
Best Tips Of Saving Seeds For The Most Productive Garden

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Did you know that annual open pollination plants are a great place to start seed?
The easiest picking seeds are peppers, tomato beans, cucumber and lettuce.

Beware: Plant only one variety per species to keep the vegetable strains clean and true. If cross-pollination occurs between varieties, the seed may grow into a strange hybrid next year.

Also the seeds of biennial crops can be saved and stored, but you will have to wait until their second growing season before the seeds can be harvested.

Harvesting the Seed:


Gathering the sweet peppers and jelly is quite easy, all you have to do is squeeze the pepper seeds in the center of the cone.


Harvesting tomato seeds is also easy. Before you begin harvesting you should make sure the vegetables are fully ripe, after you have fully ripe tomatoes, cut them in half and peel the seeds and the surrounding pulp with a spoon, and then place them in a clean glass jar. Afterwards, add some water and cover loosely with cheesecloth.

Place the jar in a warm, dry place and stir 1 or 2 times a day. The next day you will be able to see how the pulp begins to ferment. When about 5 days have passed, the seeds will sink to the bottom, then you need to pour the liquid and collect the seeds.

Peas & Beans

Pea and bean seeds should be harvested approximately a week after they are normally harvested for eating. (then the color of the seed is brown). You will be sure that the seed is ripe to collection when you hear the shaking of the seed inside. Peas and beans should be left on a dry surface for about 2 weeks before peeling and collect seeds.


If you want to collect cucumber seeds then you need to let a few cucumbers overflow. You will be sure when you need to cut the cucumber when it gets yellow.

Harvesting cucumber seeds is similar to tomatoes. The cucumber should be cut and spooned together with the pulp and then fermented. After about 5 days the seeds should be harvested.

Squash & Pumpkin

Squash and pumpkin should be fully mature before you harvest the seeds. The outer shell needs to be hard. Once you have cut the fruit from the plant, set it aside for another 3 weeks or so and allow the seeds inside to ripen further. Then, slice the fruit open and scoop out the seeds. Place them in a strainer and rinse them with warm water to remove surrounding pulp.

Seed Drying & Storage:

Only use ceramic or glass dishes to dry seeds as they tend to stick to paper towels. Set them in a cool, shaded spot with low humidity for quicker drying. When seeds are hard, they are completely dried.

Stow seeds in a cool dark and dry place. Seeds stored in paper envelopes will keep for 2-4 years, but you can extend their shelf life for a decade or more if you keep them in a tightly sealed glass container and store them in the fridge or freezer. Make sure you include a label that specifies the crop, variety name, and date of harvest.
