
How To Grow Turmeric & 10 Brilliant Ways To Use It

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Spices are amazing, they add flavor to a dish, and they often come with a host of health benefits, and turmeric is no exception. Actually, turmeric is considered as the magic spice with plenty of health benefits!

Just a few of its beneficial effects include offering powerful anti-inflammatory compounds to help battle excess inflammation. Experts believe that chronic, low-level inflammation is rooted in nearly every chronic disease, including arthritis, cancer, irritable bowel disease, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, metabolic syndrome and many others. Having said that, consuming turmeric can help you prevent these conditions.

Here’s how to grow turmeric!

Turmeric is different than most herbs but it grows similar to ginger. Growing turmeric is easier than you think as it can handle just about any challenge it faces, from drought to floods.

Turmeric does best in moist soil and needs dry soil to thrive well. It can do well in sunlight, but it is best to grow it in mid-shade. Turmeric can be in the ground over winter through its dormancy period, otherwise, dig up the roots in the fall and store them in a cool place through the colder months.

You should plant in spring. Once you’ve picked your spot to plant and have a few fresh roots, all you need to do is plant them. The easiest way to encourage it to sprout is to place the root under two inches of loose soil.

The pleated leaves will eventually grow to four feet tall in ideal conditions, which is followed by green and white cones of flowers, that tend to emerge between the leaves in the summertime.

Once established turmeric won’t need much of your attention. During the winter, turmeric doesn’t need much water, but when the growing season begins, it’s important to water frequently.

When you start to notice that the leaves are yellowing and beginning to dry out, it’s time to dig it up and harvest it. Just cut the roots away from the stem and wash them off the dirt.

In order to use turmeric, peel the roots and keep in mind that homegrown turmeric is stronger and healthier than the store-bought.

10 Ways To Use Turmeric

1. Relieve the pain of arthritis.

Turmeric has potent anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants which work to reduce inflammation and neutralize harmful free radicals. Curcumin (the ingredients found in turmeric the most) was not only more effective in relieving RA symptoms, but that there were no side effects experienced either.

2. Treat a cough.

Embrace the powers of turmeric to treat coughs. It’s not only an anti-inflammatory agent, it possesses strong antibacterial and antiviral action that can treat infections and a cough. It helps to relieve chest congestion as well.

Here’s the most famous recipe for cough that have helped milions of people:


  • 2 cups water
  • 1 teaspoon ginger root, grated
  • 2 teaspoons turmeric powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon black peppercorns, crushed
  • 1 teaspoon raw, organic honey
  • 1 lemon, juiced

Boil water in a large pot on medium-heat. Add the ginger, turmeric, and the crushed peppercorns and reduce the heat. Bring mixture to a boil again until it reduces to about a half. Strain it into a cup and add the honey. Mix well and drink while it is hot.

If you serve it to a child over 12 months of age, make sure it is not too hot.

3. A natural antidepressant.

Turmeric may be one of the best natural antidepressants there is. Turmeric may be just as effective as those pharmaceutical pills, without the serious downsides. The active compound in turmeric known as curcumin offers strong antioxidant action that has the ability to fight off free radicals leading to depression. It can also help modulate neurotransmitters in the brain – vital for proper brain functioning. So cook with turmeric as possible as you can, and you will see how stress and depression lessen.

4. Support heart health.

Curcumin is powerfully rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, and protects and improves the health of every organ in the body, including the heart. It helps to prevent oxidation and the resulting chronic, low-grade inflammation.

5. Eczema relief.

Turmeric can help when applied directly to the skin. It’s been known to relieve the itching and reduce the inflammation associated with eczema. Mix some turmeric with a little coconut oil, almond oil or olive oil, and then apply it onto affected areas. Allow it to sit for about 15 minutes and rinse it with water.

6. Give your smoothie a super boost of nutrition.

You can add an inch or two of raw fresh turmeric to your favorite smoothie and you won’t even taste it, but you will get all of those powerful nutrients.

7. Make a turmeric tea to support overall health.

Stay healthy and hydrated with turmeric tea. Boil a cup of water and stir in about a quarter teaspoon of grated turmeric. Allow the mixture to simmer for 10 minutes, and then strain just before drinking. Add lemon juice or honey for a better taste.

8. Add turmeric to brighten up boring dishes.

Use turmeric to spice up, and brighten boring dishes like mashed potatoes, plain basmati rice, quinoa or even eggs. Just stir a dash in – while it doesn’t add a lot of flavor, it does add lots of nutrition!

9. Make a natural food coloring.

Artificial dyes have been connected with all sorts of health problems, so why would you use them when you can just as easily use turmeric to replace dyes like Yellow #5 and Yellow #6.

10. Make Golden Milk.

Golden Milk was designed to improve absorption, making it an easy way to tape into turmeric’s amazing healing benefits.


  • 2 cups full-fat coconut milk
  • 1 tsp turmeric
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon, ground
  • Pinch of black pepper
  • 1 tsp raw honey, optional

Add all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Pour the liquid in a small pan and heat for 5 minutes until it is hot.
