
Discover What The Shape Of Your Hand Says About Your Personality Based on these 4 Elements

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There are different types of hands, some long and some shorter; different fingers and different palm shapes, but which one is yours?

Palm lines are not the only hand characteristics that can be used to determine personality and temperament. Did you know that the shape of your palm and the length of your fingers can also reveal a lot? There is evidence to support this as well.

To facilitate understanding of this concept, palmistry has divided the shapes of the hands into four types. Each type is linked to an element.

Let’s take a look at each type and learn what it all means!

Fire hands

His palms are long and his fingers are short. Due to the characteristic of their limbs, they have stubborn personalities and are led to their ideas. They are characterized by making quick decisions.

They are of particular beauty. They come up with new ideas quickly and are passionate, but like many things in life, what comes quickly, quickly goes.

Hands earth

They are large, long, and thick palms. Their fingers are thick, neither long nor short, and represent their element because of the dryness of their hands and because they always have their feet on the ground.

They always make sure they finish what they started. They are bold, wise, and skilled at using their hands.

Air hands

They are long and narrow in shape and the palm of the hand is elongated, its fingers are thin, with well-defined joints. Their personality is graceful and they have elegant attitudes. They are usually somewhat dry.

They usually don’t take time to think and act quickly. They have the facility to capture a large amount of information.

Hands water

They are similar to those of air, only a little more elongated. They represent the element as they are wet and sweat more. They are very emotional people, with big hearts and compassion. Emotions can sometimes happen to you.Ezoic

They are characterized by their sweetness and empathy, represented in their round and sometimes pink palms. They are the best of friends, as they will always be there when you need them.
