
Texas mom is charged after sending son to school with booby-trapped lemon, salt and vinegar drink to get revenge on kids who kept stealing it – with child thief who drank the concoction left HOSPITALIZED

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Texas mom has been jailed after sending her son to school with a special lemon, salt and vinegar drink that landed another student in hospital.

Jennifer Lynn Rossi, 45, put the feral concoction inside a sports bottle and gave it to her son to bring to school to get back at his ‘bully’ who stole from him.

The son attends Legacy Traditional School Alamo Ranch, 20 miles northwest of downtown San Antonio

During P.E. class on Tuesday, Rossi’s son gave the bottle to his classmate who had allegedly stolen his drink the day before.

He was taken to hospital after drinking the mixture when he began to experience nausea and a headache

Jennifer Lynn Rossi, 45, mixed together lemon, salt and vinegar inside a sports bottle drink and gave it to her son to bring to school to get back at his ‘bully’

The son attends Legacy Traditional School Alamo Ranch, 20 miles northwest of downtown San Antonio

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The son attends Legacy Traditional School Alamo Ranch, 20 miles northwest of downtown San Antonio

‘Upon arriving to the school, deputies learned that the sick child was given a drink by a classmate during P.E. class,’ Bexar County Sheriff’s Office said in a statement about the incident.

 ‘Although, the contents of the drink were non-toxic, the incident resulted in a child being hospitalized.

‘Hospital staff informed the investigator that the child victim required additional medical monitoring and would eventually be discharged from the hospital.’

An investigation revealed that Rossi intentionally mixed the drink together to ‘prevent her son’s drink from being stolen at school by other students,’ according to officials.

During P.E. class on Tuesday, Rossi's son gave his 'bully,' who had allegedly stolen his drink the day before, the foul concoction

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During P.E. class on Tuesday, Rossi’s son gave his ‘bully,’ who had allegedly stolen his drink the day before, the foul concoction

Bexar County Sheriff's Office released a statement about the incident

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Bexar County Sheriff’s Office released a statement about the incident

‘Although, the contents of the drink were non-toxic, the incident resulted in a child being hospitalized,’ the police statement went on to say.

‘Hospital staff informed the investigator that the child victim required additional medical monitoring and would eventually be discharged from the hospital.’

Rossi was arrested and booked into jail where she was charged with injury to a child causing bodily injury, according to ABC news.

The investigation is ongoing.
