


There are a surprising number of edible mint varieties that are known to exist.

Count the Mentha species you are familiar with.

There are approximately 24 species and numerous natural and cultivated hybrids to choose from, including watermint, spearmint, and apple mint! Furthermore, they can be used for a wide variety of purposes, making them versatile.

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They are also very easy to grow and can sometimes take over your garden. Yet, when is the best opportunity to establish mint, and how would you start assuming you intend to begin with seeds?

Check out our guide if you want to learn more about growing mint in your garden.

Seed propagation will be covered in this guide.

Regardless of what assortment you are developing, the fundamental guidelines are something very similar. Keep in mind that popular Mentha hybrids like chocolate mint and peppermint are sterile and cannot be grown from seeds.

We’ll talk about the following:

Understanding the temperatures in your area is an important part of understanding the planting process.

Despite the fact that Mentha plants are generally cold-hardy, harsh winter conditions can harm young seedlings in some areas.

When to Plant Mint In USDA Hardiness Zones 4 to 9, the best time to plant mint is in the spring, after the risk of frost has passed. Start seeds indoors or outdoors, in the ground or in containers, to accomplish this.

Sow seeds indoors about two months before the last predicted date of frost in your area for later transplanting.

Usually, starting outside requires waiting until the risk of frost has passed. However, you can plan to sow seeds outdoors when temperatures are consistently at least 55°F in locations where frost is not a concern.

When the weather starts to get a little cooler in the fall, you might want to sow your seeds if you live in an area that doesn’t get cold winters.

Mint can likewise be developed inside all year. This is covered in a separate guide. very soon!)

Starting Seeds Indoors The seeds, whether you’ve collected your own or bought a packet, are tiny—about one eighth of an inch long.

You might want to use a tool for sowing, like this seed sower from Burpee.

This kind of device can help keep a lot of seeds from pooling too tightly in one place.

To begin, add potting soil or a mixture of two parts compost to one part perlite to a plug tray like this one from True Leaf Market. Fill the cells to the edge and splash the dirt well however permit it to deplete prior to planting.

In the event that watering compacts the dirt more than about a quarter inch beneath the edge of the phones, top off with a touch more until they’re level once more.

Use your sowing tool or carefully sprinkle two to three seeds directly on the surface of the potting medium for each cell by hand. They won’t germinate if you cover them; they need light.

Set the heat to about 60°F and place the tray on a heat mat.

Use a grow light or place the tray in a location where it will get direct sunlight at least six hours a day. Use a sprayer to gently mist the substrate until it regains its moisture if it appears dry on the surface.

You ought to see indications of germination in around fourteen days. When the plants only have one set of true leaves, you can remove the less vigorous grower from each cell if more than one seedling appears.

Seedlings will be prepared to relocate in around eight to 10 weeks when they have created something like two arrangements of genuine leaves.

By gradually exposing your young plants to the outdoors for a few hours at a time until they are fully acclimated, be sure to harden them off.

Sowing in Containers If you intend to keep your herbs indoors or nearby, like on the patio, where they will be easily accessible while you cook, a container may be your best planting option.

Because the pot can be moved to a sheltered location, container planting also helps to prevent creepers like mint from taking over the lawn or garden and lowers the risk of extreme temperature lows.

Start with a pot that is four to six inches tall and has drain holes in the bottom.

Fill it to around 3/4 to one inch underneath the edge with fertilized soil, or utilize a custom made combination of two sections fertilizer to one section perlite. Before planting, thoroughly soak the soil and let any excess moisture drain. As it settles, backfill any lost depth.

Distribute the seeds about two to three inches apart using your sowing device or a pinch of two to three seeds. At least six hours a day, place the pot in direct sunlight or under a grow light.

When the planting medium feels slightly dry to the touch, water with a spray bottle.

Remove the weaker seedlings as soon as they appear by snipping or pinching them until only one or two are left.

Because mint grows quickly, you’ll probably need to move it to a bigger pot after about six to eight months. It’s time to go up a size if roots are peeking out of the drainage holes below or if stems are appearing near the edge of the pot.

Sowing seeds outdoors Choose a spot in full sun or partial shade after the average last frost date in your area has passed. Although mint thrives best in nutrient-poor “leaner” soil, rich soil is preferred by most varieties.

Although lean soil may lack some organic matter, the majority typically contains sufficient nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus for Mentha plants.

Before planting, amend the soil in your garden if it is mostly sand or heavy clay. See our guide for comprehensive information on learning about your soil and addressing deficiencies.

Watering the ground preceding planting to keep away from seed displacement is least demanding. Moisten the soil, but do not drench it.

Rake the surface to prepare it for sowing. Use a sowing device or lightly scatter seeds on the ground.

To secure them, lightly dust them with vermiculite or sand and leave them uncovered; do not press them in.

If you are concerned that rain will wash them away, you can protect them prior to germination by using a row cover that allows light to penetrate.

The distance between the seeds can typically be determined by eyeball or with a ruler for more precise measurements once they have germinated.

To prevent seedlings from becoming overcrowded, remove any seedlings that have sprouted in between the recommended spacing of 12 to 18 inches.

In order to stop the spread of some kinds of diseases and pest infestations, thinning helps to improve the flow of air between plants.

Transplanting Choose a location that gets six to eight hours of direct sunlight per day once the risk of frost has passed and your seedlings have hardened off. Mint can also thrive in partial shade during a portion of the day.

Make a hole that is as wide and deep as the pot, and leave between each hole about 12 and 18 inches of space. Backfill the root ball with soil after gently removing it from the pot and seating it in the ground.

Water in well. Because this herb is a creeper, it can become long and lanky during periods of active growth after the first year. To encourage a bushier shape, pinch out the tops during these times.

From the subsequent year forward, watch out for the improvement of buds toward the finish of the stems. To prevent the plant from producing seeds, you can pinch these off.

A Word of Advice Regarding Mint You should keep a close eye on that minty patch whether you intend to use it to repel pests, pinch sprigs to add to meals, or simply enjoy the scent of it drifting over your garden as you walk on the leaves.

It can quickly spread underground by rhizomes, easily entering unwelcome territory and becoming invasive.

You could plant it in a container instead, but if you do add it to your yard or garden, you’ll have plenty in no time for whatever you want to do with it.

What is your preferred method of using mint? Please share your thoughts in the box below!

Also, for more data on developing mint in your nursery, look at these aides next: