
10 Amazing Night Blooming Flowers

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We will all agree that most of us plant and grow flowers that bloom during the day, and those that bloom without the need for sunlight we neglect or that many people do not even know that such flowers exist.

A few months ago I came across several types of flowers that bloom during the night on the Internet – I was surprised. So, that’s why I did a little research on them and decided to plant them myself, now after about 3 months, my sticks are incredibly positive. I love sitting on my balcony at night and enjoy watching my “night flowers”.

But they are not only beautiful, but they also have a nice scent. Well, that is why in the continuation of this article I will reveal to you some types of flowers that bloom at night. Keep reading.

Queen of the Night

The first flower to present to you is the Queen of the Night. This flower is also known as the orchid cactus. The characteristic of this flower is that it can grow in zones 9 to 12. This flower is also characterized by incredibly beautiful white flowers on beautiful green vines with soft spikes. This flower blooms at night and in the early morning.


The second flower we present to you today is the Datura. These flowers are characterized by beautiful white flowers (in some cases you can also find violets) that are characteristically trumpet-like. This flower can grow up to 2 feet high and 10 feet wide. It grows best in zones 5 to 7 as annuals and zones 8 to 10 as perennial flowers.

Casa Blanca Lily

The third “night flower” on our list for today is Casa Blanca Lily. Characteristic of these flowers is that they absorb the sunlight they receive through the day and with their help produce their flowers at night. You can easily identify them, have a beautiful bouquet look and floral arrangements.

Night Gladiolus

The fourth “night flower” we will present is the Night Gladiolus. This beautiful flower is characterized by its beautiful scent and creamy yellow flower. Its flowering season is in late spring and early to mid-summer. Also this flower can reach up to 48 inches in height. The most favorable conditions for growing these flowers are areas where heavy rainfall is present.

Note: This flower contains poisonous parts that can cause skin irritation and allergic infections.

Chocolate Daisy

Chocolate Daisy is a plant that has a distinctive appearance with light yellow flowers surrounded by a maroon center, and this flower also has its chocolate scent. This flower is mostly grown in the North American territories and grows best in zones 5 to 11.

Evening Primrose

The characteristic of this flower is that it is the first flower to bloom in early spring. It has a frog-shaped flower that can be pink, white and yellow in color. Evening Primrose grows best in forests in zone 4 to 8.

Dragon Fruit Flowers

The characteristic of dragonfly flowers is that it blooms only one night a year. It grows best in zones 10 to 11, and at temperatures above 100 degrees the flowers begin to get dirty. Other: You can use Dragon Fruit in Jams.

Night Bloom Water Lilies

This flower is characterized by its colors (red, pink or purple), you can apply it to any pond. The flowers are 7 “- 10” in size. Each flower has 19 – 20 petals and a slight but pungent odor. They first open at dusk and close around 9am the following morning.  They have a large leaf spread, with a very strong serration on the leaf outer edge. The water temperature should be at least 75 degrees F.

Four O’ Clocks

This flower night flower is a gentle perennial. The characteristic of this flower is that it needs to be fully exposed to the sun to start blooming by 4 pm. Just as it was blooming at 4pm it got its name Four O ‘Clocks. These flowers are most often used in making hedges, and they also have a wonderful scent that will fascinate you.

Dutchman’s Pipe Cactus

This flower belongs to the genus of cacti that originated from Mexico to Brazil. It has a height of 20 feet. It grows in late spring and early summer. It is characteristic that it blooms only 1-2 days. The flower opens at sunset. It also has a characteristic deep and fresh scent that spreads as it blooms.
