


This is the ideal time of year to begin brewing this tea, which boosts immunity.

Truffles are superfoods. It possesses an amazing ability to enhance immunity, improve digestion, and reduce inflammation.

Zingerone, shogaols, and gingerols are among the essential oils that give ginger its unique flavor and aroma. These oils have strong antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiparasitic properties. In addition to many other benefits, ginger root helps with pain relief, strengthens immunity, treats asthma, and supports cardiovascular health.

Ginger Tea Benefits

  • Ginger is a very effective remedy for headaches, flu, common cold and even sore muscles.  Due to ginger’s unique substances, it is able to naturally stop pain (preventing prostaglandins from setting off an inflammatory response in the body).
  • Regular consumption of  ginger tea strengthens the immune system. It contains great amounts of antioxidants that boosts immunity and helps fight off infections.
  • Just one cup of tea a day will minimize your chances of stroke, as ginger helps break down fat deposits that block arteries.
  • Due to the warming properties of ginger, it improves your blood circulation. Increased blood flow will improve the delivery of vitamins, minerals and oxygen to your body’s cells… aiding in overall health.
  • Ginger tea helps destroy the virus’ that cause common colds,  cold sores, and influenza.


How to Make Ginger Tea


  • 1 cup water
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground turmeric (here)
  • Coconut milk, to taste
  • Raw organic honey, to taste (here)


Bring water to boil. Add  ginger and turmeric, reduce heat, and simmer for 10 minutes.

Stir in milk and strain tea into a cup. Add honey to taste!

If you are among the people who experience high blood pressure and poor circulation, you are aware that people who are suffering from similar conditions are always looking for a cure.

Nonetheless, regular exercise can greatly improve your circulation, as recommended by experts. The following exercises will keep the tone and condition of your body and will take only 15-20 minutes of your time during the day.



Swimming is especially good for individuals who suffer from muscle and joint pain and it can be good practice for people of all ages. This exercise does no tension to the body, but engages all body muscles and stimulates oxygen flow to the heart and lungs.



Yoga is breathing control technique which improves blood circulation in the muscles and xygen concentration in the blood.



Walking is undoubtedly the best exercise to improve your blood circulation. It tightens and relaxes the leg muscles and stimulates blood pumping throughout the body. Also, it reduces blood pressure. At the beginning, you should start with short walks, 2-3 times a week.



In the morning, before you get up from bed, stretch! It is the first thing you should do, stretch well your legs and arms.


Push- ups

In the morning, before showering, do a set of 10 push-ups, and you will provide the needed energy for the following day.


Raising heels and toes

Sit with your knees on the floor creating an angle of 90 degrees. Raise your toes from the floor while keeping the heel on the floor. Then put them back on the floor. First do this one leg, and then repeat with the other. Next try with your both feet at the same time and eventually complete the exercise by swinging the heel to the toes.


Feet rotation  

Sit on a chair and rotate your foot in a clockwise direction. By doing this you will improve the blood circulation and flexibility of your legs. You should repeat this exercise 10 times.


Joint exercise

In a standing position, lift up on your toes and come down on your heels, with your muscles tightened. This exercise should also be done 10 times, at least.


Neck exercises

Turn your head to the left and then to the right, to relax your neck. Count to 10. Next, roll your head around and bend it down until it touches the chest. Do not worry if you hear cracking sound while performing the exercises. They are normal and show that you stretch the neck ligaments successfully and that you are performing the exercises properly.


Hand exercises

First stretch and spread the fingers of your hand. Next, make a fist and hold that position for a couple of seconds. Then loosen your joint and spin your hand in a circular movement from the shoulder, for one minute. This is an excellent exercise to improve blood circulation and prevent cramps.


Cycling and dancing

Dancing is an excellent way to activate your body and improve your blood circulation. On the other hand, cycling is another amazing exercise for improving blood flow in the lower part of the body.

Try to do these exercises whenever you have some free time, and you should also ride a bicycle or swim for at least 45 minutes at the pool. You will soon feel the results.

What are we missing in life to be happy? Sometimes it can happen to feel dissatisfied but not to fail to understand the reason for our discomfort. If you are in this situation, this simple personality test can help you take a new path.

With all the lightness of the case (obviously, it won’t be the answer to a test to change your life) try to make this fun experiment, it takes just a couple of seconds.

To start the test just look at this picture: what do you see first?The 2-Minute Test that Reveals What we Lack in Life to be Happy


Test results

The pigeon

If at first glance, looking at the image, you have found a pigeon, this means that at this moment in your life you want to experience the feeling of freedom. This can involve a change in work or a journey of transformation, or even get rid of a relationship that no longer works and find something you are passionate about again. The advice is to focus on enthusiasm and motivation.

Two little girls playing

If, on the other hand, the first thing you have seen are two little girls playing what you need in your life to be happy is to free yourself from the feeling of stress, from the obligations that overwhelm you and from unnecessary commitments. The advice is to come back to a little child while having fun and laughing with your friends, find an activity that makes you relax and enjoy the good times.

When it comes to sexual attraction, the role of the captain is reserved for women. Some women are gentle and refined, while others attract their simplicity. Regardless of personality, there are signs of the zodiac that can drive a man crazy.

Women born under the following signs of the zodiac in the opinion of men are the most amazing in intimacy.




An impulsive, passionate and Caliente woman

Aries has a fantastic imagination run by adrenaline in his blood. We can say that it has a rich and distorted imagination. Loyalty is not its strong and distinctive characteristic, so a relationship with a similar woman will allow you to have someone different from you.

Everything is appealing to her because in this way it proves its validity. She is a born and perfect lover.


Thanks to the fact that she likes to stand out, the lion woman will do everything to win and satisfy her partner.

This is her way of showing his value, kindness, beauty, and passion. Men succumb to her charm easily.

Showing his an interest in her, a great night of love awaits a man. She is not romantic, on the contrary, she prefers to love energetically with the use of words and emotions that leads to pleasure men.


The Scorpio woman is a very experienced conqueror of male hearts. It has no complexes, it is very free, open and has a lust for aggressive passion.

She is predisposed to infidelity, which leads her to the rank of first-class lovers. Seductive and mysterious, a female scorpion will awaken in you an endless passion.

Look for only those relationships that will bring your carnal pleasures. Without complexes, he will embrace you in an unforgettable sexual adventure that will give you an incredible experience.

Picture puzzles are the ultimate playground for curious minds and sharp eyes. Forget dusty textbooks and sterile IQ tests, these brainteasers invite you to unlock your mental prowess through a world of vibrant colours, hidden details, and ingenious logic.

Visual puzzles train your brain to encode and recall information, strengthening your memory pathways. The exercise of searching for hidden details or deciphering patterns in picture puzzles demands focused attention thus boosting your ability to concentrate in other areas of life.

Think you have hawk eyes? Prove it! A tiny squirrel has cleverly camouflaged itself amongst the leaves and branches in this picture, and only 1% of people can find it in a lightning-fast 8 seconds! Are you ready for the challenge? ️

Time is ticking! Scan the image carefully. Look for a flash of a bushy tail, a twitch of an ear, or a glint of curious eyes. Remember, the squirrel blends seamlessly with its surroundings, so you’ll need to sharpen your focus and unleash your inner detective.

A successful search will not only reveal a well-camouflaged creature but might also reveal something about your mental prowess. Studies have linked fast visual processing and keen spotting abilities to higher IQs.

If you manage to spot the furry trickster in under 8 seconds, pat yourself on the back! You’re officially in the top 1% with a vision sharp enough to rival a hawk’s.

Also try: Use Your Sharp Vision To Spot A Gift In This Winter Scene In 8 Seconds!

So, are you ready to unleash your inner Sherlock Holmes? Let the hunt begin! Remember, time is ticking, and the squirrel is watching. Good luck!

Tick-tock, the clock is ticking… can you spot the sly squirrel?

Did you find the gift? If you did, congratulations! You possess an IQ above average and exceptional visual acuity.

Picture Puzzles With Answer
Still trying to find the squirrel in this picture? If you are still searching, see the answer below.

We encounter various optical illusions while scrolling through social media and spend some time decoding them. Some optical illusions have hidden faces, hidden animals, videos, etc. Some revealed personality traits, like in this image as given above, tell us about how traditional or loyal you are.

Today’s Optical Illusion will decipher your personality traits based on what you see first. Scroll down to see how traditional or loyal you are.

What did you see first in the optical illusion picture? The one that you see first can be very revealing.

A village with huts, trees, and birds, or an elephant?

Those who see the Village first

In the optical illusion, those who see the village first are more traditional or value traditions. They lead a simple way of life instead of the busy city life. They prefer calmness and peace.

Traditional: Follow or be a part of customs or ways of behaving that have persisted in a society or among a group of people for a long time without change.

Calmness: The quality of being quiet and without worry.

Peaceful: Without violence, untroubled by conflict, and agitation. Such types of people love peace.

Those who see the elephant first

Those who see the elephant first are more loyal and respectful of their friends and family. They are friendly in nature, thoughtful and considerate. They are also good listeners. They are liked by many and are respected.

Loyal: Having or showing complete and constant support for someone or something.

Thoughtful: Thinking deeply or thinking about what other people want or need.

Considerate: Kind, helpful, and caring for others.

Many people enjoy eating bananas, but the next time they buy some, they should be aware of a few things. The next time you enjoy this delicious tropical fruit, read the text below and use caution.

A fully ripe banana releases a substance called tumor necrosis factor (TNF), which combats aberrant cells. A banana indicates its ripeness by having more dark patches or spots on it. Ripe bananas are better for strengthening the defenses of the immune system. Additionally, Japanese researchers have verified that the TNF present in bananas increases immunity, which helps prevent cancer. Thus, eating bananas can help prevent some illnesses and tumors.

It is also proven that the fruit content changes as it becomes riper. That is why as the banana is riper it becomes more yellow and the antioxidant level increases. In a ripe, with black spots banana the starch turns into sugar which is easier to digest.

Japanese scientists in their experiment have also found that the banana produces TNF (anti-cancer substance), increased number of white blood cells and improves the immune system. It is recommended to consume 1-2 bananas a day to boost the immunity.

Bananas with brown spots are proven to be healthier than the ones with green peel or the fresh ones with no patches or spots.

Cancer cells can be defeated with the help of TNF. The impact that the banana has on the body is linked with the one of Lentinan which stimulates the immunity and is also known as anti –cancer agent. To conclude, ripe banana contains anti-cancer properties because it triggers the white blood cells formation and prevents cell mutations.

Note: In order to prevent vitamin loss, place the fully ripe bananas in a fridge or consume fresh bananas with dark spots immediately.

While at first glance it seems to be a picture of a tiger family with two adult tigers and two cubs, actually there are 16 tigers inside this picture. Surprised?

What’s more interesting is that not many can spot all the tigers embedded in this picture in 30 seconds. Some of them are too difficult to spot and many have failed even after trying for several hours!

Optical illusions, such as this one, are definitely fun to attempt but what one can learn from these is the way the brain and the vision coordinate. Optical illusions also teach us about looking at things in a different manner, going into details within a few seconds of looking at the picture.

So, how many tigers could you spot till now?

02/6​The first 4

These four tigers are the first ones that everybody can spot. The two adult tigers with the two cubs are sitting on a stone with the sun setting behind them.

03/6​Look a bit harder, you can see these four

Now shift your glance to one of the biggest elements in the picture which is the tree. There are four tigers in the tree itself. While the upper one is easy to spot, the lower one is a bit difficult to notice.

Now move your eyes to the uppermost branch of the tree. Can you see the one right next to the setting sun and the other one next to this one?

04/6​The ones that might have caught your attention by now

By this time, you might have seen the three hidden tigers; two of which are on the stones below the paws of the cubs and the adult tiger which is sitting. The third hidden tiger can be seen next to the adult tiger which is standing.

05/6​The most difficult ones

These 5 tigers are the most difficult to spot. They have been embedded so cleverly within all the elements of the picture that it is very difficult for a person to spot them at the first glance.

That’s how optical illusions tell us about brain and vision coordination; sometimes we miss things even if they are right in front of us.

06/6​Why are optical illusions so tricky?

Optical illusions deceive the mind. Things that are openly lying before us does not come within the purview of our vision. This is because our mind is unable to perceive the optical illusion in the way it is.

This trick is often used as a key by psychologists to conclude on the various nature and traits of human beings. The manner and the degree with which a person is able to solve an optical illusion reveals a lot about the personality.

Arterial clogging or narrowing, known as atherosclerosis, can lead to serious health conditions such as heart disease and stroke. Recognizing the symptoms of arterial blockage is crucial for early detection and prevention. If you suspect that you have a blocked artery or are at risk, it is important to consult a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and guidance. Here are seven warning signs of blocked arteries.

Chest pain or discomfort: Angina is chest pain or discomfort that occurs when the heart muscle does not receive enough blood due to narrowed or blocked arteries. It can cause a feeling of pressure, squeezing, or pain in the chest, and it can also be felt in the arms, neck, jaw, shoulders, and back.

Shortness of breath: Decreased blood flow to the heart can cause shortness of breath, especially during physical activity or exercise. This can be a sign of a blockage in the arteries affecting the heart.

Fatigue and weakness: Decreased blood flow can make you feel tired, weak, and generally tired. Activities that were once manageable may become more difficult.

Nausea and dizziness: Decreased blood flow to the brain can cause nausea, dizziness, and lightheadedness.

Pain and discomfort elsewhere: Arterial blockages can cause pain and discomfort in various parts of the body, including the arms, neck, jaw, shoulders, and upper abdomen. This pain may come and go or be constant.

Cold or aching feet: Decreased blood flow can cause cold and numb sensations in the extremities, such as the hands and feet.

Erectile dysfunction: In men, blocked arteries can affect blood flow to the penis, leading to impotence.

It’s important to remember that these symptoms can be associated with other medical conditions, and having one or more of these symptoms does not necessarily mean you have a blocked artery. However, if you experience any of these warning signs, especially if they are persistent or severe, it is very important to seek medical attention immediately.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, such as a balanced diet, regular exercise, managing stress, and not smoking can help reduce the risk of blocked arteries. If you have risk factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, or a family history of heart disease, it is recommended that you have regular checkups and tests with a healthcare professional to monitor your cardiovascular health.

If you were to carefully review the thousands of studies published on soy, I strongly believe you too would reach the conclusion that any possible benefits of consuming soy are FAR outweighed by the well documented risks.

Now, I’m not against all forms of soy. Properly fermented products like natto and tempah have been consumed for centuries and do not wreak havoc in your body like unfermented soy products do. For example, the enzyme nattokinase—derived from natto–is a safer, more powerful option than aspirin to dissolve blood clots, and has been used safely for more than two decades.

Unfortunately, many Americans still believe that unfermented and processed soy products like soy milk, soy cheese, soy burgers and soy ice cream are good for them.

85 Percent of Consumers Believe the Lies About Soy

The rise of soy as a health food is in large part due to highly successful marketing to otherwise health conscious Americans who set the trend. According to the survey Consumer Attitudes About Nutrition 2008 (by the United Soybean Board), 85 percent of consumers now perceive soy products as healthy.

The survey also found that consumers:

  • rank soybean oil among the top three healthy oils, with 70 percent recognizing soy oil as a healthy oil, and
  • depend on soybean oil, commonly sold as vegetable oil, as one of their two most frequent cooking oils

This is a tragic case of shrewd marketing of misinformation and outright lies taking root among the masses, which will likely take some time to undo.

Ever since the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved a health claim for soy foods in 1999 (which said diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol that include 25 grams of soy protein a day may reduce the risk of heart disease), soy sales have skyrocketed. In the years between 2000 and 2007, food manufacturers in the U.S. introduced over 2,700 new foods with soy as an ingredient, including 161 new products introduced in 2007 alone.

This has resulted in a booming multi-billion dollar business. From 1992 to 2007, soy food sales increased from a paltry $300 million to nearly $4 billion, according to the Soyfoods Association of North America.

However, the Weston A. Price Foundation, a nonprofit nutrition education foundation, submitted a petition to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in January of this year, asking them to retract its heart-health claim from soy in light of the inconsistent and contradictory evidence showing benefits, and its many proven health risks.


What’s So Wrong With Soy?

Unlike the Asian culture, where people eat small amounts of whole soybean products, western food processors separate the soybean into two golden commodities–protein and oil. And there is nothing natural or safe about these products.

Says Dr. Kaayla Daniel, author of The Whole Soy Story,

“Today’s high-tech processing methods not only fail to remove the anti-nutrients and toxins that are naturally present in soybeans but leave toxic and carcinogenic residues created by the high temperatures, high pressure, alkali and acid baths and petroleum solvents.”

Dr. Daniel also points out the findings of numerous studies reviewed by her and other colleagues — that soy does not reliably lower cholesterol, and in fact raises homocysteine levels in many people, which has been found to increase your risk of stroke, birth defects, and yes: heart disease.

Other common health problems linked to a high-soy diet include:

  • Thyroid problems, including weight gain, lethargy, malaise, fatigue, hair loss, and loss of libido
  • Premature puberty and other developmental problems in babies, children and adolescents
  • Cancer
  • Brain damage
  • Reproductive disorders
  • Kidney stones
  • Weakened immune system
  • Severe, potentially fatal food allergies

Most soy, perhaps about 80 percent or more, is also genetically modified, which adds its own batch of health concerns.

Despite these findings, many people still want to believe the hype, thinking that these studies must somehow be wrong. But the content of soy itself should be a clue. For example, non-fermented soy products contain:

  • Phytoestrogens (isoflavones) genistein and daidzein, which mimic and sometimes block the hormone estrogen
  • Phytates, which block your body’s uptake of minerals
  • Enzyme Inhibitors, which hinder protein digestion
  • Hemaggluttin, which causes red blood cells to clump together and inhibits oxygen take-up and growth
  • High amounts of omega-6 fat, which is pro-inflammatory

You’re Consuming Soy Whether You’re Buying “Soy Products” or Not

Even if you know better than to gulp down large amounts of soy milk, slabs of tofu, and other soy snacks, you are still consuming soy if you’re eating processed food, in the form of soybean oil and lecithin. So depending on your dietary habits, your (unfermented) soy consumption could really add up.

In fact, Dr. Joseph Hibbeln at the National Institutes of Health told he estimates that soybeans, usually in the form of oil, account for 10 percent of the average person’s total calories in the United States! When you consider that 90 percent of the money Americans spend on food goes toward processed food, this amount of “accidental” soy intake is not surprising.

As a side note, I’d like to make a quick statement here to address some of my readers’ concerns about my reduced CoQ 10 supplement, ubiquinol, which also contain soy bean oil.

Unfortunately, the reduced CoQ 10 (ubiquinol) – which is the optimal form of CoQ 10 that your body needs, especially if you’re over 25 – is only produced by a multi-billion dollar Japanese pharmaceutical company that holds ALL the world patents on it. Hence, there’s no way to replace the soy, even though that would have been my preference.

However, as in all things, moderation is key. If I thought there were ANY significant health risks from consuming this small amount of soy oil, then I would not personally take two a day – which I do. I do however avoid all processed forms of soy products, and severely limit my intake of other unfermented soy, which is easy to do by simply avoiding processed and “fast” foods.


Which Soy Foods Should be Avoided … and How do You Avoid Them?

Because soy is so pervasive in the U.S. food supply, avoiding it is not an easy task.

The best way to completely avoid soy in the food supply is to buy whole foods and prepare them yourself. This may also be your only option if you’ve developed a soy allergy and need to eliminate soy from your diet entirely.

If you still prefer to buy readymade and packaged products, for whatever reason, Dr. Daniel offers a free Special Report, “Where the Soys Are,” on her Web site. It lists the many “aliases” that soy might be hiding under in ingredient lists — words like “boullion,” “natural flavor” and “textured plant protein.”


Which Soy Foods DO Have Health Benefits?

The few types of soy that ARE healthy are all fermented varieties. After a long fermentation process, the phytic acid and antinutrient levels of the soybeans are reduced, and their beneficial properties — such as the creation of natural probiotics — become available to your digestive system.

The fermentation process also greatly reduces the levels of dangerous isoflavones, which are similar to estrogen in their chemical structure, and can interfere with the action of your own estrogen production.

So if you want to eat soy that is actually good for you, following are all healthy options:

Natto, fermented soybeans with a sticky texture and strong, cheese-like flavor. It’s loaded with nattokinase, a very powerful blood thinner. Natto is actually a food I eat regularly, as it is the highest source of vitamin K2 on the planet and has a very powerful beneficial bacteria, bacillus subtilis. It can usually be found in any Asian grocery store.
Tempeh, a fermented soybean cake with a firm texture and nutty, mushroom-like flavor.
Miso, a fermented soybean paste with a salty, buttery texture (commonly used in miso soup).
Soy sauce: traditionally, soy sauce is made by fermenting soybeans, salt and enzymes, however be wary because many varieties on the market are made artificially using a chemical process.