


Our faces hold countless secrets, and it’s often said that the eyes are the windows to the soul. However, there’s another feature that can reveal a lot about a person: the shape of their lips. Lips, those alluring and expressive parts of our face, come in various forms, and each shape can offer subtle insights into a person’s personality, character, and even their love life. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the intriguing world of lip shapes and discover what your lips might be saying about you.

  1. The Full Lips:

Full lips are often associated with sensuality and a passionate nature. If you have full lips, you might be seen as someone who enjoys indulging in life’s pleasures, including romance and intimacy. You’re likely warm-hearted and generous, always ready to offer a comforting smile or a listening ear to those in need. People with full lips are often deemed adventurous and open to new experiences.

  1. The Thin Lips:

Thin lips, on the other hand, can indicate a more reserved and introspective personality. You might be a deep thinker who values privacy and prefers meaningful one-on-one connections over large social gatherings. Thin-lipped individuals are often detail-oriented and excellent at keeping secrets, making them trustworthy confidants.

  1. The Bow-Shaped Lips:

If your lips have a pronounced bow shape, you’re likely to be charismatic and charming. You possess a magnetic personality that draws people in effortlessly. You’re also known for your wit and a knack for turning even the most mundane conversations into delightful experiences. This lip shape often signifies a strong sense of self-confidence and the ability to make a lasting impression.

  1. The Heart-Shaped Lips:

Heart-shaped lips are often seen on individuals who wear their hearts on their sleeves. You’re a true romantic, someone who loves deeply and isn’t afraid to express your emotions. Your caring and nurturing nature makes you an excellent friend and partner, always willing to go the extra mile to make your loved ones feel cherished.

  1. The Round Lips:

Round lips are associated with a youthful and playful demeanor. If you have round lips, you likely have a contagious sense of humor and a fun-loving spirit. Your spontaneity and enthusiasm for life are infectious, and you often find joy in the little things. Round-lipped individuals tend to have a carefree attitude and enjoy making people laugh.

  1. The Uneven Lips:

Uneven lips, where one side is slightly different from the other, can indicate a balanced mix of characteristics. You might be adaptable and flexible in various situations, and your uniqueness is often seen as an endearing trait. People with uneven lips often have a creative streak and a flair for the unconventional.

While it’s important to remember that lip shape is just one facet of a person’s overall personality, it’s fascinating how such a seemingly small feature can offer insights into one’s character. Whether you have full, thin, bow-shaped, heart-shaped, round, or uneven lips, embrace your uniqueness and recognize that each shape has its own charm. At the end of the day, it’s our actions, kindness, and the way we treat others that truly define us, regardless of the shape of our lips. So, let your lips express your individuality and wear your personality with pride.

Many of us have a habit of expressing too much to people who are not worth it. We like being an open book and don’t have an issue with it but clearly some people don’t have the ethics to keep it to themselves. They will often go around taking benefit of the knowledge they have about us, twisting it in their own words and expressing it differently to people who don’t know us. This leads to a bad impression and weird gossip and no one wants that. Everyone likes a bit of mystery.

This is why it is so important to know who you can trust and give out information about yourself, as not everyone will be nice about it. It is also useful to know what to expect from people and recognize their vibe.

In this world you cannot go around trusting everyone and getting hurt later just because you didn’t double check on them. Try to keep things to yourself when you get a bad vibe from a person. Trust your guts.

1. Past Resentments

We all have bad and weird stuff to share from the past. It can be anything from the girl you hated in school to your coming out story.

Firstly, you must try your best to let these negative feelings go. And if you cannot, the second best option is to communicate positively about it with your partner. Your partner will probably want the best for you and have constructive criticism to provide instead of lashing out on your stupidity.

You need to let go of the negative energy that surrounds you and you must try keeping a focus which you can carry on for your motivation.

2. Material Belongings

We all know that there are a few things which carry way more worth than their value in monetary terms. And yet we carry so much attachment with useless things such as cars and phones. It is good to believe in treating yourself but do not get too attached to anything that you buy, no matter how much you paid for it. It is easy to fall in the never ending hole of arrogance which might lead you to have an obsessive nature. You may not realize it but people will see it as a bad habit and will categorize you as a bad person. Be modest, it is the new sassy.

3. Goals for the Future

Even science says that you have high chances of achieving your goal if you don’t share it with other people. This is how it works: when you tell other people about your dreams and goals, they might demotivate you or try working towards it to steal it away from you. In the end, you will be left feeling as if someone else is living your dream and that you have no motivation any longer. Feel free to tell all about it once you have gained what you set your goals to.

4. Your Income

Never ever tell another person how much you earn. Only a handful of people should maybe know what you earn and they should be the people you share the workplace with, and maybe not even them. You don’t want everyone to know what you earn and where you stand financially. If you are rich, it will come off as bragging and, if you are not so rich, it will come off as whining. It can lead to changing the relations you have with other people in a drastic manner. When a lot of people know how much you earn, it will definitely change their behavior towards you based on their financial standing.

5. Good Deeds

It is known that doing good deeds attracts positive karma. It is absolutely true. Never let yourself be discouraged from doing good things or brag about it. Take a different perspective instead of making it all about yourself. This will cancel off the good you have done and you will come off as showy. Especially when you do a charitable deed, do not let yourself become a spotlight. The people who are in need should be worthy of attention, not you.

Peeing in the shower can be something you do occasionally without much thought. Or maybe you do, but wonder if it’s okay. Maybe it’s something you’ve never thought about doing.

So is it okay to pee in the shower?

Not only is this great for the environmentally conscious, but it’s also great for the planet because it saves water that would otherwise be used to flush the toilet.

Despite the water savings, you may be wondering if it’s safe or sanitary because you want to leave the shower cleaner than you entered it.

It’s true that urine isn’t as pure and clean as some people think, but most of the time choosing a shower drain instead of a toilet doesn’t pose a health problem.

Is the urine sterile?
Despite rumors to the contrary, urine is not sterile. It contains dozens of different types of bacteria, including staphylococci and streptococci, which are related to staphylococci and streptococci.

However, although the number of bacteria in healthy urine is relatively low, it can be higher if you have a urinary tract infection (UTI).

Healthy urine is mostly waste products such as water, electrolytes, and urea. Urea is a product of protein breakdown.

Even if bacteria in urine enter your body through a cut on your leg, foot, or other wound, your urine is unlikely to cause an infection.

If you’re worried about urine on your shower floor and need to clean it up quickly, think about showering after a day at the beach, or working or playing outside.

Dirt, mud, and who knows what else is on your skin and hair. You’ve probably washed things off your body that are far less sterile than urine.

While it’s important to clean and disinfect your shower regularly, just a little pee on the shower floor or drain doesn’t mean you need to change your cleaning routine.

Rinse the floor again before turning off the water.

How about a shower?
As a courtesy, if you shower together or share a shared shower, it’s best to avoid showering.

What complicates the shared shower scenario is that you don’t know if someone else has a UTI or other infection.

Some urine can contain infectious bacteria, so you’re less likely to get something, especially if you have a cut or other open wound on your leg.

Infections such as MRSA can be spread through the shower floor.

What are the benefits of peeing in the shower?
In addition to convenience, many people favor showering because of its environmental impact.

Brazilian environmental organization SOS Mata Atlantica Foundation gained global attention in 2009 with a video encouraging people to pee in the shower.

Through advertising, they suggested that saving one toilet flush per day would save more than 1,100 gallons of water per year.

Also in 2014, two students from the University of East Anglia in England started the #GoWithTheFlow campaign to save water by peeing in the shower.

In addition to saving water, you can also save a little on your water bills and toilet paper costs.

Can Urine Treat Feet?
The practice of urology, where people drink their own urine or apply it to their skin, can be seen all over the world.

Because urine contains urea, which is found in many skin care products, some people believe that peeing on your feet can help prevent or treat athlete’s foot infections.


If that wasn’t enough reason to indulge in a pre-bedtime snack, research also shows that sleep deprivation triggers hormones that make you hungrier and more likely to make unhealthy food choices for breakfast.

But does that mean just any food will do for a snack? Not quite. You’ll want to pick a food with a high protein content to “stimulate protein synthesis in the body and helps to grow muscle.”

Here’s some ideal bedtime snacks that will help you lose weight and boost your overall health:

1. Greek Yogurt

Due to its high protein content, Greek yogurt is perfect to eat right before bed. Go for the low-sugar variety if you want even more benefits.

2. Banana

Bananas are a rich source of potassium, which is a muscle relaxant. They also contain other natural sleep aids and don’t have a crazy amount of calories.

3. Peanut on Whole Grain Toast

This is an ideal snack before you hit the sack because not only is whole grain bread filling, but it’s also packed full of protein and an amino acid that acts as a sleep aid.

Maybe eating food just when your body is about to burn fewer calories seems counter-intuitive, but it’s important to remember that eating at the right times is just as important as what you eat. The uncomfortable feeling of being hungry can plague you all night long, causing irregular sleep patterns.

A small snack can help you control and lose weight, so long as it isn’t high in fat and sugar. If you’re unsure what foods qualify, think of simple foods high in protein that aren’t difficult to digest.

4. Almonds

Snacking on almonds, pistachios, and other nuts is a great idea if you’re just about to sleep. Not only do they contain protein, but they also are high in magnesium: a great natural sleep aid!

5. Dark Chocolate

Chocolate is mostly seen as a treat, and an unhealthy one at that, but dark chocolate has a host of benefits. Eating dark chocolate with a cocoa content of 70% or more can increase the production of serotonin (the feel-good hormone) and lower blood pressure.

We’ve all had weeks during which we skipped taking a shower for a day or four.

Sure, you may have started to notice an unpleasant odor, especially if you’re someone who sweats more than the average person, but it’s not really the end of the world.

However, if you’ve considered going longer than a few days without cleaning your body, then it’s time to scrap that thought because body odor will be the least of your worries.

Huffington Post created an eye-opening video that answers a question many of us have often pondered about: What happens to your body when you stop showering?

Well, the answer is gross and slightly terrifying.

There’s a reason why people in the United States bathe as much as they do. The moment a person quits cleaning their body regularly, a lot of disgusting things start to happen, leading to some serious health complications.

Here are eight things that happen to your body if you stop showering for a month:

1. You’ll stink, but not for long

After a few days of not washing your body, you’ll start to smell. The odor is created by the “bacteria feeding on oily secretions from your sweat and sebaceous glands,” according to

However, after a while the bacteria on your skin will be more balanced and you’ll stop smelling bad.

“At first I did smell bad, especially as I went without deodorant,” James Hamblin, an Atlantic writer who took on a no-shower challenge, explained. “But after a while, the idea goes, your ecosystem reaches a steady state, and you stop smelling bad. I mean, you don’t smell like rosewater or Axe Body Spray, but you don’t smell like B.O., either. You just smell like a person.”

2. You’ll be greasy and dirty
Not only will you smell bad for a while, you will also start to appear really greasy and dirty. You’ll feel your skin produce its own natural moisturizer, hence the oiliness, and you’ll also notice a buildup of excess dead skin cells.

3. You’ll be a germ machine
Your skin is already full of pathogens that occur naturally as well as those that we’ve come into contact with during our day to day activities. While some of these organisms are good for the skin, there are some harmful bacteria that also lurk on the surface, unless you wash them off.

These bacteria can end up making you sick when they enter your body through your nose, ears, or mouth.

4. You’re at a risk for skin infections

Everyday Health
Since your skin is now a reliable breeding ground for bacteria and fungi, you risk a chance of developing infections. Also, the extra sebum on your face will cause acne or puss bumps.

“While infection may not be a concern in the beginning, carrying a large load of bacteria on the skin can pose a problem if the skin barrier were to become compromised in some way. i.e. through a cut or scrape,” said Dr. Lauren Ploch, a dermatologist.

It gets even worse…
5. You’ll develop dermatitis neglecta
After going for a long period of time without washing your body, brown scaly, wart-like plaques will start to grow on your skin. Known as dermatitis neglecta, the condition occurs when there’s too much sweat, sebum, dirt and dead skin cells on the skin.

6. Your groin area will suffer
Be prepared for rashes as well as a condition called interigo, which is a yeast and inflammation combination that is characterized by itchiness and a burning sensation.

7. You’ll have fungus between your toes

Natural footgear
Like your groin area, your toes will also experience some complications. Fungus and dead skin cells will create scum and infections in between your toes.

8. Your head will be itchy
Your scalp will be riddled with dandruff, causing it to feel very itchy. Additionally, the heavy oil from the scalp combined with other pollutants will cause your hair to be matted.

Keep in mind that this does not mean that you have to shower every single day. In fact, excessive showering is discouraged by experts because, unbeknownst to us, some of the products we use tend to be harsh on our skins. Over-washing also strips our skin of healthy bacteria and oils.

Basically, moderation is key. Taking a shower every two to three days should suffice for most people.

You may think you’re doing your liver a favor by choosing a flavored soda over wine every day.

But drinking it every day is harmful to the liver – just like alcohol.

After entering the liver, the sugar in the juice turns into fat, which is stored in the liver cells. Over time, this can lead to fatty liver disease, which, if left untreated, can lead to severe scarring (cirrhosis). It can also kill people.

It is very interesting – they do not drink alcohol or drink much, but they have cirrhosis.

After 5-7 years, even one drink of alcohol per day increases the risk of liver cancer, heart disease, diabetes, colon, stomach and throat cancer.

How dangerous are alcoholic beverages for the liver?
A recent study published in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology found that drinking one or more sugary drinks a day for five to seven years can lead to liver disease. When I tell my patients this, they are often surprised.

How does drinking alcohol affect the liver?
When you drink sugar-sweetened beverages, most of the sugar and corn syrup accumulates in your liver. This puts stress on your liver cells and makes it harder to cleanse your body of toxins. If too much fat accumulates in the liver, it can lead to fatty liver, cirrhosis, diabetes, heart disease and cancer. However, exercise can reduce the risk of fatty liver.

How common is fatty liver disease?
We often see many patients with liver disease due to a lifestyle that includes alcohol.

Fatty liver disease is common. Alcoholic cirrhosis is the leading cause of liver transplantation in the United States, and obesity-related liver disease is the leading cause of obesity-related liver transplantation in the United States.

In the past 20 years, the incidence of liver transplantation for non-fatty liver disease has increased from 5.3% to 23%. This is a huge improvement.

How much alcohol can you drink without damaging your liver?
Drinking an aromatic drink once a week is good for the liver. Diet drinks are good but water is the best choice. Your body is 70% water, so it is important to drink plenty of water.

What are the symptoms of kidney failure?
Symptoms of liver failure include constipation, loss of appetite and impotence. There may be pain in the right side of the liver and lower ribs. Over time, your skin and the whites of your eyes will turn yellow.

If you have liver disease, will you be sick forever?
Fatty liver disease is reversible and treatable. Lifestyle changes such as increased physical activity, healthy eating, exercise and weight loss are important. There are also a few studies looking at the benefits of certain medications in treating non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in Ohio.

What better way to control fatty liver than cutting out fish or limiting sugary drinks?
If you are at high risk for kidney disease, exercise more. Walk a lot, exercise, eat fresh fruits and vegetables, and drink plenty of water. If you do all these things, you can regularly eat soda without harming your health.

While many manage to move on and find new flames to ignite their passions, there are those who simply can’t extinguish the flames of their initial romantic blaze.

These zodiac signs, notorious for their sentimentality and persistence, are the ones who wear their heartbreak on their sleeves, wearing them with the kind of sass only the cosmos can muster.

In this article, we will delve into the cosmic tapestry to expose the 3 zodiac signs that never get over their first love.

Cancer: Nostalgic Dreamers Of Love

Lost Picture a moonlit beach, waves whispering secrets of long-lost love, and a Cancer quietly gazing into the horizon.  It’s not hard to spot these sentimental souls who never quite let go of their first love. Ruled by the moon and governed by emotions, Cancerians are like walking nostalgia museums.

Their first love is not just a person; it’s a memory carved into the walls of their hearts with a cosmic chisel. For Cancer, their first love is more than just a chapter – it’s the entire book they keep rereading in their mind’s library.  Every moment, every word, every heartbeat echoes with that bittersweet symphony of the past.

Even if they find themselves in new relationships, a part of them is still dancing to the tune of their zodiac first love.

Libra: Eternal Romantics Holding Onto Air

The charming romantics of the zodiac, Libra, always searching for that elusive balance in love.  When it comes to their first love, they wear their heartbreak like a badge of honor.

Librans are ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, and they hold onto their first love like a precious artifact from an ancient love affair. For a Libra, their first love is a work of art, an evergreen masterpiece that never loses its luster.

They believe in the purity of love’s first bloom and see it as a benchmark against which all future love stories are measured.  Their heart might wander, but their memory dances around the edges of that initial enchantment.

Capricorn: Stoic Sentinels Of Unforgettable Love

Now, let’s talk about Capricorn, the sign known for its practicality and ambition. You might think they’re too focused on their goals to get caught up in the whirlwind of first love, but oh, how appearances can deceive!

Capricorns are the stoic sentinels of love, guarding the memories of their first love with steadfast dedication. Capricorns may seem like they’ve moved on, building their empires and conquering mountains, but beneath that resilient exterior lies a heart that still whispers the name of their first love when the world falls silent.

According to experts the best way to deal with obesity is to speed up your metabolism. In order to achieve this, there are many different natural foods that you can consume. What is more, they also advise that you should pay attention to the spices you are using if you want to lose weight.

For the purpose of the study, the participants had to consume healthy food for 3 months. In addition, during one day they had to consume less than 500 calories.

The only difference in their diet were the spices. Namely, the first group used 3 grams of cumin each day. They usually consumed the cumin mixed in 140 gr of yogurt. On the other hand, the second group consumed only the yogurt with no cumin.

After the study was over, the results were amazing. The first group of participants which consumed the cumin lost 14 pounds more than the second group which didn’t consume any cumin. What is more, the first group also lost more fat. Namely, they lost 14.64%, whereas the second group lost 4.91%.

Cumin contains certain ingredients which are able to prevent the retention of cholesterol in the body. Therefore, many scientists believe that this is the reason why it can speed up the metabolism.

Eating two eggs a day can have several positive effects on your body. Eggs are packed with essential nutrients and offer numerous health benefits. Let’s explore what happens to your body when you consume two eggs daily:

  1. Nutrient Powerhouse: Eggs are a nutritional powerhouse, containing a wide range of vital nutrients. Two eggs provide a significant amount of high-quality protein, which is essential for muscle repair, growth, and overall body function. They are also rich in vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, and various B vitamins like B12 and folate. Additionally, eggs are a good source of minerals like iron, zinc, and selenium.
  2. Muscle Development and Maintenance: Protein is crucial for muscle development and maintenance. Two eggs can contribute approximately 12 grams of protein to your daily intake. This helps support muscle growth, repair damaged tissues, and maintain muscle strength.
  3. Weight Management: Including eggs in your diet can aid in weight management. The protein and healthy fats in eggs promote satiety, making you feel fuller for longer periods. As a result, you may be less likely to overeat or snack on unhealthy foods throughout the day, potentially supporting weight loss or maintenance efforts.
  4. Eye Health: Eggs contain essential antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin, which are beneficial for eye health. These compounds help protect the eyes from harmful ultraviolet rays and reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration and cataracts.
  5. Brain Function: Choline, an essential nutrient found in eggs, plays a vital role in brain function and development. It is involved in the production of neurotransmitters that regulate memory, mood, and cognitive processes. Consuming two eggs a day can provide a significant amount of choline, contributing to optimal brain health.
  6. Heart Health: Contrary to previous concerns about dietary cholesterol, research suggests that moderate egg consumption does not adversely affect heart health for most individuals. In fact, eggs contain healthy fats, including omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for heart health. However, it’s essential to balance your overall diet and consider individual health conditions.
  7. Nutrient Density: Eating two eggs a day boosts your overall nutrient intake. They provide a wide range of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in a relatively small package. This nutrient density can contribute to improved overall health, energy levels, and vitality.

It’s worth noting that individual dietary needs and health conditions may vary. Some individuals may need to limit their egg intake due to specific dietary restrictions or cholesterol concerns. It’s always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian to determine the best dietary approach for your specific needs and goals.

In conclusion, incorporating two eggs into your daily diet can provide numerous health benefits, including increased protein intake, support for muscle development, improved eye and brain health, and a boost in essential nutrients. Eggs are a versatile and affordable food option that can contribute to a well-rounded and nutritious diet.

Do you know that you could sleep naked sometimes? It is not only sweet, but also is good for your health and general well-being.

Here are the five proven facts that confirm that.

Increase the Quality of Sleep

Irregular body-temperature at night causes insomnia. Another study showed that the body temperature regulation during sleep could help for a better and deeper sleep. The group of scientists from Netherland also have conveyed a research in which they put thermo suits on the participant’s bodies to reduce the skin temperature. Moreover, they cared the core body temperature to remain unchanged. The result was the following – participants had a peaceful night and slept well.

<So, according to this conclusion, do not cover yourself with thick and heavy blankets at night. Grand warming of the body negatively affect your sleep.

It Lowers the Cortisol Level and Reduces the Belly Fat

Your body is cooling down while you sleep, during the night. Such cooling process allows high cholesterol and increased appetite.

Your body is in a phase of deep rest at night between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m., when cortisol reaches its minimum. After 2 a.m. the glands that produce cortisol start their active work to renew the energy in your body. Then, you wake up filled with energy.

The opposite of this situation, when you wake up tired – it means that you have abnormally high level of cortisol that stimulates your appetite (the need for sweet) and belly fat.

It Prevents Aging

Your sleeping-room-temperature should not be higher than 70˚F (21˚C). Higher temperature prevents the release of the two most important anti-aging hormones, melatonin and growth hormones.

When you sleep in completely dark room, the body temperature drops down and your body releases melatonin and growth hormones. In fact, a study published in the journal “Sleep” proved the act of sleeping itself causes the release of growth hormones.

Healthier Body Composition

You already know that growth hormones are essential for tissue regeneration and the whole-body health. Increased body temperature inhibits that process.

A study at the University of Warwick has proven that people who sleep less than 6 hours a night have three times greater chance to catch diabetes, to have heart problems and to gain weight. Lack of sleep causes the release of cortisol and hunger hormones, which furthermore causes increased level of insulin in the blood. It also reduces the fat-burning and appetite-controlling hormones production.