incorporate them in the cancer treatments.

Additionally, many studies are supported and funded by large pharmaceutical commercial enterprises and most experiments are conducted due to financial profits, rather than health.

However, a team of researchers at the University of Adelaide in Australia found that coconut oil contains a lauric corrosive compound, which can destroy over 93 percent of colon cancer in just a few days! These trials were made in vitro and in vivo, and showed parallel results.

The effectiveness of the lauric corrosive is due to its ability to kill cancer cells while reducing the glutathione levels and the oxidative anxiety. It can also be found in the breast milk and has potent anti-bacterial properties.

The American Nutrition Association conducted a study which also discovered that the fats in coconut oil “can be valuable in the curing and counteractive action of conditions like diabetes, osteoporosis, viral ailments (mononucleosis, hepatitis C, herpes and so forth.), biliary tract infections, Chron’s sickness, and cancer”.

Moreover, this study found that this beneficial oil alleviates the side-effects of chemotherapy and enhances the quality of life in cancer patients.

Apparently, Nature has provided all kinds of remedies and cures to all diseases, we just need to study them and use them properly in order to enjoy their benefits.

The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in our body. Sciatica is the pain experienced in the lower back, legs, and buttocks, and it is one of the most common back issues.

This pain is usually caused by a pinched or irritated sciatic nerve. Despite the debilitating pain, this condition is also manifested by tingling and numbness in the legs.

Medications specialized for sciatica pain provide only temporary effects, so experts recommend regular exercise and yoga stretches as the best way to treat it.

These are the most common symptoms of sciatica:

  • Aggravated sitting
  • Pain in the lower back or one side of the hip, which goes down to the buttocks and leg(s)
  • Constant pain in the buttock
  • Tingling in the leg(s)
  • Stabbing pain which aggravates moving and standing
  • Weakness, numbness, or difficulty moving the foot or leg

We will recommend the following homemade remedy for sciatica, which effectively soothes these symptoms. This is how to prepare it:

Sciatica and Back Pain Remedy


  • 200 ml. Milk
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • Honey (to taste)

Method of preparation:

First, crush the garlic cloves, and cook them on low heat. Gradually add the milk while cooking, and as soon as it boils, remove it from heat. You can add honey to sweeten it in the end if the garlic taste is too strong for you.


You should consume this remedy once daily, and the effects will be felt really soon. Garlic has potent anti-inflammatory properties which will soothe the sciatica symptoms and prevent swelling of the sciatic nerve.

To accelerate the healing, you should combine the use of this remedy with regular exercise and stretches.

Have you ever wondered why some images play tricks with your eyes? Did it occur to you that there is more to one image than meets the eye?

If the answer to these questions is a resounding yes, you have experienced optical illusions.

Optical Illusions are great at tricking our eyes and mind and making us believe there is something in the image we observed.

In other words, optical illusions are images we perceive, and our perception differs from reality.

Two people can observe two different things when looking at the same picture, which is wholly based on their perception.

This optical illusion test that we are going to share will challenge your observation skills.

Are you ready for the test?

Then, let’s get started.

Take a look at the optical illusion image below.

This photograph was taken by Urban Ambrozic and Grégory Plantard; in this image, you can see leaves scattered on a forest floor in Panama. But is it only leaves that you are seeing, or is there something else that misses your eye?

Let us inform you that there are three hidden toads in this beautifully captured image.

You have to spot the three hidden or camouflaged toads in this optical illusion.

Can you spot all the three hidden toads?

Hurry up; time is running out.

If you look carefully, you can spot one; the other two are a little difficult to spot.

While you are busy spotting the toads, here is one piece of interesting information about the toads.

These toads are called leaf litter toads and are native to tropical rainforests of South America, and in forests, survival is paramount. That is where the art of camouflaging becomes essential to fool a predator.

Did you spot all three of them?

Also Read:

Time is almost over.

If you have spotted all three of them, you have a high IQ and superior observation skills. You can utilise your talent in jobs that require focus and concentration and achieve success in your career.

For those who couldn’t spot all the three toads, scroll below for the solution.

The thyroid gland, an endocrine butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of the neck, below the Adam’s apple, is an extremely important one.

The thyroid gland releases two hormones which have an influence on the entire metabolism.

It releases thyroxin, which affects almost all of the body systems, as well as triiodothyronine, which affects the physiological process in the body like growth, heart rate, body temperature, and metabolism.

There are two different kinds of thyroid disorders:

Hyperthyroidism, which is the condition of overactivity of the thyroid gland and thus the presence of excessive levels of thyroid hormones. These are the most common symptoms:

  • Increased heart rate
  • Changed bowel habits
  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety and irritability
  • Menstrual problems
  • Palpitations
  • Feeling hot
  • Weight loss
  • Sweating
  • Sleeping difficulties
  • Difficulty focusing on one task
  • Racing thoughts
  • Forgetfulness

— Hypothyroidism is a condition of reduces activity of the thyroid gland, which causes a lack of the thyroid hormone, and these are the most common symptoms:

  • Muscle cramps
  • Brittle nails
  • Depression
  • Weight gain
  • Constipation
  • Fatigue
  • Dry skin and hair
  • Reduced menstrual flow
  • Swelling in the front part of the neck
  • Forgetfulness

Yet, there is an entirely natural remedy that can regulate the function of the thyroid and maintain its activity at an optimal level. If the malfunction of this gland is caused by iodine deficiency, which is one of the main causes, this natural remedy can be of great help:


  • 40 pieces of young green walnuts
  • 1kg organic honey


You should initially clean the walnuts, dry them, and use a needle to prick them. Then, place them in a jar, fill it with honey, and leave the jar at a place exposed to sunlight. Leave it there for 40 days, and then store the remedy in a glass bottle.


You should take 2 tablespoons of this remedy every morning and every evening.

Stress is the main cause of many different illnesses and medical conditions, and experts warn about its severe consequences of health.

Sometimes, if its symptoms are unclear, it cannot be noticed right away and causes other side-effects. Therefore, you need to learn its signs in order to try and manage it in order to avoid future complications.

These are the 9 most common signs that you are overstressed:

  1. Weakened libido

Stress might weaken your libido, as it reduces the levels of hormones for sexual activity, and might even cause exhaustion and impotence. Therefore, you must find a way to relax, and enjoy your sexual life. You should also talk to your partner and find a way to fix this issue.

  1. Hair loss

According to Carolyn Jacob, the medical director and founder of Chicago Cosmetic Surgery and Dermatology, we lose about 100 hairs daily without being aware of it. Yet, stress is the main cause of hair loss, as it alters the normal body’s physiologic functions.

Three and four months after the resting phase in which the hair falls, the amount of lost hair gets bigger, and these changes are due to the overstressed body.

  1. Mood changes

Stress affects your hormones, which is manifested by frequent mood swings. As well as anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, addictions, and other mental-health issues.

  1. Obsessive thinking about work

Stress often makes you concerned about your work, obligations, and finances. Yet, the best way to solve the problem is to step away and think calmly about it. Overthinking aggravates the problem and causes physical and psychological issues.

Instead, enjoy the time spend with your family and friends and relax.

  1. Weight variations

Stress leads to weight variations, as it causes appetite loss, and thus weight loss, or might reduce metabolism and cause weight gain.

  1. Sleeping issues

Too much stress often causes sleeping problems, and thus feelings of tiredness and exhaustion. You need to specify the root cause of stress and try to solve it in order to get the rest your body craves for. You can try yoga, meditation, exercise, or meditation, as well as walking in nature, reading, etc.

  1. Anxiety and restlessness

Stress often leads to anxiety and restlessness, which, if not treated, aggravate over time.

  1. Lack of patience

You will often feel impatient if you are under a lot of stress, as well as angry, irritated, and intolerant. To prevent arguments with the ones you love and start feeling happier, you need to find a way to deal with stress.

  1. Body pain

Stress often causes malfunction of the body, leading to pain in the body, headaches, severe arthritis, chest pain, ulcers, palpitation, tense and sore muscles, diarrhea, and stomach issues.

To improve your overall health and prevent severe health problems, start today, and eliminate all that causes stress in your life. Instead, find something you love doing and focus on positivity and peace in the everyday life.

Changes in the feel or look of the tongue can reveal a lot about your health and indicate certain health issues.

Our bodies are the only true home we’ll ever have, so we need to take proper care of them. While we might often ignore or misunderstood them, our body always sends up messages that signal when something out of the ordinary is happening within it.

Therefore, if we learn to follow these guidelines and understand the signs our bodies send, we can treat any health issues on time and prevent major complications. The tongue is often the first place where we should look, as its appearance can reveal a lot about our general health.

Dr. Imogen Bexfield, Medical Director at White Swan Aesthetics explains the look of a normal, healthy tongue:

“The color will vary from person to person, but generally it should be pink with little bumps on it that are called papillae.”

Here are the 7 most common changes in the tongue that indicate that you should consider calling your doctor:

1. White Plaque on your Tongue

The swollen papillae on the tongue lead to plaque, as the debris, bacteria, and dead cells lodged between them create a white coating. This condition is known as papillae hypertrophy or inflammation, and can result from:

  • Dehydration
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Dry mouth
  • Mouth breathing
  • Fever
  • Smoking or other oral tobacco use
  • Excessive alcohol use
  • Low roughage diet
  • Mechanical irritation from sharp tooth edges or dental appliances

2. Geographic Tongue

In this case, the tongue has reddish, smooth patches, surrounded by white borders. It is not contagious, usually causes no symptoms, and does not lead to any long-term health conditions.

It can last for weeks and even years.

Geographic tongue is more common in people who have psoriasis and Reiter’s Syndrome, women who use hormonal birth control, people under emotional stress, in the case of allergies, in diabetics, or in those who have a certain vitamin deficiency.

3. Strawberry Tongue

When the tongue is red, bumpier than usual, with swellings that make it look like a strawberry or raspberry, it might be a sign that you have some of the following conditions:

  • A food or drug allergy
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency
  • Scarlet fever- a bacterial infection which mostly occurs in children aged between 5 and 15, and may develop when a person has strep throat
  • Kawasaki disease- it causes inflammation of certain arteries and is most common in children
  • Toxic shock syndrome- it is a rare complication, caused by bacteria, and is usually a result of the use of tampons or nasal gauze packing
  • Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C)- this is a rare complication, which can occur in children infected with COVID-19

4. Black Hairy Tongue

While this condition looks alarming, it is harmless, painless, and temporary. It is a result of the accumulation of dead skin cells on the papillae (tiny projections) on the surface of the tongue. Being longer, they trap tobacco food, yeast, and bacteria, leading to bad breath.

These are the most common causes of it:

  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Dry mouth (xerostomia)
  • Regular use of mouthwashes that contain irritating oxidizing agents
  • Smoking tobacco
  • Excessive alcohol, coffee, or black tea use
  • Antibiotic use that had caused changes in the normal bacteria or yeast content of the mouth
  • Eating a soft diet that does not rub dead skin cells from the tongue

5. Lichens Planus

This chronic inflammatory condition affects the mucous membranes inside the mouth and causes red swollen tissues, white lacy patches, and open sores on the tongue or inside of the mouth.

Speak with your doctor in case you notice it, as experts cannot specify its exact cause and it might increase the risk of mouth cancer. It is not contagious and usually develops when the immune system attacks the cells of the oral mucous membrane.

6. Thrush

Oral thrush, or Oral Candidiasis, is caused by the excessive buildup of the fungus Candida albicans on the lining of your mouth.

It causes creamy white lesions on the tongue, and often on the inner lining of the cheeks, the back of the throat, the roof of your mouth, and even on the gums or tonsils as well.

It is not a serious issue in people with a healthy immune system, but it can cause serious systemic candida infection in people who are immunocompromised.

It can be prevented by avoidance of sugar-rich foods, good oral hygiene, maintaining stable blood sugar, and treating conditions like dry mouth and vaginal yeast infections.

7. Blisters

Blisters on the tongue that do not heal are a reason to visit your doctor as well, as they might indicate mouth cancer. Oral cancer can also cause symptoms like loose teeth, growths in the mouth, unusually whitish or reddish patches of skin in the mouth, issues swallowing and chewing, numbness in the face or neck, and difficulty speaking.

In most cases, the symptoms revealed by the changes in the appearance of the tongue indicate minor health issues and problems easy to treat.

Yet, some of them could be life-threatening, so make sure you always consult your doctor.

Unfortunately, a growing number of women nowadays are diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Statistics says that at least 550 women are victims of this kind of cancer per year. It can be caused by age, genetics, or uncontrolled use of oral contraceptives.

What is of vital importance is to never ignore the symptoms of ovarian cancer, as its early detection can save you. Namely, 80% of women discover this cancer too late.

Therefore, you need to know and recognize the signs of ovarian cancer:

Irregular cycles

Irregular menstrual cycles can indicate the existence of ovarian cancer. In most cases, women older than 55 are most likely to suffer from ovarian cancer, but it does not mean that younger women are protected from it. Namely, even young girls who have not had their first period can be victims of ovarian cancer.


You should check the cause if you have noticed that your stomach is bloated like you are pregnant, as it may also indicate ovarian cancer.

Frequent constipation

Especially in the early stages of ovarian cancer, the main target is the digestive tract and the abdominal area. Medline Plus warns that you should take care if you frequently suffer from stomachaches, loss of appetite, constipation or gases.

Abnormal growth of hair and dark hair

These symptoms are more often associated to other causes, but the excessive hair growth or the appearance of dark hair may also be a result of ovarian cancer. Nevertheless, this cancer may also lead to hair loss as well.

Frequent backaches

Frequent backaches can be a sign of ovarian cancer, unless you suffer from arthritis or osteoporosis.

Pain in the stomach and pelvis

You should be warned by the constant stomach ache, or pains in the pelvis, as they are serious symptoms of ovarian cancer.


A famous gynecologist, Jeffrey Stern, suggests that ovarian cancer can cause constipation, abdominal pain, weight loss, as well as nausea.

Early satiety

You may often understand this feeling as a digestive issue, but in fact, it can be one of the most prominent ovarian cancer signs.

Pain during sexual intercourse

According to Medical News Today, in its early stages, ovarian cancer can also cause pain during the sexual intercourse. This pain is a result of the pressed and painful pelvic area, and the frequent or urgent need to urinate. Note that you need to see your doctors no matter if the pain is almost insignificant or unbearable.

Constant tiredness

Ovarian cancer can also be indicated by a shortness of breath, loss of appetite, vomiting and frequent exhaustion. At least one of these signs are felt in the early stages of cancer in 80% of the cases.