
This Common Houseplant is Harder to Kill Than To Keep Alive

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If you are terrible with plants, the sweetheart or heartleaf philodendron is a perfect type for you.

From potting to watering, here are 5 great tips for caring for your plants.

With the right care and conditions, Philodendron may thrive

Philodendrons can survive in low light, but they eschew direct sunlight. These plants grow faster with higher indirect light and will produce more leaves with medium or indirect light.

Philodendrons are hard to kill, so how do you keep it alive?

You can maintain your philodendron by either watering it or letting it grow in water. You should mix half of the soil with dry sand and then do either a light or heavy watering at necessary times to ensure optimal growth.

If the leaves of your philodendron are wilted, give them more water and they will perk up again.

To grow a philodendron, it is necessary to give it soil and water, then monitor its drinking habits. If the plant starts to drink more than usual, the amount of water given should be reduced.

In particular, it is worth noting that if you transplant a Philodendron, they may not do so well.

Why potted philodendrons are more difficult than they sound

Potted philodendrons bring life and color to your home. Be thoughtful about well-drained soil, as they require that. After a few years, you might want to move them into another pot with fresh potting mix. It’s also important to avoid over-hydration by using smaller pots often.

Use pots that have drainage holes and make sure not to keep water sitting underneath them or else you will kill them.

Read about Philodendron growth and fertilizing requirements.

Philodendrons can survive for years without fertilization, and should still be fertilized monthly. In the spring and summer, give them half strength houseplant fertilizer every month, and in winter and fall, give them full strength houseplant runoff once every other.

Alternatively, fertilize your plants every 2-3 months. Fertilize when they are producing new leaves in order to prevent any harm on the other parts of their system.

See what you can do to keep your philodendron alive

Make sure to prune the philodendron regularly, you want it happy and lush.

So, you should trim the shrubs so they don’t look overgrown. If you choose scissors, shears, or your fingernails to trim the shrub, go at it soon.

Learn how to grow and propagate this common houseplant

A new addition to your garden is as easy as cutting off a couple of nodes from the stem and planting it in the soil for rapid growth.

You can grow the cutting instantly.

Philodendron Toxicity

Philodendron can be harmful to one’s health. Never consume any part of the vine, as it could cause discomfort like burning in the mouth and throat; nausea; diarrhea among other toxic symptoms.

Philodendrons are toxic to animals, and signs of poisoning include pain in the mouth, swelling in the mouth, lips and tongue. In some cases, skin could show irritation from sap contact as further evidence.
