
Doctors Will Never Say About This : 4 Reasons Why You Should Always Urinate Under The Shower!

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Peeing in the shower can be something you do occasionally without much thought. Or maybe you do, but wonder if it’s okay. Maybe it’s something you’ve never thought about doing.

So is it okay to pee in the shower?

Not only is this great for the environmentally conscious, but it’s also great for the planet because it saves water that would otherwise be used to flush the toilet.

Despite the water savings, you may be wondering if it’s safe or sanitary because you want to leave the shower cleaner than you entered it.

It’s true that urine isn’t as pure and clean as some people think, but most of the time choosing a shower drain instead of a toilet doesn’t pose a health problem.

Is the urine sterile?
Despite rumors to the contrary, urine is not sterile. It contains dozens of different types of bacteria, including staphylococci and streptococci, which are related to staphylococci and streptococci.

However, although the number of bacteria in healthy urine is relatively low, it can be higher if you have a urinary tract infection (UTI).

Healthy urine is mostly waste products such as water, electrolytes, and urea. Urea is a product of protein breakdown.

Even if bacteria in urine enter your body through a cut on your leg, foot, or other wound, your urine is unlikely to cause an infection.

If you’re worried about urine on your shower floor and need to clean it up quickly, think about showering after a day at the beach, or working or playing outside.

Dirt, mud, and who knows what else is on your skin and hair. You’ve probably washed things off your body that are far less sterile than urine.

While it’s important to clean and disinfect your shower regularly, just a little pee on the shower floor or drain doesn’t mean you need to change your cleaning routine.

Rinse the floor again before turning off the water.

How about a shower?
As a courtesy, if you shower together or share a shared shower, it’s best to avoid showering.

What complicates the shared shower scenario is that you don’t know if someone else has a UTI or other infection.

Some urine can contain infectious bacteria, so you’re less likely to get something, especially if you have a cut or other open wound on your leg.

Infections such as MRSA can be spread through the shower floor.

What are the benefits of peeing in the shower?
In addition to convenience, many people favor showering because of its environmental impact.

Brazilian environmental organization SOS Mata Atlantica Foundation gained global attention in 2009 with a video encouraging people to pee in the shower.

Through advertising, they suggested that saving one toilet flush per day would save more than 1,100 gallons of water per year.

Also in 2014, two students from the University of East Anglia in England started the #GoWithTheFlow campaign to save water by peeing in the shower.

In addition to saving water, you can also save a little on your water bills and toilet paper costs.

Can Urine Treat Feet?
The practice of urology, where people drink their own urine or apply it to their skin, can be seen all over the world.

Because urine contains urea, which is found in many skin care products, some people believe that peeing on your feet can help prevent or treat athlete’s foot infections.

