
The mother is told to cover her head when breastfeeding

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Even today in 2023, the topic of breastfeeding causes a public debate.

It must be accepted by all mothers that it is not easy, especially in the summer season, to cover up when breastfeeding.

When the child is hungry, they are forced to breastfeed wherever they can.

Breastfeeding is a natural and beautiful act. For many moms, it’s a key part of raising a child to be big and strong and giving him or her the right nutrients. It’s also a way to bond with the child.

Whatever your stance is on public breastfeeding, the reality is that a mom can decide to nurse in public anytime, anywhere. Some people are unbothered by it, while others feel some discomfort at the sight.

Melanie Dudley, a mother of a newborn child, asked you to cover up while breastfeeding her child and her gesture was embraced by many other mothers around the world.

Melanie Dudley was sitting in an 86-degree restaurant with her three-month-old son and a few friends when her baby suddenly decided it was lunchtime.

The stranger approached Melanie and asked her to cover up. Melanie agreed to cover herself, just not in the manner the man was expecting.

“I was on vacation in Cabo San Lucas with my entire family, and a man asked me to cover myself. I’m usually discreet but we were seated in the back of the restaurant,” Melanie told.

“I did have the cover on, but it was so hot. It was like, 95 degrees, and my little baby was sweating,” the Texan told.

“I said, ‘You know what? I’m on vacation, I’m taking this off.’”

Melanie couldn’t see the problem, but the man in question did. So, Melanie responded by putting the cover over her head, instead, which left the restaurant in fits of laughter.

“I just put it over my head. I don’t know why. It wasn’t like a salacious fight or anything. That was just my response. I had no words, so I thought, I’ll just cover my head instead,” the woman explained.

Another woman took a photo of Melanie and posted it on Facebook, where it was shared with others 225,000 times.

Melanie’s picture got a lot of attention, and many praised her for the courage to publish it. Of course, she wasn’t the first woman to be criticized for breastfeeding in public, but Melanie’s creative response made the picture go viral, and the discussion flared up in a way that caused significant news agencies to cover the topic.

It’s a woman’s right to breastfeed her child and breast milk isn’t known as “liquid gold” for nothing but women continue to suffer criticism for doing what nature intended.

What do you think about breastfeeding in public? Share your comments with us on Facebook.
