


Beets are extremely healthy, so if you haven’t added them to your regular diet yet, we are here to convince you to!

Beets are rich in phytonutrients known as betalains, which have powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and detoxification effects. Furthermore, these vegetables prevent birth defects, cancers, and heart diseases.

We give you 6 good reasons to start consuming beets right now:

  1. Beets Fight Inflammation

Inflammation is the main cause of numerous illnesses and chronic diseases. Betaine protects the proteins, cells, and enzymes from environmental stress, prevents inflammation, and protects the body organs, thus protecting from various chronic issues.

  1. Beets Detox Your Liver

The nutrients in beets detoxify the body and are full of antioxidants. Moreover, the betaine aids the liver cells to expel toxins, the pectin clears the eliminated toxins from the liver, and the betalains have potent anti-inflammatory properties that stimulate detoxification.

  1. Beets Lower Blood Pressure

The consumption of beet juice regulates blood pressure within a couple of hours. Researchers have found that a glass of beet juice reduces blood pressure by about 4-5 points, due to the nitrates in beets, which are turned into nitric oxide in the body.

Consequently, the blood vessels are relaxed and dilated, so the blood pressure is reduced, and the blood flow is boosted.

  1. Beets Fight Constipation

The high fiber amounts help the bowel movements and help the elimination of waste through the intestines at a healthy pace. Research has shown that betacyanin, a phytochemical compound found in beets, can prevent and treat colon cancer.

  1. Beets lower The Risk Of Birth Defects

Beets are rich in Vitamin C and fiber, as well as potassium and manganese, which support the proper function of muscles, nerves, pancreas, liver, kidneys, and bones. These vegetables are also high in folate, which is a B Vitamin that lowers the risk of birth defects.

  1. Beets prevent cancer

Beets are abundant in phytonutrients, which also provide their red color. The extract of beetroot has been scientifically found to reduce multi-organ tumor formations and s especially effective in the case of prostate, breast, and pancreas cancer.

Additionally, beets have strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that also lower the risk of cancer.

Our body always sends messages that signal its current condition, so if we learn to listen to them, we will be able to treat health issues on time and ensure our wellbeing.

Elson M. Haas, MD, a San Rafael, Calif., physician with a natural-medicine approach and author of Staying Healthy with Nutrition (Celestial Arts, 2006) says that the body gives physical signs and symptoms as a way to alert to deeper imbalances.

However, before you take a pill and hope that they will disappear, it is better to take the time to decipher the body’s codes, as we actually want to get to the causes of problems, not just suppress the end result of ill health.

Vivian Goldschmidt, MA, explains that at such times, the body is actually talking to you, since it responds to everything you encounter, day in and day out. For instance, when we suffer from a headache, we immediately turn to some sort of over-the-counter pain killer in order not to have to stop our daily activities, and we do not even consider the cause of the headache.

However, a headache is not normal, and it is actually the time when the body is telling us that something isn’t right. A headache can mean our muscles are tense, we are dehydrated, or we lack sleep, and the pain-killer approach never takes care of the problem that caused the headache to begin with.

She advises to take a moment to focus on your body, and you may be surprised by what you discover. Spare a minute to listen to your body’s needs and it will reveal a lot about the way you react to the environment, diet, and other factors.

Here are 21 things our body is trying to tell about our health:

1. Abnormal sweat smell- If it smells like acetone, you might experience issues with the blood sugar, and ammonia odor might indicate kidney or liver issues

2. Pungent urine or stools- Smelly stools might indicate a lactose intolerance, while the chemical smell of the urine can indicate a urinary tract infection, usually due to the E. coli bacteria

3. Dry skin- Chronic dry skin can be a symptom of diabetes, nutrient deficiencies, and hypothyroidism

4. Puffy eyes- This is a symptom of excess stress or a lack of sleep, as well as hormonal changes and salt intake

5. BMI- the chance of developing dementia in people in their 40s, whose abdomen is on the large side, is up to 3.6 times more likely than their smaller waisted peers

6. Swollen feet- This is usual in pregnant women and people who spend many hours on their feet, but if these are not the causes, this might indicate fluid retention

7. Pale tongue- This could a symptom of an iron deficiency

8.  Longer ring fingers in women- Women whose ring fingers are longer than the index fingers have an increased risk of developing osteoarthritis in the knees

9. Abnormal hair growth- The growth of hair on areas where it typically does not in women is a sign of issues like polycystic ovarian syndrome, due to the increased production of male hormones

10. Cracked, dry lips- they are a sign of dehydration or an allergic reaction caused by lip cosmetics, medications, dental hygiene products, metals, and foods

11. Dark velvety skin patches- This can signal a medication reaction or pre-diabetes

12. Smaller calves in women- This might be a sign of a higher risk of stroke, due to the development of carotid plaques

13. Loss of eyebrow hair- This is a sign of a thyroid disease

14. Stinky feet- You might suffer from Athlete’s foot if your feet smell even though you keep proper hygiene and constantly keep your shoes and socks clean

15. Blood type: People with type O blood, either negative or positive, have a lower risk of pancreatic cancer

16. Stunted or uneven teeth- This might be a result of the habit of grinding the teeth while sleeping, usually associated with increased stress. 

17. Height- Short people tend to live longer, which is believed to be due to the fact that one of the genes responsible for short stature is also partly responsible for longevity

18. Premature facial wrinkles- If you notice wrinkles while in early menopause, you might experience issues with the bone mineral density

19. Breast size-Women whose breasts are a D cup or larger when they were age 20 have an elevated risk of type 2 diabetes, which is believed to be due to the hormonally sensitive fat in the breasts

20. Shorter arms- Women with shorter arms, 60inches or less, are up to 1.5 times more prone to Alzheimer’s disease

21. Nail issues- Side-to-side lines on the nails indicate stress, white spots or streaks, and ridged nails might be a sign of kidney disease, and small cysts around the cuticles might signal arthritis

You should never ignore the signals your body sends since they directly reflect your state of health. If you experience problematic changes, always schedule an appointment with your doctor.

Aside from actually saying the words ‘I love you,’ people show their affection to their partner in many different ways.

This optical illusion will reveal the ways you secretly show your love in your relationship, including things you may not even be aware you’re doing.

All you have to do is look at this image and notice what your eyes are drawn to first

The wolf

If you looked at this creepy image and saw the wolf first it suggests you’re passionate in your relationship and always follow your instincts.

You often have ‘romantic escapades’ and have a lot of great stories to tell.

Most importantly, your love language is physical touch, which means more to you than words do.

Small physical gestures such as holding hands is how you subtly show love to your other half.

The house

If you spotted the house first, which is in the background of the image with glowing windows, ‘home and security’ are very important to you.

Consistency and certainty in your relationship are the most important factors for you.

You’re a home body who enjoys nothing more than snuggling up and feeling safe with your loved one.

The way you show love is by feeding those you care about – whether it’s baking or cooking or even just having sweets on hand.

The moon

If your eyes naturally wandered to the moon at the top of the image, you’re a natural dreamer with your head in the clouds.

It means you have big plans and dreams for what you want to do with your life.

You’re a very creative person who loves art, whether it be drawing, writing, reading or painting.

The way you express affection is through artistic expression – maybe you’re a keen poet or create handmade gifs for your partner.

The trees

If you were drawn to the trees on either side of the picture, you feel emotions more deeply than others and you have likely been through heartbreak before.

You aren’t very open about your emotional baggage and the way you show love is by revealing this part of yourself to your partner.

Allowing yourself to be vulnerable is your love language, something you only do for those who mean a lot to you.

The faces

Finally, the faces are the most hidden aspect of the picture and you might not have even noticed it upon first glance.

However, if you spotted them first that means you’re a natural leader with good intuition – you were drawn to what others failed to see.

In terms of your love relationships, quality time is your love language and you’re great at putting it into practice.

You always make time for your partner, reminding them that they are one of your top priorities.

Gaining weight turns into a real problem when fat starts building up on your back. Check the following tips and enjoy your attractive body.

1. Eat Healthy

Workout is not the only way to lose weight and tone your muscles. Remember, you should also eat healthy and change your dietary habits. The food you eat affects your body, so it is important to choose healthy and organic foods.

2. Cardio Exercises

According to the USDA, you should do cardio for an hour per day, at least five times a week. For more intense cardio, enjoy the “after burn effect.” Interval training is great — it alternates periods of pushing the body and recovery, and your body keeps burning calories even though you are done with your workout.

3. Tone Your Core

Make sure your workout involves your back muscles and core. By strengthening your core, you set everything into place. Toned back muscles provide a flatter belly and reduce your love handles.

4. Do Yoga

Yoga is a great combination of balance and posture. Good balance and posture are the first step to a stronger core muscles.

Before starting  a diet  for the purpose of  getting  rid of excess inches around the waist, you should first learn the reason that caused them, and then go about trying to get rid of them.

As you can see on the picture below, there are several types of bellies, and all of them caused by different reasons.

  1. A Belly That Looks Like a Flat Tire 

This type of belly often appears as a result of  spending a lot of time in a sitting position  and not being physically active. Also, consuming sugary foods makes things worse.

If you are dealing with this type of stomach, it’s best for you to avoid drinking alcohol and soft drinks. The easiest way to get rid of it is by eating healthy food.

  1. A Belly Caused by Stress

People who are perfectionists usually have a low, rounded tummy but this may also appear in those who have problems with digestion and bloating. The only way to get rid of this type of belly is to stop skipping meals and giving up on  fast food.

  1. A Low Belly

A soft tummy in the lower abdomen is usually associated with  not being active  after eating a meal. This kind of stomach appears in people who are not  physically active.

Active way of life meaning exercising , combined with a varied diet including healthy natural juices, will help you in  getting  rid of this type of belly successfully.

  1. A Bloated Stomach

A bloated stomach usually occurs as a result of food that doesn’t agree with your body, or if you have specific allergies to certain foods.

In order to get rid of a bloated stomach you need to consume beverages that have a positive effect on the digestive system. In this particular case, you don’t need to have too much physical activity, but you  need to eat a balanced diet.

Sophie King, a 26-year-old teacher and blogger, has become an Internet star after announcing a diet which helped her lose 55 pounds in only 3 months.

At one point Sophie weighed 194 pounds, and after getting really sick a few times, she figured out a 100-day-plan for losing weight.

Amazingly, there’s nothing revolutionary, but the diet excludes all supplements and pills, and it’s focused on balanced meals.

Sophie has recently published her diet diary in her blog, which attracted over 10,000 followers.

After exactly 100 days, Sophie took her clothes off and photographed the results.

“At the age of 17 I broke my ankle, which is why I stopped playing sports. Then I started getting fat, and when I went to university I became an incredibly unhealthy person. That was the moment I decided to change my life”, says Sophie.

“A lot of things have changed in 100 days, and I wanted to share my experience with others and help them do the same.”

Obesity is one of the most serious diseases today, and the number of patients is increasing daily. This article will reveal the real life story of an obese woman, who had more than 150 kg, and gained even more weight during the pregnancy due to overeating without control.

One single change in her diet made the same woman lose 89 kilograms in a short period. Namely, her situation got so bad, that her doctors advised her to eat less, or they expected her to live no more than another year.

Apart from these obesity issues, she started facing walking issues, and also suffered from back pain.

At this point, she finally decided to take care of her health in order to save her life. She stopped eating all kinds of junk food and began consuming healthy foods only and doing cardio exercises 3 times per week.

By avoiding food rich in carbohydrates and sugar, in only 18 months, this woman managed to lose 89 kg. Every day, she ate according to the following diet plan:


  • two eggs
  • mushrooms
  • tomatoes
  • Finish the breakfast with green smoothie (made of fresh seasonal vegetables and little water)


  • Boiled or baked potatoes with chili
  • 1 piece of rye bread
  • fresh green salads (broccoli, cabbage, cucumbers, lettuce etc)
  • baked fish or chicken steak


  • Low fat yogurt or some kind of fruit


  • Spaghetti or macaroni with low fat cheese and tomato sauce
  • fresh green salads

After a year and a half, this woman reached her goal. She was even awarded the title “Woman of the Year” by Obesity center. Currently, due to the change in her dietary routines, this woman is leading a healthy and happy life and is in a perfect body shape.

Cancer is a very insidious disease. Even the forms of detection that are considered to be the best like for example tests and routine check-ups are not that reliable. Any strange symptom that you find suspicious and unexplained can help you detect cancer on time. Here, we’re presenting you 20 of the 20 early cancer signs that you should never ignore:

Wheezing and shortness of breath
These signs are considered to be the earliest signs for the appearance of lung cancer in your body.

Chest pain and chronic cough

According to some patients, pain down the arm as well as chest pain and cough are also pretty common. Some types of cancers like leukemia and lung tumors can even mimic symptoms of a chronic cough.

Recurrent fever and infections

Infections as well as frequent fever can signify leukemia which we all know is one type of a blood tumor that develops in the bone marrow. It makes the marrow produce abnormal white blood cells which later attack your whole immune system.

Difficulty swallowing

Having difficulties swallowing may signify the presence of throat, lung or esophageal cancer.

Swollen lymph nodes on the underarms, groin and neck

These are often negative changes in the lymph system and they are mostly caused by cancer.

Bruising and bleeding that don’t stop

This sign means that there’s a disturbance in the platelets and red blood cells. It can be caused by leukemia. The amount of white blood cells becomes abnormal. It can eliminate the red blood cells and your body becomes unable to clot, so you’ll start to lose blood.


Unfortunately, fatigue is considered to be one of the most overlooked signs of cancer. Still, it doesn’t always mean cancer, so you shouldn’t worry. It should come along with other symptoms. If you’ve noticed that you’re tired without a reason and you feel like that all the time, call your doctor.

Pelvic and abdominal pain

These signs along with cramps and bloating usually signify ovarian cancer.

Bloating and sudden abdominal weight gain

Make sure you visit a doctor if these symptoms continue for a long period of time as they usually indicate ovarian cancer.

Rectal bleeding and blood in the stool

Blood in the stool can be an early sign of colorectal cancer, so if you notice it, make sure you visit a doctor.

Sudden weight loss

Weight loss that happens suddenly can signify a liver cancer or some type of cancer that has spread to your liver and affects your appetite.

Stomachache or upset stomach

Pay attention if you feel like your stomach is upset frequently, because it may signify colorectal cancer.

Swollen and inflamed nipples

Any kind of change in your nipples like swelling or inflammation should alarm you to visit your doctor because it may signify breast cancer.

Nipple changes

Nipples that are flattened, twisted or inverted are the earliest signs of breast cancer.

Heavy and frequent periods

Doctors usually relate these signs to uterine and endometrial cancer. Make sure you get a vaginal ultrasound so that you can rule out cancer.

Changes on the nails

Changes in the nails like dots, streaks in and under the nails, pale or white nails and clubbing can signify liver or lung cancer.

Swelling in the face

This sign accompanied with redness and puffiness can signify that there is a presence of small tumors in your lungs that are blocking the blood flow which leads to your face.

Sore lumps that don’t heal

The 3 types of skin cancer that may cause these sore lumps to appear on your skin are melanoma, basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. These lumps skin bleed easily and don’t heal.

Feeling full and being unable to eat

This sign is also attributed to ovarian cancer. There are some patients who don’t have appetite and they skip meals, but they don’t even want to eat even if they skipped a meal.

Pain in the back and lower right side

This may be a sign of liver cancer, but also indicate breast cancer because some breast tumors press backwards into the chest.

Make sure you always try to notice any unusual sign in you or someone you know no matter the gender or age. Only that will increase your chances of eliminating the disease and survive. Cancer can really harm your health and you can end up having fatal consequences. It’s always better to prevent it than to treat it. Always eat a healthy diet that is rich in foods which can prevent water, exercise regularly and drink plenty of water! That will help you acquire optimal health!

When you first glance at the image you might not realize it contains contains multiple animals.

How many animals can you see?

How many animals can you see?Credit: TikTok

Pointing to the optical illusion, TikTok user Rana Arshad said: “Can you spot all the animals in this image?

“Look closely, because this is kind of tricky.

“If you somehow got it, let me know how many there were in the comments.”

So how many animals can you spot in the brain teaser?

What you see first in this optical illusion reveals your main personality trait

Guesses ranged from five to eight animals in the pictures.

Many viewers found the bear, the bat, the monkey, the dog and the cat.

Others also spotted the squirrel behind the cat on its tail – although some thought it might be a rabbit.

Many answered correctly, with one posting: “6 because there is a squirrel behind the cat on its tail and there’s a dog, bat, bear, cat and monkey.”

Meanwhile, when you first glance at this optical illusion, you may not realize it contains multiple triangles.

In fact, the image is made up of several triangles, way more than you might think at first glance, and only a fragment of the population can spot them all.

Clad in sunglasses, the mysterious content creator showed the confounding triangle image and told viewers to concentrate.

“Only one percent of people can get this right,” Nick said. “How many triangles are in this image?”

Optical illusions are a wonderful way to learn a lot about yourself. With so many optical illusions floating around the internet, it appears that discovering your personality feature is just a click away.

There are two key features buried in this single image, and what someone sees first is thought to reveal a lot about their personality, especially whether they are naturally competitive or simply jealous of others.

Competitiveness is a good attitude characterised by a strong desire to achieve something. It is frequently confused with jealousy, a negative trait in which a person disapproves of the attributes of a better person. Check out this one today.

According to reports, this image might reveal whether you are a competitive person or not. According to reports, this optical illusion was published on TikTok by Charles Meriot, a self-proclaimed optical illusion influencer.

According to the New York Post, the optical illusion originally appeared on the cover of “The Ghost Sequences” by A.C. Wise, which was published in August 2021. So, what do you notice first?

If you noticed a skull first

If you see a skull first, you are a brutally honest individual. You are trustworthy, and your friends would never hesitate to confide in you. However, you may not be a competitive person.

If you saw two girls first

However, if you see two girls playing cards, you are naturally competitive. You can never accept defeat. It also implies that you are upbeat and hopeful.

Optical illusions are popular on social media and are a fun way to interpret people’s personalities. However, they should not be regarded as a reliable technique for determining personality.