
5 Cucumber Companion Plants & 3 To Never Plant With Cucumbers

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Chances are good that you simply found this text because you’re brooding about planting cucumbers in your garden – and need nothing but the simplest for his or her , and your, success.

Or perhaps these companions for garden cucumbers have found you. Say, you’ve got already planted out your cucumbers, either from seed or transplants, casually heard about companion planting from a lover , or from Facebook, and are able to learn more.

Whatever the case could also be , know that companion planting rarely ever allows you to down, and most times the rewards are going to be visible.

However, there are times when it’s more or less effective.

Never let companion planting be a sole substitute for taking proper care of your garden (watering, weeding, fertilizing, mulching, etc.).

Also, confine mind that companion planting doesn’t account much for the unpredictable weather. If it rains for weeks on end, it’s not the fault of the plants, or their ability to thrive. Chalk it up to experience and replant if the season allows, or try again next year with a replacement strategy.

In a garden, anything can happen! celebrate and be willing to fiddle with what grows. albeit some veggies are misshapen and knobby, and albeit it means you get to eat some weeds within the meantime.

No one became a master gardener overnight, but we will all keep trying!

Benefits of companion planting

When you make investments a while and energy in planting a garden, it regularly comes to mild which you are on a quest for wholesome, nutritious and scrumptious food. To harvest that, you have to consider several elements at once, all of which can be vying to your attention.

You want to think about seeds and the format of your garden, how much sun and the way much shade it receives daily.

Depending on your weather you may need to recollect irrigation, harvesting and storing of crops. And then comes companion planting to make it extra complicated still.

Ask each person who gardens this way, and they may proclaim that it works and which you must attempt it too!

A handful of advantages associated with gardening with partner plants are:

  • increased productivity
  • natural pest control
  • plant support – 3 sisters planting with corn, squash and beans
  • capability to attract more pollinators
  • shop space inside the garden – for example, planting deep-rooted asparagus and shallow-rooted strawberries together
  • amend/improve the soil

The aim of companion planting is to form symbiotic relationships where flowers provide for every other, in a friendly way. Anything from coloration, to nutrients or bodily support.

Companion plants for cucumbers

Most cucumbers  are able to harvest in about 50-70 days, making them a well-liked option to grow within the garden. you’ll see, and eat, real leads to a brief amount of your time .

That is, if you’ll keep them disease-free.

I’ve often read how easy cucumbers are to grow. If you’re within the same boat, congratulations! However, growing from experience, i do know that cucumbers are often problematic, especially in colder/wetter climates.

Cucumbers may suffer from bacterial wilt, mildew , a mosaic virus or an attack from cucumber beetles. It’s tough being green!

Companion planting can help overcome a number of these challenges. Here are some suggestions of what to plant your cucumbers with for a more reliable crop:


Often, in companion planting, we tend to plant sure vegetables next to every alternative for reasons of unwellness bar.

Other times the location of plants is neutral. which means that the link is neither harmful, nor useful. Such is that the case with beets.

So, if you’re searching for an area to plant additional beets in your garden, act and sow the seeds close to your cucumber plants. By all means that, act and eat those extremely nutrient beet greens!! A treat you’ll be able to seldom realize at the shop.


Celery is commonly planted close to members of the cabbage family, for its robust scent is assumed to discourage the pierid butterfly. It additionally enjoys the corporate of dill, that we’ll get to during a moment.

As way as combining celery and cucumbers, there’s no superior reason to plant, or not plant them along. However, it’s one in every of those additional neutral pairings that creates it easier to house out the various sorts of vegetables in your garden.

With any size garden, you would like as several as these neutral relationships as you’ll get.


If you’re attending to have one spice crop in your garden, build it dill. each the young, contemporary inexperienced leaves, furthermore because the dill seeds, and dried flowers ar good for pickling.

Dill conjointly attracts various fly-by and crawl-by helpful insects like parasitic wasps and alternative pollinators. In associate degree organic garden, you’ll be able to ne’er have too several of these.

You might conjointly notice that dill incorporates a slight result on the flavour of your cucumbers. this is often solely helpful if you fancy the flavour of dill. solely plant it if you are doing.


These helpful flowers facilitate to repel all kinds of beetles and insects within the garden. There area unit several reasons why you’d need to grow marigolds in your kitchen garden.

In Hungarian they’re called büdöske. once virtually translated, “büdös” suggests that “smelly”, and you’ll realize them in only regarding each garden within the country.

Perhaps while not even knowing why, most villagers plant them, they’re extravagantly and quietly doing their job of serving to to guard the whole garden with their “fragrance”.


The same like beans, peas conjointly increase the N content within the soil. This by itself isn’t a high demand for cucumbers, although it ne’er hurts, since the N-P-K levels area unit slowly adjusting over time. This conjointly depends on however usually you fertilize, and with what form of fertiliser you apply.

Looks-wise, peas and cucumbers complement one another, a minimum of within the starting.

You also have to be compelled to be conscious of temporal arrangement once determining the way to best “companion plant” your garden. As peas is started – and harvested – earlier, then your cucumbers can have more room to begin sprawling once their time involves shine.

Plants you shouldn’t grow next to cucumbers

With ideas in mind what to plant aboard your cucumbers, it’s even as helpful to understand what they don’t like.

Cucumbers square measure pretty progression plants while not robust likes or dislikes, tho’ there square measure 3 plants that stand out: aromatic herbs, melons and potatoes. ne’er plant these next to cucumbers.

Aromatic herbs

Basil may be a definite no next to cucumbers. tho’ it’ll improve the flavour of your tomatoes. Plant it there instead!

Sage is reportable to stunt the expansion of cucumbers.

Peppermint, and mints generally, is difficult herbs to grow within the garden. Not within the sense that they don’t grow well. In fact, they have an inclination to grow excessively well! This additionally lends to their ability to flee boundaries.

While mint is big in an exceedingly pot, in a trial to tame it, it will still like the comfort of house within the soil. Since your mint may be a sprawling perennial, you’ll got to notice an area more down the row for your cucumbers.

Companion herbs to plant with cucumbers instead:

  • catnip
  • chives
  • dill
  • oregano (the aromatic exception)
  • tansy


Insects that wish to feast on melons additionally wish to dine on cucumbers. And once they realize and develop a style for your canteloupe, they will realize your pickling material enticing additionally. In essence, once the 2 ar planted along, beside alternative pumpkins and gourds, you’re making a mini-monoculture.

And life within the world of monoculture farming/gardening is rarely to your advantage. It takes several fertilizers and pesticides to stay the insects and alternative diseases unfree. The terribly factor we tend to are attempting to avoid with companion planting.

Melons can, however, be planted next to Belgian capital sprouts, broccoli, lettuce, okra, carrots, cauliflower and kale.

Fitting everything into your garden is like golf shot a puzzle along.

As against associate actual two,000-piece puzzle, the larger your garden, the simpler it’s to plant. you’ll additionally realize that the no-dig methodology of horticulture involves your advantage together with companion planting.


As you’ll have already detected, potatoes ar terribly significant feeders within the garden. If you have got cucumbers growing near , you’ll notice a distinction within the quality and size of the harvestable fruit.

The primary reason to not plant potatoes and cucumbers along, is that cukes will encourage potato mold if the conditions ar excellent. If you have got a later sort of potato planted in your garden, confirm it’s planted as remote from your cucumbers as attainable.

With smaller gardens, making distance between plants is also onerous, if not impossibly tough.

Just bear in mind of potential issues and continually keep a watch out for signs of unwellness, in order that you’ll react as quickly as attainable, ought to one thing go awry.
