


Nowadays, the number of people suffering from depression is significantly increasing, and those who suffer from hidden depression fight against their inner demons while people around them are completely unaware of it.

We started suppressing feelings and problems instead of sharing them with someone close, and this only aggravates the issue.

Yet, everyone needs to know the most common signs of hidden depression, so if you notice them in someone you know, it is time to act and help:

They cannot calm down their mind

-Their thoughts are quick, deep, and analytical, so they face difficulties to calm their mind.

Hide their mood

-Depressive people are good at hiding their feelings, so their mood swings are rarely obvious since they can easily fake a smile.

They search for meaning

-Depressed people anxiously search for the purpose in life, and are often obsessed with existential questions.

Irregular sleeping patterns

-Depressed people often battle with insomnia or spend their days sleeping.

They are pessimistic

-Intelligence often goes hand in hand with depression, and depressive people are good at solving problems, but they tend to be pessimistic.

Abandonment issues

-Depressed people often avoid getting close to other people due to their fear that they will be abandoned.

They try to help themselves

-These people might try to deal with depression in their own way, by walking in the park, exercising, writing, or listening to music.

They love cover-up stories

-Depressed people try their best to redirect the attention of their feelings, so they can come up with extensive excuses for even the most trivial thing.

Cry for help

-If someone you know constantly asks help and appears weak, you need to talk to him/her and establish a bond before you act and manage to help.

Changed eating habits

-Depression affects the eating habits of people, so they might start eating too much or lose appetite.

Talented individuals for a need for expression

-Many famous people suffer from hidden depression, as pain serves as a fuel and an inspiration.

All you need is are two simple ingredients and you will manage to eliminate all fat  and parasites accumulates in the body!
Numerous experts believe that stored energy is only body fat, so in order to manage to use it properly, and burn fat deposits, you should follow a strict diet. Yet, the process of burning body fat is also affected by other energy reserves, known as glycogen (carbohydrate) and protein (muscle).
In order to alter the way the body uses fats, you need to change the way it uses these deposits of energy.
In the case of constant stress, you may crave for food too often, but this may also be a result of the existence of parasites in the stomach. in the case of excess consumption of sweet foods, the body gets full of mucus, which is perfect for these parasites.
This environment is also favorable for bacteria and fungi. Therefore, you should find a way to naturally eliminate the fat accumulated in the body and remove the parasites. The following natural remedy is extremely effective :
• 10 grams of dried cloves
• 100 grams of linseed
Method of preparation:
You should grind the dried cloves and linseed and prepare a powder.
Every morning, for three days, you should consume 2 tablespoons of the powder with a glass of water, or along with your breakfast.
For best effects, take this remedy for 3 days, make a 3-day break, and repeat the procedure.
After a month, you will feel incredible effects, as your body will be clean of parasites and toxins. Note that you should consume the essential minerals and vitamins daily, in order to get the needed energy for the day. In this way, you will feel extremely vital and full of energy!

It’s in our human nature to have the thought of death in our minds, and the way we depict death also connects with the scene of a dead animal, human, bird, or flies. So, what’s the connection between all of them, but we didn’t think of it before? The smell.

According to recent studies, the human nose is capable to sense a wide range of smells, that cannot placm into any known category, but is still reacting to them. Such as the scent produced by a chemical called putrescine. This is a chemical that the body produces when it starts to decay, and one little thing to know, the scent is the result of the animal’s necrophobic behavior throughout the years of evolution, and these responses are thought to have evolved at least 420 million years ago.
The animals are thought that they react to the smell of putrescine as a sense of danger in two different ways: the reaction that a predator is nearby, and the second is that they have been put ia life danger, so their instinct tells them to escape.
Scientists have made four different experiments on humans with a mixture of putrescine, water, and ammonia, just to prove that human reactions and behavior are not any different than those of animals.
VigilanceIn thehe first experiment, where participants were testeonto the scent of putrescine, as they were exposed to the scent of it and tested out their vigilance. The results showed that the participants who were exposed to the scent of putrescine showed more vigilance than those who were exposed to ammonia and water.
Escape behavior
Thresearcherses did the second test where they tested unsuspecting group of people, who were given a task to rate a smell on its intensity, repugnance and familiarity. Thresearcherses wanted to see the group’s reaction to the smells, and how fast the participants would walk away at an 80m distance. Those who smelled the putrescine tended to walk away more quickly from the place, which proved that the smell evoked a strong motive to escape.
Escape-and-threat-related cognition
In another experiment, after the group was exposed to the scent of putrescine, the researchers gave the participants a word stem-completion task.
The results have shown that the smell of putrescine caused the group to complete the word stems, all related with escape and other associations with the word escape. The smell also increased to the use of thread words.
Defensiveness and hostility
In the last experiment the participants were exposed to a very decent scent that they couldn’t detect. In this experiment, they were given a text to read, and the task was to evaluate the author of it.
They were not able to detect the subtle smell of the putrescine, the participants showed defensiveness and hostility to the author. This also proved that the non-conscious exposure to the smell evoked a defensive behavior in the participants.
The study proved that people are affected by the smell of putrescine, the chemical that’s released in a decaying body, both consciously and subconsciously. We are affected by it, we can detect it, and smell it. And, most importantly, we react to it, as the smell of death, trying to escape it or avoid it. Maybe we consciously do not know it as the smell of a decaying body, but our instincts work it out as the smell of death. Interesting, huh?

Our bodies are a mechanism wherein many stuff manifest simultaneously. Sometimes, the frame can give us a few signs and symptoms that something is not pretty operating as it has to. What we want to do isn’t forget about the signs because they may factor into health problems. Thus, we’re right here these days to inform you approximately some signs that you ought to appear out for.



A Greek foot is likewise referred to as Morton’s toe, which is a linger the second toe at the foot. This may be a reason for callusing or pain on the ball of the foot at the base of the second toe. This might make the footwear honestly uncomfortable, for that reason, you’ll be careful with a certain type and style.


These earrings may seem in those who are over 50 years antique and that is pretty standard. If this seems in a much younger individual, then, it would mean that the man or woman has excessive cholesterol levels. If that is occurring, you will need to consult a physician.


If you’ve got fragile nails and hair, your body is telling you that you need extra vitamin B. Just try and drink some more milk and feature a few nori seaweeds and mushrooms.


If your gums start to bleed all at once, and they do that continuously while you brush the enamel, it method that you are poor in vitamin C. Just attempts to eat more citrus result, spinach, green and purple bell peppers, tomatoes, cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli.


If you experience that you need to devour ice, then it’d suggest that you have anemia or iron deficiency. If you need to get some iron, the best manner could be to consume extra beef, eggs, and mollusks. Nevertheless, it’s far nevertheless higher to seek advice from a doctor in case you are feeling like ingesting ice and also you lack energy.


If you crave something sweet, it might imply that you are confused, exhausted, or depressed. Thus, the frame is inquiring about glucose. Try to oblige it, and to keep away from gaining weight, you’ll need to have some darkish chocolate or honey.


If you lack vitamin E, this could result in dryness of the pores and skin. Thus, you may want to eat extra oils, vegetables, nuts, and fish.


If you’re experiencing these symptoms, then your frame might need magnesium and potassium. If you want to take those crucial factors, devour greater tomatoes, oranges, bananas, and spinach.

As you could see different signs can point to unique fitness troubles. Therefore, discover ways to listen to your body, your fitness can be grateful!

A 6-year-old Georgia boy who died after a weeks-long battle with a rare brain infection didn’t go without surprising his parents with a final, heartbreaking goodbye.

Tim and Amber Shoemake had just returned to their Pike County home to retrieve burial clothes for their son Leland when they say they found a note, written in red marker, on the living room table.

“Still with you,” it read in Leland’s handwriting. “Thank you, mom & dad.”

“We have no idea when he wrote it but you can tell he was always a special child,” his mother wrote while sharing a photo of the note on Facebook Monday.

Amber Shoemake said they found the note during their first trip home since her son’s hospitalization and eventual death on Friday.

The little boy contracted balamuthia mandrillaris, an amoebic infection, likely doing “the one thing he loved most” — playing in the dirt, his mom said.

“I was overprotective of Leland and tried my best to keep him safe,” she wrote. “I never imagined that would be the thing that would take him from me.

“He was my world. He made me a mother. We struggled so hard to have him. He was a preemie baby but came out screaming and healthy. He was smart from day one,” she went on while describing his short life with all of his hobbies and adventures.

“My whole life this has been my only fear and it came true. No one should ever have to bury a child. I always said I hope it’s me that goes first (because) I don’t think I’m strong enough to handle something like this. It still doesn’t seem real to me,” she wrote. “We will love you forever Leland. Sleep tight and don’t let the bed bugs bite!”

Karma means “to do,” it means action. Karma is modified by the total conditions under which the actions are performed.

Action has three basic components: the work, the senses, and the doer. In addition, it has three important motivating factors: knowledge, the object of knowledge, and the knower. The inner and outer effects of karma may be obvious either in the short term or in the long term.

Therefore, whether you believe it or not, these 12 laws of karma influence our everyday lives, and you cannot change that.

It is crucial that you understand that these laws do exist, and you should choose to harmonize with them in a conscious way.

When you choose to ignore these karmic laws, you don’t need to be reminded that frequently, as you will experience struggle, unfulfilled destiny, resistance, pain, lack of direction, etc. You will suffer as these laws are not biased and are unchangeable, and they operate despite one’s ignorance.

Here is a brief outline of the 12 laws of karma:

The first karmic law functions on the principle that any action (conscious or unconscious) performed produces an equal and opposite reaction, which specifically influences your life.

This law is not found only in Buddhism or Hinduism, but this principle is also found in the Bible by the affirmation: “An eye for an eye, tooth for tooth, life for a life.”

According to G. de Purucker – ”You are the creator of yourself. What you make yourself to be now, you will be in the future. What you are now is precisely what you have made yourself to be in the past. What you sow, you shall reap.”

#2 The Law Of Creation

Motto – “Life doesn’t just happen. It requires our participation.”

Life does not happen in a passive state. Life requires your full attention.

Putting energy into what you feel is important in life, whether it is your career, a relationship, a new idea, or new connections, as it will start to put the second law of karma into motion.

#3 The Law Of Humility

Motto – “What you refuse to accept, will continue for you.”

The road to living the truth also takes humility.

It is a strange paradox that it is only by discovering your fragility, you can discover the true power you have, and you can step into a greater sense of power and confidence. Also, you can’t change an aspect of your present life if you refuse to accept it.

#4 The Law Of Growth

Motto – “Something must grow based on the kind and quality of seed planted.”

Becoming purposeful and conscious of what you project determines what you will receive in each aspect of your life.

When you change your perspective on life, then your life will follow you.

“You will never change your life until you change something you do daily.” – John C. Maxwell

#5 The Law Of Responsibility

Motto – “One must take responsibility for what is in one’s life.”

The fifth law of karma states that if there’s something that is not working in your life, there’s something actually wrong with you.

You are 100 percent responsible for who you are and what type of actions you take.

However, with the exception of your small children, you are not responsible for anyone else. When you truly understand this law, you no longer blame anybody else or project your feelings onto others.

#6 The Law Of Connection

Motto – “Each step leads to the next step, so take it one at a time.”

Your past, present, and future actions are all interconnected in the eventual manifestation of your aspirations.

You might not be aware at every moment about what and why you do some things, but eventually, when you look back, you will understand that everything connects at some point.

#7 The Law Of Focus

Motto – “You cannot think of two things at the same time.”

When you focus on a type of thought, it removes the rest of the thoughts from your consciousness.

When you focus on positive thoughts, the negative ones disappear. When you constantly focus on something for months, your life starts moving in that specific direction.

#8 The Law of Giving And Hospitality

Motto – “Treat everyone with mutual respect.”

What you have received, you must return at some point in time.

The right opportunity and time will come, and you need to look out for it.

#9 The Law of Here And Now

Motto – “Old patterns of behavior, old thoughts, and old dreams prevent us from having better and new ones.”

The ninth law of karma is about how looking backward to analyze is what prevents us from being totally in the here and now.

What does it mean to live fully in the present moment? It means that your attention is completely focused on the present moment.

If you’re not living in the here and now, then you’re living in an illusion. That seems to be an excellent reason to become aware and live in the present moment, doesn’t it?

“Life is now in session. Are you present?” – John C. Maxwell

#10 The Law Of Change

Motto – ”History repeats itself until we learn the lessons that we need to change our path.”

In some way, everybody deals with change on a daily basis, and the change affects us each differently as well. Nevertheless, it is all a part of life, and we can all learn and grow from it.

We need to embrace the changes that life has in store for us – they will make things flow more lightly and easier so that we can recover from the major changes, hopefully, a little smoother.

“Change is the only constant in life.” – Heraclitus

#11 The Law of Patience And Reward

Motto – ”All reward in life is in response to patience and toil.”

Having patience means being able to wait peacefully in the face of frustration or adversity.

There are always opportunities to practice ”patience.” The road to achievement is a long one, and the people without this trait (who want to see instant results) may not be willing to walk it.

#12 The Law of Significance And Inspiration

Motto – “You get back from something the equal energy you’ve put into it.”

The success you achieve in life will be proportional to the quantity and quality of the effort you put in. How much are you willing to invest?

These 4 silhouettes can be considered the most popular, their characteristics are represented by most women. Choose the silhouette that best reflects you and read what it says about you below.

1. Apple

Women with such a figure usually have distinct leadership skills, make quick decisions, and are independent and responsible. However, they have only one bad habit: they have no limit on work, rest, food, and sports.

2. Pear

These women are very caring and sensitive. They get along with new people easily, as if they hear their thoughts and tendencies. Due to the slow metabolism, they may seem outwardly indifferent, but this is a misleading impression, as these women are very emotional.

3. Rectangle

Women of this type are mostly introverted, prone to art and science. They may seem indifferent and closed, but not because they are unwilling to communicate, but because they are self-sufficient.

4. Hourglass

Women of this type are cheerful, active, and sociable. They are very communicative. Thanks to this they can easily adapt to any situation.

Whether we like to admit it or not, the things that scare us play a big part in our daily lives.

In prehistoric times, fear was the primal instinct that helped us survive. Fear of dangers like fire, predatory animals, and/or the dark don’t arise from weaknesses or flawed character traits; they are logical responses designed to help us out of situations that can, if we don’t listen to them, cost us our lives.

Whether the things we fear most are internal or external, isolating them and identifying them can help us live stronger, happier, and healthier lives. It’s just a matter of figuring out what exactly it is we are so afraid of, because, very often, we don’t like to face those things.

Take this biggest fear personality test to discover what you are secretly afraid of.

And once you learn your secret fear, you can determine what that means for you, your personality traits, and your life.

Simply at the image below. Take a good look and make a note of the first thing you see in the picture.

Now, scroll down to see what this biggest fear quiz reveals about your most secret worries.

1. If you saw the knife

You might think that if you saw the knife first, your greatest fear is related to violence, but you would be wrong.

If you saw the knife first, it means that your greatest fear involves terminal illness.

It could be that you fear getting a deadly illness yourself or it could be a fear that someone you love will contract such an illness. While there’s nothing wrong with taking care of your health, the danger comes in letting concerns over illness control and consume you.

Sadly, we don’t have control over everything that happens to us. This is what makes life interesting, but yes, it’s also what makes it scary.

2. If you saw the caterpillar

Chances are if you saw the caterpillar first, you believe your greatest fear is something to do with bugs, but you couldn’t be more wrong.

If you saw the caterpillar first when you looked at the image, it means you have a deep and serious fear of ghosts and the supernatural.

This might not be a fear that you publicly advertise, but it’s a huge part of who you are. You may have always had this fear, or you may have developed it later in life, but it is powerful, even though you might not have a logical reason for feeling this way.

It’s natural to fear the things we do not know, and ghosts representing death and what comes after it is as unknown as it gets. Take comfort in knowing that countless others share this fear, too!

3. If you saw the butterfly

If you saw the butterfly first, it doesn’t mean you have a fear of insects nor that you have a fear of change, which could be another easy misconception.

If you saw the butterfly first when you looked at the image, your greatest secret fear is rejection or betrayal.

You’re probably excellent at hiding this fear, but it informs a large part of who you are. You love your friends and romantic partners and even your family members deeply, but you’re always keeping a watchful eye, wary that they might do the worst thing imaginable and violate your trust.

Trusting other people is never easy, but it’s necessary for creating intimacy. If you want to have truly meaningful relationships that stand the test of time, you’ll have to take the leap and start having faith in the people who matter to you most.

4. If you saw the apple

If you saw the apple first, it’s tempting to assume that this must mean your subconscious fear has something to do with eating, food, or being poisoned. That’s not the case.

If you saw the apple when you first looked at the image, then chances are your biggest subconscious fear is death.

Fear of death is difficult to rationalize away because death is scary. It’s the ultimate unknown, yet it’s as certain as taxes, as the saying goes. However, if you fixate on a fear of death, chances are you’ll start missing out on all of the joys that do exist when you’re alive.

The best way to conquer a fear of death is to remember that death is a natural part of life.

Sure, the idea of not knowing what comes next is scary, but since matter can neither be created nor destroyed, it should hopefully be comforting to know that in some way, however small, there is a part of us all that is guaranteed to live on.

Today’s optical Illusion picture is a great revealer of the actual or true side of the reader’s personality. The optical illusion test asks you to identify what you see first on one look at the image. What you see is based on your personality. Take a look at the image below and tell us what you observe. Did you see a tree and bird, gorilla, lion, or fish in the image? Tell us through the comment box below and read the analysis.

The picture below is a combination of many things at once. You can not see just one thing at a time.

Take a look at the picture below now. What do you see first?

Optical Tree

The picture can show four major possibilities:

  1. Tree and birds
  2. Gorilla
  3. Lion
  4. Fish

Optical Illusion: Analysis

Tree & Birds:

This means you are an honest and rational person. You are also known for being positive and your friends often come to you for advice. You are the advisor of the group and are considered to be the wisest among all.


A negative side to your personality is that you are also known for being too rigid. Therefore you must try to be more spontaneous and flexible in your everyday life.


You have the most strong personality and are an influential person. Everyone around you is aware of your aims and you achieve them as well.


You always push yourself and the people around you to achieve anything they put their minds to. You like to take risks in life and whenever you are hot with any obstacle or you fail at something, you come back stronger.


In case you see the gorilla first, you are the Mr/Ms Curious of your group. You are a highly analytical person. You always tend to find a deeper meaning in things that seem ordinary. You seek opportunities to grow and wish the same for everyone around you. You are also a problem solver.


You do not wish to trouble anyone else around you which is why you do things on your own. You are stubborn and strong-headed.


If you saw the fish first, which is very much not possible because only one out of 100 people sees it, you can be labelled as a dreamer, an optimistic and a cheerful person. You have a positive view of life.


You are an idealist as well. However, at times people take advantage of you due to your helpful nature.

Take a look at the following optical illusions as well:

This latest brain teaser will require you to seriously rack your brains and put your cognitive skills to the test.

The optical illusion certainly isn’t easy and can only be cracked by the sharpest of eyes.

You have the chance to show off your impressive skills by spotting all nine faces in under 12 seconds.

The image depicts a drawing of two large trees surrounded by some bushes in a unique woodland setting.

The winding branches and different shading throughout the image help to create a number of faces.

This is the biggest clue in solving this optical illusion.

The leaves also help to form the hair of certain faces, while some branches form the eyes, eyebrows, lips, and nose.

In order to identify all of the faces, though, you must alter the way in which you see the image.

It is important to focus your attention on specific parts of the picture and perhaps look where you normally wouldn’t.

If you succeed, then you may just about find all nine faces.

But remember, only one percent of those who attempt to find the hidden faces will be able to trace them all.

If you fancy your luck at other optical illusions, then have a go at spotting the sneaky cat hiding in the living room in just 12 seconds.

Alternatively, you can test to see if you have 20/20 vision by spotting all 25 dogs playing at the beach in under a minute.

You may also have a high IQ if you can spot the hidden mountain lion lurking in a tree ready to pounce.