


Unfortunately, a growing number of women nowadays are diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Statistics says that at least 550 women are victims of this kind of cancer per year. It can be caused by age, genetics, or uncontrolled use of oral contraceptives.

What is of vital importance is to never ignore the symptoms of ovarian cancer, as its early detection can save you. Namely, 80% of women discover this cancer too late.

Therefore, you need to know and recognize the signs of ovarian cancer:

Irregular cycles

Irregular menstrual cycles can indicate the existence of ovarian cancer. In most cases, women older than 55 are most likely to suffer from ovarian cancer, but it does not mean that younger women are protected from it. Namely, even young girls who have not had their first period can be victims of ovarian cancer.


You should check the cause if you have noticed that your stomach is bloated like you are pregnant, as it may also indicate ovarian cancer.

Frequent constipation

Especially in the early stages of ovarian cancer, the main target is the digestive tract and the abdominal area. Medline Plus warns that you should take care if you frequently suffer from stomachaches, loss of appetite, constipation or gases.

Abnormal growth of hair and dark hair

These symptoms are more often associated to other causes, but the excessive hair growth or the appearance of dark hair may also be a result of ovarian cancer. Nevertheless, this cancer may also lead to hair loss as well.

Frequent backaches

Frequent backaches can be a sign of ovarian cancer, unless you suffer from arthritis or osteoporosis.

Pain in the stomach and pelvis

You should be warned by the constant stomach ache, or pains in the pelvis, as they are serious symptoms of ovarian cancer.


A famous gynecologist, Jeffrey Stern, suggests that ovarian cancer can cause constipation, abdominal pain, weight loss, as well as nausea.

Early satiety

You may often understand this feeling as a digestive issue, but in fact, it can be one of the most prominent ovarian cancer signs.

Pain during sexual intercourse

According to Medical News Today, in its early stages, ovarian cancer can also cause pain during the sexual intercourse. This pain is a result of the pressed and painful pelvic area, and the frequent or urgent need to urinate. Note that you need to see your doctors no matter if the pain is almost insignificant or unbearable.

Constant tiredness

Ovarian cancer can also be indicated by a shortness of breath, loss of appetite, vomiting and frequent exhaustion. At least one of these signs are felt in the early stages of cancer in 80% of the cases.

Probably only a few of you know are aware of the existence of a bacterium which significantly harms your health and causes serious intestinal complications. Indeed, this is an asymptomatic intestinal bacterium which is hard to be diagnosed without appropriate medical examination, and is known as H Pylori, or Helicobacter Pylori.


Helicobacter Pylori is indicated by the following symptoms: burping, bloating, diarrhea, flatulence, esophageal reflux, heartburn, constipation and upper and mid-stomach torment. For some, these symptoms are hard to relate to this bacterium. Numerous people basically regard these signs as common, so they are rarely related to the occurrence of this bacterium.

H Pylori causes gastritis, which is an irritation of the stomach lining. It is the reason for 90% of duodenal ulcers and around 80% of gastric ulcers. Also, H Pylori can cause different non-digestive conditions, such as cardiovascular issues, headaches and Raynaud’s sickness, which is the impaired circulation in the hands and feet.

This bacterium can also cause sadness and anxiety. This is in light of the fact that H Pylori can cause an absence of serotonin in the brain.

It can also happen to you

It can be hard to treat this issue at times, especially if you have no clue what kind of processes actually happen in your body.

The bacterium lives basically in the stomach lining, both in humans and animals. It can cause stress and sadness in a number of cases. However, the bacterium works in tricky ways to change the way you feel without you giving it much thought.

Many people come to contract with H Pylori by consuming contaminated food or water, most often with fecal substances. Moreover, we often consume food in restaurants that have been prepared by people without washing their hands. Always investigate the conditions of the restaurants you visit, and what’s more, the hygiene of your home.

What can you do about it?

More than 80% of cases have had H Pylori adequately irradiated. Anti-infection agents are of great importance in these cases. Consult your doctor to get the right medical treatment. Antibiotics would not be necessary during most of the treatment, but it is always best to ask for medical advice.

In order to eliminate the bacteria, you need to establish healthy eating habits and proper diet. You also need to take considerable amounts of vitamins A, C and E, and zinc. Moreover, you can take probiotics like lactobacillus and bifidobacterium to keep you safe.

The beginning stage of the presence of H Pylori cannot be spotted on time, so you need to practice certain beneficial habits in order to prevent it.  It is crucial to keep hygiene at high level, to always wash your hands, and what’s more, to drink water from a safe source.

If you feel that you are under a threat of H Pylori, contact your doctor and make a thorough examination. You can never be certain enough when it comes to problems like this.

So, what can you do to fight against this bacterium?

Prepare this beverage and consume it, and it will also help you reduce bloating, and feel lighter and energetic at the same time.

Required ingredients:

  • 1 cucumber
  • A bunch of cilantro or parsley
  • 1 tablespoon of grated ginger
  • 1 tablespoon of aloe Vera juice
  • 1 lemon
  • ½ glass of water

Method of preparation:

It’s equally easy to make and drink this beneficial drink. You simply need to put all of the ingredients in a glass, mix them and drink the beverage.

How does it work?

After drinking only a glass, you will notice that your belly seems reduced.The combination of these ingredients will assist your digestion system by burning fat while you are sleeping. It has been proved to accelerate the digestion system, and it operates at full speed even when you sleep.

All of its ingredients possess fat burning properties:

Cucumbers are a key component in any health improvement plan. They are effective in eliminating fat.

Parsley and cilantro are low in calories and they are both stacked with cell reinforcements, vitamins and minerals that ease water retention, so they can help you eliminate bloating.

Ginger accelerates your metabolism and relieves constipation. This ingredient will help you burn the belly fat while you are sleeping.

Lemon juice is extremely effective in eliminating toxins accumulated in the body.

Aloe Vera juice is especially beneficial in the struggle to lose weight.

Stay Hydrated: Drink Lots of Water

Water is crucial in the process of effective fat burning. On the off chance that you are dehydrated, the digestion system will lessen its work and won’t have the capacity to burn calories as it should do.

Give your digestion system a little support by drinking a great deal of water.

Have you even noticed white dots on your nails? If you have, are you aware of their meaning? Namely, these dots are results of air bubbles under the nail.

They are known as leukonychia and occur due to minor injuries at the nail’s base. Moreover, these dots may also be inherited, but sometimes, they may be a sign of a more serious health issue.

Therefore, as soon as you notice these spots on your nails, you should immediately see a doctor as they may have been affected by eczema, psoriasis, warts or fungus (onychomycosis). Also, they may also be one of the 7 symptoms of sarcoidosis, which is a disease that affects the lungs, the skin, and other body organs.

Furthermore, if you nails have white specks and are soft, you probably suffer from Plummer nail, which might be a sign of thyroid gland issues or hypothyroidism. Note that if the line is lower on the nail, you have discovered the condition in its early stage.

You should also consult your doctor if you have two white horizontal lines across its surface, as it may be a symptom of malaria, Hodgkin’s disease, cardiac arrest or leprosy.

If these lines can be seen on more nails, it indicates that you have hypoalbuminemia or reduced levels of albumin protein in your blood. Furthermore, this disease may lead to numerous other chronic and acute medical conditions, including heart failure, inter alia, irregular diet, liver cirrhosis, and kidney disease.

Nevertheless, you should not panic immediately, as, in most cases, these lines appear only due to injury or an infection. Yet, it is always best for your doctor to examine it thoroughly and tell you if these lines are an indication of a serious issue or not.

Lumps behind the ears can have many causes, including skin and bone problems.

Swollen lymph nodes, infections, and some cancers can cause lumps.

In most cases, a lump behind the ear is not a cause for concern and usually goes away without treatment.

There are various skin diseases and infections that cause lumps behind the ears.

Lumps form on the skin
The three main causes of tumors behind the ear are:

skin cysts
Acne appears behind the ear

Acne is a common skin condition that causes lumps behind the ears.

In acne, the pores of the skin become clogged with oil. Sebum is an oily substance secreted from areas at the base of hair follicles.

Oil mixes with dead skin cells to form a layer called a comedone.

If certain bacteria enter the comedone, the pimple will become infected and inflamed.

Inflamed acne can become enlarged and, in its most severe form, form a lump called an acne cyst.

If the pimple forms a lump, it can cause pain when pressed. Other cysts and pimples on the head can accompany pimples or cysts behind the ears, especially on the face.

Cystic acne is an unpleasant condition that causes scarring. However, doctors can help fight cystic acne with effective treatments.

A cyst behind the ear

Cysts can appear anywhere on the skin, including behind the ears.

A skin cyst is a fluid-filled sac. They form a raised, dome-shaped area on the skin. Sometimes there is a black spot called a dot on their upper part.

They can move freely and do not stay in place. The doctor should check for lumps of skin that cannot be moved from side to side.

Scalp cysts tend to be columnar skin cysts. The lining of this type of follicle is made up of hair root cells.

Sebaceous cysts may also occur. They are produced in the glands that are responsible for the oil that moisturizes the skin and hair.

Other cysts consist of cells from the surface of the skin, called epidermoid cysts. Finally, there are sebaceous cysts, which are less common and contain oily substances.


Lipoma is another cause of a lump behind the ear. A lipoma is a benign lump of fat. They are not cancerous, they grow very slowly and do not spread.

They are more common on other parts of the body, but can also occur under the skin, including behind the ears

A lipoma feels tender to the touch. They are usually painless, unless they press on a nearby nerve.

They usually occur in a limited number of places. In rare cases, some people have multiple lipomas at once.

These lumps are usually small, ranging from the size of a pea to an inch.

Plastic surgeons can remove unsightly lipomas, but it’s safe to leave them untreated. If necessary, the surgeon can remove the lipoma.

A cyst and a lipoma are the same type of lump. Compared to cysts, lipomas are located deeper in the skin and feel softer.

Enlarged lymph nodes
Swollen lymph nodes can cause a lump behind the ear.

Lymph nodes grow behind the ear. They are part of the immune system that filter and filter out cells.

The lymph nodes located behind the ears are called posterior auricular lymph nodes.

Lymph nodes can swell when exposed to foreign material. This can happen, for example, due to a nearby infection. Its official name is lymphadenopathy.

Swollen lymph nodes should go away without treatment. Skin or ear infections are common causes of swollen nodules.

If the lump persists for more than 2 weeks or is accompanied by other symptoms, see a doctor.

The body responds to the infection by sending white blood cells to the affected area to fight the invading cells. This causes fluid to accumulate in the area and cause swelling.

Otitis media, or ear infections, can cause this.

The part of the skull behind the ear is the mastoid. If bacteria infect this part of the skull, it can cause a condition called mastoiditis.

Infection takes place in the air space of the bone. The mastoid has a honeycomb structure. Bacteria infect these air cells.

Mastoiditis is more common in children than in adults. This is a serious infection that requires medical attention. Swelling behind the ear is tender, red, and can cause ear discharge.

No matter how many times this happens to me, it never seems to get better or feel even the slightest bit surprising.

You know, you’re starting to drift off into dreamland, but just as you’re about to slip into that deep sleep, you start falling or something hits you in the face and suddenly wakes you up. and a great way.

I don’t know if you have ever wondered about this strange phenomenon, but I always wonder why it happens. This seems to happen to people all the time.

Scientists have finally figured out what that means. They even officially named it “Shiny Fluffy”.

Everyone interprets falling asleep differently, but the generally shared experience is that it feels like falling. Ironically, it is also described as a demon that strangles you while you sleep.

Researchers believe that the frequency of insomnia increases due to some external factors such as caffeine and smoking. It is recommended to avoid caffeinated drinks a few hours after bedtime.

Also, drugs like Adderall and Ritalin have been observed to have similar effects, and insomnia can also trigger this phenomenon.

Drowsiness is often observed during or after a person falls asleep quickly or during a stressful situation. In rare cases, when the body is truly stressed, the brain processes sleep stages too quickly, mistaking itself for the body and its basic systems to malfunction.

Personality is a very complex structure influenced by many factors such as genetics but also the environment. What childhood we had, how we were brought up, what we experienced, what we read shapes us.  Psychologists, however, despite the complexity of this sphere, try and create various types of tests to determine who we are. Among other things, optical tests help.

No matter how a person changes or grows, this “default personality” will always be part of them.If you stop and think for a while, you’ll know it’s true.  There is always an aspect of your personality that has stuck with you over the years.  This could be compassionate, empathetic, or enthusiastic. 

So what’s your dominant character trait? 

You just have to look at the image shown below and answer what was the first thing you saw. Then scroll down and find the result.

If you saw the …

The face of a Woman: Compassion

You are unusually considerate of others, kind, and will stop what you are doing to help others in need. You are a very generous person; you show that sharing certainly matters.

Not only do you like to help others to experience the great things that you have lived, spreading good vibes to achieve wealth and fortune, but also opening yourself completely with the hope of exchanging, with greater understanding and feeling, with the people around you. Being generous does not necessarily have to do with the material and you know it very well.

The Book: Empathetic.

You will put others ahead of you. You always take other people’s feelings into account and will do your best to ensure that everyone is satisfied at all times.

You have a big heart with a lot of love to give. Not only that, but you are very aware of other people’s feelings and very aware of how your emotions are affected by your own and the behavior of others. The level of empathy you possess is highly appreciated and accepted by your friends and family, making you a very good company to count on.

Woman with an Arrow: Enthusiast

You are a true fighter who knows that doing something right, done the right way, absolutely takes motivation and drive. Nothing will stand in your way to achieve your goals! When you have a goal or set a plan, there is nothing to stop you.

You are a strong-minded person who can accomplish anything within a given period of time. You are passionate when it comes to things that excite you and this is what makes you so confident and effective with whatever you decide to do.

Naturally, sleeping is one of the most essential things we can do for the sake of our health. If you lack sleep it may be very dangerous for your health. Nevertheless, are you familiar with the fact that if you sleep naked this will provide more benefits than if you sleep clothed? Actually, less than 10% of Americans sleep naked. What sleeping naked does is offer amazing health benefits, both physically and psychologically.

What Happens if You Sleep Naked?

1. Improves the Skin’s Repair Processes

If you sleep naked the skin will repair itself more easily. What will happen is the sebaceous glands will work at full capacity and the skin will absorb the nutrients more quickly. Also, the body’s metabolic rate will improve.

2. Reduces Pain

Sleeping naked will stimulate circulation and reduce pain, especially that one in the abdominal area. Due to the pain relief, you will start to feel more comfortable and you will sleep tighter.

3. Boosts the Energy

If you have a good night’s sleep, which you will if you sleep naked, your energy levels will get increased. This will help you have sufficient energy through the day.

4. Feeling More Frisky

Skin to skin contact increases the bonding hormones like oxytocin and this will make you more sensitive to your partner’s touch. Also, this will strengthen the feelings of trust, connectivity and lower the heart rate.

5. Promotes Weight Loss

Due to sleeping naked, the cortisol levels will increase, and not only you will sleep better, but the weight loss process will be promoted as well. If you want to lose some weight, this is the solution.

6. Prevents Bacteria

Sleeping naked can prevent the growth of yeast and bacteria. Also, this will dry out the spots of perspiration and keep the body comfortable.

7. Improves Sleep

If it was not obvious by now, sleeping naked is better for sleep than sleeping with clothes. What happens is the body temperature declines and if you wear clothes, the cycle is disrupted. Thus, you will toss and turn and have irregular sleeping patterns. While, if you sleep naked, this will promote the sleep quality and you will sleep like a baby.

If you needed some reasons to sleep naked, we offered you 7 of them. If this is not enough to make you sleep naked, we do not know what is. Just embrace this and start sleeping naked, your health will improve and you will sleep like a baby.

Have you ever wondered what that small scar on the upper left arm is? You might have seen it on some people, or you might even have it. Well, it is from being vaccinated from small pox. The vaccine was actually pretty common before the 1970’s,

What it did is use live Vaccinia virus so that it can trigger an immune response that would protect people against the Variola virus that was dangerous and that caused smallpox.


A desire to chew ice or to eat something salty all the time can be a sign of a deeper problem or a lack of minerals and vitamins, specialists say. That’s why it’s always a good idea to pay attention to any new developing habits, especially if they arise suddenly from out of nowhere.

We at Bright Side have made a list of things your body may try to tell you in hopes to help you live a long and happy life!

1. A crawling, creeping feeling in your legs

If you have weird sensations in your legs and feet, like crawling, creeping, or the urge to move, it may be a symptom of restless leg syndrome. This disorder is long-term, and you often feel this discomfort at night when you’re trying to get some rest.

2. Thickening of the skin

Don’t ignore skin problems or underestimate them. When the skin becomes thick and itchy, it can be a sign of many internal issues, like a hormonal disorder, eczema, or allergies. You can have some blood tests done if this problem persists or if it appears to be getting worse.

3. A change in handwriting, a loss of smell, and intense dreams

Everyone has likely heard of Parkinson’s disease but not as many of us know its symptoms. Tremors, slowness of movement, poor sleep along with nightmares, and speech and writing changes can be signs of the disease, doctors warn.

4. Anger and aggressive behavior

Bursts of anger may not always be a result of your personality. In fact, it could be connected to depression, some researchers say. According to them, depression isn’t always just about having a lack of energy or experiencing sadness — you can have aggressive behavior as well.

5. Sleeping too much

This disorder is called hypersomnia and it may stem from things that prove it isn’t just tiredness, doctors say. Some autoimmune diseases may cause the feeling of wanting to fall asleep just about anywhere. Also, having alcoholic beverages before sleeping may cause this effect.

6. Changes in eye color

If there’s a white or grey ring around the cornea of the eyes, it may be a sign of high cholesterol for people under 45 years old, doctors have noticed. The ring is harmless by itself and has only a visual effect.

7. Salt cravings

It’s okay to like salty food but when you can’t control it anymore and salty food becomes the only thing you want, it’s time to ask yourself why. This can signify an iron deficiency, anemia, dehydration or premenstrual syndrome, according to medical sources.

8. Forgetfulness, fatigue, and a low libido

Sometimes people confuse this with depression because it looks like you’re so tired and fed up with everything that you don’t have the energy to remember things. Doctors share that it’s better not to ignore such a condition because it can signify a thyroid hormone issue in the body. You also may gain weight and feel cold.

9. Always feeling thirst

It’s not normal to feel thirsty all the time, specialists say. There are some cases when it can be connected to the food that you eat, so check to see if you’re eating too many spicy or salty products. The incessant thirst could also be a sign of diabetes or pregnancy.

10. Wanting to chew ice

A wish to crunch ice can be easily explained and it may be more than just a habit. An iron deficiency or anemia could be the reason for this unusual desire, some research has shown. You may want to have some blood tests taken to check and see if you need to start taking supplements.

What other surprising symptoms do you know that could reveal your body’s condition? Please share your stories in the comments; they could be helpful for someone else.

Personality tests are useful to learn a little more about ourselves. That’s why we bring you this test so that you know part of your future and for that you just have to choose a figure in the middle of the whole image.


Below we show you the answer of the figure you chose.


Seeing the wolf first, has the meaning that you are a feisty person and quite a warrior.

Life has shown you many battles, stones in the way, but you have managed to manage it and get out in front of the high tide of trouble. Never doubt yourself because life will make up for you with special moments. Of course, you must continue to maintain that energy, security and alert to everything around you because sometimes smiles hide another plan behind it.

We know that deep inside you are outraged at a considerable level by all the injustices you have experienced and that is why your empathy makes you understand the pain and fear of those who suffer while others continue to have a wonderful time.

But never, ever let that take you away from the goal that you are already very clear about. So you must remain very focused on your future and work on what motivates you and find that strength that you need right now.


IF what you saw first and also caught your attention the most, then you are a person who has been destined to share your knowledge with others, you are not selfish or envious. That will undoubtedly make you much wiser and will also profile you in a possible job as a teacher.


If the first thing that caught your attention was the moon or the darkness of the night, your mission in life has to do with the healing of the spirit and emotion, since you are a compassionate person, and you always have the need to care.

There is no doubt that your mission in life is to protect and care for others and your true vocation may be found in the areas of health.


If the first thing you saw was to see a woman, you must keep in mind that your creativity is at its best, you have developed a skill that very few will understand.

On the one hand, to love beauty completely, and you know that you can only build a better world from emotions, because your goal from now on is to beautify the world.


Logical puzzles are pastimes or games that consist of finding the solution to an enigma, finding the hidden meaning of a phrase only through intuition and reasoning. That is not by virtue of the possession of certain knowledge.

The difference with riddles is that they pose the riddle in the form of a rhyme and are generally aimed at children’s audiences. They are mostly used in a humorous way.

In addition, a riddle is an enigma that emerges as a game and requires the use of insight to find a suitable solution.

There may be different structures in them, some of them show a rhyme; others, on the other hand, focus on establishing a logical problem that requires the skill and analysis for a successful resolution.