
Here’s What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Two Eggs a Day. I Would Have Never Believed No. 3… awesome!

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Eggs were demonized in the past due to their high cholesterol levels. Many doctors suggested that eating eggs is bad due to the cholesterol and may harm your health, but this was a common misconception which has been blown out of proportion. Eggs are one of the few ideal foods for our health – they contain protein, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants and can be used in different ways.

Nowadays, doctors suggest eating 2-3 eggs every day in order to boost your health. If you want to learn more about the benefits of eating a couple eggs a day, continue reading the article below.

8. Help you lose weight

If you want to lose weight, you should stay away from foods with low glycemic index and eat more eggs. Eggs can satisfy your cravings fast and help you eat less, resulting in more weight lost.

9. Keep the bones healthy

Eggs are rich in vitamin D and calcium, two important nutrients for the bones and teeth. According to studies, calcium and protein work together to maintain the calcium levels and keep the metabolic processes in the bones steady. Eggs also contain vitamin D, an important vitamin we mostly get through the sun and is vital for numerous processes in the body.

As you can see, eggs are incredible healthy and won’t harm your health like it was previously thought. They are rich in numerous essential nutrients which will regulate different body processes and improve your overall health as well. This is why experts recommend eating 2-3 eggs a day, except in the cases of diabetes or heart problems, when you should eat only 3 eggs a week.
