


The dream of numerous people, and especially women, is to be able to lose weight without being on a strict healthy diet.

Yet, it all seems impossible! However, as incredible as it may sound, this is no longer just a dream! Yes, you read it right! We will reveal a miraculous recipe that will help you burn abdominal fat almost instantly!

Namely, our weight loss elixir contains only two simple ingredients: honey and cinnamon. These two beneficial ingredients are your best allies when it comes to losing extra weight.  Nutritionists claim that their mixture is far more effective than being used separately.

All you need to do is the following:

Add a tablespoon of cinnamon powder in 8.5 oz / 250 ml of boiled water. leave the drink to cool and add 2 tablespoons of honey. You must wait to add the honey, as the hot water will reduce its effect.

You should consume this extraordinary drink in the morning, as soon as you wake and before you do your regular cardio exercises.

In order to offer even more help, we will suggest an amazing cardio workout which will completely change your view of the usual boring and difficult workout.

Namely, we offer you a 4- minute workout which will provide the same, or even better, effects, as a longer and more exhausting exercising session. This wonder is also known as the Tabata protocol.

You should do eight 20-second rounds of jump squats, and rest for 10 seconds between  rounds. Rounds should be performed at an all-out pace, and you should work as hard as possible to succeed in doing the whole protocol.

Apart from doubling your metabolic rate after the exercise for at least half an hour afterwards, you will also burn approximately 13.4 calories in a  minute!

Beyond any doubt, the combination of this fantastic homemade recipe and this simple, but amazingly effective cardio- workout, you will finally get the body of your dreams, in no time!

The following exercises will help you burn abdominal fat and strengthen your abs. But first, make sure to do regularly cardio exercise at least 3 times a week.

Beginners’ moves

Front Plank

Targets: transverse abdominals

You should begin on the knees and hands and contract the belly and back muscles, drop down to the forearms while extending the legs out behind you, and you should end up resting on the balls of your feet.


The hips should be up, the back should be straight, and relax the neck. Remain in this position for 3 seconds, and then return to the initial position. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Butterfly Crunch

Targets: rectus abdominus (“six-pack”)

While lying on the back, place the soles close to your body and bend the knees to the side. The hands should be behind the head and the elbows in the same line with the ears.


The back should lie flat on the ground and thus contract the belly muscles, breathe in and curl your chest up a few inches off the floor toward the legs. Lower to return to the initial position. Repeat this exercise 10 times.

Side to Side

Targets: obliques (sides)

Bend the knees while lying on the floor, and the feet should be flat on the floor and the arms by the sides. Breathe in and contract the belly muscles by sliding the right hand toward the right foot.


Keep the head and neck aligned, and the lower back pressed to the floor. Return to the initial position, switch sides and do 15 repetitions.

Intermediate Moves


Targets: obliques

Keep the finger behind the head and lie on the floor. Tighten the abs, elevate the left knee and touch it to your right elbow. Return to the initial position, and then lift the right knee and touch it to your left elbow.


Switch sides for 15 reps, in 2 sets, but make sure you are engaging the belly muscles in a smooth motion, but the hands are relaxed in order not to pull on the neck.

Fingers to Toes

Targets: rectus abdominus

The legs should be straight and extended towards the ceiling. The arms should lie by the body, and you should be in a lying position.


Breathe in and tighten the abs as you crunch up from the waist and extend the hands toward the toes. The back should remain flat on the floor. Repeat in 2 sets of 15 reps.

Reverse Crunch with Resistance Bands

Targets: transverse abdominals

Bend the knees while lying on the back, the arms should be by the body, and hold one end of a band in each hand, with the band wrapped around tops of shins. Lift the knees toward your chest until the hips are elevated and leave the floor.


Remain in this position for 3 seconds; then, return to the initial position. Repeat 10 times in 2 sets.

Advanced Moves

Leg Swings

Targets: obliques

Lying on the back with the arms out to sides, legs and feet lifted, breathe in and draw navel in toward spine as you lower legs to left side about 5 inches from the floor. Return to the initial position and do the same on the right. Switch sides 15 times, in 3 sets.


Ball Leg Lift

Targets: transverse abdominals

Lie with the face down on a ball and roll forward until the hands are placed on the floor. In this position, only the tops of the feet should be flat on the ball.


Lift the left leg a few inches towards the ceiling, while keeping the back and right leg straight, hold for 3 seconds, and lower it, Repeat this 10 times, and then do it with the opposite leg. In order to obtain best results, you should add 2 repetitions each week.


Targets: rectus abdominus

Brace yourself between the backrests of two sturdy chairs, keep the elbows slightly bent, your shoulders should remain down, and the neck relaxed, while the head and the chest are elevated.


Your abs should be tight, breathe in and slowly bring the knees to your chest, but avoid swinging back and forth. If you find it a bit difficult at the beginning, you can raise one knee at a time. Repeat in 3 sets of 15 reps.

Also here are 5 extra exercises that will help you burn your abdominal fat but of course don’t forget to do cardio exercise at least 3 times per week:

Medicine Ball Swing

Targets: Obliques, abs

You should stand and the legs should be a bit more than shoulder-width apart. Bend the knees a bit and hold a ball in the hands. You should squat, and swing the ball between the legs behind you, and immediately stand and swing it up in front of you and overhead. Repeat it 20 times.

Abdominal Hold

Targets: abs

You should sit tall on the edge of a chair and put the hands on the edge with the fingers pointing toward the knees. Contract the abs and bring the toes 2 to 4 inches off the floor. Lift the buttock off the chair. Remain in this position for 5-10 seconds. Then, lower and repeat for a minute.

The Hundred

Targets: lower abs

While sitting tall on a mat, bend the knees by the chest and the hands should be placed at the sides. Then, lie down and bend the knees, and the palms should be faced down. Breathe in and lift the head and shoulders.

Start pumping the arms 6 inches up and down, reaching with the fingertips. Breathe in for 5 pumps, and breathe out for 5 more. Do 100 pumps. Your lower back should be pressed in towards the ground and the lower belly muscles pulled in towards the spine.

Squat Thrust with Twist

You should stand with the feet wide open, and the arms at shoulder height, in front of you. Starts squatting down, bend the knees 90 degrees, and twist your upper body to the left. Then, switch the side and repeat.

The Cobra

Lie with the face down and the palms near the chest, and raise the head, chest and shoulders off the ground, while pulling the shoulder blades down. Remain thus for 2 seconds and then lower and repeat 8-10 times.

Even though it is the latest trend, a gym membership does not guarantee a shaped and strong body and weight loss, since what you actually need to achieve these goals is motivation, determination, and time.

Therefore, you do not need to hit the gym in order to work on your body, as you can exercise regularly in the commodity of your home and still get fascinating effects.

The following 10-week challenge will help you reshape the body and finally get the body of your dreams.

Before you start with it, consider the following tips:

  • You need to drink plenty of water to ensure that your body is always properly hydrated
  • Pick the most appropriate time to exercise during the day, and experts recommend choosing the mornings
  • Promise yourself that you will remain consistent and you will perform the exercise routine as explained below

Here is the 10-Week workout plan:


Every Monday during these 10 weeks, you will need to perform:

–25 crunches, 35 jumping jacks, 15 lunges, 20 squats, 5 push-ups, planks for 15 seconds, wall-sits for 25 seconds, 10 sit-ups, and 10 butt-kicks.


On Tuesdays, do the same exercises, but change the number of repetitions:

-20 crunches, 10 jumping jacks, 25 lunges, 10 squats, 10 push-ups, planks for 30 seconds, wall-sits for 25 seconds, 35 sit-ups, and 20 butt-kicks.


You will need to boost the intensity:

— 30 crunches, 50 jumping jacks, 25 lunges, 15 squats, 10 push-ups, planks for 40 seconds, wall-sits for 35 seconds, 30 sit-ups, and 25 butt-kicks.


You will start burning more and more calories:

-20 crunches, 25 jumping jacks, 15 lunges, 35 squats, 20 push-ups, planks for 30 seconds, wall-sits for 60 seconds, 50 sit-ups, and 35 butt-kicks.


You need to remain dedicated to your aim and continue with the challenge:

-30 crunches, 55 jumping jacks, 60 lunges, 25 squats, 30 push-ups, planks for 60 seconds, wall-sits for 25 seconds, 40 sit-ups, and 50 butt-kicks.

During the weekend, you should rest the body after 5 days of intensive training. Yet, you can still go walking or jogging.

If you want to boost the effects of this challenge, you can combine it with cardio training during the weekend, as follows:

  • 1st week- 30 seconds of sprint (30 sec. jog/5x);
  • 2nd week-35 seconds of sprint (45sec. jog/6x);
  • 3rd week- 45 seconds of sprint (1 min. jog/7x);
  • 4th week-50 seconds of sprint (45sec. jog/8x);
  • 5th week-55 seconds of sprint (30 sec. jog/7x);
  • 6th week -1 minute of sprint (45 sec. jog/6x);
  • 7th week- 65 seconds of sprint (1 min. jog/5x);
  • 8th week- 70 seconds of sprint (45 sec. jog/6x);
  • 9th week- 75 seconds of sprint (30 sec. jog/7x); and
  • 10th week- 80 seconds of sprint (45 sec. jog/8x).

This workout will take about 45-60 minutes of your time daily.

The duration of the workout you need depends on your weight and the amount of weight you want to lose, but make sure you practise at least three hours a week to get satisfying effects.

Furthermore, making some beneficial dietary changes will also accelerate the process of weight loss and reshaping your body. Jon Denoris, a performance coach, recommends “nutrient timing”, which is eating the right food at the right time of day.

He says that one should consume unprocessed, whole foods as often as possible. If you are trying to lose weight, your diet should be rich in high-quality meat and fish; lots of vegetables, essential fats like avocados, nuts and coconut oil; and whole foods such as brown rice and quinoa, which have a lower GI rating.  Protein like meat, fish or eggs regulates metabolism and satisfies the appetite, so it will also lead to fewer junk food cravings. 

On the other hand, he suggests staying away from labeled foods, whose ingredients are difficult to pronounce.  Additionally, one of the biggest mistakes one can make is to ditch the healthy eating plan before the results are visible.

You should surround yourself with people that support you and your aims, and they can even join you in your healthy dietary regime and workout routine.  And remember, motivation is the most important thing, and from the moment you notice the first results, you are on a good way to get in great shape soon!

Losing weight can be highly challenging, and the entire process requires strong will and determination, as many people quit within the first few weeks.

Dieting can be hard, but it is possible, and as soon as one notices visible results, it just gets easier. However, aggressive diets are not a good option, as they can harm health and lead to yo-yo effects.

Therefore, it is much better to go step by step and gradually achieve your goals.  Keely Dellit, a mother of three, took a baby-step approach and managed to get the body of her dreams. In only 14 months, she lost  125 pounds!

She did not rely on slimming pills or teas, or any other faster way to get in shape. Instead, she was patient and decided to enjoy the long journey but lose weight in a healthy way.

Since her teenage years, she has been working in a fast-food restaurant, so she started gaining weight, and her pregnancies contributed to her weight, which was almost 280lbs.

After giving birth to her third child, and she stepped on the scale, she weighed 278 pounds, and at this point, she knew that she had to do something in order to restore her healthy body.

Her plan involved healthy wholesome eating and daily exercise. She decided to make one tiny change per week, which helped her ease into a healthier lifestyle.

Initially, she decided to cut out all kinds of fast food and treats. Then, she chose smaller portions. As the weeks passed, she gradually made slightly healthier substitutions (for instance, she ate grilled chicken instead of crispy chicken.)

She started taking smaller portions of meals, and eventually gave up on fries, drank sparkling water instead of juice and soda, and replaced white with brown rice. Next, she consumed plant-based milks instead of dairy, ate at home instead of ordering takeout, and she gradually completely transformed her diet, that was now completely healthy, and very low in carbs.

She also drank a lot of water.

Here is an example of her daily menu:

  • Breakfast: Two scrambled eggs and a small bowl of oatmeal with berries.
  • Lunch: Grilled chicken or tuna and a large salad (lettuce, avocado, cucumber, carrots, peppers)
  • Dinner: Steamed fish with cooked veggies.
  • Snack: Protein bars, carrots sticks or natural kinds of peanut butter.

Additionally, she says that she did not follow a specific exercise plan for the first 6 months, she just went walking or did some workouts she found on YouTube. Afterward, as she strengthened her body, she joined a boot camp class. She loved the boot camp sessions and eventually became a certified personal trainer.

In only 14 months, she lost 125 pounds, and it was possible only because she made her weight loss goal her priority.

She admitted facing numerous difficulties during the way, as she felt she was missing out a lot every time she had to say NO to delicious things like pizza or cupcakes, and she still struggles with these feelings.

She says that she needs to remain mindful of her food choices every single day, in order to improve. Yet, she adds that she also found her passion, health, and fitness, and she is now able to help others who are going through similar struggles.

She advises people to start slow, and focus on all the little successes they experience along the day.

What do you see: a rabbit? or a duck?

More than 100 years after it was first sketched, the drawing has sparked a huge reaction after being shared on social media.

Some see a rabbit and others will see a duck – but are you able to see both alternatively?

What you see (and how fast you see it) could indicate how quickly your brain works – and how creative you are.

The duck-rabbit drawing was first used by American psychologist Joseph Jastrow in 1899 to make the point that perception is not only what one sees but also a mental activity.

Mr Jastrow’s research was based on how quickly one can see the second animal and how fast participants could change their perception of the drawing to switch between the two animals.

The faster you can do this, the quicker your brain works and the more creative you are, the research suggested.

At different times during the year, the results of the test seem to change.

During the Easter period, people are more likely to see a rabbit first but in October, seeing the duck first is more common.

The images was first published anonymously in a German magazine called Fliegende Blätter, with the caption “Which animals are most like each other?”.

Today we have brought you a mind bending and mind boggling new optical Illusion image to put your brain to test. Only people with above average intelligence can solve this Optical Illusion. If you think you have a high IQ, take this Optical illusion test and try to find the Face which is hidden in the given picture. Only 2% of the people have passed this optical illusion test. Now, take this test and try to find the hidden Face in this picture in 12 seconds.

Optical Illusion To Test Your Eyes

Optical illusions are typically mind-bending, shape-shifting representations of an object, a painting, or a person that challenge the brain’s perception of reality. There are various types of optical illusions, namely, Physical, physiological, and cognitive illusions are a few of the different types. According to research, a typical human brain can see objects or images differently depending on the angle from which it is viewed. These optical illusions frequently appear in psychoanalysis tests because they can provide information about your cognitive abilities and how you see the world. This time, we have a fascinating optical illusion image where you have to search through the given image and find the hidden Face.

Face Search Optical Illusion

So, now, the challenge for you is to search for the hidden Face in this optical illusion. The study says, the more challenging and confusing puzzles you complete, the smarter you get. Optical illusions always reveal amazing things about how our brains work. Certain combinations of color, light, and patterns can trick our minds into seeing something that isn’t actually there. Now, go and find the hidden  Face in this optical illusion picture.

Only 2% Of People Can Find The Hidden Face In This Optical Illusion

Now, the challenge for you is to find the hidden Face in the given image by taking a closer look into it. This optical illusion will be trickier and more difficult for you to find. And we challenge you that only 2% of people can exactly spot the hidden Face in this optical illusion test.

Now, look at this image very carefully and try to find the Face hidden in this optical illusion and make sure you are under the 2% of people.

Have you taken a deeper look into the image? Ok, now the time starts. You only have 12 seconds to complete this challenge. Start your stopwatch and find the Face within the given time limit.

Congratulations if you have found the hidden Face in less than 12 seconds. Now, you are under 2% of highly intelligent people.

If The time’s up and you are still struggling to find the hidden Face, don’t worry, we will help you find the Face.

Revealing The Hidden Face In This Optical Illusion Here

If you haven’t found the Face hidden in the image, don’t get stressed. Sometimes our brain may get confused and struggle to give signals to the eyes because of the perception or angle of the view of our sight.

If you have spotted the hidden Face in the image in the first try and within the time limit, you are a true genius. If not, nothing wrong with it and don’t be stressed because of this. You are still worthy!

For those, who haven’t found the hidden Face in the given optical illusion test, here is the revelation for you. Now, look at the image given below. We have highlighted the hidden Face in this image for your reference.


Optical Illusion IQ Test: This Crow Is A Reincarnation Of A Man. Do You See His Face In This Image?

If you have found the Face hiding in the image in under 12 seconds, it may be proof of your outstanding intelligence.

Interested in finding optical illusions, don’t worry, our site has many more like this for you to enjoy. Dive into our site and try to find more optical illusions like this and enjoy finding it. Happy Optical Illusion!

Optical illusions can occasionally reveal your genuine personality. We have a personality test for you today. All you have to do is gaze at an optical illusion and tell us what the first thing you notice is. 

The game is not difficult; rather, it is a fun way to discover whether or not you possess a particular trait. Take a look at the image below.

What do you notice? There are two viable solutions, each of which means something different.

If you saw a woman’s face first

If the first thing you notice in the image is a woman’s face, you are a person who can make solid decisions after thoroughly assessing the circumstances around you.

There are several aspects to consider before making a decision, but in the end, you go with your gut feelings. Fortunately, when you do this, you are more likely to end up on the right track.

You are also a good character judge. Nobody can easily fool you since you are cautious with every handshake and grin. Furthermore, your personality has earned you a prominent position among your friends.

This personality type exhibits certain characteristics that contribute to their ability to make well-informed choices.

You possess a strong capacity for analytical thinking, enabling you to gather relevant information, break it down, and evaluate the potential outcomes of different courses of action. You also carefully consider the pros and cons, weigh the evidence, and assess the risks before making a decision.

If you saw flowers first

If the first thing you see in the image is flowers, you are a romantic at heart. You have a heart that causes you to do unusual things. When you’re in love, you’re impulsive and unpredictable.

You find it tough to stick to your decisions as someone who constantly puts others first. You are readily persuaded by your loved ones’ feelings. You also live a peaceful life with plenty of breaks. You enjoy spending time in nature, especially when you are feeling down.

This personality type tends to prioritise and value romantic connections and often exhibits certain characteristics that reflect their romantic nature.

Individuals who are romantic at heart often have an idealistic view of love and relationships. They believe in the power of love to transcend boundaries, inspire personal growth, and bring happiness. They may have high expectations for their own relationships and seek deep emotional connections.

Romantic individuals tend to be highly attuned to their own emotions and the emotions of others. They are often deeply empathetic and can easily pick up on subtle cues and nuances in relationships. They appreciate the emotional depth and intensity that come with romantic connections.

Every single woman on Earth despises varicose veins as they make legs extremely unattractive.  Moreover, they also cause pain and discomfort.

However, we will reveal a natural way to get rid of varicose veins almost instantly!

What’s more, all you need is only one ingredient, olive oil, and the entire method is inexpensive and easy.

Cypress oil is one of the most powerful natural remedies for vein problems. It stimulates circulation, and improves the function of your circulatory system.

Initially, exfoliate the skin well, so that the oil might penetrate into the skin with ease. Massage five drops of the oil onto the affected skin area twice a day. This will boost the blood flow and circulation.

You should notice improvement within a few weeks. Use peppermint, tea tree or lavender essential oil to treat muscle pain, swelling and skin blisters. For optimal results dilute the oil, and use a tiny amount.

Bonus Remedy

Apply witch hazel and apple cider vinegar topically to prevent and treat varicose veins.

This technique will soothe the inflammation and help you treat varicose veins. Repeat this on a daily basis for a week, and the effects will shock you!

We are finally here to help all those that suffer from a stiff neck! You will forget about all over-the-counter painkillers, that cause various adverse effects.

The following simple, fast and super-effective method will help you treat these aches.

According to chiropractor Dr. Andrew Bang, the pain in the neck is most often caused by weakened neck muscles. Therefore, if you spent too much time driving, sleeping in an improper sleeping position, you stare at the screen for should be aware that the stiff neck is a result of it.

Dr. Bang continues:

“When your neck muscles become weak and you try to turn your head, the joint no longer moves smoothly because it’s now out of place. Often the joint catches on something, either pulling a muscle or hitting the nerve irregularly, or maybe both.

Then you’ll have instant pain and your body has a protective spasm. It will clench, causing you to feel like you can’t even move.”

Yet, this 10-second magical trick will help you relieve the neck pain in an hour!

You should lie on the back, and put a towel under one shoulder. Then, cross the opposite arm over the body, breathe slowly, and hold for a few seconds. Then, switch sides.

The following Japanese video provides more instructions on how to perform this trick.

Moreover, the Cleveland Clinic also advises the tricks below as a way to relieve the pain in the neck:

  • Squeeze the shoulder blades together and release. Make 10 repetitions.
  • Roll the shoulders backward 10 times.
  • Tilt the head to one side to touch the shoulder with the ear. Make 10 repetitions.

Lemons are ones of the most beneficial fruits on the planet, and due to their countless health benefits and unique flavor and scent, they are added to various recipes.

Lemons are excellent for detoxification of the body, but when juiced, the lemon loses many of its nutrients and a great part of the medicinal potential.

On the other hand, freezing is a better option. The peel of the lemon strengthens the immune system, and offers numerous health properties, like regulating cholesterol, preventing cancer, treating bacterial infections, and destroying parasites and worms.

These are the health benefits of this miraculous fruit:

  • Prevention of asthma
  • Fighting inflammation
  • Detoxification of the kidneys and the liver
  • Boosting the immune system
  • Regulation of high blood pressure
  • Elimination of harmful bacteria
  • Treating depression and stress
  • Fighting cancer

The lemon juice is extremely high in vitamin C, while its rind is effective in eliminating toxins from the body. Studies have shown that the lemon peel actually contains 5 to 10 times more vitamins.

Decades ago, scientists examined the effects of lemon in the case of cancer. What they found was that these fruits eradicate malignant cells in several types of cancers, including lung, breast, and colon cancer.

What’s best about this all is that lemons, unlike chemotherapy, target only the cancerous cells, and do not affect the healthy ones.

According to Dr. Marilyn Glenville, a nutritionist, and expert on women’s health, the peels from various fruits can boost the immune system and support overall health. She also claims that smoothies are far healthier than juices, as they also contain other parts of the fruit, including the peel.

Lemon smoothies have a bitter taste, so the following option, to freeze them, is the one we strongly advise. Therefore, here is how to freeze lemons:

Use apple cider vinegar to wash and disinfect the lemons. Then, rinse them and leave them to dry. Next, leave them to freeze until the next morning, and then grate the entire fruit, along with the peel, pulp, and seeds.

The frozen lemons can be added to various dishes, smoothies, tea, baked goods, desserts, and soups.