
Woman seeks her kindergarten teacher, wants to apologise for disrupting class 40 years ago

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It has been four decades.

A woman is looking for her kindergarten teacher to apologise for disrupting class 40 years ago.

Stomper Dorothy said the pupils in her PAP Kindergarten called the teacher Yang Laoshi. (“Laoshi” is Mandarin for teacher.)

This was from 1982 to 1983 in the Bukit Merah branch of the kindergarten.

“My two elder siblings went there too. In fact, all of us were taught by Yang Laoshi,” said the Stomper, who shared photos of Yang Laoshi and herself taken all those years ago.

“She was a nice and patient teacher who was very popular with both pupils and their parents as we respected her a lot.”

Dorothy added that Yang Laoshi was not just a teacher.

“To us, she was more a family friend. At times when my family chatted about our childhood, Laoshi’s name would always be mentioned.”

But that was not the only reason the Stomper is seeking her kindergarten teacher after 40 years.

“Another reason for me wanting to look for her is that I used to be a ‘cry baby’ during kindergarten days,” explained Dorothy.

“I would cry most of the time I went to class and I was very clingy to my mum. Laoshi was very patient during lessons even though I disrupted class.

“I hope to apologise to Laoshi for all the ‘drama’ that I had created once upon a time.”
