


You may sometimes be able to look at your tongue to see whether you have a health issue.

Don’t ignore this little organ. It can tell you all kinds of things about your health even through something as simple as its color.

Today, we’ll tell you about what each color could mean.

If you look at your tongue and see a strawberry red color, it could mean that you are deficient in certain vitamins. Is it slightly shiny? If it is, this could be a sign that your diet is lacking iron and Vitamin B12.

In addition, if you notice your tongue is “flatter” than usual, that may be because your taste buds are smoothing out.

In serious cases, you might experience sharp pain when drinking hot liquids or spicy food.

2. Brown

If you notice a kind of brown or black plaque on your tongue, this may indicate poor oral hygiene. It may also show that you’re a smoker, or that you’re a big tea or coffee drinker.

As a result, you may also notice an unpleasant odor coming from your mouth as well as changes in taste. This may include difficulty recognizing different flavors.

Try to moderate these harmful habits, not just for your tongue but for your health.

Brush your teeth daily – and your tongue, too!

3. White-ish

If you have a very light-colored tongue or see a coating on it that looks a little like cottage cheese, this could be a sign of a yeast infection (candidiasis).

This type of plaque appears when there’s excessive production of candida albicans.

Also Read: 10 Foods to Stop Candida Growth

It is an infection that may happen with prolonged use of antibiotics or due to diabetes, a weak immune system, or high blood pressure.

In any case, if your tongue is white, you might want to see a doctor.

4. Folds in your tongue

If you see folds or wrinkles in your tongue, it may just be a sign of aging.
These folds are usually not painful. However, if you have poor oral hygiene, too, your risk of infection goes up.

For example, a fungal infection could develop in a fold and cause serious pain and burning.

To fix this problem, all you have to do is follow good oral hygiene practices.

5. Small white spots

If you see small white spots on your tongue, this could be a big issue.

These spots are usually caused by excessive cell growth in people who smoke.

A percentage of these cells can be precancerous. However, there is a very low probably of this. If they don’t go away after a few weeks, you should see a doctor and get some tests done.

6. Blisters or red lesions

If you see blisters or a series of lesions on your tongue that remain for a long time, these may be symptoms of a serious disease like tongue cancer.

In this case, see a doctor immediately and he or she will be in charge of conducting the appropriate tests.

7. Burning sensation

A burning sensation in your tongue may be the result of a series of significant hormonal changes. Typically, this may happen during menopause.

Another cause could just be using the wrong toothpaste. Some people are allergic to a substance called sodium laureth sulfate, which is what makes your toothpaste foamy.

If you think you may be allergic to it, try changing your toothpaste and seeing if that solves your problem.

8. Painful ulcers

Finally, if you have painful ulcers on your tongue, it may be due to stomatitis.

While this condition is usually occurs on children, 20% of cases happen in adults.

Ulcers are a sign of stress and a weakened immune system. If they last longer than a week, it’s a good idea to see a doctor.

9. Little gaps or irregularities

They aren’t very common, but they do exist. These are rare peculiarities, but are not dangerous.
If they don’t hurt, there’s nothing to worry about. Your tongue is just a little different than the rest!

If you have healthy lifestyle, you have healthy heart

If you have unhealthy lifestyle, you have unhealthy heart due to clogged arteries.

Clog in the Heart-When plaque accumulates in the arteries carrying blood to the heart, leads to coronary artery disease, or heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure are some of the end results of this. This leads to chest pain or shortness of breath. Even a minor clog can lead to major heart problem at any age. If the arteries get clogged, it leads to many health problems. To prevent from this, check out here 10 foods that naturally unclog the arteries and prevent your heart.


Almonds are loaded with vitamin E, fiber and monosaturated fats, which help in reducing blood pressure and thus heart activity. According to the American Heart Association, monounsaturated fats can reduce bad cholesterol in the blood and lower your risk of heart disease and stroke.


Asparagus is a natural artery-clearing food, which help to lower blood pressure and prevent blood clots. This is full of fibers and minerals and vitamins including K, B1, B2, C and E. This is known as the best food for arteries, helps in decreasing inflammation in the arteries.


Studies have shown that daily consumption of avocado results in improved blood cholesterol i.e. lower LDL and higher HDL that helps to keep arteries clear of obstructions.


Broccoli is loaded with full of fibers which help to lower cholesterol and blood pressure. These are also rich in Vitamin K, which helps to keep calcium from damaging the arteries and thus reduced from hardening the arteries.

Coconut oil

This is good for arteries, which contains high concentration of MGT (medium-chain triglycerides), that help to reduce the clogging in the arteries.


This popular fruit is helpful in preventing arteries blockage. It contains phytochemicals that act as antioxidants to protect the lining of the arteries against damage.  A study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that Pomegranate juice stimulates the production of nitric oxide in the body that helps to keep blood flowing and arteries open.


Turmeric contains curcumin which reduces inflammation in the arteries, occurs due to unhealthy food.  Inflammation is a major cause of arteriosclerosis i.e. the hardening of the arteries. Turmeric in the diet can reduce damage to arterial walls, lowering the chances of a blood clot. Previous study found that curcumin helps reduce the fatty deposits in arteries by 26 percent.


This is a powerful antioxidant and a delicious spice which can be taken with tea or water and help to reduce cholesterol levels while clearing out plaque. It eradicates the problem of blockages in the arteries.

Green Tea

Green tea are antioxidants, which help to fight radicals. It contains high levels of catechins, which interfere in the absorption of cholesterol during digestion. Daily 1-2 cup intake can help to improve blood-lipid levels and reduce arterial blockage.


As it contains essential amino acids (L-citrulline), it help to lower blood pressure level in the body in just six weeks, as per the research. Due to unhealthy lifestyles, the blood vessel tends to narrow down. Watermelon help produce nitric oxide which leads to widening the blood vessels.

Apart from these foods, there are many other ways to reduce clog in the arteries. Some among them are yoga, exercises, healthy lifestyles, avoiding trans-fat containing foods and adding more unsaturated foods. One should maintain a healthy lifestyle to avoid clogging arteries which leads to many permanent health issues like blood pressure etc.

Every year, heart attacks affect about 800,000 people in North America, some of whom survive and others die, as attempts to save them fail due to the seriousness of the situation.

A heart attack occurs when the blood supply to the heart is cut off, usually suddenly, often because there is a blood clot in the blood vessels, and when the clot is in the coronary arteries, it blocks those clots. clots Arteries, severe loss of blood supply that reaches the heart, which leads to a heart attack and the appearance of its symptoms.

Heart attacks are among the most common causes of death in the world, and there is no doubt that the best way to prevent a heart attack is to track and monitor the onset of symptoms, which often begin to appear a month before they occur.

Here are 6 symptoms that require a doctor’s consultation when they appear, because they may be an early warning of a heart attack, according to the “Daily Health” health website, as follows:

1 – A feeling of pressure in the chest
The feeling of pressure in the chest is one of the most common symptoms of heart attacks, and although it may be caused by a partial blockage in the arteries, especially the coronary artery, many people ignore the feeling of tightness, throbbing, or pain in the chest area, and this is not true, as it must be requested Get medical help right away when you feel severe pressure in the upper chest, shoulder, or arm area, as this can be an early warning of a heart attack.

2- Cold and flu symptoms
A persistent cough, which is a symptom of the common cold, may be an indication of a lack of blood flow in the body, so please do not ignore it, especially if it is accompanied by other symptoms related to heart health.

3- Sweating and dizziness
If you notice that your body is constantly sweating for no apparent reason and you constantly feel dizzy or dizzy, this may be one of the indicators of a lack of blood flow to the brain. It results in the secretion of certain hormones called emergency hormones, and this leads to dizziness and sweating, and here urgent medical intervention is required.

4- Fatigue and weakness
Coronary artery stenosis, which prevents adequate and healthy blood from reaching all parts of the body, and leads for some time to a state of exhaustion, tension, and lack of energy before a heart attack.

5- General weakness
When there is a lack of blood flow in the body, the muscles do not get enough blood to perform their function, which is reflected in general weakness throughout the body.

6- Difficulty breathing
The lungs cannot function properly if there is a problem with the heart. The lack of blood flow disrupts the functioning of the lungs, and when not enough blood reaches the lungs, you will not be able to breathe properly.

If you suffer from shortness of breath, you should see a doctor and be reassured, because it is a dangerous symptom and a warning sign of a heart problem.

If you want to lose weight fast, you might as well consider trying chia seeds drinks. The chia seed diet is one of the most effective diets and it can be easily done.

If you want to start a fasting challenge, you might as well get a chia recipe breakfast.

But before we get going… let’s take a look at chia seed for a moment!


Chia seeds are tiny black and white coming from the plant called Salvia Hispanica. They are arguably known to have originated from Mexico and discovered during Mayan and Aztec cultures.

Chia seeds have been used as tiny powerful energy boosters. What I love about them is that they are natural, unprocessed and they can be easily absorbed by the human body.

They are now classified as one of modern-day superfoods because of the properties they contain.


There are a number of ways that you can benefit from consuming these tiny black and white seeds.


By that I mean, They are the kings of protein. They contain roughly about 16% protein in their overall weight. That a lot compared to other plants.

As you already know, there are a lot of health benefits to high-quality protein. One of the health benefits is Weight Loss. 

This is because foods that contain a lot of protein are known to be appetite suppressors. They can make you feel full for a very long period of time.

Resulting in you eating less food.


Chia seeds also contain a lot of omega 3 fatty acids. These fatty acids can help you reduce abnormal heartbeat rhythm. This means that they can also reduce the chance of suffering from heart attacks.

The blood pressure can also be reduced due to the effects of omega 3 fatty acids.

Omega 3 fatty acids are also known to be able to reduce or slow down the development of plaque in your veins and arteries.


Chia seeds also contain nutrients like calcium, magnesium, protein, and phosphorus. The calcium content within chia seed is way higher than that found in dairy products.

Like I said earlier, chia seed is a superfood.

For those who are lactose intolerant like myself and don’t eat dairy products, eating chia seeds is a great way of getting calcium for their bones.


Blood sugar levels are known to trigger type 2 diabetes. Consuming the seeds can help someone reduce the risk of triggering type 2 diabetes.

CS can also decrease the risks of having other chronic diseases associated with high blood sugar levels because they can improve insulin sensitivity and blood sugar control.


As I stated earlier, chia seeds can help you lose weight because they can easily fill you up and keep you from eating for a very long period of time.

But how can you take advantage of that and use them in a safe and good systematic way?

Through a certain recipe of course!


  • 2 tablespoon Chia Seeds per cup
  • 2 Cups of Water or Smoothie
  • 1/2 tablespoon of Raw Honey

What you need to do is to just soak the chia seeds in the water or smoothie for about 10 minutes. When the chia seeds are swollen, add a little bit of raw honey and now you can now consume your chia seed drink.

The honey is only used as a sweetener. Do not use processed sugar because they can be harmful to your body.

I prefer taking the drink early in the morning or before going to bed. But you can also take the drink during the day. It’s totally up to you.

I personally use a chia seed drink just before I start a fasting challenge for myself.

Moles are quite common, they occur when the cells in the skin grow in a cluster. They also can change the color after exposure to the sun or post pregnancy. Though most moles are not dangerous, but their appearance can make you slightly self-conscious. So if you want to get rid of the moles on your skin, you can consult a professional and undergo a surgery to remove it. Otherwise you can also opt for some home remedies to remove the unsightly moles on your body. Here are some of the simple yet effective home remedies that will lessen the size, color and appearance of your moles and to help you get rid of unwanted moles on your body.

Also Read:


1. Use apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar  is a miracle in a bottle that you will find in your kitchen cabinet. Apple cider vinegar is great for weight loss, but did you know it is one of the most common product used for mole removal. The acids in the apple cider vinegar such as malic acid and tartaric acid will work together to dissolve the mole on your skin and completely remove it from the surface. All you need to do is grab a q-tip and swap a little apple cider vinegar on the area. (ALSO

2. Use crushed garlic

It is said that garlic can also be useful when it comes to mole removal. To use garlic to removal moles from your body, crush some fresh garlic to make a paste. Now apply this fresh batch of garlic paste directly on the mole. But avoid the area around the mole, otherwise your skin will get irritated. Cover the garlic applied area with a bandage for a few hours. You can also leave it overnight.  The garlic enzymes will break down the cell clusters, and help them to spread out evenly, but this method of mole removal is said to work in five days.

3. Use iodine

Iodine is a good option for people with more sensitive skin, as it won’t burn like garlic or apple cider vinegar. While purchasing the topical iodine product, make sure that it only contains 5 percent iodine. Apply the iodine directly to the mole using a q-tip, up to three times a day. Continue to do this every day, until you see a noticeable improvement in the mole’s appearance.

4. Use castor oil and baking soda

Castor oil and baking soda when used together can work well on the moles. Take one tablespoon of baking soda and two tablespoons of castor oil and mix them well to form a paste. Now apply this paste directly on to your mole and lead it for several hours. You can also leave it overnight before washing it off.

5. Use honey and flax seed oil

Honey is known for its anti-bacterial and healing properties. To use honey for the mole removal treatment,  use honey with a little bit of flax seed oil. Mix a little bit of honey and flax seed oil and apply it onto the mole of your skin.  This paste can get rid of all your moles and warts.

6. Use sour apple juice

Sour apple juice also works well for mole removal treatment. All you need to do is juice some sour cooking apples and apply it directly onto your moles. You can also get it from any local retailer. This will work the same way apple cider vinegar works on moles to dissolve them. But this method will take longer to show results. You will be able to notice the changes only after three weeks. This method will leave a little or no scar on your skin.

7. Use pineapple and coarse sea salt

Blend half a cup of fresh pineapple with a quarter cup of coarse sea salt. After blending it you will get a scrub like consistency. Apply this pineapple and seas salt scrub onto the area. It will help remove the top layer of the skin from the mole.

8. Use onion juice

Using onion juice can also help you to get rid of moles. Peel the onion, chop them into small cubes, and then extract the juice. Now apply this freshly extracted onion juice with the help of a q-tip directly onto the mole. Do this on a regular interval and soon you will get rid of moles from your body.

9. Use tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is known for its antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal and antiseptic properties, but did you know it also works as a mole remover! Yes, tea tree oil can get rid of even malignant moles and the ones that are deeply embedded in your. Undiluted tea tree oil when applied twice a day will help you to get rid of unwanted moles. Depending on the size of the mole on your skin, tea tree oil can take a couple of weeks to get rid of it completely.

You have to remember that while using these home remedies you should be very careful since all the ingredients that are used in the mole removing treatments are acidic in nature, so it can burn your skin. Also if you have sensitive skin make sure that you do not let the ingredients to be in contact with your skin for a log period of time, otherwise your skin will get irritated.

All the above mentioned home remedies will not be as effective as surgical method and will also take a considerable amount of time to show results. Tell us which one worked for you the best in our comment section below.

Red spots on the skin have various causes. For example, exposure to irritants can cause dermatitis, fungal infections can cause ringworm, blood vessels can cause spots called purpura, and some autoimmune disorders can cause rashes.

Some spots will go away on their own, but others may require treatment.

This article discusses 13 causes of red spots on the skin, whether it is a cause for concern, and when to seek immediate medical attention.

Heat rash (Milaria)
Red spots on the skin after exposure to the sun are caused by a condition called “heat rash”. Heat rash (miliaria) occurs when the sweat glands under the skin are blocked. It causes small, red, spiky bumps on the skin that are itchy and painful.

Heat rash usually occurs in folds of skin or areas where sweat accumulates, such as the armpits, chest, back, arms, and groin.
People who live in hot climates, sweat a lot, or lie down for long periods of time are more likely to develop heat rash.
Heat rash can be treated at home by taking cool baths, cold compresses, and wearing loose clothing to reduce skin temperature. Also, avoid applying thick moisturizing creams that trap heat on the skin.

Heat rash usually goes away on its own after a few days. However, if the skin is damaged, it can lead to secondary infection. In severe cases, oral or topical antibiotics may be needed to relieve pain and clear the infection.

Contact your healthcare provider if you develop signs of infection, such as a heat rash, peeling skin, or purulent discharge.

Cherry angioma
A red spot on the skin can sometimes be a cherry angioma (or cherry hemangioma), a small growth on the skin that appears as a round red or pink spot made up of blood vessels. The ball may be raised or flat. A growth may be mistaken for a tumor, but it is not cancer.

Cherry angiomas are common in adults 30 years of age or older. They usually appear on the trunk, but they can also develop on the hands, feet, or scalp. Sometimes the growth changes in size and bleeds, but this does not mean that there is a problem.
Cherry angioma is diagnosed by a doctor’s examination. They usually do not require treatment. However, if the appearance of growths bothers you or if they tend to bleed, they can be removed.
Your provider may explain options for removing growths, such as laser or liquid nitrogen. Usually these procedures are not harmful.

Contact dermatitis
Red spots on the skin can be caused by contact dermatitis, a common skin condition. It occurs when your skin is irritated or comes in contact with something you’re allergic to.

Contact dermatitis usually presents as an itchy red rash with bumps. Also, the skin in any part of the body becomes swollen, dry and flaky.

People are more likely to spend time in the sun when the weather is warmer and the days are longer. Additionally, this indicates an increased risk of skin cancer. The Skin Cancer Foundation estimates that at least one in five Americans will develop it by age 70, making it the most prevalent type of cancer in the United States.

Despite its prevalence, it is the most curable and preventable form of cancer when detected early. You should conduct monthly self-checks from head to toe to check for moles and other skin abnormalities. However, in addition to keeping an eye on specific areas of your body, you may be overlooking other subtle indicators of skin cancer.

We sought advice from dermatologists regarding potential missed skin cancer symptoms.Skin developments or moles that aren’t brown or dark
While you could zero in on brown or dull moles when you consider skin disease, there are really a few kinds of skin developments to watch out for. Melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma are the most common types of skin cancer. Basal cell carcinoma is the most widely recognized sort of skin malignant growth — there are 4.3 million cases in the US every year, as per the Skin Disease Establishment. The second most common type, squamous cell carcinoma, affects another million Americans annually.

Melanoma is the most common but most fatal type of skin cancer; one of every 19 individuals who get a determination of melanoma will ultimately pass on from the sickness. ( By examination, one in about 300 individuals will pass on from basal cell or squamous diseases.)

According to surgical and cosmetic dermatologist Adele Haimovic, MD, an associate at the New York City office of Lance H. Brown, MD, the difficult part is recognizing trouble. Amelanotic melanomas are melanoma moles that can actually be pink or skin-colored. We often mistake this kind of melanoma for a harmless bump, so it can be hard to tell it apart. That is the reason it’s essential to have normal skin really takes a look at by a dermatologist to check out at any skin developments or irregularities.

Shaving scratches
In the event that you end up draining subsequent to shaving, it may not be because of ungainliness: ” According to Dr. Haimovic, basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma can bleed spontaneously with no known inciting event after shaving or other minor trauma. This is due to the fact that skin cancer makes it more fragile than healthy skin. Get checked out if you continue to bleed in the same area. Read about the eight ways that a single sunburn changes your body.)

Father’s Day composition: black-and-white photographs in an album. Shot in a studio with a wooden backdrop. The Skin Cancer Foundation estimates that one in ten people who are diagnosed with melanoma have a family member who has had melanoma in the past. HALFPOINT/SHUTTERSTOCK Your family tree Familial harmful melanoma alludes to families in which at least two first-degree family members, like a mother, father, kin, or youngsters, have melanoma. Familial dangerous melanoma increments melanoma risk by 50%.

13 Quiet Indications of Skin Disease You’re Likely IgnoringUKKI STUDIO/SHUTTERSTOCK
A pimple that doesn’t disappear
“Basal cell carcinoma might look like a clear, skin-shaded, or pink pimple that doesn’t determine or repeats in a similar spot,” says Dr. Haimovic. Ordinarily, pimples disappear on their own in half a month; A dermatologist should look at it if it persists for longer than that. Ensure you know the skin disease fantasies you want to quit accepting.)

skin cancer nailPATSUDA PARAMEE/SHUTTERSTOCK A dark band on your nail If your fingernail or toenail has a well-defined, dark vertical line, you might think you hit the nail. Examine it more closely: Concern arises if the band has a variety of brown and black tones. Additionally, “that is another feature that is concerning,” says dermatologist Steven Wang, MD, founder of Dr. Wang Herbal Skincare. “If the width of the band is greater than three millimeters, that is also a concern.” A dark vertical line can sometimes be a sign of melanoma, but there are other causes, like an injury, so make sure to ask your doctor to look.

Moles on women’s skinPRASAN MAKSAEN/SHUTTERSTOCK One of your moles is unique. “Dermatologists call ‘the ugly duckling sign,'” Dr. Wang says. “A reddish-colored or light-brown-colored mole in a sea of dark moles.” Fundamentally, one of the moles doesn’t have a place in the gathering or doesn’t seem to be the others, so it very well may be an indication of melanoma. It could be an ugly duckling sign if you have a dominant mole pattern on your back that is interrupted by a darker, larger mole. Another model: On your back, you have two patterns of small, dark moles, but there is also a smaller, pale mole. Seeing a dermatologist is the only way to know for sure if this is malignant melanoma. What you need to know about mole mapping is as follows.

use of light therapy to treat skin conditions. Psoralen and UV-light treatments (PUVA) are a type of ultraviolet radiation treatment for severe skin conditions like psoriasis and dermatitis. You’ve had PUVA treatments. ultraviolet, psoriasis, eczema, and dermatitis. Malignant melanomas were found to be more likely 15 years after a patient received their first PUVA treatment, according to a previous study that was published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. In fact, the risk was five times higher in patients who had 250 or more treatments than in those who had never received PUVA. The American Osteopathic School of Dermatology recognizes that PUVA might build an individual’s gamble of creating melanoma, yet the probability might happen in the wake of going through no less than 150 medicines.

You’ve had a HPV disease
A few types of human papillomavirus (HPV) are known to contaminate the privates and butt, expanding the gamble of cervical and different kinds of malignant growths. Warts on the skin, typically on the hands or feet, can be caused by other types of HPV (there are more than 100 in this family of viruses).

Nonmelanoma skin cancers may also be at risk from these viruses that cause skin warts. Participants in a 2012 study that was published in the American Journal of Epidemiology had a higher risk of developing nonmelanoma skin cancer if they had antibodies against certain types of HPV. What dermatologists want you to know about skin cancer is important.)

A cropped image of a young African-American couple checking their thermometer together while they were sick with the fluLIGHTFIELD STUDIOS/SHUTTERSTOCK Your immune system is weak. People who have weakened immune systems as a result of illness or certain treatments may be more likely to get skin cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, for instance, HIV/AIDS and lymphoma patients may be at an increased risk. This is also true for people who receive chemotherapy or other immune-suppressing medications.

Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) is an intriguing acquired problem. One in one million people in the United States and Europe are thought to have it, according to the Genetics Home Reference. The disorder makes people extremely sensitive to sunlight’s ultraviolet rays. The gene restricts the capacity of skin cells to repair DNA damage. The American Cancer Society says that people with XP are more likely to get melanoma and other skin cancers when they are young, which is when the condition usually shows up, especially around the eyes and in areas that are exposed to the sun. Take a look at these covert places on your skin where skin cancer might be lurking.)

A 2014 study that was published in BioMed Research International found that people who work in fields that grow produce, in steel and iron foundries, or in coal and aluminum production plants have a higher risk of skin cancer. Coal miningSMALL SMILES/SHUTTERSTOCK You work with industrial chemicals. People who work with industrial carcinogens are also at risk. These incorporate arsenic — utilized in pesticides — and polycyclic sweet-smelling hydrocarbons — which are in crude paraffin, creosote, stack residue, black-top, shale oil, tar and pitch, and even diesel-motor fumes exhaust.

You have already been diagnosed with skin cancer. Just because you have had a squamous cell carcinoma or another type of skin cancer removed does not mean that you can relax; rather, you ought to be more concerned about the condition. Squamous cell carcinoma repeat is somewhat normal on the ears, nose, and lips; it commonly happens during the initial two years following a medical procedure. In point of fact, having any kind of skin cancer increases your risk of developing another kind. During your customary skin check, your dermatologist will inspect old scars to ensure there is no proof of the disease returning,” says Dr. Haimovic. ( Be aware of these nine surprising dangers for skin cancer.)

Dermatologists recommend that you check your moles and any other skin abnormalities on a monthly basis to help catch problems early. You’ll be able to keep track of any changes with this. Dr. Wang suggests keeping an eye out for changes in color (including fading), shape, or size of moles or lesions, as well as pain, itching, or bleeding in these areas.

If you do have a growth, evaluate it using the ABCDE method. That refers to asymmetry (melanomas are less likely to be symmetrical), border (melanoma borders tend to be uneven), color (multiple colors are bad), diameter (if it is the size of a pencil eraser or larger, that is a red flag), and evolving (a change in size or behavior, such as bleeding, itching, or crusting). Melanomas are less likely to be symmetrical.

The good news is that skin cancer, which is the most common type of cancer in the United States, can usually be cured if it is caught early. When looking for signs of skin cancer, consider the following additional areas.)

Have you ever noticed those to little indentations on the lower back of some people? Maybe you have it as well? Some people have them some don’t, but they can appear in both men and women.

These holes are called Venus holes in women and Apollo holes in men and are located in the lower back where two bones connect the pelvis.

Venus or Apollo holes appear only in people who are genetically predisposed and have appropriately sized ligaments in the back.

If you have them it means that you have good circulation and a healthy body and it also means that it’s easier for you to achieve sexual satisfaction since good circulation is crucial for a healthy sexual life.

These curious holes cannot be created with targeted exercise because they’re located in an area with no muscles but if you lose some weight it’s possible for them to appear.

One of the best and easiest Italian desserts is thick, creamy Italian hot chocolate.

In Italy, cioccolata calda is a chocolate drink with a pudding-like consistency that is rich and creamy.

It’s made with milk, good dark chocolate, sugar, and a secret ingredient that makes it super rich and thick instead of cocoa powder and water.

On a chilly winter day, this is the most amazing and reassuring drink you can have.

thick Italian hot chocolate with cream on top.
It has nothing to do with the watery hot chocolate, drinking chocolate, or hot cocoa that bars and cafeterias all over the world frequently serve.

Play Video of Italian Hot Chocolate I’m a big fan of hot chocolate, and I’ve tried and tasted it in many countries. However, nothing comes close to the decadent Italian version.

In front of the famous Piazza Della Signoria in Florence, Italy, Caffè Rivoire – Master Chocolatiers serves the best hot chocolate I’ve ever had.

In the event that you can’t travel to Florence, sit back and relax! In just ten minutes, you can make this well-known thick hot chocolate at home.

Ingredients for Italian hot chocolate: milk, corn starch, sugar, cocoa powder, and dark chocolate
Dairy milk: Feel free to use milk that has been skimmed or whole.
Cocoa mass: Natural or unsweetened Dutch-process cocoa are both viable options; however, I prefer Dutch-process unsweetened cocoa powder.
Chocolate dark: You can use dark chocolate that is either 55%, 60%, or 70% dark for the best results.
Sugar: For this recipe, I always use classic granulated sugar.
Corn starch: Although it may sound strange, thick, delicious hot chocolate can only be made with cornflour (or corn starch).
The SECRET Ingredient That’s right—cornflour is the secret ingredient that gives this cioccolata calda, which is made in the Italian style, its thick and creamy texture.

Try not to stress over the flavor, corn starch goes totally imperceptible over your sense of taste, however it will give you that astonishing thick surface.

Additionally, cornflour is naturally gluten-free; however, if you have any dietary restrictions, please ensure that you purchase gluten-free cornflour.

I guarantee, when you have every one of the fixings prepared, it in a real sense requires 10 minutes to have an Astonishing cup of thick hot cocoa in your grasp.

The full printable recipe can be found at the post’s conclusion if you scroll down.

four images illustrating the four steps in the Italian hot chocolate recipe collage.
STEP 1. Blend dry fixings.

In the beginning, combine the sugar, cocoa, and cornflour in a small saucepan.

STEP 2. Use milk.

In the saucepan, add the warm milk.

STEP 3. Add chocolate.

After whisking the mixture frequently to prevent lumps, add the chopped chocolate (or chocolate chips).

STEP 4. Whisk until it becomes thick.

The drinking chocolate should be whisked until it is smooth and dense.

Serve the drinking chocolate you’ve prepared in two cups with freshly whipped double cream on top.


  • 400g penne rigate
  • 1/2 onion, finely chopped
  • 250g button mushrooms, thinly sliced
  • 1 garlic clove, crushed
  • 5 slices ham off the bone, sliced
  • 375ml evaporated milk
  • 1 tsp cornflour
  • salt and cracked black pepper
  • 1 tbsp finely chopped flat-leaf parsley
  • 1 tbsp finely grated parmesan
  • salad leaves, to serve

How to Make Mushroom and Ham Pasta Add olive oil, mushrooms, parsley, oregano, salt, and water to a large frying pan. Cook on medium heat, stirring occasionally, until mushrooms are cooked and water has almost evaporated.
cooking the mushrooms in a black pan while boiling the pasta and cooking the mushrooms
Add the ham after the mushrooms have been cooked.
Add the cream and flour and cook on medium high intensity, blending continually until thickens.
In a black pan, cook the mushrooms and add the cream. Add the pasta and toss gently. Serve right away with freshly grated parmesan cheese if you like.
This is the ideal dinner for a weeknight or even a weekend. Incredible for family social gatherings or when you are welcomed individuals for supper. In the event that you are searching for a Smooth Tomato Pasta, this is the one to attempt!

I hope you give Mushroom & Ham Pasta a try if you’re looking for a quick and delicious pasta dish. Buon Appetito!