


Bruce Willis’ daughter, Tallulah Willis, disclosed her autism diagnosis as an adult in a nostalgic video shared on March 15, 2024. Playfully interacting with her father on a red carpet event during her childhood, Tallulah subtly referenced her diagnosis in the video’s caption on Instagram.

Responding to a comment about her journey, Tallulah revealed, “Actually, this is the first time I’ve ever publicly shared my diagnosis. Found out this summer and it’s changed my life.” Many viewers noted her stimming behavior, commonly associated with autism spectrum disorder.Viewers praised Bruce Willis’ gentle care for his daughter’s feelings captured in the video. Tallulah’s candid essay for Vogue detailed her struggles with depression, anorexia nervosa, ADHD, and borderline personality disorder. Through her journey to recovery, she found the strength to support her father amidst his battle with frontotemporal dementia, fostering a deeper connection between them.

A man notices a little girl waving at him from a mysterious house where no one is supposed to be living and decides to find out who she is.

Tim Jenkins had one of the most unappreciated yet necessary jobs in the world: he took away the garbage. Every morning, long before dawn, he and his colleague would drive around the town and take away the refuse the inhabitants had collected the previous day.

No one ever saw them, or at least, no one except for one little girl. Every morning, Tim would get off the garbage truck in front of one particular house, and there was always a little girl at the window tapping on the glass to get his attention.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

As soon as the girl saw that Tim looked up, she waved excitedly and mouthed something he couldn’t make out. Tim would wave back and mouth, “Good morning!” and the girl would give him a big smile.

This would happen every single day, and even though the girl and her family seemed to be living in the house, their garbage bins were always empty. However, Tim noticed that the newspapers were piling up on the front porch.

In fact, as the days went by, the house started to look unkempt and abandoned. The only sign of life was the little girl waving from the window every morning before dawn.

Tim started to worry about her, so one afternoon, when he was off work, he decided to drive around the neighborhood and investigate. He walked up to the door of the little girl’s house and rang the doorbell.

He then knocked and waited patiently, but there was no answer. He thought the little girl was at school and her mom was at work, but something just didn’t feel right.

In comparison, the house next door was very pretty, with a well-kept lawn and roses blooming around the white picket fence. There were no weeds and no newspapers on the porch!

We need to be on the alert for signs that the most vulnerable may need our help.
Tim walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. A little while later, he heard the sound of footsteps, and a pretty woman opened the door. “Yes?” she asked. “How may I help you?”

Tim was suddenly nervous. He took off his baseball cap and said, “Good afternoon, ma’am. Sorry to bother you. I work with the garbage disposal unit that works this street?”

“Oh,” the woman said. “You do a wonderful job! Thank you!”

Tim grinned. “It’s mighty nice to hear you say so, ma’am, but the reason I’m here is a little strange…”

The woman looked intrigued and nodded encouragement, so Tim said, “Every morning when I do my rounds — and this is before dawn — there’s a little girl at the window of the house next door. She’s mighty friendly and always waves, but I have a feeling something’s not quite right, and just now, no one answered the door.”

For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash

The woman frowned. “Next door? There’s no little girl next door! In fact, I think the family moved away more than a week ago!”

Tim shook his head. “That can’t be! I saw the little girl this morning!”

Tim walked away from the house, but he couldn’t stop thinking about the little girl. When he saw her waving from the window the next morning, he decided to take action.

He called the police and asked them to do a wellness check at the house. Tim explained that he’d seen a little girl at an address where no one was supposed to be living.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash

That day, two officers visited the house, and when there was no response, they forced the door open. The whole house was empty and still, then they heard a scurrying sound in the kitchen.

There was a little girl hidden in the pantry, staring at them with wide eyes! The officers explained that they were policemen and there to help her, but the little girl just shook her head.

Then one of the officers said, “A man who drives by in the garbage truck every morning told us you were here!” When she heard that, the little girl smiled and waved her hand shyly. She moved her lips, “Good Morning!” but no sound came out.

The officers realized that the little girl was mute! They also observed there was no food in the house, except for a packet of stale crackers. It appeared that the child had been abandoned.

They immediately called Child Services, and one of the officers gave Tim a call to let him know they had found the little girl and that she was now safe. A quick investigation revealed that the child’s father had passed away a few months before.

She had been left in the care of the stepmother, who had simply packed her bags and left the child behind. The police issued a warrant for the arrest of the stepmother for abandonment and child endangerment.

That night, Tim told his wife all about the little girl. Her name was Mia, and she was six years old. Tim’s wife looked at him and said, “Tim, our boys are grown and gone, but I always wanted a daughter…” Tim and his wife applied to be Mia’s foster parents, and two years later, they adopted her.

Tim went from a man that she waved to every morning to a father who gave her a loving home. It just goes to show that you never know where you are going to find your family!

Vincent D’Onofrio’s is probably best remembered for his iconic role as the chubby, inept Marine recruit in Stanley Kubrick’s Full Metal Jacket.

But after that, his popularity took a dive.

The ruggedly handsome actor, who turned 64 on June 30, 2023, said the role required a dramatic physical transformation, which resulted in him repelling the women who once swooned over his curly dark hair and athletic build.

Vincent D’Onofrio’s résumé is as lengthy as it is diverse. He always puts 200% into every part, and he is always able to become the character to the point you forget who he is.

The Brooklyn-born actor got his start in stage productions, some off-Broadway others on, and held numerous side hustles, like being a bodyguard to Yul Brynner and Robert Plant, to support his dreams of being an actor.

In his early days, he earned himself a living as a nightclub bouncer, delivering flowers, hanging drapes and driving a cab.

But after appearing in a couple of low-budget films, D’Onofrio’s friend, actor Matthew Modine, urged him to send an audition tape to Stanley Kubrick, who at the time was casting for his next big hit.

The 6-foot-3 D’Onofrio, who was incredibly fit, won the role of the fat, dim-witted Leonard, but it came with a few conditions.

Working with Kubrick was a transformative experience for D’Onofrio, as it allowed him to immerse himself deeply in his character and explore his acting abilities in a challenging and intense environment.

The father of three, now 64, had to shave his gorgeous full head of hair, and gain 70 to 80 pounds, which to this date is the most weight gained by any actor for a role.

“[Kubrick] asked me early on would I be all right with gaining this weight and I went over there and gained about 30 pounds, and I remember him seeing it and saying that I only look like I could kick everybody’s a**. He thought some more weight would be needed.” Speaking of the role he played when he was 24, D’Onofrio continued, “I think it went up to 80 pounds…from 200 to 280.”

Gaining the weight was not an easy task for D’Onofrio, who was then faced with the gruelling demands of the movie’s boot-camp scenes.

Obstacle courses would have been easy with his athletic build but it was particularly taxing for someone weighing in at 280 pounds.

D’Onofrio’s impressive portrayal of the chubby, dumb and mentally disturbed Leonard earned him a lot of praise from critics but he also had to deal with fans who mistook the actor for the character.

“People treat you differently when you’re that size you gotta remember my head was shaved so it was like a completely different persona from me being this long lanky actor to a big burly guy with a bald head…it was a very strange life change.” The Broken Horses star continued, “It changed my life. Women didn’t look at me, most of the time I was looking at their backs as they were running away. People used to say things to me twice, because they thought I was stupid.”

One year later, the Magnificent Seven star had a full head of hair and his body was back to his earlier size.

Today, the New York-born director, producer, screenwriter and actor, who authored the 2023 book “Pigs Can’t Look Up,” credits his lengthy career to Kubrick.

“Stanley made my career, there’s no question to that I’ve done over 50 films, because of him. Because of that part.” D’Onofrio was referring to his numerous roles in both film and TV, most notably as a series regular on Law & Order: Criminal Intent (2001 to 2011) and Marvel’s Daredevil (2015 to 2018). His films include starring roles in Dying YoungThe Break-Up and Jurassic World.

Vincent D’Onofrio wife and children

D’Onofrio’s life was greatly affected by his parents’ divorce when he was a child. His mother re-married George Meyer, a renowned American producer and writer.

As a result, the family moved to the Hialeah, Florida area. During his childhood, D’Onofrio was a reserved boy who often retreated to his room, lost in his thoughts.

While residing in Florida, he developed an interest in magic and the art of sleight of hand, skills he acquired from Cuban performers who operated a small magic store.

During the early 1990s, Vincent D’Onofrio was romantically involved with actress Greta Scacchi. They appeared together in multiple films during this time, such as The Player and Fires Within. From their relationship, they have a daughter named Leila George, who was born around 1991 or 1992, and she has since pursued a career as an actress.

Wikipedia Commons / David Shankbone

In 1997, Vincent D’Onofrio tied the knot with Carin van der Donk, a Dutch model.

Together, they welcomed their first son in 1999. However, their relationship faced difficulties in the early 2000s, leading to a separation. They later reconciled and had a second son in 2008

In June 2023, D’Onofrio initiated divorce proceedings in Manhattan Supreme Court, marking the end of the 26-year-long marriage with Carin van der Donk.

D’Onofrio can be seen with Sandra Bullock in 2021 film The Unforgivable and the soon-to-be released comedy Dumb Money.

Vincent D’Onofrio was fantastic in Full Metal Jacket and his mental decline as Leonard is incredibly believable!

Life was a struggle for one baby girl born in 1995 after losing both of her parents. Her time in an orphanage was a nightmare, but everything changed four years later.

Michaela DePrince faced challenges and pain most people will never know. She had already been through immense suffering and abuse at a young age—the little girl saw no reason to survive.

The former orphan who turned her life around and became a world-class dancer | Source:

The former orphan who turned her life around and became a world-class dancer | Source:

Her vitiligo skin condition left white spots on her neck and resulted in insults from her local community in Sierra Leone. She was ridiculed and told that no one would adopt her.

Michaela was originally named Mabinty Bangura. She was born at the height of a civil war in Sierra Leone where her father was killed. Her mother died from an illness and starvation.

The girl did not remember her parent’s faces and had no memory of what the shared love of family felt like. After her parents died when she was only three, she was abandoned at an orphanage.

She Was Number 27 and She Wanted to Dance

Labeled the “Devil’s Child,” Michaela thought she was a monster and shared her experience growing up in an orphanage. She said, “They ranked us. Number one was the favorite child, and number 27 was the least favorite … I was number 27.”

She spent many days starving, and things seemed hopeless until she saw a photo of a ballerina in a magazine. Michaela was intrigued and longed to be happy and beautiful like the woman in the picture.

Michaela expressed, “It was not just the fact that she’s a ballerina. It’s that she looks happy. And I wanted to be happy and … if what she was doing made her happy, that’s what I wanted to do.” A seed was planted that changed her life forever.

When an American couple adopted her in 1999, she instantly told them she wanted to dance. The couple, who had lost three kids, were thrilled to welcome Michaela into their lives.


She Found a Loving Home

Elaine DePrince explained that she lost her children at the height of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. She and her husband lost one of their three sons at 15 and another at 11. But the couple still had love to give, so when they heard of Michaela and her painful story of being unwanted, they were more than willing to take her.

Elaine and her husband showered their new daughter with love, drove her to dance classes, and helped rebuild her self-worth. At first, the youngster struggled to accept her new circumstances.

Elaine remembered the first day she met Michaela. She said she walked towards her on her toes, with a magazine with a ballerina on the cover. From day one, the mother promised Michaela that she would become a dancer.

Michaela was grateful but had spent her entire life experiencing loss, rejection, and disappointment. Thus, she revealed, “I used to have to sleep with the light on. I was just terrified that if I turned it off when I would wake up, I would be in the orphanage again.”

She Proved Everybody Wrong


In time, Michaela settled into her new family and started working toward her goal of becoming a ballerina. She worked hard and stated, “The only way I could survive was … to prove everybody wrong.”

Her dancing journey came with challenges as she realized her skin color was also an issue for some people. Moreover, she was insecure about her appearance and worried that people would make fun of her.

Graciously, her adoptive mother assured her that the white spots on her skin looked like “pixie dust,” and she slowly turned her concerns into confidence.

At only 17 years old, Michaela was the youngest performer at the Dance Theatre of Harlem in New York City. The director, Ted Brandsen, was in awe at the girl’s willingness to succeed.

Her hard work paid off, and at 22, she was hand-picked by the iconic singer Beyoncé to put together a choreography for her solo appearance in her music video for the song “Freedom,” featured in Beyoncé’s well-known album, “Lemonade.”

Michaela proved everyone wrong and danced on stages worldwide. Her story encourages many people to keep dreaming no matter the circumstances.

Another Child Gets a Loving Home

Parents can’t always fulfill their duty of nurturing and caring for their kids. These children often end up in orphanages or foster homes, longing to be adopted. Randall was a teenage boy who had been abused and needed a loving home.

Thankfully, Casey Douglas and her husband were looking for a child to love in Texas. When their caseworker told them about Randall in 2017, they were interested immediately. Two years later, the adoption was official!

Randall and Michaela are immensely grateful for their adoptive families, who filled their lives with warmth and showed them what real love looks like.

Lauren Wasser is a Californian model who lost her right leg in 2012 for the most unusual reason I’ve ever heard.

Most of us can’t imagine how a hygiene product could lead to a nightmare and change your life forever. 
And Lauren’s nightmare is not over. Recently doctors had to amputate her other leg.

Now Lauren is determined that no other woman should have to go through the same thing she’s gone through, and is sending out a warning about the dangers of an everyday product.

The cause of the infection? A tampon. The use of tampons, especially if left for many hours, can cause an infection that causes what is known as toxic shock syndrome or TTS.

The TTS left Lauren in a coma for more than a week, and upon awakening they had to amputate a leg because of the infection. She was 24 years old.

Since then, Lauren has had one single life goal: ensuring that no one else ever has to go through what she’s been through.

Nobody else should go through this

“In a few months, I’m inevitably going to have my other leg amputated. There’s nothing I can do about it. But what I can do is help make sure that this doesn’t happen to others,” Lauren tells The Daily Mail.

Lauren has launched a tough legal battle against Kotex Natural Balance, the brand of tampons that caused her to react so severely.

“Considering that the vagina is the most absorbent part of a woman’s body and is a gateway to many of our vital organs, it is crucial that consumers know the reality of what could happen to them,” Lauren writes in InStyle.

Unfortunately, Lauren recently had to have her other leg amputated.

As soon as she left the operating room, the model posted a photo on her social media accounts with Paralympic athlete Amy Purdy, who also had her legs amputated, and wrote the following message:

This brave girl has all of my respect. Keep fighting, with strength and optimism. Lauren continues to fight not only for herself, but for others, so that nobody else has to go through what she went through.

Ben Affleck looked like he lost 10 years after shaving off his salt-and-pepper beard.

The actor showed off his new clean face when he was on dad duty on Thursday with his son Samuel, 12.

The Air star held a basketball while his boy pulled his wheeled backpack behind him.

The Argo star – who attended his son’s basketball game with his ex-wife Jennifer Garner – was spotted twirling the basketball on his fingers in front of the open hatch of his black Mercedes.

He wore a green button-down shirt over a maroon t-shirt with a maroon corduroy jacket and khakis.

Ben Affleck, 51, put on a VERY youthful show as she stepped out in LA on Thursday

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It looked like he had shaved off YEARS after ditching his beard (seen right in LA on February 1)

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Ben Affleck, 51, put on a VERY youthful show as she stepped out in LA on Thursday – looking like he had shaved off YEARS after ditching his beard (seen right in LA on February 1)

The actor and director showed off his fuzz-free face while he was on dad duty  with his son Samuel, 12

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The actor and director showed off his fuzz-free face while he was on dad duty  with his son Samuel, 12

The Argo Oscar winner was spotted twirling the basketball on his fingers in front of the open hatch of his black Mercedes

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The Argo Oscar winner was spotted twirling the basketball on his fingers in front of the open hatch of his black Mercedes

Ben Affleck and ex Jennifer Garner step out together in LA

Affleck shares his son as well as daughters Seraphina, 18, and Violet, 15, with ex-wife Garner, 51.

Affleck and Garner were spotted last week putting on a united co-parenting front with each other as they attended Samuel’s basketball game.

After the game, the former couple moved Samuel’s bags from Ben’s car to Jen’s.

The outing comes after fans of the Alias alum were outraged to find out that Ben kept love letters from Jennifer Lopez, 54, during his 13 year marriage to Garner.

He had the letters and emails bound into a book to gift the Jenny from the Block singer when they reunited in 2021.

But insiders have quashed any notion that the admission shocked Garner, insisting she is happy for Affleck and Lopez – who she is friends with – and is also at peace in her relationship with John Miller.

‘Ben would love for the outside world not to know about his love letters, but he is a romantic, and as much as he loved Jennifer, he never got over JLo,’ a source told

‘Ben keeps his memories, whether it is from movies he worked on or family and relationship moments, he always has what the kids call “receipts.”‘

They continued: ‘No one is surprised by this at all. Jennifer is OK with it, JLo obviously loves it and everyone notices that all this was meant to be.

‘Jennifer and Ben have their wonderful children and are both enjoying the relationships they have always wanted to be in.’

He wore a green button-down shirt over a maroon t-shirt with a maroon corduroy jacket and khakis

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He wore a green button-down shirt over a maroon t-shirt with a maroon corduroy jacket and khakis

Ben held a basketball while Samuel 12, pulled his wheeled backpack behind him

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Ben held a basketball while Samuel 12, pulled his wheeled backpack behind him

He had a heavy beard when with wife Jennifer Lopez at the Los Angeles premiere of This Is Me...Now: A Love Story in February

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He had a heavy beard when with wife Jennifer Lopez at the Los Angeles premiere of This Is Me…Now: A Love Story in February

Last week Affleck and the Let’s Get Loud singer experienced a very relatable incident – their BMW got a flat tire.

The flat tire happened shortly after they dropped Affleck’s daughter Seraphina and JLo’s daughter Emme, 16, off at the Westfield Century City Mall.

Once the tire was fixed the celebrity couple enjoyed a cozy lunch at a local pizzeria.

Then they drove to arena to take in a Lakers game from courtside seats.

The disappearance of Riley Strain, a University of Missouri student, on March 8 in Nashville has sparked a massive search, marked by a cryptic last message and crucial police footage. As the community rallies, Riley’s mother has made a heartfelt plea for his return, adding urgency to a case filled with more questions than answers. Join us as we piece together the events leading up to and following that fateful night of March 8, in a story that combines despair, determination, and the relentless pursuit of truth.

Missing college student Riley Strain in a photo shared on social media after his disappearance in March 2024 | Source: facebook/wztvfox17newsnashville

Missing college student Riley Strain in a photo shared on social media after his disappearance in March 2024 | Source: facebook/wztvfox17newsnashville

Riley Ray Strain, a 22-year-old University of Missouri student, vanished over a week ago after an evening out with friends in Nashville. The disappearance has sparked a massive search operation, gripping the city and Strain’s hometown.

His heartbroken mother, Michelle Whiteid, has now made a public plea as the search intensifies, with the only clue being his bank card found near a river bank. The mystery deepened after the release of a baffling message from Strain’s phone sent on the night he disappeared.

Missing college student Riley Strain in a photo shared on social media after his disappearance in March 2024 | Source: facebook/wztvfox17newsnashville

Missing college student Riley Strain in a photo shared on social media after his disappearance in March 2024 | Source: facebook/wztvfox17newsnashville

March 8: The Night of the Disappearance

On the night of March 8, Strain, a senior from the University of Missouri, disappeared after an evening out in Nashville. Known for his dynamic presence and standing at 6-foot-5, had visited Luke Bryan’s bar, Luke’s 32 Bridge, located on Nashville’s vibrant Broadway.

The evening took a turn at approximately 9:35 p.m., when Strain was escorted out of the bar by the establishment’s security, managed by the TC Restaurant Group, due to unspecified violations of conduct standards.

Missing college student Riley Strain in a photo shared on social media after his disappearance in March 2024 | Source: facebook/wztvfox17newsnashville

Missing college student Riley Strain in a photo shared on social media after his disappearance in March 2024 | Source: facebook/wztvfox17newsnashville

Surveillance footage later showed Strain crossing the street at 1st Ave N and Gay Street at 9:47 p.m., appearing to have a specific destination in mind. However, just five minutes later, another camera caught him looking disoriented and stumbling in the wrong direction, which would be the last known sighting of him.

March 9: Missing Person Report

The alarm over Strain’s disappearance rose the following morning, March 9, when his fraternity brothers noted his absence from their accommodation at the Tempo Hotel on Rosa Parks Boulevard.

Riley Strain in a photo shared on social media following his disappearance | Source: facebook/prettylies&alibis

Riley Strain in a photo shared on social media following his disappearance | Source: facebook/prettylies&alibis

The group was in Nashville for their annual spring formal. After Strain failed to return, his peers immediately began efforts to locate him, first attempting to track his location via Snapchat.

When this proved futile and repeated phone calls to Strain went unanswered, escalating concern led to his fraternity brothers reporting him missing to the police.

This disappearance triggered a wide-ranging search effort, leveraging both digital tools and traditional police work to locate Strain.

The early moments after his last sighting, his unexpected absence from the hotel, and the inability to contact him or track his movements digitally have compounded the urgency and mystery surrounding his case.

As law enforcement, family, friends, and the community continue their search, these details form crucial pieces of the puzzle in understanding what happened to Riley Strain after he left the bar.

March 10: Family’s Search Begins

Strain’s family, upon their arrival in Nashville from Springfield, Missouri, embarked on a detailed search for him starting March 10.

Led by his stepfather, Christopher Whiteid, and his mother, the family’s initial steps involved visiting every emergency room in Nashville, hoping to find any sign of Strain or someone matching his description, but to no avail.

Riley Strain with his mother, Michelle Strain Whiteid | Source: facebook/michellestrainwhiteid

Riley Strain with his mother, Michelle Strain Whiteid | Source: facebook/michellestrainwhiteid

Determined to leave no stone unturned, they also went to the last known location of Strain’s cellphone. Here, they were joined by other family members to comb through the area thoroughly, yet this effort also did not yield any results.

The family received some information from a detective assigned to Strain’s case, who informed them that no one matching Riley’s description had been found in the morgue, nor had anyone been picked up by an ambulance or taken to an emergency room.

While this was neither positive nor negative news, it was taken by the family as a sign that there was still hope to find Strain.

Riley Strain's mother, Michelle Strain Whiteid and his stepfather, Christopher Whiteid during a press conference on March 20, 2024 | Source: youtube/wkrnnews

Riley Strain’s mother, Michelle Strain Whiteid and his stepfather, Christopher Whiteid during a press conference on March 20, 2024 | Source: youtube/wkrnnews

March 11: University Statement

On March 11, the University of Missouri, where Strain was a senior, officially addressed his disappearance. Angela King Taylor, the interim vice chancellor for student affairs, released a statement highlighting the institution’s deep concern for Strain’s safety and wellbeing.

In her statement, Taylor emphasized, “The safety of our community is our highest priority. Our thoughts are with Riley’s family as the search continues.” She further assured, “We will be offering any support to them that we can, and we encourage anyone who needs help to reach out to our counseling resources.”

Riley Strain in a photo shared by his mother Michelle on social media | Source: facebook/michellestrainwhiteid

Riley Strain in a photo shared by his mother Michelle on social media | Source: facebook/michellestrainwhiteid

March 12: Police and Public Alert

On March 12, the Metro Nashville Police Department took to Twitter to amplify the search for Strain. Their tweet stated, “Officers continue to work to locate missing person Riley Strain, 22, who was last seen Fri. night by friends @ a Broadway bar in Nashville. Riley is from Missouri and was visiting. He is 6’5″ tall with a thin build, blue eyes, and light brown hair. See him? Pls call 615-862-8600.”

In addition to the social media appeal, the police department released surveillance footage that captured the last moments Strain was seen after being escorted out of Bryan’s bar.

The footage showed Strain stumbling and taking a wrong turn. This visual evidence brought a heightened level of concern to the case, demonstrating the potential vulnerability of Riley at the time of his disappearance and further emphasizing the need for any information that could lead to finding him.

March 13: Family Speaks to the Media

On March 13, the family of Strain shared their heart-wrenching journey and determination in an emotional interview with People magazine. Christopher, Strain’s stepfather, opened up about the family’s anguish and resolve, saying, “It’s killing us. Because we don’t know what’s going on. We can’t find him.”

The interview not only highlighted the emotional toll of the search on the family but also served as a call to action for anyone who might have information. “We’re looking for you. We are not leaving until we have you. We’re going to be with you at graduation…and everything’s going to be fine,” Christopher expressed, addressing Strain.

Michelle Strain Whiteid and Riley Strain in a photo shared on social media after Strain's disappearance | Source; facebook/wztvfox17newsnashville

Michelle Strain Whiteid and Riley Strain in a photo shared on social media after Strain’s disappearance | Source; facebook/wztvfox17newsnashville

March 15: Bar’s Statement

On March 15, the TC Restaurant Group, overseeing Luke Bryan’s bar where Riley was last seen, provided insight into the events of that night. In their statement, they clarified, “During Riley’s visit to Luke’s 32 Bridge, our records show he purchased and was served one alcoholic drink and two waters.”

The group elaborated on the decision to escort Strain out, stating, “At 9:35 p.m., our security team made a decision based on our conduct standards to escort him from the venue through our Broadway exit at the front of our building.”

A photo of the facade of Luke's 32 Bridge in Nashville | Source: instagram/lukes32bridge

A photo of the facade of Luke’s 32 Bridge in Nashville | Source: instagram/lukes32bridge

It further stated that Strain and a friend were escorted down the stairs but the friend did not exit the premises with Strain, and instead, returned upstairs.

This account from the bar added a layer of context to the timeline of Riley’s disappearance, confirming his exit from the venue and highlighting the bar’s policies regarding guest conduct.

The statement of Luke's 32 Bridge as shared on its social media following Riley Strain's disappearance | Source: instagram/lukes32bridge

The statement of Luke’s 32 Bridge as shared on its social media following Riley Strain’s disappearance | Source: instagram/lukes32bridge

March 17: Bank Card Found

On March 17, a new lead emerged in the search for Strain when his bank card was found near the Cumberland River, a significant distance from the last place he was seen.

This discovery was made by Anna Clendening and Brandy Baenen, two women who, motivated by the ongoing search efforts, decided to join the community’s endeavor to find the missing student.

The two women who found Riley Strain's bank card, Anna Clendening and Brandy Baenen | Source: youtube/today

The two women who found Riley Strain’s bank card, Anna Clendening and Brandy Baenen | Source: youtube/today

The bank card was located on the riverbank, amidst debris, a finding that Clendening described as possibly “dumb luck” or “divine intervention,” considering the vast amount of trash in the area.

The Metro Nashville Police Department noted the discovery but did not immediately disclose what implications it might have for the search.

Meanwhile, the effort to find Strain gained renewed focus, with search teams and volunteers combing through areas around the Cumberland River for any additional clues that might lead to his whereabouts.

March 18: Police Release Body Camera Footage

On March 18, the Metro Nashville Police Department (MNPD) provided a new piece of evidence in the ongoing search for Strain by releasing body camera footage featuring a brief encounter between Sttain and Officer Reginald Young.

The footage, captured on the night Strain disappeared, shows a momentary and seemingly casual interaction between the two on Gay Street. Officer Young, who was responding to a vehicle burglary call in the area, was approached by Strain.

A screenshot from the body cam footage showing Riley Strain during his brief exchange with officer Reginald Young | Source: youtube/livenowfromfox

A screenshot from the body cam footage showing Riley Strain during his brief exchange with officer Reginald Young | Source: youtube/livenowfromfox

The exchange, described by the MNPD as a “brief exchange of greetings,” appeared nonchalant, with Young asking, “How are you doing, sir?” and Strain responding, “I’m good, how are you?” before continuing on his way. Notably, Strain did not seem “distressed” during this interaction.


This encounter provides a crucial timestamp in the timeline of Strain’s disappearance, indicating his presence on Gay Street shortly after being seen on surveillance footage. Although the exact time of the body camera footage wasn’t specified by the MNPD, they noted that no further footage showing Strain away from Gay Street after the 9:52 p.m. timeframe has been discovered.

March 19: The Mysterious Message

On March 19, the investigation into Strain’s disappearance took a surprising turn with the revelation of a cryptic text message sent from his phone on the night he vanished.

The message, reading “Good lops,” was directed to a woman Strain was reportedly seeing, according to family friend Chris Dingman. This enigmatic communication added a layer of mystery to the case, as the recipient and even Strain’s own family were left puzzled by its content and intent.

Ryan Strain's stepfather, Christopher Whiteid, his mother, Michelle Strain Whiteid, and his father, Ryan Gilbert in an interview concerning the cryptic message | Source: youtube/newsnation

Ryan Strain’s stepfather, Christopher Whiteid, his mother, Michelle Strain Whiteid, and his father, Ryan Gilbert in an interview concerning the cryptic message | Source: youtube/newsnation

The family’s confusion was compounded by the lack of clarity regarding the identity of the woman who received the message.

Michelle, Strain’s mother, admitted in an interview with NewsNation that while Strain had many friends, she could not pinpoint who the message was intended for. “He’s got several friends that are female, male. I don’t know the individual he talked to at that time,” she stated.

Riley Strain's mother, Michelle Strain Whiteid during a press conference on March 20, 2024 | Source: youtube/wkrnnews

Riley Strain’s mother, Michelle Strain Whiteid during a press conference on March 20, 2024 | Source: youtube/wkrnnews

March 20: Riley’s Mother Speaks

On March 20, the search for Strain was underscored by a powerful and emotional appeal from his mother, Michelle. Speaking tearfully to WKTN News, Michelle shared the deep impact Riley’s disappearance has had on his friends.

In her words, “They’re heartbroken also. I mean, he’s their best friend, and we love these boys like our own, and it’s just as hard on them as it is on us.”

Riley Strain's mother, Michelle Strain Whiteid and his stepfather, Christopher Whiteid during a press conference on March 20, 2024 | Source: youtube/wkrnnews

Riley Strain’s mother, Michelle Strain Whiteid and his stepfather, Christopher Whiteid during a press conference on March 20, 2024 | Source: youtube/wkrnnews

Michelle went on to express her personal anguish and unwavering love for her son, stating, “He’s my best friend, he’s everything.” Further emphasizing her resolve, she added that her sole focus was “on bringing Riley home.”

Michelle’s heartfelt plea was not just a manifestation of her own despair but also a rallying cry for continued support in the search efforts to bring Riley back home.

Riley Strain's mother, Michelle Strain Whiteid crying on the shoulder of Strain's stepfather, Christopher Whiteid, during a press conference on March 20, 2024 | Source: youtube/wkrnnews

Riley Strain’s mother, Michelle Strain Whiteid crying on the shoulder of Strain’s stepfather, Christopher Whiteid, during a press conference on March 20, 2024 | Source: youtube/wkrnnews

Strain’s stepfather, Christopher, alongside the family, has been deeply involved in the search for Strain since his disappearance. Chris’s words convey the urgency and emotional toll of their efforts, saying, “We just want to find him, and we want to be able to take him home.”

Chris highlighted Riley’s notable height and his outgoing nature, adding, “Riley is going to tower and stand out in a crowd anyways. He’s got a big personality, and doesn’t really know a stranger. He can walk up and talk to anybody.”

Riley Strain's mother, Michelle Strain Whiteid and his stepfather, Christopher Whiteid during a press conference on March 20, 2024 | Source: youtube/wkrnnews

Riley Strain’s mother, Michelle Strain Whiteid and his stepfather, Christopher Whiteid during a press conference on March 20, 2024 | Source: youtube/wkrnnews

Meanwhile, country music star Luke Bryan has expressed his hope for the safe return of Strain, Through Instagram stories, Bryan conveyed his concern and support for the ongoing search efforts, emphasizing the collaboration between his bar’s operator, TC Restaurant Group, and the Metro Nashville Police Department.

Country singer Luke Bryan, owner of Luke's 32 Bridge as seen on February 24, 2022 in Los Angeles, California | Source: Getty Images

Country singer Luke Bryan, owner of Luke’s 32 Bridge as seen on February 24, 2022 in Los Angeles, California | Source: Getty Images

The singer stressed the importance of providing security footage and any pertinent information that could aid in finding Strain. “Our thoughts are with his family and loved ones for his safe return,” Bryan stated, further urging the public to come forward with any information that might help in the search.

Please leave any information or thoughts you might have about Riley Strain’s disappearance in the comments section of our Facebook post.

We also encourage you to share the post on Facebook to help raise awareness. Your insight or share could play a crucial role in bringing Riley back home. Let’s work together to spread the word and support the search effort.

Chicago Boy, 11, Found Dead at Home after Selflessly Trying to Save His Pregnant Mom’s Life

In the early hours of a Wednesday morning in Chicago’s Edgewater neighborhood, a devastating scene unfolded that ended with the death of an 11-year-old boy, Jayden Perkins, and left his pregnant mother critically injured. Crosetti Brand, 37, has been charged with this atrocious act, facing first-degree murder and attempted murder among other charges.

The incident began when Brand, also known by the nickname “CO,” launched a violent attack on the pregnant mother. The 33-year-old woman was on a regular phone call when Brand reportedly forcefully let himself in the house.

Court records indicate that the victim’s mother heard her daughter’s screams of “No CO” through the phone, which suddenly went silent. In a brave but tragic attempt to defend his mother, young Jayden intervened and was fatally stabbed by Brand.

Amidst this chaos, the youngest child, a 6-year-old boy, was found unharmed on the couch, but silently witnessed the horrific incident. Neighbors were alerted to the violence by the screams, prompting a quick response. One neighbor’s mother, after getting no answer at the door, entered the apartment and immediately called 911 after realizing how bad the situation was.

First responders discovered Jayden’s mother at the front door, with blood all over and severely wounded, particularly with a life-threatening injury to her neck. The victims were rushed to Ascension St. Francis Hospital in Evanston, where Jayden succumbed to his injuries, and his mother was treated for critical wounds.

Jayden Perkins | Source: C. Peirce School Of International Studies

Jayden Perkins | Source: C. Peirce School Of International Studies

Jayden was a student at the Helen C. Peirce School of International Studies, remembered for his academic success and love for sports and the arts. In a tribute to their late student, the school wroteHe was the student who stood up for everyone.”

A support fund was set up by the Peirce Elementary School Community and the Gus Giordano Dance School, raising significant financial support for the family. Over $26,000 has been collected towards a $50,000 goal to support the bereaved family.

Brand’s criminal history reveals a pattern of escalating violence and a failure of the system to protect the victims effectively. Court records document a show an episode where Brand forced entry into an ex-girlfriend’s apartment, assaulted her, and threatened her 15-year-old son.

Jayden Perkins | Source: C. Peirce School Of International Studies

Jayden Perkins | Source: C. Peirce School Of International Studies

During this terrifying encounter, Brand escalated the violence by placing a gun under the ex-girlfriend’s chin, pushing her against a wall, and beginning to choke her. This incident led to Brand being sentenced to 16 years in prison for a home invasion, although he was paroled in October of the previous year.

After his parole, Brand continued his threatening behavior. On February 1, he issued threats to the Edgewater victim, demonstrating a blatant disregard for the legal constraints placed upon him. His actions included sending threatening text messages to the victim, proclaiming he would kill her and her family and even showed up at her residence, which resulted in his brief return to prison due to this parole violation.

People were left baffled after looking at the image, which shows the child posing in a park, with her hands in front of her waist.At first glance, it appears the girl’s legs are unusually long and skinny, but it’s an optical illusion.Take a look for yourself in the picture below…

Twitter users admitted that they were baffled by the photo, but upon closer inspection they realised the child was holding a bag of popcorn that is very similar in colour to the patchy grass she is standing on.The photo has been shared more than 250,000 times on Facebook and more than 37,000 people have commented on it, including many who couldn’t figure out what was happening. Please make sure to Share this on FB so all your friends can check it out.Most people are confused by this puzzle after seeing the image illusion provided here. However, some people could quickly identify the answer. In contrast, others could not get their guesses and answers right.This Viral Optical Illusion is hard to spot, so we have attached the image where we added the common solution. The girl is holding a big bag of popcorn which blends perfectly with the dried-out grass behind her.Can you see it? If you can’t, don’t worry, we will help you with the solution image below. The circled part is the popcorn bag the girl is holding.

Do you now see it? Everything makes sense!She probably was with her family at some sort of fair or festival with parking on the grass and that grass and the position of her delicious bag of popcorn was in just the right place to blend in perfectly with the grass to make it look like she has super skinny legs. She doesn’t look very happy though.Maybe because they’re headed home and she wanted to ride the ferris wheel a few more times? Either that or her Dad just told a really bad Dad joke.Please make sure to Share this on Facebook so all your friends can check it out too.

When Kelly Osbourne and her partner Sid Wilson welcomed their first child in 2022, they chose the name Sidney Wilson.

But there was a part of their child’s name that always irked Osbourne, and she couldn’t convince Wilson it needed to be changed.

During a recent episode of “The Osbournes” podcast, Osbourne, 39, recalled “the biggest fight” she and her partner ever had.

“I wanted our son to have both of our last names, and (Sid) wouldn’t let me,” she said. “We had a huge fight. I feel that I was forced into doing something I didn’t wanna do, and I can never ever, forgive him for that, but we can move on.”

Despite Wilson’s insistence on using only his surname for their child, Osbourne hoped she could eventually get him to see her side. Although it would take a lot of convincing.

“After lots of eye-opening conversations and some couples therapy, he has seen the light, and we are going to legally change our son’s name to have both of our last names.”

“We both made our child, so he should have both of our last names,” she stated.

Goldie Hawn was photographed wearing a tank top, and fans took a jab at her appearance. People thought the long-time actress looked old and different, while others believed she was aging naturally. But one person who will never stop reminding her of how beautiful she is is her life partner, Kurt Russell.

Goldie Hawn is one of Hollywood’s multifaceted entertainers, known for her award-winning acting skills as well as singing and dancing talents. The actress was recently photographed out and about wearing a black tank top, with her blond hair down, and a pair of big black sunglasses

Hawn’s errand outfit caught many internet users by surprise, with some thinking something was wrong with her. “What’s happening to her?” remarked a commenter.

Although some reports praised the actress for showing off her toned arms, netizens thought there was no muscle to be seen on her and that she looked old and “flabby,” with no room to improve. “A very old looking goldie hawn…” reacted another user.

There were also remarks about the marks on her body, and one person thought it was due to “sun damage.” Another user had a problem with Hawn’s tank top and suggested, “She needs to respect herself and put some clothes on.” Some even said the actress looked like a man.

However, some Twitter users loved how Hawn looked and praised her for aging “naturally.” Fans thought the 77-year-old looked amazing for her age.

Goldie Hawn’s Relationship with Her Partner Kurt Russell
The world might not see Hawn’s beauty, but her life partner of 37 years, Kurt Russell, is still in awe of her. The couple is one of Hollywood’s most loved duos, and they are only getting stronger.

The “First Wive’s Club” star said her partner never forgets to make her feel beautiful. “The other night, we were going to go have dinner. He looks at me and goes, ‘You’re unbelievable,’” she gushed.

After all these years, Russell still cannot believe how beautiful she is. The love that the couple share has been an inspiration to their children. Hawn’s daughter, Kate Hudson, opened up about how she strives to have a strong relationship like the one her mother shares with Russell.

Kate said the two are different, but together, they are “powerful.” She said her mother is energetic and loves to be out, while Russell loves being at home with his family. But their differences make them stronger. “It is a really good combination,” Hawn added.

Goldie Hawn’s Kurt Russell Love Being Grandparents
Hawn and her 72-year-old partner never married, but they successfully blended their families and are now proud grandparents of seven.

Before the “Death Becomes Her” actress met Russell, she married Bill Hudson, and they welcomed two children, Oliver Hudson and Kate Hudson. Russell also has a son, Boston Russell, with his ex-wife, Season Hubley.

However, Hawn and the “Overboard” star welcomed one child together, Wyatt Russell. Now, the actors have seven grandchildren. Oliver and his wife, Erinn Bartlett, share three children: Wilder, Bodhi, and Rio.

Kate is also a mother of three; she had her oldest child, Ryder, with her ex-husband, Chris Robinson. Then she welcomed Bingham with ex-fiancé Matt Bellamy, and her youngest, Rani Rose, arrived during her relationship with Danny Fujikawa.

Boston has no children, but Meredith Hagner and Wyatt welcomed their first child, Buddy Prin, in 2021. Seven grandchildren might sound like a handful, but sources revealed that Russell and Hawn are “doting grandparents” and are always excited to have their grandkids visit.

The two are not afraid to get dirty and get on the floor to play with their grandkids. Russell and Hawn reportedly love playing ping and badminton with their grandchildren.