


One of the main causes of death in the U.S.A is a heart attack. In 2008, heart disease caused 25% of all deaths, or 1 in every 4 people died because of this.

Talking about heart disease, the main problem is usually coronary heart disease. This is very usual for men and women. However, men suffer more. In fact, 785,000 Americans experience heart attacks the first time in a year. Moreover, 470, 000 of them had one or more of them.

Main Causes of a Heart Attack

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention claims that high cholesterol, smoking, and hypertension are the main reasons for heart attacks. Moreover, being overweight, leading a sedentary lifestyle, too much alcohol, and diabetes can cause heart attacks as well.

Chances for Survival

If you want to survive a heart attack, you need to be able to notice the symptoms very early on. In fact, half of the heart attacks happen outside the hospital. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention showed that 92% of the patients felt chest discomfort, but only 27% actually realized that it was a heart attack and they called 911.

The Most Common Signs of a Heart Attack

1. Swelling

If your heart cannot pump blood, then it might cause the blood to swell. Thus, this makes your legs, ankles, and feet bloated. Moreover, you might also deal with a blue tinge in the extremities or the hips. This is known as cyanosis.

2. Shortness of breath

Your lungs and heart work together. So, if your heart goes bad, then, the lungs will not get sufficient oxygen. This will cause you to lose breath and have problems with breathing.

3. Dizziness

If the heart’s work is compromised then the blood circulation will reduce and this will lead to a lack of oxygen in the blood. This, in turn, will lead to dizziness. If so, consult with a doctor as soon as possible.

4. Coughing

If you are coughing and it is not going away for a longer time, then this can mean heart failure. This happens when there is excessive blood in the lungs due to the heart’s inability to give enough blood to the body. So, if you have whitish or pinkish mucus, it might signal blood leakage.

5. Tiredness

When your arteries close, the heart works more than usual so simple tasks can be problematic. Moreover, you might sleep longer than you usually do and you might take a couple of naps during the day.

6. Discomfort in the Chest

This is usually signaled by pinching, pressure or burning sensation. It is the most common symptom and it can happen while you are physically active or resting. So, if you feel it, consult a doctor.

Bear in mind that women can have a heart attack without experiencing chest discomfort. Otherwise, these symptoms are pretty common before experiencing a heart attack and you should watch out and consult a doctor immediately if you feel them.

The Adam and Eve test reveals to you what you absolutely cannot miss in love. In fact, Adam and Eve are the personification of the creation of the first man and first woman.

If at this moment I asked some people: “What is love “, you would most likely receive many different answers. Although there are some similarities, the concept of love is so intimate and personal that it would be impossible to define it with certainty.

Adam and Eve test: find out what for you cannot absolutely miss in a love story, what for you represents the origin of the purest love.
For each person, the meaning of love is different, in each of us there is something that should never be missing, which represents the origin of the purest and most real love.

This test of Adam and Eve has as its protagonists the first man and first woman created by God, who personifies the myth of creation.

Look at the picture: what do you see first?


If the first thing you see in the Adam and Eve test is the apple, it means that the basis of a relationship for you is trust. For you in love, it is essential to feel safe and secure. Without trust you cannot give yourself completely, you cannot open yourself completely.

Without that in love nothing makes sense. If your partner betrayed your trust, you would never be able to forgive him, there would be no way to put a piece on your love. It would end forever.


If the first thing you saw in the image are the bodies, their outlines or a specific part of them, it means that for you what you can not miss in a love relationship is chemistry. For the stability of your romance, you have to feel a physical affinity with each other, above all else. And this also and above all concerns, the way in which your partner kisses you embraces you or takes your hand.

So you can also have the same tastes, ideals or way of seeing the life of your partner, but if the chemistry is scarce you do not have problems closing a story that you know very well would not have the conditions to continue.

Stomach cancer is a silent and slowly developing disease which is often fatal and difficult to treat once it reaches the advanced stages. This is why it’s very important to recognize the symptoms on time in order to increase your chances of survival.

Despite all the advances medicine has made in recent decades, it still hasn’t found a cure for cancer. The chances of recovery are high only in cases of early detection, which isn’t always possible. People usually ignore the symptoms or mistake them for something else, which is why the disease is so deadly. Stomach cancer is a result of uncontrolled abnormal cell growth in the stomach which results in tumors in the mucosal and muscular area. One of the most common stomach cancer types is adenocarcinoma. Here are the most common symptoms of stomach cancer:

  1. Blood in the stool;
  2. Anemia;
  3. Fatigue;
  4. Irregular bowel movements;
  5. Vomiting and nausea;
  6. Lack of appetite;
  7. Feeling full after small meals;
  8. Constant pain in the abdomen.

All these symptoms resemble stomach virus, which is why many people ignore them until it’s too late. However, in cases of stomach cancer, they usually progress and worse over time.

In order to prevent stomach cancer, you should avoid consuming processed and sugary food, as well as alcohol and tobacco. You should include turmeric in your diet as well – according to studies, curcumin, the main active ingredient in turmeric, can prevent the growth and spread of different types of cancer including stomach cancer. Turmeric also inhibits the process of angiogenesis, which prevents the tumor from creating new blood vessels.

Turmeric can be taken in the form of powder or supplement, but it’s not easily absorbed in the body. In order to boost its bioavailability, experts recommend combining it with ginger or black pepper, which can boost the absorption rate up to 2000%. Here’s a nice turmeric recipe that you can benefit from:


  • ¼ teaspoon of turmeric
  • ½ teaspoon of olive oil
  • A pinch of black pepper


Mix all the ingredients in a glass of water, then consume it directly or use it as a salad dressing. If you’re using it in a cooked meal, avoid cooking it together with the meal. Consume the mixture every day and you feel much better soon.

Today we show you an extremely particular image. It really is an image containing varying elements, depending on the observer, you will notice different details. Reveal what you see in the image, below, and read the description according to your choice.

If you’ve seen a mountain
Most test-takers say that the very first thing they see may be the mountain. We have very good news for you. Your will power and overcoming obstacles are what makes you a person with a solid personality. You work hard to get what you would like and your friends are proud of you and the successes you have achieved. You’d to face several issues and you had to push people away, who seemed essential but who actually took advantage of you. However , your kindness and generosity with those around you make you a better person. Keep it up and you will have many satisfactions in your future.

If you’ve seen an eye
4 out of 10 people see the eye. The eyes will be the reflection of the soul and this is really a teaching that applies in your lifestyle. You have seen a whole lot over time and you know perfectly well the way the world works. You’re a person with great intuition. You have a vast culture and often call you a genius. The people around you trust you and know that if they are having issues they can come to you and you will find the right treatment for their problem.

If you’ve seen a female
20% of those who undergo the test have seen a woman, which means that you are a free soul who does not like to submit to somebody. Your thinking is exclusive in the world, as your outlook on life. You frequently avoid people who trouble you and you hate being angry. Is it possible to see the positive side? One of the characteristics that characterize you can be your ability to understand the others.

If you’ve seen the landscape
When you have seen the landscape it means that your personality is magical and unique. You have an immense perception ability and it lets you recognize if somebody is fake with you. You are someone who looks at the details a great deal when you go to an not known place you observe all the details. You have great observation skills.

The 1892 drawing of most is Vanity by the illustrator Charles Alan Gilbert, who painted at just 18 years of age, is considered by many to function as best optical illusion of all time. Reproductions of the optical illusion remain popular today, nearly 100 years after the first appearance of this design. Do not think. Avoid the screen watching. What did you see first?

You are a rebel, a person who thinks freely. Passionate and strong. The skull is among the oldest and most powerful symbols and for you personally, it symbolizes what you would like: protection, strength, power, courage, wisdom, leadership, survival in difficult times, and immortality.

You are aware of the invaluable value of time and of our temporary existence in this physical world. This is not a poor or depressing thing for you, but it shows awareness of the importance of living in the moment, the spark for life and spiritual development. You’re an esoteric person, minus a lone wolf, you love solitude and reflection. You are feeling like you’ve discovered all the secrets of the world. You want to maintain the company of “deeper” people.


A girl looking in the mirror
You are proud and vain only initially sight, and in your soul, you’re a romantic and a dreamer. Sometimes you suffer from a lack of self-confidence. Always remember the criticisms and forget the praise.

Even if 1, 000 people praise you and one criticizes you, you will think only of that criticism and believe only inside it. You like beauty, imagination, planning and you’re less of a perfectionist. You usually live in your world. You are creative, meticulous, you have a sense of art and aesthetics, but you don’t know the ugly, nevertheless, you see the potential beauty in it. For you, the mirror is not only symbolic of physical but additionally spiritual reflection.

All of us have problems, but we treat all of them differently! In fact , this can be a fundamental characteristic of a person. The way we deal with problems is what determines to some extent who we are and in which direction we have been moving. So which character did you see first?

If you’ve seen Batman first, it’s because you have the opportunity to cope with problems by force. You know that the only real possible way out of problems is to make an effort to move forward and leave the past behind. Your greatest virtue can be your ability to constantly find something new in yourself that you didn’t even know. Once the situation calls for it, you will always have an ability in your sleeve that will help you solve the problem.

Sherlock Holmes
If you saw Sherlock Holmes for the very first time, it’s because you cope with problems critically and always rationally. Your greatest virtue is the ability to understand situations and analyze them from an objective perspective. You never let stress hit you. Your mistake is that sometimes it is difficult for you to accept your feelings, you prefer to deny them and, in the end, it could seriously hurt you. You must learn to become more connected to your emotions.

None of them
In the event that you only saw an abstract image, or if you replied “man”, “cat” or “bird”, you are one of those individuals who generally think “you came from another planet”. You are very special and creative and you may solve problems with a particular naive if you are calm. But if you’re under pressure, it’s more likely to stay empty and also feel pain.

What did you first notice in the picture? It is difficult to simultaneously grasp all the elements within the proposed figure but certainly, there’s one that immediately caught your attention. Listed below are the corresponding profiles…

1 . Tree
If the first thing that caught your attention may be the tree, it means that you will be an extroverted one who loves to live his life intensely. You’re energetic and you don’t like monotony at all: you always like to do new things and immerse yourself in new adventures. Your being always so cheerful puts everyone in a good mood and you may give moments of light-heartedness.

2. Eyes
Did you notice the eyes first? You might be a person who can express your emotions. For you personally, it is important that the others know how you feel about them and have a big heart. Individuals around you love your kindness and kindness: people like you are rare!

3. The Two Faces
Finally, in the event that you first noticed two human faces put into a complete mirror way, it means that you’re a person who has difficulty in expressing what he feels. You’re very intelligent and do all you can to achieve your goals brilliantly.

Just look at this Picture Test. Even though it’s done in just one glance, the results will reveal so much about your personality you’ll think I know you better than your friends! Here’s what the first thing you see reveals about your life and personality…

If you saw the boat first, it means that you tend to have an eye for detail and you can notice anything that runs past you. You also have a creative side and an unique way to find solutions to any problem or situation. Some people may describe you as a dreamer, but also for others, you are a source of brilliant some ideas. You like to talk about mysteries and spiritual phenomena. You love to dive deep into conspiracy theories and surf through such exotic topics in search of the mystical. You have a strong imagination and you have a lot of knowledge about almost anything.

However , this personality also has a downside. You focus an excessive amount of on the details and forget about the bigger picture. You lose yourself in examining many different areas completely losing a feeling of your bigger picture. This may make you feel lost in life or lacking a bigger purpose. Try to make your daily life easier by eliminating all of the unnecessary things that steal your attention. Find what’s most important for you, what’s your biggest passion, and prioritize those things.

In the event that you first saw the crocodile, which is totally possible, you are practical, and you also don’t like taking chances in life. You’re a person who looks for the reality and results as opposed to the theories and promises. You are pragmatic, and a real conversation is similar to a breath of fresh air for you, particularly these days. Your biggest quality is your grounded energy combined with your problem-solving skills. But this type of personality includes a downside also.

Your home is a cautious life, but you focus more on the negative aspects rather than the positive. You get easily anxious or depressed. You will need to relax and revel in yourself and your life more. Give your self some free time in your day for play and just be silly. You need that a lot more than you think!

Wouldn’t you love it if you could just make fat disappear? Poof! Like magic. But there’s more to losing weight when it comes to the human body.

Could breakfast be the answer?

Unfortunately, it’s common for most adults to skip breakfast in the morning due to lack of time or lack of appetite. However, for those who are trying to lose weight, this could be setting them up for failure later in the day.

People who skip breakfast in the morning tend to get so hungry later in the day that they overeat during lunch or snack time or even in the evening.

“Forgoing the first meal of the day actually tricks your brain into thinking you want higher-calorie foods — foods that can make you fat, or, at least, increase your risk for weight gain.” (Source)

Eat Oatmeal for Breakfast and Watch Fat Disappear: Study

In fact, if people eat oatmeal in the morning, they will feel full longer and will be less likely to snack or crave a big lunch. This information comes from a study published in the Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism.

For this study, 36 men and women were divided into three separate groups. Eighteen of the participants were overweight, and 18 were normal weight. Each group ate or drank three different things for breakfast. One group only drank 1.5 cups of water, another had 350 calories of sugared corn flakes, and the last group consumed 350 calories of quick-cook oatmeal.

The researchers evaluated appetite, ratings of hunger, and fullness at frequent intervals before and after breakfast until lunchtime 3 hours later. Blood samples were also collected at each interval to assess glucose, insulin, acetaminophen, and hunger hormone levels. (Acetaminophen is a marker for how quickly food has left the stomach.)


“Our results show that despite eating the same number of calories at breakfast, satiety values were significantly greater after consuming oatmeal compared to sugared corn flakes. After three hours, subjects reported the same level of hunger after having a corn flakes breakfast as they did when they consumed only water,” explained lead researcher Allan Geliebter, PhD, research psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry at Mount Sinai St. Luke’s Hospital. “Interestingly, the results were more pronounced for the participants who were overweight, suggesting that overweight individuals may be more responsive to the satiety effects of the dietary fiber in oatmeal.” (Source)

This is fantastic news for those who want to lose weight and still eat in the morning! Looks like oatmeal is the breakfast of choice!

On top of weight loss, oatmeal comes with a whole bunch of other health benefits including:

  • Reduced Risk of Coronary Artery Disease
  • Reduced Risk of Colorectal Cancer
  • Lower Blood Pressure

Scientists have just told women to stop wearing bras, and it wasn’t for National No Bra Day on October 13th.

Apparently, going without a bra promotes more tone and supporting breast tissue and wearing a bra from a young age does not help support the chest, reduce back pain or prevent breast sagging.

Jean-Denis Rouillon, a sport science researcher and professor at the University of Franche-Comte in the eastern town of Besançon, conducted a 15-year study on the effect of bras on 330 women aged 18 to 35. His team of researchers found that the women who did not wear bras have perkier breasts.

“In the study, women that stopped wearing bras – through choice, not as a requirement of the study – had a 7-millimeter (0.3-inch) lift in their nipples when compared with regular bra users. Bras, they claim, could hamper circulation and reduce breast tone over time.” (IFLScience) The team used a slide rule and a caliper to record the changes to the women’s breasts year in and year out.

Professor Rouillon told France Info in an interview, “Medically, physiologically, anatomically – breasts gain no benefit from being denied gravity. On the contrary, they get saggier with a bra.”

There are some other professionals that agree with Rouillon. Dr. Stafford Broumand stated for Refinery29, “For younger women, not wearing a bra will lead to increased collagen production and elasticity, which improves lift in a developing breast.” Broumand was not connected to the study at all.

Jean-Denis Rouillon, a professor of sports science at Besançon university, has spent 15 years studying the anatomy of 330 women, and come to the conclusion that bras are a “false necessity”.

So, clever him and stupid women. Except, wait. Rouillon isn’t any kind of expert at all, because he doesn’t have breasts. He reckons that “medically, physiologically, anatomically breasts gain no benefit from being denied gravity”. But women don’t wear bras for medical, physiological or anatomical reasons. We wear them for psychological, aesthetic and practical reasons. Bras stop our breasts from wobbling about in a Don’t Forget for a Second You’ve Got Breasts manner, allowing us to forget them. Otherwise we’d be cupping them in our hands every time we broke into a trot to catch a lift.

Rouillon says that his research shows the nipples of women aged 18-35 rose by an average of 7mm when they went braless. He fails to understand that one of the many comforting things about bras is that you rarely have to think about where your nipples might be. Women are encouraged to fret about their breasts enough. The last thing we need is some fool telling us that we need to think about them, and their welfare, a great deal more.

Free the Nipple

We also have to take into consideration the #freethenipple campaign. Basically, they believe women are being restricted and should have the right to bear their chests. Literally.

This campaign actually has to do a lot about objectification. They think that if everyone sees nipples more often, it will change the victim blaming culture we seem to be stuck in. Right now, nipples are being hidden and breastfeeding in public is being shamed, but sexy advertisements are fine. This is a problem.

Take a look at the video of someone who made the transition to no bra!