


Every woman knows that in order to get in shape, she need to exercise regularly and follow a healthy diet. However, that is not all the rules of successful weight-loss.

There are plenty of factors that can affect your body and make you gain weight. If you want to lead a healthy lifestyle, get in shape and maintain a healthy weight, you should change your eating and lifestyle habits for good.

In this article, we would like to draw your attention to these ten bad, morning habits that can prevent you from achieving your weight-loss goals. It is time to reconsider them and develop new, healthy, morning habits! Scroll down to read the article right now to find out what you are doing wrong.

#1. You neglect a cup of warm water in the morning

Drinking a glass of warm water in the morning is a great weight-loss habit. It can help increase your energy levels, boost your immunity and improve your metabolism.

#2. You keep the blinds closed after you wake up

Studies show that people who get some sun in the morning had significantly lower BMIs than those who get ready in the dark.

#3. You don’t perform stretching

Stretching is a good way to start your day and fill your body with energy. It can help you improve flexibility and tone your body.

#4. You don’t meditate in the morning

Meditation may help you handle emotional eating, which could help you slim down. If you want to eliminate stress and reduce your blood pressure, you should start your day with meditation.

#5. You consume wrong carbs

You should limit the consumption of simple carbohydrates such as white bread, cookies, pasta and increase the consumption of complex carbs such as grains, brown rice, oats, berries and fruits.

#6. You choose uncomfortable clothes

If you are trying to lose weight, you should choose loose clothes to feel comfortable. Don’t torture yourself with high-heels and tight dresses.

#7. You check your phone first

Don’t get distracted by your phone in the morning. It’s better to start your day with stretching and a healthy breakfast.

#8. You don’t track your weight

Recent studies claim that slimmers who weigh themselves every day have better weight-loss results than these who don’t track their weight at all.

#9. You skip breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It fills you with energy and stabilizes glucose levels. Skipping breakfast can slow down your metabolism and make you gain weight.

#10. You oversleep

Getting enough sleep is very important for your health. However, oversleeping is not good for your health, as it can lead you to health issues such as heart diseases and diabetes.

Cancer can develop silently in the body, often without noticeable symptoms in its early stages. However, there are some early warning signs and symptoms that may indicate the presence of cancer or the need for further medical evaluation. It’s essential to remember that these signs can also be caused by various other non-cancerous conditions, but if you experience persistent or concerning symptoms, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional for a proper evaluation. Some common early warning signs of cancer include:

  1. Unexplained Weight Loss: Significant and unexplained weight loss, typically 10 pounds or more, can be a sign of various cancers, such as pancreatic, stomach, esophageal, or lung cancer.
  2. Fatigue: Persistent and unexplained fatigue that doesn’t improve with rest can be an early symptom of various types of cancer, including leukemia, colon, or stomach cancer.
  3. Persistent Pain: Ongoing and unexplained pain in any part of the body can be a warning sign. Pain may be associated with bone cancer, testicular cancer, ovarian cancer, or other malignancies.
  4. Changes in the Skin: Changes in the color, size, shape, or texture of moles, skin lesions, or sores that do not heal can indicate skin cancer, including melanoma.
  5. Changes in Bowel or Bladder Habits: Persistent changes in bowel habits, such as diarrhea, constipation, blood in the stool, or changes in urine habits, can be indicative of colorectal, bladder, or prostate cancer.
  6. Persistent Cough or Hoarseness: A chronic cough, hoarseness, or difficulty swallowing may be symptoms of lung, throat, or esophageal cancer.
  7. Breast Changes: New lumps, changes in the size, shape, or appearance of the breast, or nipple discharge can be early signs of breast cancer.
  8. Unexplained Bleeding: Unexplained bleeding, such as blood in the urine, stool, or coughing up blood, can be a symptom of various cancers, including bladder, colorectal, or lung cancer.
  9. Difficulty Swallowing: Persistent difficulty swallowing, known as dysphagia, can be related to esophageal or throat cancer.
  10. Changes in Lymph Nodes: Enlarged or swollen lymph nodes, particularly those that are painless and do not resolve over time, may be a sign of cancer spreading to the lymphatic system.
  11. Changes in Menstrual Patterns: Unexplained changes in menstrual cycles or vaginal bleeding after menopause can be indicative of gynecological cancers like ovarian or uterine cancer.
  12. Indigestion or Trouble Eating: Persistent indigestion, difficulty swallowing, or loss of appetite can be symptoms of stomach, esophageal, or ovarian cancer.

It’s crucial to remember that these symptoms can be caused by a wide range of health conditions, and experiencing them does not necessarily mean you have cancer. However, if you notice any persistent or concerning signs, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional for a thorough evaluation and appropriate tests. Early detection and timely medical intervention can greatly improve the chances of successful cancer treatment.

What our mind sees first when viewing a picture can often reveal interesting aspects of our personality. In similar ways to that of an inkblot test, our minds are drawn to certain images for certain reasons.

While the interpretation is ultimately up to each of us to individually decide, it can be fun to take personality tests like this one and see if we can learn something new about our personalities.

A self-image is arguably one of the most important psychological aspects of the human mind. People tend to manifest and create their lives in accordance with who they think they are. If we believe we are a good person for example (and we all are by the way), we tend to engage in specific pro-social behaviors such as kindness and compassion, two acts which help make a peaceful world. On the other hand, if we feel we are ‘not good enough’ or are lacking in value, we tend to create lives which represent this way of thinking.

It’s very important to be conscious of our deep psychological ideas of who we really are, because they greatly influence the lives we lead and the paths we choose in life. The self-image is a collection of every thought we’ve ever thought about ourselves, and also often of what others have told us about ourselves while growing up. Always remember; you are lovable, and you are good enough. These two healthy self-affirmations can lead to a healthy self-image, and a healthy, happy life.

When viewing the beautiful picture by Rafal Olbinski below, see which image first stands out to you, then read on to find out what it says about you!

What You Notice First Reveals How You View Your Inner Self

The Dolphin

If you first saw the dolphin when viewing the picture, it means you currently have an outer focus of succeeding in life. The dolphin is jumping through a hoop, much like a performing dolphin, and you likely feel that you are jumping through the hoops in your life and career in order to get what you want. It’s possible one of your high priorities in life is currently making enough money in order to live the life you desire.

While focusing on making a certain income to have a certain life is natural, it’s important to remember that you don’t need a certain amount of money to both be happy and to live the life of your dreams. Rather than working a job you dislike or aren’t passionate about in order to afford doing what your heart desires, seek a job that supports a cause you truly believe in. If you can find something that affords your basic needs, and works towards making the world a better place, then your days will be spent in a truly satisfying way, and it’s likely you’ll be much happier because of it.

The Woman Of Stars

If you first saw the outline of the woman of stars, it represents your understanding of how deep and complex your inner landscape really is. You’ve likely spent a good deal of time understanding your own personal feelings, thoughts, beliefs and ideas, and while you haven’t necessarily ‘got it all figured out,’ you’re on your way.

When searching for who we really are inside, it’s important to remember a few key things:
Who we are is not our body. If we identify our body as who we are, for example our hand, even if we lose that hand we will still be who we are. This can be said for about every piece of our body, we will still survive and be who we are if we lose about every piece of our bodies. Who are we then? The mind? The same can be said of the mind, as many people have lost different parts of their brains, yet still remain alive and who they are.

It comes down to a question of what are we really as consciousness and awareness, and the answer isn’t something that can be read; we must directly experience it for ourselves in moments of quiet reflection and meditation. Though according to many ancient texts, the quiet space within the heart is a good place to start when seeking.

The Woman Of Sky And Ocean

If you first saw the outline of the woman of the sky and the ocean, it represents an illumination of clarity as you are beginning to discover the real you in your life. Who you really are, as you’ve likely found, is not something your mind can tell you, but is something you deeply know from within your heart.

You’ve also seen that what you consist of is the same of what the universe consists of. As the famous Zen philosopher Alan Watts explains, we as humans are not foreign entities existing on a planet Earth floating through space. We indeed are the planet Earth that grew people, we are one and the same as the Earth;

“When a man no longer confuses himself with the definition of himself that others have given him, he is at once universal and unique.”

“You are a function of what the whole universe is doing in the same way that a wave is a function of what the whole ocean is doing.”

The Woman In The Red Dress

If you first noticed the woman in the red dress when viewing this picture, it means you are one of the few and rare individuals who have seen through the veil of illusion in life and have found your innermost being. You are gentle natured, loving, kind and are wholly content in this life.

Years of emotional self-growth, meditation to quiet and calm the mind, and a profound ability to listen within have allowed you to let go of any and all untrue ideas of who you thought you were, and after letting go of everything, the real you remains.

The red dress represents your garment of love, and you tend to freely give your loving and kind heart to others. You deeply appreciate engaging in random acts of kindness as often as possible, and are one of the bright lights that help make the world a better place.

The Sky or The Ocean

If you first saw the sky or the ocean when viewing the picture, it represents your deep love of nature and your ability to find out more of who you are when traveling, or even when taking a walk or a hike outside. Being around the natural energy of plants and nature allows us to open and soften inside, and can often allow us to relax and our true selves to come out into the open.

After traveling a while, you may find that what you’ve really been searching for has been within your heart all along.

What did you see first when viewing the picture?

Let us know in the comments.

You Are Lovable. You Are Good Enough. And You Are A Valuable Person On This Earth.

Have a Beautiful Day.

How much calories do you consume daily? And do you know how much of the consumed are actually used?

There is an effective product that can help you lose your body fat. This product is coconut oil. It is known as a saturated fatty oil or edible oil that is attained from the meat of matured coconuts.


Here are some methods that can help you lose weight using coconut oil:

Use extra virgin cold pressed coconut oil. Take one tablespoon of coconut oil twice daily around meal times. Also, you can take it immediately after dinner. Coconut oil can be used as an olive oil substitute.

In a mug with hot water or herbal tea add a tablespoon or two of coconut oil. Stir well and drink it regularly.
In a glass pour some lem
on juice and add a teaspoon of organic coconut oil and some fresh water. Then, fill the glass with warm water and stir well. Drink it slowly early in the morning. Do this every day.

In a glass mix 2 tablespoons of green tea leaves, hot water and coconut oil. Let it steep for a few minutes and strain the mixture. Drink it slowly and regularly.

You can add a couple tablespoons of coconut oil in your smoothies, protein shakes, fruit juices, apple sauce, yogurt, or cottage cheese after you melt it. Also, you can mix extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil in equal amounts as a dressing. Spread the resulting solution on toast and add some cinnamon powder and honey.

Recipe for Coconut Smoothie

Needed ingredients:

14 ounces of fresh or canned coconut milk
Half a teaspoon of coconut oil
7 ounces of water

Put the ingredients in a blender and add 2 handfuls of cherries or a cup of blueberries. Blend until it mixes properly. You can add Stevia. Drink the smoothie regularly.

What is the right coconut oil dosage for weight loss?

At the beginning, use 1 – 2 tablespoons of oil in your diet, and then slowly increase to 5 – 6 tablespoons. The dosage of coconut oil for weight loss varies from one person to another.

For 90 – 130 lbs, use one tablespoon of coconut oil before each meal for a total of 3 tablespoons daily.

For 131 – 180 lbs, use one and a half tablespoon of coconut oil before each meal for a total of 4.5 tablespoons daily.

For above 180 lbs, use 2 tablespoons of coconut oil before each meal for total of 6 teaspoon daily.
What is the best time to take this coconut oil for weight loss?

15 – 20 minutes before taking meals is considered the best time to take coconut oil. It will help you reduce your appetite, and make sure to melt it to its liquid form before consumption.


People who are suffering from a thyroid problem can’t lose weight, even if they are trying hard. Unsaturated oils stop the protein digestion in the stomach and leave these people malnourished, even if they are eating healthy and nutritious food.

Coconut oil is not an unsaturated fat and it helps the thyroid gland to function properly. Also it helps the people to achieve their desired weight. Coconut oil boosts the metabolism that supports weight loss.

Consume a teaspoon of extra virgin coconut oil and slowly increase the quantity. Consume about 3 ½ tablespoons of coconut oil daily. Get all the benefits by replacing unhealthy oil virgin oil with virgin coconut oil.

Coconut oil helps you achieve the desired weight by switching your body easily to fat – burning mode. It includes 3 important fatty acids: lauric acid, caprilic acid and capric acid.

Removing the moles, warts, blackheads, skin tags and age spots is sometimes done by professionals and that we do pay plenty of cash for it.Thinking that’s the sole thanks to roll in the hay. However, there’s one thing we are able to do fully naturally, browse here a way to defend your skin.

What Makes Our Skin therefore Important?

Our skin has 3 layers that we all know as stratum (the outer visible layer), stratum (the middle layer), and layer (the innermost and thickest layer). In fact, skin is our bodies’ largest organ in each size and weight, and serves 3 functions:

Skin protects North American nation from

Elements like rain, snow, and even the sun
External impacts and pressure
Micro-organisms, chemicals, and radiation
Skin regulates

Metabolism and synthesis of ergocalciferol

Body temperature, peripheral (arms, legs, hands, and feet) circulation, and fluid balance
Skin senses

Hot and cold temperatures
Pressure and pain
Despite the protection that we tend to get from our skin, it isn’t impenetrable. once we suffer cuts, massive or tiny, those wounds will have an effect on all 3 layers of skin. fortunately we are able to spot warts, moles, blackheads, skin tags, and age spots quickly as a result of they grow on the layer of skin we are able to see.

Conventional Removal ways

If it’s too painful otherwise you simply don’t wish to attend for WHO is aware of what percentage years, your doctor can fain beware of these warts, skin tags, blackheads, and more.

Should you select this route, you have got many options:

Cryotherapy involves the employment of maximum cold to freeze, e.g., warts before removing them.

Laser surgery uses, you guessed it, lasers to “burn” off, e.g., skin tags.

Topicals like retinoid cream give a less extreme however longer answer for no matter you wish your doctor to get rid of.

All-Natural Remedies

NOTE: Please speak to your doctor or medical specialist regarding any skin growths you will have before making an attempt to any of those reception.

Warts: prime two Natural Remedies
Warts ar tiny noncancerous growths found most ordinarily in hands and feet. This infection comes from a strain of human papillomavirus (HPV); don’t worry, not constant kind that causes venereal warts. Warts will develop and unfold between individuals from direct or indirect contact.

Fresh Garlic: Crush a clove of garlic, apply it on the wart, and canopy it up with a bandage. Leave it alone for up to thirty minutes then completely wash the wart. Repeat this double daily for a minimum of one week or till the wart blisters and falls off.

Vitamin C: Crush many antioxidant tablets during a dish with but a teaspoon of water. combine the powder and liquid along to make a paste. Rub the paste over your wart and defend it with a bandage. The vitamin’s high acidity might cause a burning sensation, however it’ll quickly depart. Repeat daily.

If those 2 aren’t convincing enough, this can be one natural ingredient can facilitate cure your warts and more!

Moles: prime two Natural Remedies
Aside from the aesthetic problems some individuals might have with moles, they have a tendency to not create any health risks. they vary from being flesh-colored to black, raised to flat, swish to rough, and depilous to bushy. Mole development tends to start in our 20s to 30s once years of sun exposure or just thanks to genetic science.

Can you see the risqué hidden figure camouflaged within this optical illusion of trees by a river? Many people don’t; so, what does it mean if you see the hidden figure? Let’s find out!

First, clear your mind and take a look at the image given below.

The surrealistic image displayed above is a renowned oil painting crafted back in 1991 and is a fine optical illusion. The painting shows a dense woodland scene, in which trees are depicted on either bank of a river. But this river and tree illusion reveals a risqué pic of a bare woman too, but only to those who can see.

If you look intently, you too might see the hidden figure appear in the blank space between the branches and trunks of the trees.

So, what does it say about you if you can discover the risqué hidden figure in this river and tree optical illusion?

Significance Of The Risqué Hidden Figure

The female figure portrayed in this illusion is believed to be a depiction of the mermaid named Berehynia from ancient Eastern Slavic mythology.

According to folklore, Berehynia was considered a pure soul or a good spirit and was revered as the guardian of the various water bodies, including rivers, lakes, and reservoirs. The ancient Slavs who resided on the banks of lakes and rivers believed that Berehynia was responsible for protecting and preserving the water.

Eggs were demonized in the past due to their high cholesterol levels. Many doctors suggested that eating eggs is bad due to the cholesterol and may harm your health, but this was a common misconception which has been blown out of proportion. Eggs are one of the few ideal foods for our health – they contain protein, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants and can be used in different ways.

Nowadays, doctors suggest eating 2-3 eggs every day in order to boost your health. If you want to learn more about the benefits of eating a couple eggs a day, continue reading the article below.

8. Help you lose weight

If you want to lose weight, you should stay away from foods with low glycemic index and eat more eggs. Eggs can satisfy your cravings fast and help you eat less, resulting in more weight lost.

9. Keep the bones healthy

Eggs are rich in vitamin D and calcium, two important nutrients for the bones and teeth. According to studies, calcium and protein work together to maintain the calcium levels and keep the metabolic processes in the bones steady. Eggs also contain vitamin D, an important vitamin we mostly get through the sun and is vital for numerous processes in the body.

As you can see, eggs are incredible healthy and won’t harm your health like it was previously thought. They are rich in numerous essential nutrients which will regulate different body processes and improve your overall health as well. This is why experts recommend eating 2-3 eggs a day, except in the cases of diabetes or heart problems, when you should eat only 3 eggs a week.

If you’re unsure where your priorities lie, a new personality test is claiming it could point you in the right direction; based on what you see first in a mind-bending image.

Interestingly, their response may depend on whether they care deeply about what others think about them, or whether they’re more concerned with living a fulfilling life.

These people feel an immense amount of pressure to present their best side to others, so they take great pride in being complimented and praised.

“When you hear negative comments being said about you, you’ll dwell on it for a very long time,” added Mia.

With regards to relationships, this type of person often lives in fear of losing the person they care about most.

Meanwhile, those who saw the fetus first are more likely to display a different set of characteristics, as their focus is entirely on being alive and healthy.

“If you first saw the fetus then you have a strong set of moral rules, that you abide by when dealing with people, and situations,” noted Mia.

Optical illusion could determine whether you care what others think about you (Image: Getty)

“Because you are very righteous and have a bottom line, there are certain temptations, that you will never give into, no matter how alluring they are.

These people care less about riches but instead focus on finding stable happiness and peace for themselves and those they love.

Many who spotted the foetus first, agreed with this analysis of their personalities, sharing their agreement in the comments.

“I love ur videos soooo accurate,” wrote one person, while another complemented the psychology guru for her analyses.

Heart attacks do not come with an announcement, and many people have to struggle with it without any help. If you suddenly feel that your heart beats “wrong” and that you are about to faint, you have just about 10 seconds before you lose your consciousness.

What people do not know is that they can actually help themselves. To do so, the most important thing is not to panic and not to lose the consciousness – start coughing, as much as you can.

Every time before you cough take a deep breath. Cough deeply and long enough, as if you were trying to cough out something from your lungs.

Breathe and cough every 2 seconds, without any breaks, until the doctors come, or until your heart starts beating normally.
Deep breaths allow the oxygen enter your lungs, and coughing is a sort of compression.

This helps your heart and blood flow function normally. This kind of pressure helps your heart balance its rhythm. It is the perfect way to avoid any further damage, at least until the doctor comes. Share this with as many people as you can.

This may safe someone’s life.
Cardiologists guarantee that if only one person shares this information with 10 people, at least one life can be saved.

Dermatologist Dr. Sandra Lee — best known as Dr. Pimple Popper — has netted more than three million YouTube subscribers with her videos of pimple pops. One of her latest uploads, first shared on Monday, features a pilar cyst lodged in a woman’s scalp.

With Lee’s surgical expertise and some numbing medication, the removal is swift and satisfying. Near the 1:48 mark, the cyst unleashes a stream of gunk; at 2:30, Lee teases out the whole thing as a single, smooth bulb.

During the procedure, Lee also strikes up an interesting conversation with the patient, who describes a previous attempt to pop one of her cysts at home. The woman says that she squeezed the cyst and then noticed “something pointy” sticking out of it a few days later — the growth hadn’t been totally emptied.

The anecdote is a great reminder that DIY cyst popping is usually futile — and potentially dangerous.

Pilar cysts are benign growths commonly found on the scalp, according to DermNet NZ, the educational website of the New Zealand Dermatological Society. These cysts are sacs in skin that fill up with keratin — the protein that makes up hair and nails, and the cheesy, pungent stuff that comes out when a cyst gets squeezed.